org.hsqldb.cmdline.sqltool.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
# $Id: sqltool.properties 4809 2011-11-20 21:12:35Z unsaved $
# Default Locale String resources for SqlTool.
# IMPORTANT: Make sure to use ISO-8859-1 encoding for any extended characters,
# both in this file (actually any .properties file) and all referenced text
# files.
# GENERAL .properties SYNTAX:
# White space at beginning of lines is not
# \ at very end of line makes the following line a continuation line (with
# no implied newline in the value.
# (Combined with the previous 2 rules, this means that white space before
# this \ is significant, and whitespace at beginning of continutation lines
# is not).
# \n does not work as an escape. Use unicode \u000a for line breaks instead.
# This file is loaded by RefCapablePropertyResourceBundle, so if any
# property here has no value set, the value MUST be set in a file
# located at sqltool/PROPERTYNAME.text
# Property keys MAY NOT CONTAIN UNDERSCORE. Underscores in Enum constants
# will automatically be transated to dots.
# These empty-vals tell RefCapablePropertyResourceBundle to look for text files:
# Traditional inline .properties values:
SqlTool.varset.badformat=Variable settings not of format "name=value[,...]".
SqlTool.abort.continue.mutuallyexclusive=Switches '--abortOnErr' and \
'--continueOnErr' are mutually exclusive.
SqlTool.params.redundant=Redundant command-line switch(es) specified. \u000a\
Use '--help' switch for syntax help.
sqltempfile.fail=Failed to write given sql to temp file.\u000aCause: %{1}
rcdata.inlineurl.missing='url' element is required for inline RC arg.
rcdata.inline.extravars=Unsupported inline element(s) supplied: %{1}.
rcdata.inlineusername.missing='user' element is required for inline RC arg.
rcdata.password.visible='password' element must have empty value. \
For non-empty password, give no\u000a\
password element and you will be prompted for the value.
password.readfail=Failed to read in password.\u000aCause: %{1}
rcdata.genfromvalues.fail=Failed to generate RCData from given values.\u000aCause: %{1}
conndata.retrieval.fail=Failed to retrieve connection info for urlid "%{1}".\u000aCause: %{2}
jdbc.established=JDBC Connection established to a %{1} v. %{2} database\u000a\
as "%{3}" with %{4} Isolation.
connection.fail=Failed to get a connection to '%{1}' as user "%{2}".\u000aCause: %{3}
# Value for following line has trailing whitespace on purpose.
passwordFor.prompt=Enter password for %{1}:
raw.movedtobuffer=Raw SQL chunk moved into edit buffer. Run ":;" to execute the chunk.
input.movedtobuffer=Current input moved into edit buffer.
sqlstatement.empty=Empty SQL Statement.
causereport=Cause: %{1}
break.unsatisfied=Unsatisfied 'break' statement (type %{1}).
continue.unsatisfied=Unsatisfied 'continue' statement%{1:+ (type '%1')}.
input.unterminated=Unterminated input: "%{1}"
primaryinput.accessfail=Error accessing primary input.
aborting=Aborting SqlTool: %{1}
plvar.set.incomplete=Did not finish setting variable '%{1}' before a code block exited.
rollingback=Rolling back SQL transaction.
bufhist.unspecified=No command specified. Run ":?" to list Edit-Buffer/History Commands.
special.unspecified=No command specified. Run "\\?" to list Special Commands.
buffer.executing=Executing command from edit buffer:\u000a"%{1}"\u000a
nobuffer.yet=No edit buffer contents yet.
commandnum.malformat=Malformatted command number "%{1}".
buffer.restored=Restored following command to buffer. Enter ":?" to list buffer commands.\u000a%{1}
substitution.malformat=Malformatted substitution command.
substitution.nomatch=Edit buffer unchanged due to no pattern match.
substitution.syntax=Substitution syntax: ":s/from regex/to string/igm;". \
Optional modes i, g, m, ;.
buffer.unknown=Unknown Edit-Buffer/History command ":%{1}".
