org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingDefaultsImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.identifier.Normalizer;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.identifier.DBIdentifier;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats.UntypedPCValueHandler;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats.EnumValueHandler;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Column;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Index;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Schema;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Table;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Unique;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary;
import org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configurable;
import org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configurations;
import org.apache.openjpa.lib.identifier.IdentifierUtil;
import org.apache.openjpa.meta.JavaTypes;
import serp.util.Strings;
* Default implementation of {@link MappingDefaults}.
* @author Abe White
public class MappingDefaultsImpl
implements MappingDefaults, Configurable {
protected transient DBDictionary dict = null;
private String _baseClassStrategy = null;
private String _subclassStrategy = null;
private String _versionStrategy = null;
private String _discStrategy = null;
private final Map _fieldMap = new HashMap();
private boolean _defMissing = false;
private boolean _classCriteria = false;
private int _joinFKAction = ForeignKey.ACTION_NONE;
private int _fkAction = ForeignKey.ACTION_NONE;
private boolean _defer = false;
private boolean _indexFK = true;
private boolean _indexDisc = true;
private boolean _indexVers = false;
private boolean _orderLists = true;
private boolean _addNullInd = false;
private boolean _ordinalEnum = false;
private boolean _stringifyUnmapped = false;
private DBIdentifier _dsIdName = DBIdentifier.NULL;
private DBIdentifier _versName = DBIdentifier.NULL;
private DBIdentifier _discName = DBIdentifier.NULL;
private DBIdentifier _orderName = DBIdentifier.NULL;
private DBIdentifier _nullIndName = DBIdentifier.NULL;
private boolean _removeHungarianNotation = false;
public boolean isRemoveHungarianNotation() {
return _removeHungarianNotation;
public void setRemoveHungarianNotation(boolean removeHungarianNotation) {
this._removeHungarianNotation = removeHungarianNotation;
* Default base class strategy alias.
public String getBaseClassStrategy() {
return _baseClassStrategy;
* Default base class strategy alias.
public void setBaseClassStrategy(String baseClassStrategy) {
_baseClassStrategy = baseClassStrategy;
* Default subclass strategy alias.
public String getSubclassStrategy() {
return _subclassStrategy;
* Default subclass strategy alias.
public void setSubclassStrategy(String subclassStrategy) {
_subclassStrategy = subclassStrategy;
* Default version strategy alias.
public String getVersionStrategy() {
return _versionStrategy;
* Default version strategy alias.
public void setVersionStrategy(String versionStrategy) {
_versionStrategy = versionStrategy;
* Default discriminator strategy alias.
public String getDiscriminatorStrategy() {
return _discStrategy;
* Default discriminator strategy alias.
public void setDiscriminatorStrategy(String discStrategy) {
_discStrategy = discStrategy;
* Property string mapping field type names to value handler or field
* mapping class names. For auto-configuration.
public void setFieldStrategies(String fieldMapString) {
Properties props = Configurations.parseProperties(fieldMapString);
if (props != null)
* Association of a field value type name with the handler or strategy
* class name.
public void setFieldStrategy(String valueType, String handlerType) {
if (handlerType == null)
_fieldMap.put(valueType, handlerType);
* Association of a field value type name with the handler or strategy
* class name.
public String getFieldStrategy(String valueType) {
return (String) _fieldMap.get(valueType);
* Whether to store enums as the ordinal value rather than the enum name.
* Defaults to false.
public boolean getStoreEnumOrdinal() {
return _ordinalEnum;
* Whether to store enums as the ordinal value rather than the enum name.
