org.apache.oozie.BaseEngine Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.oozie;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.oozie.client.CoordinatorJob;
import org.apache.oozie.client.OozieClientException;
import org.apache.oozie.client.WorkflowJob;
import org.apache.oozie.command.CommandException;
import org.apache.oozie.executor.jpa.JPAExecutorException;
import org.apache.oozie.service.JMSTopicService;
import org.apache.oozie.service.Services;
import org.apache.oozie.util.XLogAuditStreamer;
import org.apache.oozie.util.XLogErrorStreamer;
import org.apache.oozie.util.XLogStreamer;
public abstract class BaseEngine {
public static final String USE_XCOMMAND = "oozie.useXCommand";
protected String user;
* Return the user name.
* @return the user name.
public String getUser() {
return user;
* Submit a job.
* It validates configuration properties.
* @param conf job configuration.
* @param startJob indicates if the job should be started or not.
* @return the job Id.
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if the job could not be created.
public abstract String submitJob(Configuration conf, boolean startJob) throws BaseEngineException;
* Start a job.
* @param jobId job Id.
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if the job could not be started.
public abstract void start(String jobId) throws BaseEngineException;
* Resume a job.
* @param jobId job Id.
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if the job could not be resumed.
public abstract void resume(String jobId) throws BaseEngineException;
* Suspend a job.
* @param jobId job Id.
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if the job could not be suspended.
public abstract void suspend(String jobId) throws BaseEngineException;
* Kill a job.
* @param jobId job Id.
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if the job could not be killed.
public abstract void kill(String jobId) throws BaseEngineException;
* Change a coordinator job.
* @param jobId job Id.
* @param changeValue change value.
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if the job could not be changed.
public abstract void change(String jobId, String changeValue) throws BaseEngineException;
* Rerun a job.
* @param jobId job Id to rerun.
* @param conf configuration information for the rerun.
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if the job could not be rerun.
public abstract void reRun(String jobId, Configuration conf) throws BaseEngineException;
* Return the info about a wf job.
* @param jobId job Id.
* @return the workflow job info.
* @throws DagEngineException thrown if the job info could not be obtained.
public abstract WorkflowJob getJob(String jobId) throws BaseEngineException;
* Return the info about a wf job with actions subset.
* @param jobId job Id
* @param start starting from this index in the list of actions belonging to the job
* @param length number of actions to be returned
* @return the workflow job info.
* @throws DagEngineException thrown if the job info could not be obtained.
public abstract WorkflowJob getJob(String jobId, int start, int length) throws BaseEngineException;
* Return the info about a coord job.
* @param jobId job Id.
* @return the coord job info.
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if the job info could not be obtained.
public abstract CoordinatorJob getCoordJob(String jobId) throws BaseEngineException;
* Return the info about a coord job with actions subset.
* @param jobId job Id.
* @param filter the status filter
* @param start starting from this index in the list of actions belonging to the job
* @param length number of actions to be returned
* @param desc true if actions are sorted in a descending order of nominal time, false if asc order
* @return the coord job info.
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if the job info could not be obtained.
public abstract CoordinatorJob getCoordJob(String jobId, String filter, int start, int length, boolean desc)
throws BaseEngineException;
* Return the a job definition.
* @param jobId job Id.
* @return the job definition.
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if the job definition could no be obtained.
public abstract String getDefinition(String jobId) throws BaseEngineException;
* Stream the log of a job.
* @param jobId job Id.
* @param writer writer to stream the log to.
* @param requestParameters additional parameters from the request
* @throws IOException thrown if the log cannot be streamed.
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if there is error in getting the Workflow/Coordinator Job Information for
* jobId.
public void streamLog(String jobId, Writer writer, Map requestParameters) throws IOException,
BaseEngineException {
try {
streamJobLog(new XLogStreamer(requestParameters), jobId, writer);
catch (CommandException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
* Stream error log of a job.
* @param jobId job Id.