dsv.x.syntax=Export syntax: "\\x table_or_view_name " OR "\\x SELECT statement".\u000a\
OR for CSV-style double-quoting: "\\xq tbl_view_name " OR "\\xq SELECT stmt".\u000a\
(Do not end with ';', since the \\x command itself is not SQL).
dsv.m.syntax=Import syntax: \\m file/path.dsv [*]\u000a\
OR \\mq file/path.csv [*] (for CSV-style double-quoting)\u000a\
* means no comments in DSV file.
special.extrachars=Extra characters after "\\%{1}" command: %{2}
buffer.extrachars=Extra characters after ":%{1}" command: %{2}
special.malformat=Malformatted special command.
html.mode=HTML Mode is now set to %{1}.
dsv.targetfile.demand=You must set PL variable '*DSV_TARGET_FILE' in order to use the query variant of \\x.
file.wrotechars=Wrote %{1} characters to file '%{2}'.
file.writefail=Failed to write to file '%{1}'.
file.appendfail=Failed to append to file '%{1}'.
destfile.demand=You must supply a destination file name.
special.d.like=Describe commands must be like '\\dX' or like '\\d OBJECTNAME'. '\\d?' to list.
outputfile.nonetoclose=There is no query output file to close.
outputfile.reopening=Closing current query output file and opening new one.
outputfile.header=Query output from %{1}.
buffer.empty=No command in edit buffer.
sqlfile.name.demand=You must supply an SQL file name.
sqlfile.execute.fail=Failed to execute contents of SQL file '%{1}'.
a.setting=Auto-commit is set to %{1}.
committed=Session committed.
special.b.malformat=Malformatted binary command.
binary.loadedbytesinto=Loaded %{1} bytes into Binary buffer.
binary.filefail=Failed to load/dump binary data to file '%{1}'.
c.setting=Continue-on-error is set to %{1}.
bang.incomplete=You must follow ! with the external command to run.
bang.command.fail=External command failed:\u000a"%{1}"
special.unknown=Unknown Special command "\\%{1}".
raw.empty=Raw statement aborted (no input given).
dsv.nocolsleft=No remaining columns after omitting %{1:+"%1" and }"-" columns.
dsv.skipcols.missing=The following skip column(s) not present: %{1}.
plalias.malformat=Malformed PL alias usage.
plvar.undefined=Undefined PL variable "%{1}".
var.infinite=Possible infinite variable regress involving '%{1}'.
sysprop.empty=Empty System Property variable name.
sysprop.unterminated=Unterminated System Property variable name.
sysprop.undefined=Undefined System Property "%{1}".
plvar.nameempty=Empty PL variable name.
plvar.unterminated=Unterminated PL variable name.
pl.malformat=Malformatted PL command.
deprecated.noop=Deprecated command has no effect. Please remove: %{1}.
end.noblock=Unmatched 'end' command.
continue.syntax=PL 'continue' statement requires no argument or one of \
'foreach', 'while'.
break.syntax=PL 'break' statement requires no argument or one of \
'foreach', 'if', 'while', 'file'.
pl.list.parens=Listing all 'set' variables (any var not seen is unset and equal to null).\u000a\
The outermost parentheses are not part of the values.
pl.list.lengths=Listing all 'set' variables (any var not seen is unset and equal to null).\u000a\
Showing variable names and length of values (use 'listvalues' to see values).
dumpload.malformat=Malformatted PL 'dump' or 'load' command.
plvar.nocolon=PL variable names may not contain ':'.
plvar.tildedash.nomoreargs=PL ~/_ set commands take no other args ("%{1}").
dumpload.fail=Failed to dump/load variable '%{1}' to/from file '%{2}'.
pl.malformat.specific=Malformatted PL '%{1}' command.
pl.block.fail=Failed to execute instructions from PL block.
ifwhile.malformat=Malformatted PL 'if'/'while' command.
pl.unknown=Unknown PL command "%{1}".
