org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.Options Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.openjpa.lib.util;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* A specialization of the {@link Properties} map type with the added
* abilities to read application options from the command line and to
* use bean patterns to set an object's properties via command-line the
* stored mappings.
* A typical use pattern for this class is to construct a new instance
* in the main
method, then call {@link #setFromCmdLine} with the
* given args. Next, an instanceof the class being invoked is created, and
* {@link #setInto} is called with that instance as a parameter. With this
* pattern, the user can configure any bean properties of the class, or even
* properties of classes reachable from the class, through the command line.
* @author Abe White
public class Options extends TypedProperties {
* Immutable empty instance.
public static Options EMPTY = new EmptyOptions();
// maps primitive types to the appropriate wrapper class and default value
private static Object[][] _primWrappers = new Object[][]{
{ boolean.class, Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE },
{ byte.class, Byte.class, Byte.valueOf((byte) 0) },
{ char.class, Character.class, Character.valueOf((char) 0) },
{ double.class, Double.class, Double.valueOf(0D) },
{ float.class, Float.class, Float.valueOf(0F) },
{ int.class, Integer.class, Integer.valueOf(0) },
{ long.class, Long.class, Long.valueOf(0L) },
{ short.class, Short.class, Short.valueOf((short) 0) }, };
private static Localizer _loc = Localizer.forPackage(Options.class);
* Default constructor.
public Options() {
* Construct the options instance with the given set of defaults.
* @see Properties#Properties(Properties)
public Options(Properties defaults) {
* Parses the given argument list into flag/value pairs, which are stored
* as properties. Flags that are present without values are given
* the value "true". If any flag is found for which there is already
* a mapping present, the existing mapping will be overwritten.
* Flags should be of the form:
* java Foo -flag1 value1 -flag2 value2 ... arg1 arg2 ...
* @param args the command-line arguments
* @return all arguments in the original array beyond the
* flag/value pair list
* @author Patrick Linskey
public String[] setFromCmdLine(String[] args) {
if (args == null || args.length == 0)
return args;
String key = null;
String value = null;
List remainder = new LinkedList();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length + 1; i++) {
if (i == args.length || args[i].startsWith("-")) {
key = trimQuote(key);
if (key != null) {
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(value))
setProperty(key, trimQuote(value));
setProperty(key, "true");
if (i == args.length)
else {
key = args[i].substring(1);
value = null;
} else if (key != null) {
setProperty(key, trimQuote(args[i]));
key = null;
} else
return remainder.toArray(new String[remainder.size()]);
* This method uses reflection to set all the properties in the given
* object that are named by the keys in this map. For a given key 'foo',
* the algorithm will look for a 'setFoo' method in the given instance.
* For a given key 'foo.bar', the algorithm will first look for a
* 'getFoo' method in the given instance, then will recurse on the return
* value of that method, now looking for the 'bar' property. This allows
* the setting of nested object properties. If in the above example the
* 'getFoo' method is not present or returns null, the algorithm will
* look for a 'setFoo' method; if found it will constrct a new instance
* of the correct type, set it using the 'setFoo' method, then recurse on
* it as above. Property names can be nested in this way to an arbitrary
* depth. For setter methods that take multiple parameters, the value
* mapped to the key can use the ',' as an argument separator character.
* If not enough values are present for a given method after splitting
* the string on ',', the remaining arguments will receive default
* values. All arguments are converted from string form to the
* correct type if possible(i.e. if the type is primitive,
* java.lang.Clas, or has a constructor that takes a single string
* argument). Examples:
* - Map Entry:
* Resultant method call: obj.setAge(12)
* - Map Entry:
* Resultant method call: obj.setRange(1, 20)
* - Map Entry:
* Resultant method call: obj.setRange(10, 10)
* - Map Entry:
* Resultant method call: obj.getBrother().setName("Bob")
* Any keys present in the map for which there is no
* corresponding property in the given object will be ignored,
* and will be returned in the {@link Map} returned by this method.