* @param writer writer to stream the log to.
* @param requestParameters additional parameters from the request
* @throws IOException thrown if the log cannot be streamed.
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if there is error in getting the Workflow/Coordinator Job Information for
* jobId.
public void streamErrorLog(String jobId, Writer writer, Map requestParameters) throws IOException,
BaseEngineException {
try {
streamJobLog(new XLogErrorStreamer(requestParameters), jobId, writer);
catch (CommandException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} /**
* Stream Audit log of a job.
* @param jobId job Id.
* @param writer writer to stream the log to.
* @param requestParameters additional parameters from the request
* @throws IOException thrown if the log cannot be streamed.
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if there is error in getting the Workflow/Coordinator Job Information for
* jobId.
public void streamAuditLog(String jobId, Writer writer, Map requestParameters) throws IOException,
BaseEngineException {
try {
streamJobLog(new XLogAuditStreamer(requestParameters), jobId, writer);
catch (CommandException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
* Return the workflow Job ID for an external ID.
* This is reverse lookup for recovery purposes.
* @param externalId external ID provided at job submission time.
* @return the associated workflow job ID if any, null
if none.
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if the lookup could not be done.
public abstract String getJobIdForExternalId(String externalId) throws BaseEngineException;
* Dry run a job; like {@link BaseEngine#submitJob(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration, boolean)} but doesn't actually execute
* the job.
* It validates configuration properties.
* @param conf job configuration.
* @return the result of the dryrun
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if there was a problem doing the dryrun
public abstract String dryRunSubmit(Configuration conf) throws BaseEngineException;
* Return the jms topic name for the job.
* @param jobId job Id.
* @return String the topic name
* @throws DagEngineException thrown if the jms info could not be obtained.
public String getJMSTopicName(String jobId) throws DagEngineException {
JMSTopicService jmsTopicService = Services.get().get(JMSTopicService.class);
if (jmsTopicService != null) {
try {
return jmsTopicService.getTopic(jobId);
catch (JPAExecutorException e) {
throw new DagEngineException(ErrorCode.E1602, e);
else {
throw new DagEngineException(ErrorCode.E1602,
"JMSTopicService is not initialized. JMS notification"
+ "may not be enabled");
* Return the status for a Job ID
* @param jobId job Id.
* @return the job's status
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if the job's status could not be obtained
public abstract String getJobStatus(String jobId) throws BaseEngineException;
* Enable SLA alert for job
* @param id job ID
* @param actions list of actions
* @param dates dates
* @param childIds child IDs
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if SLA alert could not be enabled
public abstract void enableSLAAlert(String id, String actions, String dates, String childIds) throws BaseEngineException;
* Disable SLA alert for job
* @param id job ID
* @param actions list of actions
* @param dates dates
* @param childIds child IDs
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if SLA alert could not be disabled
public abstract void disableSLAAlert(String id, String actions, String dates, String childIds) throws BaseEngineException;
* Change SLA properties for job
* @param id job ID
* @param actions list of actions
* @param dates dates
* @param childIds child IDs
* @param newParams parameters to
* @throws BaseEngineException thrown if SLA alert could not be enabled
public abstract void changeSLA(String id, String actions, String dates, String childIds, String newParams)
throws BaseEngineException;
* Stream job log.
* @param logStreamer the log streamer
* @param jobId the job id
* @param writer the writer
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
* @throws BaseEngineException the base engine exception
protected abstract void streamJobLog(XLogStreamer logStreamer, String jobId, Writer writer) throws IOException,
interface BaseEngineCallable {
V callOrThrow() throws BaseEngineException;
static V callOrRethrow(final BaseEngineCallable callable) throws OozieClientException {
try {
return callable.callOrThrow();
} catch (final BaseEngineException e) {
throw new OozieClientException(e.getErrorCode().toString(), e);
static V throwNoOp() throws OozieClientException {
throw new OozieClientException(ErrorCode.E0301.toString(), "no-op");