* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot;
import javax.faces.component.visit.VisitContext;
import javax.faces.component.visit.VisitHint;
import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseId;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.change.ChangeManager;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.config.RegionManager;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.WindowLifecycleListener;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.logging.TrinidadLogger;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.ArrayMap;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.ClassLoaderUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.UploadedFileProcessor;
* Context class for all per-request and per-webapp information
* required by Trinidad. A RequestContext
object can be
* retrieved with the static {@link #getCurrentInstance} method.
* There is one and only one RequestContext
* active in any one thread.
* This class does not extend FacesContext
; this is intentional,
* as extending FacesContext
requires taking over the
* FacesContextFactory
// TODO Refactor this class after everything gets added to it.
// TODO There's some values in here that seem to affect only output (e.g.,
// right-to-left); that's not great, since ideally that detail would be
// buried in something more renderer-specific.
abstract public class RequestContext
* Name of the EL implicit variable ("requestContext") that is used to
* expose this context object.
static public final String VARIABLE_NAME =
// Omitted APIs:
// LocaleContext
// =============
// Locale getTranslationLocale
// DateFormatContext:
// =================
// int getTwoDigitYearStart
// boolean isLenient (very lame API, definitely gone)
* Retrieves the RequestContext active for the current thread.
static public RequestContext getCurrentInstance()
return _CURRENT_CONTEXT.get();
* Creates an RequestContext. RequestContext is abstract
* and may not be instantiated directly.
* @see RequestContextFactory
protected RequestContext()
// State related APIs
* Returns a Map of objects at "pageFlow" scope.
public abstract Map getPageFlowScope();
* @deprecated use getPageFlowScope()
final public Map getProcessScope()
return getPageFlowScope();
* Method to obtain a Map stored on the view.
* This calls {@link #getViewMap(boolean)} with a true value for create.
* This is a pre-cursor implementation to the JSF 2.0 UIViewRoot.getViewMap() function.
* The implementation is taken from the initial UIViewRoot implementation in JSF but without
* the event notification support.
public abstract Map getViewMap();
* Method to obtain a Map stored on the view.
* This is a pre-cursor implementation to the JSF 2.0 UIViewRoot.getViewMap() function.
* The implementation is taken from the initial UIViewRoot implementation in JSF but without
* the event notification support.
* @param create if the map should be created if it already does not exist.
public abstract Map getViewMap(boolean create);
* Returns a Map of objects associated with the current window if any. If there is no
* current window, the Session Map is returned.
* @return Map for storing objects associated with the current window.
* @see org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.Window#getWindowMap
public Map getWindowMap()
WindowManager wm = getWindowManager();
ExternalContext extContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
Window window = wm.getCurrentWindow(extContext);
if (window != null)
return window.getWindowMap();
return extContext.getSessionMap();
// Dialog APIs
* Returns from a dialog raised by a
* {@link org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXCommand UIXCommand} component,
* or any component implementing
* {@link org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.DialogSource DialogSource},
* or any direct calls to {@link #launchDialog launchDialog()}.
* @see org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.ReturnEvent
* @param returnValue the value to be delivered in the the ReturnEvent
// TODO Do we need an explicit "cancelled" concept, or
// is a null returnValue good enough?
public abstract void returnFromDialog(
Object returnValue,
Map returnParameters);
* Returns an DialogService, which exposes a number
* of APIs needed by component and framework developers. This
* will only rarely be needed by page authors.
public abstract DialogService getDialogService();
* Launch a dialog, optionally raising it in a new dialog window.
* The dialog will receive a new pageFlowScope
* which includes all the values of the currently available pageFlowScope
* as well as a set of properties passed to this function in
* the dialogParameters
map. Changes to this newly
* created scope will not be visible once the dialog returns.
* @param dialogRoot the UIViewRoot for the page being launched
* @param dialogParameters a set of parameters to populate the
* newly created pageFlowScope
* @param source the UIComponent that launched the dialog and
* should receive the {@link org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.ReturnEvent}
* when the dialog is complete.