pl.block.unterminated=Unterminated PL '%{1}' block
vendor.oracle.dS=*** WARNING:\u000a\
*** Listing tables in system-supplied schemas since\u000a\
*** Oracle (TM) doesn't return a JDBC system table list.
vendor.derby.dr=Derby has not implemented SQL Roles.
vendor.nosup.d=SqlFile does not yet support \\d%{1} for your database vendor.
vendor.derby.du=It's impossible to get a reliable user list from Derby.
special.d.unknown=Unknown describe option: '%{1}'.
metadata.fetch.fail=Failed to get metadata from database.
metadata.fetch.failfor=Failed to get metadata from database for '%{1}'.
prepare.demandqm=Prepared statements must contain one '?'.
binbuffer.empty=Binary SqlFile buffer is empty.
vendor.nosup.sysschemas=*** WARNING:\u000a\
*** Omitting tables from system-supplied schemas\u000a\
*** (because DB vendor doesn't differentiate them to JDBC).
noresult=No result.
dsv.bincol=Table has a binary column. DSV files are text, not binary, files.
binbuf.write=Read %{1} bytes from field '%{2}' (type %{3}) into binary buffer.
rows.fetched=Fetched %{1} rows.
rows.fetched.dsv=%{1} row(s) fetched from database.
row.update.multiple=%{1} rows updated.
row.update.singular=1 row updated.
history.unavailable=Command history not available.
history.none=No history yet.
editbuffer.contents=Edit buffer contents:\u000a"%{1}"
buffer.instructions=Copy a command to edit buffer like ":27" or ":-3". \
Re-execute buffer like ":;".
history.number.req=You must specify a positive absolute command number, or \
a negative number\u000ameaning X commands "back".
history.backto=History only goes back to #%{1}.
history.upto=History only goes up to #%{1}.
history.back=History only goes back %{1} command(s).
logical.unrecognized=Unrecognized logical operation.
read.toobig=Resource is too big to read in one gulp.\u000a\
Please run the program with more RAM (try Java -Xm* switches).
read.partial=Didn't read all bytes. Read in %{1} bytes out of %{2}.
read.convertfail=Value too big to convert to String. \
Please run the program with more RAM (try Java -Xm* switches).
dsv.coldelim.present=Table data contains our column delimiter '%{1}'.
dsv.rowdelim.present=Table data contains our row delimiter '%{1}'.
dsv.nullrep.present=Table data contains our null-representation token '%{1}'.
dsv.constcols.nullcol=*DSV_CONST_COLS element has null column name.
file.readfail=Can't read file '%{1}'.
inputfile.closefail=Failed to close input file.
dsv.header.none=No header record in input file.
dsv.header.noswitchtarg=Headerswitch at DSV file line %{1}, but no target table specified yet.
dsv.header.noswitchmatch=Reached close of headerswitch at DSV file line %{1} without matching a header.
dsv.header.nonswitched=Header line inside switch without table matcher at DSV file line %{1}.
dsv.nocolheader=No column header for column #%{1} at DSV file line %{2}.
dsv.metadata.mismatch=Metadata mismatch for columns.
query.metadatafail=Failed to get metadata for query by using:\u000a"%{1}"
dsv.rejectfile.setupfail=Failed to set up reject file '%{1}'.
dsv.rejectreport.setupfail=Failed to set up reject report file '%{1}'.
insertion.preparefail=Failed to prepare insertion setup string:\u000a"%{1}"
dsv.header.matchernonhead=Non-Header line within table matcher block at DSV file line %{1}.
dsv.colcount.mismatch=Header has %{1} columns, but input record has %{2} column values.
dsv.insertcol.mismatch=Expected total of %{1} insert values, but gathered %{2}.
dsv.nonskip.mismatch=Header has %{1} non-skip columns, but input record has %{2} insertion values.
time.bad=Bad date/time value '%{1}'.
boolean.bad=Bad boolean value '%{1}'.
inputrec.modified=%{1} rows modified by this input record.
dsv.recin.fail=Parse or insert of input line %{1} %{2:+, column '%2' }failed.