* Defaults to false.
public void setStoreEnumOrdinal(boolean ordinal) {
_ordinalEnum = ordinal;
* Whether to store a relation to an unmapped class by stringifying the
* oid of the related object, rather than storing primary key values.
public boolean getStoreUnmappedObjectIdString() {
return _stringifyUnmapped;
* Whether to store a relation to an unmapped class by stringifying the
* oid of the related object, rather than storing primary key values.
public void setStoreUnmappedObjectIdString(boolean stringify) {
_stringifyUnmapped = stringify;
* Default foreign key action for join keys. Defaults to logical keys.
public int getJoinForeignKeyDeleteAction() {
return _joinFKAction;
* Default foreign key action for join keys. Defaults to logical keys.
public void setJoinForeignKeyDeleteAction(int joinFKAction) {
_joinFKAction = joinFKAction;
* Default foreign key action name for join keys. Used in auto
* configuration.
public void setJoinForeignKeyDeleteAction(String joinFKAction) {
_joinFKAction = ForeignKey.getAction(joinFKAction);
* Default foreign key action for relation keys. Defaults to logical keys.
public int getForeignKeyDeleteAction() {
return _fkAction;
* Default foreign key action for relation keys. Defaults to logical keys.
public void setForeignKeyDeleteAction(int fkAction) {
_fkAction = fkAction;
* Default foreign key action name for relation keys. Used in auto
* configuration.
public void setForeignKeyDeleteAction(String fkAction) {
_fkAction = ForeignKey.getAction(fkAction);
* Whether to index logical foreign keys by default. Defaults to true.
public boolean getIndexLogicalForeignKeys() {
return _indexFK;
* Whether to index logical foreign keys by default. Defaults to true.
public void setIndexLogicalForeignKeys(boolean indexFK) {
_indexFK = indexFK;
* Whether to index discriminator columns by default. Defaults to true.
public boolean getIndexDiscriminator() {
return _indexDisc;
* Whether to index discriminator columns by default. Defaults to true.
public void setIndexDiscriminator(boolean indexDisc) {
_indexDisc = indexDisc;
* Whether to index version columns by default. Defaults to true.
public boolean getIndexVersion() {
return _indexVers;
* Whether to index version columns by default. Defaults to true.
public void setIndexVersion(boolean indexVers) {
_indexVers = indexVers;
* Whether to order lists and arrays using a dedicated ordering column
* by default.
public boolean getOrderLists() {
return _orderLists;
* Whether to order lists and arrays using a dedicated ordering column
* by default.
public void setOrderLists(boolean orderLists) {
_orderLists = orderLists;
* Whether to add a synthetic null indicator column to embedded mappings
* by default.
public boolean getAddNullIndicator() {
return _addNullInd;
* Whether to add a synthetic null indicator column to embedded mappings
* by default.
public void setAddNullIndicator(boolean addNullInd) {
_addNullInd = addNullInd;
* Whether to defer constraints by default. Defaults to false.
public boolean getDeferConstraints() {
return _defer;
* Whether to defer constraints by default. Defaults to false.
public void setDeferConstraints(boolean defer) {
_defer = defer;
* Default base name for datastore identity columns, or null to the
* mapping's built-in name.
* @deprecated
public String getDataStoreIdColumnName() {
return getDataStoreIdColumnIdentifier().getName();
public DBIdentifier getDataStoreIdColumnIdentifier() {
return _dsIdName == null ? DBIdentifier.NULL : _dsIdName;
* Default base name for datastore identity columns, or null to the
* mapping's built-in name.
* @deprecated
public void setDataStoreIdColumnName(String dsIdName) {
public void setDataStoreIdColumnIdentifier(DBIdentifier dsIdName) {
_dsIdName = dsIdName;
* Default base name for version identity columns, or null to the mapping's
* built-in name.
* @deprecated
public String getVersionColumnName() {
return getVersionColumnIdentifier().getName();
public DBIdentifier getVersionColumnIdentifier() {
return _versName == null ? DBIdentifier.NULL : _versName;
* Default base name for version identity columns, or null to the mapping's
* built-in name.
* @deprecated
public void setVersionColumnName(String versName) {
public void setVersionColumnIdentifier(DBIdentifier versName) {
_versName = versName;
* Default base name for discriminator columns, or null to the mapping's
* built-in name.
* @deprecated
public String getDiscriminatorColumnName() {
return getDiscriminatorColumnIdentifier().getName();
public DBIdentifier getDiscriminatorColumnIdentifier() {
return _discName == null ? DBIdentifier.NULL : _discName;
* Default base name for discriminator columns, or null to the mapping's
* built-in name.