* @param useWindow if true, use a popup window for the dialog
* if available on the current user agent device
* @param windowProperties the set of UI parameters used to
* modify the window, if one is used. The set of properties that\
* are supported will depend on the RenderKit
, but
* common examples include "width", "height", "top" and "left".
public abstract void launchDialog(
UIViewRoot dialogRoot,
Map dialogParameters,
UIComponent source,
boolean useWindow,
Map windowProperties);
// General Apache Trinidad
* Returns true if JSF is currently processing a postback request.
* isPostback()
will return false if this is a request
* for an initial render of a page (that is, if Apply Request Values
* never executes), or if during the request the user is navigated
* to a different page (because of a navigation rule, etc). For
* example, during a request that results in a navigation to a new
* page, isPostback()
will return true from Apply
* Request Values to Invoke Application, then false afterwards;
* whereas if there was no navigation, it would return true
* The value of this method is undefined during (or before)
* the Restore View phase, but can be used in the afterPhase()
* method of a PhaseListener for Restore View.
public abstract boolean isPostback();
* Method to indicate if this current HTTP request is a
* partial page rendering request.
* @param context the FacesContext
object for
* the request we are processing
* @return is this request a PPR request?
public abstract boolean isPartialRequest(FacesContext context);
* Returns true if output should contain debugging information.
public abstract boolean isDebugOutput();
* Returns true if client-side validation should be disabled.
public abstract boolean isClientValidationDisabled();
* Returns the "output mode" - printable, etc.
public abstract String getOutputMode();
* Returns the OutputMode enumeration
* @return OutputMode
public OutputMode getOutputModeEnum()
return OutputMode.fromId(getOutputMode());
* Returns the name of the preferred skin family.
public abstract String getSkinFamily();
* Returns the name of the skin version that goes with the skin-family.
public String getSkinVersion()
return null;
* Determines whether the current View Root is an internal view
* @param context Faces context
* @return true if the current View Root is an internal view, false otherwise
public abstract boolean isInternalViewRequest(FacesContext context);
* Enumeration representing OutputModes
public enum OutputMode
DEFAULT("default"), PORTLET("portlet"), PRINTABLE("printable"), EMAIL("email"),
ATTACHMENT("attachment"), WEB_CRAWLER("webcrawler");
private OutputMode(String id)
if (id == null) throw new NullPointerException();
_id = id;
* @return the id of this OutputMode.
public String id()
return _id;
public String toString()
return _id;
* Returns the OutputMode isntance of null
if no id matches.
* @param id of OutputMode to return
* @return The OutputMode with the specified id
* @throws NullPointerException if id
is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is no enum with the specified name.
public static OutputMode fromId(String id)
if (id == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
OutputMode outputMode = ID_TO_OUTPUT_MODE.get(id);
if (outputMode == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return outputMode;
private static final Map ID_TO_OUTPUT_MODE = new HashMap();
OutputMode[] instances = OutputMode.class.getEnumConstants();
for (int i = 0; i < instances.length; i++)
ID_TO_OUTPUT_MODE.put(instances[i].toString(), instances[i]);
private final String _id;
public enum Accessibility
* Output supports accessibility features
* Accessibility-specific constructs are stripped out to optimize output size
* Accessibility-specific constructs are added to improve behavior under a screen reader
* (but may affect other users negatively)
* Creates an Accessibility constant.
* @param displayName a user-friendly display name for the constant.
Accessibility(String displayName)
_displayName = displayName;
public String toString()
return displayName();
* Returns the display name for this enum constant.
public String displayName()
return _displayName;
* Performs a reverse lookup of an Accessibilty constant based on
* its display name.
* @param displayName the display name of the Accessibility constant to return.
* @return the non-null Accessibility constant associated with the display name.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if displayName does not correspond
* to some Accessibility constant.