dsv.import.summary=Import summary (%{1}skips / rejects / inserts): \
%{2} / %{3} / %{4}%{5:+ before aborting}.
insertions.notcommitted=Insertions will be lost if you don't commit.
autocommit.fetchfail=Failed to obtain connection autocommit value.
dsv.rejectfile.purgefail=Failed to purge unnecessary reject file '%{1}'.
dsv.rejectreport.purgefail=Failed to purge unnecessary reject report '%{1}'.
edit.malformat=Edit/History command malformatted.
input.malformat=Syntax error in input.
append.empty=Use ':;' to repeat a command without appending
transiso.report=Transaction Isolation Level is now %{1} %{2}
exectime.reporting=Execution-time reporting is set to %{1}
exectime.report=Took %{1} ms.
regex.malformat=Malformed regex pattern: %{1}
encode.fail=Unsupported encoding: %{1}
macro.tip=Run /? for Macro help
macrodef.malformat=Malformatted macro def. command
macrodef.empty=No content specified for macro
macrodef.semi=Macro values may not end with ';'
macro.malformat=Malformatted macro command
macro.undefined=No macro defined with name "%{1}".
log.syntax=SYNTAX: \\l LEVEL Message\u000a\
log.syntax.error=Logging syntax error. Run '\\l?' for help
reject.rpc=Clearing *DSV_RECORDS_PER_COMMIT, since non-integer specified: %{1}
rpc.autocommit.failure=Failed to set up autocommit for *DSV_RECORDS_PER_COMMIT option
rpc.commit.failure=Failed to finalize commit status for *DSV_RECORDS_PER_COMMIT option
disconnect.success=Disconnected from JDBC Data Source
disconnect.failure=Failed to disconnect from JDBC Data Source
no.required.conn=We are not connected to a Data Source, but one is required for this action
no.vendor.schemaspt=Database does not support SQL-standard SCHEMA operations
schemaname.retrieval.fail=Failed to retrieve current SCHEMA name from database
remove.empty.vars.suggestset=Unsetting variable.\u000a\
You are advised to NOT set Java system property 'sqltool.REMOVE_EMPTY_VARS',\u000a\
and simply use the command '* - VARNAME' to explicitly unset/remove variables.
auto.unset.warning=Unsetting variable '%{1}'. You should not have this set to an empty string.
pl.unset.nomoreargs=PL ! unset command takes no arg other than the var name
dsv.q.nodblquote=\\xq and \\xm prohibit delimiters containing '"'
connect.failure=Failed to connect
streamread.failure=Failed to read value using stream
illegal.at=Leading @ in file paths has special meaning, and may only be used if input is a file.
suggest.j=To connect to a data source, use '\\j urlid' or '\\j account password jdbc:url...'
pipeclose.failure=Failed to close pipes: %{1}
arrayimp.jvmreq=SqlTool requires >= Java 1.6 at run time in order to import Array values
arrayval.malformat=Malformatted ARRAY value: (%{1})
sqlarray.badjvm=SqlTool binary is not Array-compatible with your runtime JRE. Array imports not possible.
csv.coldelim.present=CSV-style quoting is only suitable for text files, but your file contains\u000a\
character '%{1}'.
csv.quote.unterminated=Unterminated CSV-style "-quoted field at data file line #%{1}
math.expr.fail=Math expression failure: %{1}
varname.warning=Variables not beginning with a letter or containing a character other\u000a\
than letters, digits, and _, are deprecated.\u000a\
(Excepting reserved PL variables, which begin with *).:\u000a\
null.assignment=You may never assign a value to variable 'NULL' or '*NULL'.\u000a\
These variables always have the value of null, which is different from\u000a\
the empty string.
bad.time.format=Malformatted date/time format string.\u000a\
%{2}: %{1}\u000a\
An useful example is: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ\u000a\
Reference for formatting available at\u000a\
no.timestamp.format=You can't expand *TIMESTAMP unless *TIMESTAMP_FORMAT has been set
else.without.if='else' statement not at top level of an if block
import.col.dup=Multiple input columns for single output database column: %{1}
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