* @return an {@link Options} of key-value pairs in this object
* for which no setters could be found.
* @throws RuntimeException on parse error
public Options setInto(Object obj) {
// set all defaults that have no explicit value
Map.Entry entry = null;
if (defaults != null) {
for (Iterator> itr = defaults.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
entry = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
if (!containsKey(entry.getKey()))
setInto(obj, entry);
// set from main map
Options invalidEntries = null;
Map.Entry e;
for (Iterator> itr = entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
e = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
if (!setInto(obj, e)) {
if (invalidEntries == null)
invalidEntries = new Options();
invalidEntries.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
return (invalidEntries == null) ? EMPTY : invalidEntries;
* Sets the property named by the key of the given entry in the
* given object.
* @return true
if the set succeeded, or
* false
if no method could be found for this property.
private boolean setInto(Object obj, Map.Entry entry) {
if (entry.getKey() == null)
return false;
try {
// look for matching parameter of object
Object[] match = new Object[]{ obj, null };
if (!matchOptionToMember(entry.getKey().toString(), match))
return false;
Class[] type = getType(match[1]);
Object[] values = new Object[type.length];
String[] strValues;
if (entry.getValue() == null)
strValues = new String[1];
else if (values.length == 1)
strValues = new String[]{ entry.getValue().toString() };
strValues = StringUtil.split(entry.getValue().toString(), ",", 0);
// convert the string values into parameter values, if not
// enough string values repeat last one for rest
for (int i = 0; i < strValues.length; i++)
values[i] = stringToObject(strValues[i].trim(), type[i]);
for (int i = strValues.length; i < values.length; i++)
values[i] = getDefaultValue(type[i]);
// invoke the setter / set the field
invoke(match[0], match[1], values);
return true;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new ParseException(obj + "." + entry.getKey() + " = " + entry.getValue(), t);
* Removes leading and trailing single quotes from the given String, if any.
private static String trimQuote(String val) {
if (val != null && val.startsWith("'") && val.endsWith("'"))
return val.substring(1, val.length() - 1);
return val;
* Finds all the options that can be set on the provided class. This does
* not look for path-traversal expressions.
* @param type The class for which available options should be listed.
* @return The available option names in type
. The
* names will have initial caps. They will be ordered alphabetically.
public static Collection findOptionsFor(Class> type) {
Collection names = new TreeSet();
// look for a setter method matching the key
Method[] meths = type.getMethods();
Class>[] params;
for (int i = 0; i < meths.length; i++) {
if (meths[i].getName().startsWith("set")) {
params = meths[i].getParameterTypes();
if (params.length == 0)
if (params[0].isArray())
// check for public fields
Field[] fields = type.getFields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
return names;
* Matches a key to an object/setter pair.
* @param key the key given at the command line; may be of the form
* 'foo.bar' to signify the 'bar' property of the 'foo' owned object
* @param match an array of length 2, where the first index is set
* to the object to retrieve the setter for
* @return true if a match was made, false otherwise; additionally,
* the first index of the match array will be set to
* the matching object and the second index will be
* set to the setter method or public field for the
* property named by the key
private static boolean matchOptionToMember(String key, Object[] match)
throws Exception {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(key))
return false;
// unfortunately we can't use bean properties for setters; any
// setter with more than 1 argument is ignored; calculate setter and getter
// name to look for
String[] find = StringUtil.split(key, ".", 2);
String base = StringUtil.capitalize(find[0]);
String set = "set" + base;
String get = "get" + base;
// look for a setter/getter matching the key; look for methods first
Class> type = match[0].getClass();
Method[] meths = type.getMethods();
Method setMeth = null;
Method getMeth = null;
Class[] params;
for (int i = 0; i < meths.length; i++) {
if (meths[i].getName().equals(set)) {
params = meths[i].getParameterTypes();
if (params.length == 0)
if (params[0].isArray())
// use this method if we haven't found any other setter, if
// it has less parameters than any other setter, or if it uses
// string parameters
if (setMeth == null)
setMeth = meths[i];
else if (params.length < setMeth.getParameterTypes().length)
setMeth = meths[i];
else if (params.length == setMeth.getParameterTypes().length
&& params[0] == String.class)
setMeth = meths[i];
} else if (meths[i].getName().equals(get))
getMeth = meths[i];
// if no methods found, check for public field
Member setter = setMeth;
Member getter = getMeth;
if (setter == null) {
Field[] fields = type.getFields();
String uncapBase = StringUtil.uncapitalize(find[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if (fields[i].getName().equals(base)
|| fields[i].getName().equals(uncapBase)) {
setter = fields[i];
getter = fields[i];
// if no way to access property, give up
if (setter == null && getter == null)
return false;
// recurse on inner object with remainder of key?