* @throws NullPointerException if displayName is null.
public static Accessibility valueOfDisplayName(String displayName)
if (displayName == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
Accessibility accessibility = _displayNameMap.get(displayName);
if (accessibility == null)
String message = _LOG.getMessage("ILLEGAL_ENUM_VALUE",
new Object[] { Accessibility.class.getName(), displayName });
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
return accessibility;
private final String _displayName;
private static final Map _displayNameMap;
Map displayNameMap = new ArrayMap(3);
for (Accessibility accessibility : Accessibility.values())
displayNameMap.put(accessibility.displayName(), accessibility);
_displayNameMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(displayNameMap);
public enum ClientValidation
ClientValidation(String name)
_name = name;
public String toString()
return _name;
private final String _name;
* Returns the name of the current accessibility mode.
public abstract Accessibility getAccessibilityMode();
* Returns the accessibility profile for the current request.
public abstract AccessibilityProfile getAccessibilityProfile();
* Returns the name of the current client validation mode.
public abstract ClientValidation getClientValidation();
* Returns the system wide setting to turn animation on/off.
public abstract boolean isAnimationEnabled();
// General localization
* Returns true if the user should be shown output in right-to-left.
public abstract boolean isRightToLeft();
* Returns the formatting locale. Converters without an explicit locale
* should use this to format values. If not set, converters should
* default to the value of FacesContext.getViewRoot().getLocale().
* This will, by default, simply return null.
public abstract Locale getFormattingLocale();
// Number formatting
* Return the separator used for groups of numbers. If NUL (zero),
* use the default separator for the current language.
public abstract char getNumberGroupingSeparator();
* Return the separator used as the decimal point. If NUL (zero),
* use the default separator for the current language.
public abstract char getDecimalSeparator();
* Return the ISO 4217 currency code used by default for formatting
* currency fields when those fields do not specify an explicit
* currency field via their converter. If this returns null, the default
* code for the current locale will be used.
// TODO do we need to provide getCurrencySymbol() as well?
public abstract String getCurrencyCode();
* Notify Trinidad that tag execution will not be performed during this request. Functionality in
* Trinidad assumes that tags will be executed as part of the render response phase. If 3rd party
* libraries are used that cause the tags to not be executed, Trinidad must be notified to avoid
* errors.
public void tagExecutionSkipped()
_tagExecution = TagExecution.NONE;
* Checks if the tags will be executed during this request.
* @see #tagExecutionSkipped()
* @return an enumeration indicating the status of the tag execution
public TagExecution getTagExecutionStatus()
return _tagExecution;
* @see #isTagExecutionSkipped()
public enum TagExecution
/** Tag execution will be run normally during this request */
/** Tag execution will not be run during this request */
// DateFormating API
* Returns the year offset for parsing years with only two digits.
* If not set this is defaulted to 1950
* This is used by @link{org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.faces.view.converter.DateTimeConverter}
* while converting strings to Date object.
public abstract int getTwoDigitYearStart();
// Help APIs
* Return the URL to an Oracle Help for the Web servlet.
// TODO Add support for non-OHW help systems
public abstract String getOracleHelpServletUrl();
* Returns a Map that will accept topic names as keys, and return
* an URL as a result.
public abstract Map getHelpTopic();
* Returns a Map that will accept help system properties as keys, and return
* an URL as a result.
public abstract Map getHelpSystem();
// Date formatting
* Returns the default TimeZone used for interpreting and formatting
* date values.
public abstract TimeZone getTimeZone();
* Gets the ChangeManager for the current application.
public abstract ChangeManager getChangeManager();
* Gets a per application concurrent map. There is no synchronization
* with ServletContext attributes.
public ConcurrentMap getApplicationScopedConcurrentMap()
ClassLoader cl = _getClassLoader();
ConcurrentMap classMap = _APPLICATION_MAPS.get(cl);
if (classMap == null)
ConcurrentMap newClassMap = new ConcurrentHashMap();
ConcurrentMap oldClassMap = _APPLICATION_MAPS.putIfAbsent(cl, newClassMap);
classMap = ((oldClassMap != null)? oldClassMap : newClassMap);
assert(classMap != null);
return classMap;
* Gets the PageFlowScopeProvider for the current application.