* @deprecated
public void setDiscriminatorColumnName(String discName) {
public void setDiscriminatorColumnIdentifier(DBIdentifier discName) {
_discName = discName;
* Default base name for order columns, or null to the mapping's
* built-in name.
* @deprecated
public String getOrderColumnName() {
return getOrderColumnIdentifier().getName();
public DBIdentifier getOrderColumnIdentifier() {
return _orderName == null ? DBIdentifier.NULL : _orderName;
* Default base name for order columns, or null to the mapping's
* built-in name.
* @deprecated
public void setOrderColumnName(String orderName) {
public void setOrderColumnIdentifier(DBIdentifier orderName) {
_orderName = orderName;
* Default base name for null indicator columns, or null to the mapping's
* built-in name.
* @deprecated
public String getNullIndicatorColumnName() {
return getNullIndicatorColumnIdentifier().getName();
public DBIdentifier getNullIndicatorColumnIdentifier() {
return _nullIndName == null ? DBIdentifier.NULL : _nullIndName;
* Default base name for null indicator columns, or null to the mapping's
* built-in name.
* @deprecated
public void setNullIndicatorColumnName(String nullIndName) {
public void setNullIndicatorColumnIdentifier(DBIdentifier nullIndName) {
_nullIndName = nullIndName;
public boolean defaultMissingInfo() {
return _defMissing;
public void setDefaultMissingInfo(boolean defMissing) {
_defMissing = defMissing;
public boolean useClassCriteria() {
return _classCriteria;
public void setUseClassCriteria(boolean classCriteria) {
_classCriteria = classCriteria;
public Object getStrategy(ClassMapping cls, boolean adapt) {
if (adapt || defaultMissingInfo())
return (cls.getMappedPCSuperclassMapping() == null)
? _baseClassStrategy : _subclassStrategy;
return null;
public Object getStrategy(Version vers, boolean adapt) {
ClassMapping cls = vers.getClassMapping();
if ((adapt || defaultMissingInfo())
&& cls.getJoinablePCSuperclassMapping() == null
&& cls.getVersionField() == null)
return _versionStrategy;
return null;
public Object getStrategy(Discriminator disc, boolean adapt) {
ClassMapping cls = disc.getClassMapping();
if ((adapt || defaultMissingInfo())
&& cls.getJoinablePCSuperclassMapping() == null
&& disc.getMappingInfo().getValue() == null)
return _discStrategy;
return null;
public Object getStrategy(ValueMapping vm, Class> type, boolean adapt) {
Object ret = _fieldMap.get(type.getName());
if (ret != null)
return ret;
if (_stringifyUnmapped && vm.getTypeMapping() != null
&& !vm.getTypeMapping().isMapped())
return UntypedPCValueHandler.getInstance();
if (type.isEnum() && !vm.isSerialized()) {
EnumValueHandler enumHandler = new EnumValueHandler();
return enumHandler;
return null;
* Provides a default value for the given Discriminator.
* The type of the object returned relies on the javaType field being set on
* the Discriminator which is provided.
* JavaType
* Default value
* {@link JavaTypes#INT} The hashcode of the entity name
* {@link JavaTypes#CHAR} The first character of the entity name
* {@link JavaTypes#STRING} The entity name
* @param disc The discriminator that needs a default value
* @param adapt
* @return A new object containing the generated Discriminator value.
public Object getDiscriminatorValue(Discriminator disc, boolean adapt) {
if (!adapt && !defaultMissingInfo())
return null;
String alias = Strings.getClassName(disc.getClassMapping()
switch (disc.getJavaType()) {
case JavaTypes.INT:
return Integer.valueOf(alias.hashCode());
case JavaTypes.CHAR:
return Character.valueOf(alias.charAt(0));
case JavaTypes.STRING:
return alias;
public String getTableName(ClassMapping cls, Schema schema) {
String name = Strings.getClassName(cls.getDescribedType()).