if (find.length > 1) {
Object inner = null;
if (getter != null)
inner = invoke(match[0], getter, null);
// if no getter or current inner is null, try to create a new
// inner instance and set it in object
if (inner == null && setter != null) {
Class> innerType = getType(setter)[0];
try {
inner = AccessController.doPrivileged(
} catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
throw pae.getException();
invoke(match[0], setter, new Object[]{ inner });
match[0] = inner;
return matchOptionToMember(find[1], match);
// got match; find setter for property
match[1] = setter;
return match[1] != null;
* Return the types of the parameters needed to set the given member.
private static Class>[] getType(Object member) {
if (member instanceof Method)
return ((Method) member).getParameterTypes();
return new Class[]{ ((Field) member).getType() };
* Set the given member to the given value(s).
private static Object invoke(Object target, Object member, Object[] values)
throws Exception {
if (member instanceof Method)
return ((Method) member).invoke(target, values);
if (values == null || values.length == 0)
return ((Field) member).get(target);
((Field) member).set(target, values[0]);
return null;
* Converts the given string into an object of the given type, or its
* wrapper type if it is primitive.
private Object stringToObject(String str, Class> type) throws Exception {
// special case for null and for strings
if (str == null || type == String.class)
return str;
// special case for creating Class instances
if (type == Class.class)
return Class.forName(str, false, getClass().getClassLoader());
// special case for numeric types that end in .0; strip the decimal
// places because it can kill int, short, long parsing
if (type.isPrimitive() || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
if (str.length() > 2 && str.endsWith(".0"))
str = str.substring(0, str.length() - 2);
// for primitives, recurse on wrapper type
if (type.isPrimitive())
for (int i = 0; i < _primWrappers.length; i++)
if (type == _primWrappers[i][0])
return stringToObject(str, (Class>) _primWrappers[i][1]);
// look for a string constructor
Exception err = null;
try {
Constructor> cons = type.getConstructor(new Class[]{ String.class });
if (type == Boolean.class && "t".equalsIgnoreCase(str))
str = "true";
return cons.newInstance(new Object[]{ str });
} catch (Exception e) {
err = new ParseException(_loc.get("conf-no-constructor", str, type), e);
// special case: the argument value is a subtype name and a new instance
// of that type should be set as the object
Class> subType = null;
try {
subType = Class.forName(str);
} catch (Exception e) {
err = e;
throw new ParseException(_loc.get("conf-no-type", str, type), e);
if (!type.isAssignableFrom(subType))
throw err;
try {
return AccessController.doPrivileged(J2DoPrivHelper.newInstanceAction(subType));
} catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
throw pae.getException();
* Returns the default value for the given parameter type.
private Object getDefaultValue(Class> type) {
for (int i = 0; i < _primWrappers.length; i++)
if (_primWrappers[i][0] == type)
return _primWrappers[i][2];
return null;
* Specialization of {@link #getBooleanProperty} to allow
* a value to appear under either of two keys; useful for short and
* long versions of command-line flags.