public abstract PageFlowScopeProvider getPageFlowScopeProvider();
* Gets the PageResolver for the current application.
public abstract PageResolver getPageResolver();
* Gets the RegionManager for the current application.
public abstract RegionManager getRegionManager();
* Gets the RoundingMode used by NumberConverter instances for the current application.
public RoundingMode getRoundingMode()
return null;
// Partial Page Rendering support
* Add a component as a partial target. In response to a partial event, only
* components registered as partial targets are re-rendered. For
* a component to be successfully re-rendered when it is manually
* added with this API, it should have an explictly set "id". If
* not, partial re-rendering may or may not work depending on the
* component.
public abstract void addPartialTarget(UIComponent newTarget);
* Add components relative to the given component as partial targets.
* See {@link #addPartialTarget(UIComponent)} for more information.
* @param from the component to use as a relative reference for any
* relative IDs in the list of targets
* @param targets array of targets relative to the from component that
* should be added as targets.
* @see ComponentUtils#findRelativeComponent(UIComponent, String)
public abstract void addPartialTargets(UIComponent from, String... targets);
* Returns the set of partial targets related to a given UIComponent.
public abstract Set getPartialTargets(UIComponent newTarget);
* Adds a listener on a set of particular triggering components. If one of
* the named components gets updated in response to a partial event, then
* this listener component will be rerendered during the render phase (i.e.
* it will be added as a partialTarget). The list should consist of names
* suitable for use with the findComponent method on UIComponent.
public abstract void addPartialTriggerListeners(UIComponent listener,
String[] trigger);
* Called when any component gets updated. Any partial target components
* listening on this component will be added to the partialTargets list in
* the render phase.
public abstract void partialUpdateNotify(UIComponent updated);
* Starts a new component binding context. Typically called from tag handlers when component
* bindings in its subtree needs to be cleared, forcing the creation of new components.
* @param context FacesContext instance
* @see RequestContext#popComponentBindingContext
* @see RequestContext#isInComponentBindingContext
public static void pushComponentBindingContext(FacesContext context)
ExternalContext ec = context.getExternalContext();
if (null != ec)
// Use a counter on the request map to generate the IDs.
Map reqMap = ec.getRequestMap();
Integer value = (Integer)reqMap.get(_CURRENT_COMPONENT_BINDING_CONTEXT_KEY);
int val = 0;
if (value == null)
val = 1;
val = value + 1;
* Pops out of the last pushed component binding context. Component binding instances will not be
* cleared after popping out the outermost context.
* @param context FacesContext instance
* @see RequestContext#pushComponentBindingContext
* @see RequestContext#isInComponentBindingContext
public static void popComponentBindingContext(FacesContext context)
ExternalContext ec = context.getExternalContext();
if (null != ec)
Map reqMap = ec.getRequestMap();
Integer value = (Integer)reqMap.get(_CURRENT_COMPONENT_BINDING_CONTEXT_KEY);
int val = 0;
if (value == null)
val = value - 1;
if (val > 0)
* Returns true if we are currently within a component binding context.
* @see RequestContext#pushComponentBindingContext
* @see RequestContext#popComponentBindingContext
public static boolean isInComponentBindingContext(FacesContext context)
ExternalContext ec = context.getExternalContext();
if (null != ec)
Map reqMap = ec.getRequestMap();
Integer value = (Integer)reqMap.get(_CURRENT_COMPONENT_BINDING_CONTEXT_KEY);
if (value != null && value > 0)
return true;
return false;
// Miscellaneous functionality
* Creates a VisitContext instance for use with
* {@link UIComponent#visitTree}.
* @param context the FacesContext for the current request
* @param ids the client ids of the components to visit. If null,
* all components will be visited.
* @param hints the VisitHints to apply to the visit
* @param phaseId. ignored.
