org.apache.openejb.jee.FacesManagedProperty$JAXB Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.openejb.jee;
import org.metatype.sxc.jaxb.JAXBObject;
import org.metatype.sxc.jaxb.LifecycleCallback;
import org.metatype.sxc.jaxb.RuntimeContext;
import org.metatype.sxc.util.Attribute;
import org.metatype.sxc.util.XoXMLStreamReader;
import org.metatype.sxc.util.XoXMLStreamWriter;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import static org.apache.openejb.jee.FacesListEntries$JAXB.readFacesListEntries;
import static org.apache.openejb.jee.FacesListEntries$JAXB.writeFacesListEntries;
import static org.apache.openejb.jee.FacesMapEntries$JAXB.readFacesMapEntries;
import static org.apache.openejb.jee.FacesMapEntries$JAXB.writeFacesMapEntries;
import static org.apache.openejb.jee.FacesNullValue$JAXB.readFacesNullValue;
import static org.apache.openejb.jee.FacesNullValue$JAXB.writeFacesNullValue;
import static org.apache.openejb.jee.Icon$JAXB.readIcon;
import static org.apache.openejb.jee.Icon$JAXB.writeIcon;
import static org.apache.openejb.jee.Text$JAXB.readText;
import static org.apache.openejb.jee.Text$JAXB.writeText;
public class FacesManagedProperty$JAXB
extends JAXBObject {
public FacesManagedProperty$JAXB() {
super(FacesManagedProperty.class, null, new QName("".intern(), "faces-config-managed-propertyType".intern()), Text$JAXB.class, Icon$JAXB.class, FacesMapEntries$JAXB.class, FacesNullValue$JAXB.class, FacesListEntries$JAXB.class);
public static FacesManagedProperty readFacesManagedProperty(final XoXMLStreamReader reader, final RuntimeContext context)
throws Exception {
return _read(reader, context);
public static void writeFacesManagedProperty(final XoXMLStreamWriter writer, final FacesManagedProperty facesManagedProperty, final RuntimeContext context)
throws Exception {
_write(writer, facesManagedProperty, context);
public void write(final XoXMLStreamWriter writer, final FacesManagedProperty facesManagedProperty, final RuntimeContext context)
throws Exception {
_write(writer, facesManagedProperty, context);
public final static FacesManagedProperty _read(final XoXMLStreamReader reader, RuntimeContext context)
throws Exception {
// Check for xsi:nil
if (reader.isXsiNil()) {
return null;
if (context == null) {
context = new RuntimeContext();
final FacesManagedProperty facesManagedProperty = new FacesManagedProperty();
context.beforeUnmarshal(facesManagedProperty, LifecycleCallback.NONE);
ArrayList descriptions = null;
ArrayList displayNames = null;
LocalCollection icon = null;
// Check xsi:type
final QName xsiType = reader.getXsiType();
if (xsiType != null) {
if (("faces-config-managed-propertyType" != xsiType.getLocalPart()) || ("" != xsiType.getNamespaceURI())) {
return context.unexpectedXsiType(reader, FacesManagedProperty.class);
// Read attributes
for (final Attribute attribute : reader.getAttributes()) {
if (("id" == attribute.getLocalName()) && (("" == attribute.getNamespace()) || (attribute.getNamespace() == null))) {
final String id = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(attribute.getValue());
context.addXmlId(reader, id, facesManagedProperty); = id;
} else if (XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI != attribute.getNamespace()) {
context.unexpectedAttribute(attribute, new QName("", "id"));
// Read elements
for (final XoXMLStreamReader elementReader : reader.getChildElements()) {
if (("description" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: descriptions
final Text descriptionsItem = readText(elementReader, context);
if (descriptions == null) {
descriptions = new ArrayList();
} else if (("display-name" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: displayNames
final Text displayNamesItem = readText(elementReader, context);
if (displayNames == null) {
displayNames = new ArrayList();
} else if (("icon" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: icon
final Icon iconItem = readIcon(elementReader, context);
if (icon == null) {
icon = facesManagedProperty.icon;
if (icon != null) {
} else {
icon = new LocalCollection();
} else if (("property-name" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: propertyName
final String propertyNameRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String propertyName;
try {
propertyName = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(propertyNameRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
facesManagedProperty.propertyName = propertyName;
} else if (("property-class" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: propertyClass
final String propertyClassRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String propertyClass;
try {
propertyClass = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(propertyClassRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
facesManagedProperty.propertyClass = propertyClass;
} else if (("map-entries" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: mapEntries
final FacesMapEntries mapEntries = readFacesMapEntries(elementReader, context);
facesManagedProperty.mapEntries = mapEntries;
} else if (("null-value" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: nullValue
final FacesNullValue nullValue = readFacesNullValue(elementReader, context);
facesManagedProperty.nullValue = nullValue;
} else if (("value" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: value
final String valueRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String value;
try {
value = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(valueRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
facesManagedProperty.value = value;
} else if (("list-entries" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: listEntries