replace(IdentifierUtil.DOLLAR_CHAR, IdentifierUtil.UNDERSCORE_CHAR);
if (!_defMissing)
name = dict.getValidTableName(name, schema);
return name;
public DBIdentifier getTableIdentifier(ClassMapping cls, Schema schema) {
return DBIdentifier.newTable(getTableName(cls, schema));
public String getTableName(FieldMapping fm, Schema schema) {
return getTableIdentifier(fm, schema).getName();
public DBIdentifier getTableIdentifier(FieldMapping fm, Schema schema) {
DBIdentifier sName = DBIdentifier.newTable(fm.getName());
Table table = fm.getDefiningMapping().getTable();
if (table != null) {
DBIdentifier tableName = DBIdentifier.truncate(table.getIdentifier(),5);
sName = DBIdentifier.append(tableName, fm.getName());
if (!_defMissing)
sName = dict.getValidTableName(sName, schema);
return sName;
public void populateDataStoreIdColumns(ClassMapping cls, Table table,
Column[] cols) {
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(_dsIdName) && cols.length == 1)
else if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(_dsIdName))
cols[i].setIdentifier(DBIdentifier.append(_dsIdName, Integer.toString(i)));
correctName(table, cols[i]);
* Correct the given column's name.
protected void correctName(Table table, Column col) {
if (!_defMissing || _removeHungarianNotation)
DBIdentifier name = col.getIdentifier();
if (_removeHungarianNotation)
name = DBIdentifier.removeHungarianNotation(name);
DBIdentifier correctedName = dict.getValidColumnName(name, table);
table.addCorrectedColumnName(correctedName, true);
protected String removeHungarianNotation(String columnName) {
return Normalizer.removeHungarianNotation(columnName);
public void populateColumns(Version vers, Table table, Column[] cols) {
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(_versName) && cols.length == 1)
else if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(_versName)) {
if (i == 0) {
} else {
cols[i].setIdentifier(DBIdentifier.append(_versName, Integer.toString(i)));
} else if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(_versName))
cols[i].setIdentifier(DBIdentifier.append(_versName, Integer.toString(i)));
correctName(table, cols[i]);
public void populateColumns(Discriminator disc, Table table,
Column[] cols) {
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(_discName) && cols.length == 1)
else if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(_discName))
cols[i].setIdentifier(DBIdentifier.append(_discName, Integer.toString(i)));
correctName(table, cols[i]);
public void populateJoinColumn(ClassMapping cm, Table local, Table foreign,
Column col, Object target, int pos, int cols) {
correctName(local, col);
public void populateJoinColumn(FieldMapping fm, Table local, Table foreign,
Column col, Object target, int pos, int cols) {
correctName(local, col);
* @deprecated
public void populateForeignKeyColumn(ValueMapping vm, String name,
Table local, Table foreign, Column col, Object target, boolean inverse,
int pos, int cols) {
populateForeignKeyColumn(vm, DBIdentifier.newColumn(name), local, foreign, col,
target, inverse, pos, cols);
public void populateForeignKeyColumn(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name,
Table local, Table foreign, Column col, Object target, boolean inverse,
int pos, int cols) {
if (cols == 1)
else if (target instanceof Column)
col.setIdentifier(DBIdentifier.combine(name,((Column) target).getIdentifier().getName()));
correctName(local, col);
public void populateColumns(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table table,
Column[] cols) {
populateColumns(vm, DBIdentifier.newColumn(name), table, cols);
public void populateColumns(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name, Table table,
Column[] cols) {
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++)
correctName(table, cols[i]);
public boolean populateOrderColumns(FieldMapping fm, Table table,
Column[] cols) {
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(_orderName) && cols.length == 1)
else if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(_orderName))
cols[i].setIdentifier(DBIdentifier.append(_orderName, Integer.toString(i)));
correctName(table, cols[i]);
return _orderLists && (JavaTypes.ARRAY == fm.getTypeCode()
|| List.class.isAssignableFrom(fm.getType()));
* @deprecated
public boolean populateNullIndicatorColumns(ValueMapping vm, String name,