* @return a VisitContext instance that is initialized with the
* specified ids and hints.
* @deprecated use {@link VisitContext#createVisitContext(FacesContext, Collection, Set)} instead
public final VisitContext createVisitContext(
FacesContext context,
Collection ids,
Set hints,
PhaseId phaseId)
return VisitContext.createVisitContext(context, ids, hints);
public abstract UploadedFileProcessor getUploadedFileProcessor();
public abstract Long getUploadedFileMaxMemory();
public abstract Long getUploadedFileMaxDiskSpace();
public Long getUploadedFileMaxFileSize()
// default of unlimited file size
return -1L;
public Long getUploadedFileMaxChunkSize()
// default of 2GB which is the maximum allowed chunk size
return 2000000000L;
public abstract String getUploadedFileTempDir();
* Returns a Map that takes color palette names as keys, and returns
* the color palette as a result.
public abstract Map> getColorPalette();
* Returns a Map that performs message formatting with a recursive Map
* structure. The first key must be the message formatting mask, and the
* second the first parameter into the message. (The formatter Map supports
* only a single parameter at this time.)
public abstract Map> getFormatter();
* Returns the Agent information for the current context
public abstract Agent getAgent();
* Saves the state of a UIComponent tree into an Object. The
* Object will be serializable, unless a UIComponent
* in this tree contains a non-serializable property. This
* method does not check that condition.
* @param component the component
* @return an Object that can be passed to restoreComponent()
* to reinstantiate the state
public abstract Object saveComponent(UIComponent component);
* Restores the state of a component.
* @param state an Object created by a prior call to saveComponent().
* @return the component
public abstract UIComponent restoreComponent(Object state)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
* Returns the WindowManager for this request. A non-null WindowManager
* will always be returned.
* The default implementation uses the first WindowManagerFactory specified
* implementation class in a file named
* org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.WindowManagerFactory
* in the META-INF/services
directory and uses the WindowManagerFactory
* to create the WindowManager for this Session. If no WindowManagerFactory is
* found, a default WindowManager that never returns any Windows is used.
* @return the WindowManager used for this Session.
public WindowManager getWindowManager()
// implement getWindowManager() in RequestContext for backwards compatibility
// check if we have cached it for the request
WindowManager windowManager = _windowManager;
// get instance using the WindowManagerFactory
if (windowManager == null)
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
// just in case we're called before the real JSF lifecycle starts
if (context != null)
// check if we have cached it per session
ExternalContext extContext = context.getExternalContext();
// create a new instance using the WindowManagerFactory
ConcurrentMap concurrentAppMap = getApplicationScopedConcurrentMap();
WindowManagerFactory windowManagerFactory = (WindowManagerFactory)concurrentAppMap.get(
if (windowManagerFactory == null)
// we haven't registered a WindowManagerFactory yet, so use the services api to see
// if a factory has been registered
List windowManagerFactories =
if (windowManagerFactories.isEmpty())
// no factory registered so use the factory that returns dummy stub WindowManagers
windowManagerFactory = _STUB_WINDOW_MANAGER_FACTORY;
// only one WindowManager is allowed, use it
windowManagerFactory = windowManagerFactories.get(0);
// save the WindowManagerFactory to the application if it hasn't already been saved
// if it has been saved, use the previously registered WindowManagerFactory
WindowManagerFactory oldWindowManagerFactory = (WindowManagerFactory)
if (oldWindowManagerFactory != null)
windowManagerFactory = oldWindowManagerFactory;
} // create WindowManagerFactory
// get the WindowManager from the factory. The factory will create a new instance
// for this session if necessary
windowManager = windowManagerFactory.getWindowManager(extContext);
// remember for the next call on this thread
_windowManager = windowManager;
return windowManager;
* Get the component context manager.
* @return The manager of component context changes to be used to suspend and resume
* component specific context changes.
public ComponentContextManager getComponentContextManager()
if (_componentContextManager == null)
_componentContextManager = new ComponentContextManagerImpl();
return _componentContextManager;
* Push the component onto the stack so we know the current component being processed.