public boolean getBooleanProperty(String key, String key2, boolean def) {
String val = getProperty(key);
if (val == null)
val = getProperty(key2);
if (val == null)
return def;
return "t".equalsIgnoreCase(val) || "true".equalsIgnoreCase(val);
* Specialization of {@link TypedProperties#getFloatProperty} to allow
* a value to appear under either of two keys; useful for short and
* long versions of command-line flags.
public float getFloatProperty(String key, String key2, float def) {
String val = getProperty(key);
if (val == null)
val = getProperty(key2);
return (val == null) ? def : Float.parseFloat(val);
* Specialization of {@link TypedProperties#getDoubleProperty} to allow
* a value to appear under either of two keys; useful for short and
* long versions of command-line flags.
public double getDoubleProperty(String key, String key2, double def) {
String val = getProperty(key);
if (val == null)
val = getProperty(key2);
return (val == null) ? def : Double.parseDouble(val);
* Specialization of {@link TypedProperties#getLongProperty} to allow
* a value to appear under either of two keys; useful for short and
* long versions of command-line flags.
public long getLongProperty(String key, String key2, long def) {
String val = getProperty(key);
if (val == null)
val = getProperty(key2);
return (val == null) ? def : Long.parseLong(val);
* Specialization of {@link TypedProperties#getIntProperty} to allow
* a value to appear under either of two keys; useful for short and
* long versions of command-line flags.
public int getIntProperty(String key, String key2, int def) {
String val = getProperty(key);
if (val == null)
val = getProperty(key2);
return (val == null) ? def : Integer.parseInt(val);
* Specialization of {@link Properties#getProperty} to allow
* a value to appear under either of two keys; useful for short and
* long versions of command-line flags.
public String getProperty(String key, String key2, String def) {
String val = getProperty(key);
return (val == null) ? getProperty(key2, def) : val;
* Specialization of {@link TypedProperties#removeBooleanProperty} to allow
* a value to appear under either of two keys; useful for short and
* long versions of command-line flags.
public boolean removeBooleanProperty(String key, String key2, boolean def) {
String val = removeProperty(key);
if (val == null)
val = removeProperty(key2);
if (val == null)
return def;
return "t".equalsIgnoreCase(val) || "true".equalsIgnoreCase(val);
* Specialization of {@link TypedProperties#removeFloatProperty} to allow
* a value to appear under either of two keys; useful for short and
* long versions of command-line flags.
public float removeFloatProperty(String key, String key2, float def) {
String val = removeProperty(key);
if (val == null)
val = removeProperty(key2);
return (val == null) ? def : Float.parseFloat(val);
* Specialization of {@link TypedProperties#removeDoubleProperty} to allow
* a value to appear under either of two keys; useful for short and
* long versions of command-line flags.
public double removeDoubleProperty(String key, String key2, double def) {
String val = removeProperty(key);
if (val == null)
val = removeProperty(key2);
return (val == null) ? def : Double.parseDouble(val);
* Specialization of {@link TypedProperties#removeLongProperty} to allow
* a value to appear under either of two keys; useful for short and
* long versions of command-line flags.
public long removeLongProperty(String key, String key2, long def) {
String val = removeProperty(key);
if (val == null)
val = removeProperty(key2);
return (val == null) ? def : Long.parseLong(val);
* Specialization of {@link TypedProperties#removeIntProperty} to allow
* a value to appear under either of two keys; useful for short and
* long versions of command-line flags.
public int removeIntProperty(String key, String key2, int def) {
String val = removeProperty(key);
if (val == null)
val = removeProperty(key2);
return (val == null) ? def : Integer.parseInt(val);
* Specialization of {@link Properties#remove(Object)} to allow
* a value to appear under either of two keys; useful for short and
* long versions of command-line flags.
public String removeProperty(String key, String key2, String def) {
String val = removeProperty(key);
return (val == null) ? removeProperty(key2, def) : val;
* Immutable empty options.
private static class EmptyOptions extends Options {
public Object setProperty(String key, String value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Object put(Object key, Object value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
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