Table table, Column[] cols) {
return populateNullIndicatorColumns(vm, DBIdentifier.newColumn(name), table, cols);
public boolean populateNullIndicatorColumns(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name,
Table table, Column[] cols) {
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(_nullIndName) && cols.length == 1)
else if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(_nullIndName))
cols[i].setIdentifier(DBIdentifier.append(_nullIndName, Integer.toString(i)));
correctName(table, cols[i]);
return _addNullInd;
public ForeignKey getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping cls, Table local,
Table foreign) {
if (_joinFKAction == ForeignKey.ACTION_NONE)
return null;
ForeignKey fk = new ForeignKey();
return fk;
public ForeignKey getJoinForeignKey(FieldMapping fm, Table local,
Table foreign) {
if (_joinFKAction == ForeignKey.ACTION_NONE)
return null;
ForeignKey fk = new ForeignKey();
return fk;
* @deprecated
public ForeignKey getForeignKey(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table local,
Table foreign, boolean inverse) {
return getForeignKey(vm, DBIdentifier.newForeignKey(name), local, foreign, inverse);
public ForeignKey getForeignKey(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name, Table local,
Table foreign, boolean inverse) {
if (_fkAction == ForeignKey.ACTION_NONE)
return null;
ForeignKey fk = new ForeignKey();
return fk;
public Index getJoinIndex(FieldMapping fm, Table table, Column[] cols) {
if (!_indexFK || fm.getJoinForeignKey() == null
|| !fm.getJoinForeignKey().isLogical())
return null;
if (areAllPrimaryKeyColumns(cols))
return null;
Index idx = new Index();
idx.setIdentifier(getIndexName(DBIdentifier.NULL, table, cols));
return idx;
* Return whether all the given columns are primary key columns.
protected boolean areAllPrimaryKeyColumns(Column[] cols) {
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++)
if (!cols[i].isPrimaryKey())
return false;
return true;
* Generate an index name.
* @deprecated
protected String getIndexName(String name, Table table, Column[] cols) {
return getIndexName(DBIdentifier.newIndex(name), table, cols).getName();
protected DBIdentifier getIndexName(DBIdentifier name, Table table, Column[] cols) {
// always use dict for index names because no spec mandates them
// based on defaults
DBIdentifier sName = name;
if (DBIdentifier.isNull(sName))
sName = cols[0].getIdentifier();
if (_removeHungarianNotation)
sName = DBIdentifier.removeHungarianNotation(sName);
return dict.getValidIndexName(sName, table);
* @deprecated
public Index getIndex(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table table,
Column[] cols) {
return getIndex(vm, DBIdentifier.newIndex(name), table, cols);
public Index getIndex(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name, Table table,
Column[] cols) {
if (!_indexFK || vm.getForeignKey() == null
|| !vm.getForeignKey().isLogical())
return null;
if (areAllPrimaryKeyColumns(cols))
return null;
Index idx = new Index();
idx.setIdentifier(getIndexName(name, table, cols));
return idx;
public Index getIndex(Version vers, Table table, Column[] cols) {
if (!_indexVers)
return null;
Index idx = new Index();
idx.setIdentifier(getIndexName(_versName, table, cols));
return idx;
public Index getIndex(Discriminator disc, Table table, Column[] cols) {
if (!_indexDisc)
return null;
Index idx = new Index();
idx.setIdentifier(getIndexName(_discName, table, cols));
return idx;
public Unique getJoinUnique(FieldMapping fm, Table table, Column[] cols) {
return null;
* @deprecated
public Unique getUnique(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table table,
Column[] cols) {
return null;
public Unique getUnique(ValueMapping vm, DBIdentifier name, Table table,
Column[] cols) {
return null;
* @deprecated
public String getPrimaryKeyName(ClassMapping cm, Table table) {
return null;
public DBIdentifier getPrimaryKeyIdentifier(ClassMapping cm, Table table) {
return DBIdentifier.NULL;
public void installPrimaryKey(FieldMapping fm, Table table) {
// Configurable implementation
public void setConfiguration(Configuration conf) {
dict = ((JDBCConfiguration) conf).getDBDictionaryInstance();
public void startConfiguration() {
public void endConfiguration() {
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