* @param context the FacesContext for the current request
* @param component an UIComponent object to be pushed as current component.
* @exception NullPointerException if component
is null.
* @see popCurrentComponent(FacesContext, UIComponent) and getCurrentComponent()
public void pushCurrentComponent(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
* Pop the component out from the stack.
* @param context the FacesContext for the current request
* @param component an UIComponent object to be poped.
* @exception IllegalStateException if component
is not the same
* as the current top component in the component stack.
* @see pushCurrentComponent(FacesContext, UIComponent) and getCurrentComponent() */
public void popCurrentComponent(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
* Returns the current component being processed.
* @see pushCurrentComponent(FacesContext, UIComponent) and popCurrentComponent(FacesContext, UIComponent)
public UIComponent getCurrentComponent()
return null;
* Releases the RequestContext object. This method must only
* be called by the code that created the RequestContext.
* @exception IllegalStateException if no RequestContext is attached
* to the thread, or the attached context is not this object
public void release()
if (_LOG.isFinest())
_LOG.finest("RequestContext released.",
new RuntimeException("This is not an error. This trace is for debugging."));
Object o = _CURRENT_CONTEXT.get();
if (o == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(
_addHelp("RequestContext was already released or " +
"had never been attached."));
if (o != this)
throw new IllegalStateException(_LOG.getMessage(
* Release any state maintained at the application level. Called when the servlet context is
* being destroyed.
public static void releaseApplicationState()
* Attaches a RequestContext to the current thread. This method
* should only be called by a RequestContext object itself.
* @exception IllegalStateException if an RequestContext is already
* attached to the thread
public void attach()
if (_LOG.isFinest())
_LOG.finest("RequestContext attached.",
new RuntimeException(_LOG.getMessage(
Object o = _CURRENT_CONTEXT.get();
if (o != null)
throw new IllegalStateException(
_addHelp("Trying to attach RequestContext to a " +
"thread that already had one."));
private static String _addHelp(String error)
if (!_LOG.isFinest())
error += " To enable stack traces of each RequestContext attach/release call," +
" enable Level.FINEST logging for the "+RequestContext.class;
return error;
// Pick a ClassLoader
private static ClassLoader _getClassLoader()
return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
* Default WindowManagerFactory implementation that returns the StubWindowManager
private static final class StubWindowManagerFactory extends WindowManagerFactory
public WindowManager getWindowManager(ExternalContext extContext)
private static final WindowManager _STUB_WINDOW_MANAGER = new StubWindowManager();
* Default WindowManager implementation that returns no Windows
private static final class StubWindowManager extends WindowManager
public Window getCurrentWindow(ExternalContext extContext)
return null;
public Map getWindows(ExternalContext extContext)
return Collections.emptyMap();
public void addWindowLifecycleListener(
ExternalContext extContext,
WindowLifecycleListener windowListener)
// do nothing
public void removeWindowLifecycleListener(
ExternalContext extContext,
WindowLifecycleListener windowListener)
// do nothing
public void writeState(FacesContext context) throws IOException
// do nothing
/* singleton for WindowManagerFactory that returns WindowManagers that don't do anything */
private static final WindowManagerFactory _STUB_WINDOW_MANAGER_FACTORY =
new StubWindowManagerFactory();
private static final String _WINDOW_MANAGER_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME =
private static final ConcurrentMap> _APPLICATION_MAPS =
new ConcurrentHashMap>();
static private final ThreadLocal _CURRENT_CONTEXT =
new ThreadLocal();
static private final String _CURRENT_COMPONENT_BINDING_CONTEXT_KEY =
RequestContext.class.getName() + ".CCBCK";
static private final TrinidadLogger _LOG =
private ComponentContextManager _componentContextManager;
private TagExecution _tagExecution = TagExecution.FULL;
// window manager for this request
private WindowManager _windowManager;