final FacesListEntries listEntries = readFacesListEntries(elementReader, context);
facesManagedProperty.listEntries = listEntries;
} else {
context.unexpectedElement(elementReader, new QName("", "description"), new QName("", "display-name"), new QName("", "icon"), new QName("", "property-name"), new QName("", "property-class"), new QName("", "map-entries"), new QName("", "null-value"), new QName("", "value"), new QName("", "list-entries"));
if (descriptions != null) {
try {
facesManagedProperty.setDescriptions(descriptions.toArray(new Text[descriptions.size()]));
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.setterError(reader, FacesManagedProperty.class, "setDescriptions", Text[].class, e);
if (displayNames != null) {
try {
facesManagedProperty.setDisplayNames(displayNames.toArray(new Text[displayNames.size()]));
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.setterError(reader, FacesManagedProperty.class, "setDisplayNames", Text[].class, e);
if (icon != null) {
facesManagedProperty.icon = icon;
context.afterUnmarshal(facesManagedProperty, LifecycleCallback.NONE);
return facesManagedProperty;
public final FacesManagedProperty read(final XoXMLStreamReader reader, final RuntimeContext context)
throws Exception {
return _read(reader, context);
public final static void _write(final XoXMLStreamWriter writer, final FacesManagedProperty facesManagedProperty, RuntimeContext context)
throws Exception {
if (facesManagedProperty == null) {
if (context == null) {
context = new RuntimeContext();
final String prefix = writer.getUniquePrefix("");
if (FacesManagedProperty.class != facesManagedProperty.getClass()) {
context.unexpectedSubclass(writer, facesManagedProperty, FacesManagedProperty.class);
context.beforeMarshal(facesManagedProperty, LifecycleCallback.NONE);
final String idRaw =;
if (idRaw != null) {
String id = null;
try {
id = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.marshal(idRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(facesManagedProperty, "id", CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
writer.writeAttribute("", "", "id", id);
// ELEMENT: descriptions
Text[] descriptions = null;
try {
descriptions = facesManagedProperty.getDescriptions();
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.getterError(facesManagedProperty, "descriptions", FacesManagedProperty.class, "getDescriptions", e);
if (descriptions != null) {
for (final Text descriptionsItem : descriptions) {
if (descriptionsItem != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "description", "");
writeText(writer, descriptionsItem, context);
} else {
context.unexpectedNullValue(facesManagedProperty, "descriptions");
// ELEMENT: displayNames
Text[] displayNames = null;
try {
displayNames = facesManagedProperty.getDisplayNames();
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.getterError(facesManagedProperty, "displayNames", FacesManagedProperty.class, "getDisplayNames", e);
if (displayNames != null) {
for (final Text displayNamesItem : displayNames) {
if (displayNamesItem != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "display-name", "");
writeText(writer, displayNamesItem, context);
} else {
context.unexpectedNullValue(facesManagedProperty, "displayNames");
// ELEMENT: icon
final LocalCollection icon = facesManagedProperty.icon;
if (icon != null) {
for (final Icon iconItem : icon) {
if (iconItem != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "icon", "");
writeIcon(writer, iconItem, context);
} else {
context.unexpectedNullValue(facesManagedProperty, "icon");
// ELEMENT: propertyName
final String propertyNameRaw = facesManagedProperty.propertyName;
String propertyName = null;
try {
propertyName = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.marshal(propertyNameRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(facesManagedProperty, "propertyName", CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
if (propertyName != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "property-name", "");
} else {
context.unexpectedNullValue(facesManagedProperty, "propertyName");
// ELEMENT: propertyClass
final String propertyClassRaw = facesManagedProperty.propertyClass;
String propertyClass = null;
try {
propertyClass = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.marshal(propertyClassRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(facesManagedProperty, "propertyClass", CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
if (propertyClass != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "property-class", "");
// ELEMENT: mapEntries
final FacesMapEntries mapEntries = facesManagedProperty.mapEntries;
if (mapEntries != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "map-entries", "");
writeFacesMapEntries(writer, mapEntries, context);
// ELEMENT: nullValue
final FacesNullValue nullValue = facesManagedProperty.nullValue;
if (nullValue != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "null-value", "");
writeFacesNullValue(writer, nullValue, context);
// ELEMENT: value
final String valueRaw = facesManagedProperty.value;
String value = null;
try {
value = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.marshal(valueRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(facesManagedProperty, "value", CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
if (value != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "value", "");
// ELEMENT: listEntries
final FacesListEntries listEntries = facesManagedProperty.listEntries;
if (listEntries != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "list-entries", "");
writeFacesListEntries(writer, listEntries, context);
context.afterMarshal(facesManagedProperty, LifecycleCallback.NONE);
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