Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.EdmEntitySet;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.EdmEntityType;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.EdmType;
* High-level representation of a context URL, built from the string value returned by a service; provides access to the
* various components of the context URL, defined in the
* protocol specification.
public final class ContextURL {
private URI serviceRoot;
private String entitySetOrSingletonOrType;
private boolean isCollection = false;
private String derivedEntity;
private String selectList;
private String navOrPropertyPath;
private String keyPath;
private Suffix suffix;
private String odataPath;
* Suffix of the OData Context URL
public enum Suffix {
* Suffix for Entities
* Suffix for References
* Suffix for deltas (changes)
* Suffix for deleted entities in deltas
* New links in deltas
* Deleted links in deltas
private final String representation;
Suffix(final String representation) {
this.representation = representation;
* Returns OData representation of the suffix
* @return Representation of the suffix
public String getRepresentation() {
return representation;
private ContextURL() {}
* Get the OData path.
* @return the OData path
public String getODataPath() {
return odataPath;
* Get the service root.
* @return the service root
public URI getServiceRoot() {
return serviceRoot;
* Get the set entity set / singleton / type.
* @return the entity set / singleton / type
public String getEntitySetOrSingletonOrType() {
return entitySetOrSingletonOrType;
* Is context result a collection.
* @return true
for a collection, otherwise false
public boolean isCollection() {
return isCollection;
* Get the derived entity.
* @return derived entity
public String getDerivedEntity() {
return derivedEntity;
* Get the select list.
* @return the select list
public String getSelectList() {
return selectList;
* Get the set navigation or property path.
* @return the set navigation or property path
public String getNavOrPropertyPath() {
return navOrPropertyPath;
* Get the set key path.
* @return the set key path
public String getKeyPath() {
return keyPath;
* Get the set suffix.
* @return the set suffix
public Suffix getSuffix() {
return suffix;
* Is context result a entity.
* @return true
for a reference, otherwise false
public boolean isEntity() {
return suffix == Suffix.ENTITY;
* Is context result a reference.
* @return true
for a reference, otherwise false
public boolean isReference() {
return suffix == Suffix.REFERENCE;
* Is context result a delta result.
* @return true
for a delta result, otherwise false
public boolean isDelta() {
return suffix == Suffix.DELTA;
* Is context result a delta deleted entity.
* @return true
for a delta deleted entity, otherwise false
public boolean isDeltaDeletedEntity() {
return suffix == Suffix.DELTA_DELETED_ENTITY;
* Is context result a delta link.
* @return true
for a delta link, otherwise false
public boolean isDeltaLink() {
return suffix == Suffix.DELTA_LINK;
* Is context result a delta deleted link.
* @return true
for a delta deleted link, otherwise false
public boolean isDeltaDeletedLink() {
return suffix == Suffix.DELTA_DELETED_LINK;
* Start building a ContextURL instance.
* @return builder for building a ContextURL instance
public static Builder with() {
return new Builder();
* Builder for a ContextURL instance.
public static final class Builder {
private final ContextURL contextURL = new ContextURL();
* Set the OData path.
* @param oDataPath the OData path
* @return Builder
public Builder oDataPath(String oDataPath) {
contextURL.odataPath = oDataPath;
return this;
* Set the service root.
* @param serviceRoot the service root
* @return Builder
public Builder serviceRoot(final URI serviceRoot) {
contextURL.serviceRoot = serviceRoot;
return this;
* Set the edm entity set.
* @param entitySet the edm entity set
* @return Builder
public Builder entitySet(final EdmEntitySet entitySet) {
contextURL.entitySetOrSingletonOrType = entitySet.getName();
return this;
* Set the key path.
* @param keyPath the key path
* @return Builder
public Builder keyPath(final String keyPath) {
contextURL.keyPath = keyPath;
return this;
* Set the entity set / singleton / type name.
* @param entitySetOrSingletonOrType the entity set / singleton / type name
* @return Builder
public Builder entitySetOrSingletonOrType(final String entitySetOrSingletonOrType) {
contextURL.entitySetOrSingletonOrType = entitySetOrSingletonOrType;
return this;
* Set the edm entity type.
* @param type the edm entity type
* @return Builder
public Builder type(final EdmType type) {
contextURL.entitySetOrSingletonOrType = type.getFullQualifiedName().toString();
return this;
* Define the result as a collection.
* @return Builder
public Builder asCollection() {
contextURL.isCollection = true;
return this;
* Set the derived edm entity type.
* @param derivedType the derived edm entity type
* @return Builder
public Builder derived(final EdmEntityType derivedType) {
contextURL.derivedEntity = derivedType.getFullQualifiedName().getFullQualifiedNameAsString();
return this;
* Set the derived entity name.
* @param derivedEntity the derived entity name
* @return Builder
public Builder derivedEntity(final String derivedEntity) {
contextURL.derivedEntity = derivedEntity;
return this;
* Set the navigation or property path.
* @param navOrPropertyPath the navigation or property path
* @return Builder
public Builder navOrPropertyPath(final String navOrPropertyPath) {
contextURL.navOrPropertyPath = navOrPropertyPath;
return this;
* Set the select list.
* @param selectList the select list
* @return Builder
public Builder selectList(final String selectList) {
contextURL.selectList = selectList;
return this;
* Set the suffix.
* @param suffix the suffix
* @return Builder
public Builder suffix(final Suffix suffix) {
contextURL.suffix = suffix;
return this;
* Create the ContextURL instance based on set values.
* @return the according ContextURL
public ContextURL build() {
return contextURL;
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