org.apache.paimon.spark.catalyst.optimizer.MergePaimonScalarSubqueriersBase.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.paimon.spark.catalyst.optimizer
import org.apache.paimon.spark.PaimonScan
import org.apache.paimon.spark.util.CTERelationRefUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Alias, Attribute, AttributeMap, CreateNamedStruct, Expression, ExprId, GetStructField, LeafExpression, Literal, NamedExpression, PredicateHelper, ScalarSubquery, Unevaluable}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.AggregateExpression
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{Aggregate, CTERelationDef, Filter, Join, LogicalPlan, Project, Subquery, WithCTE}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreePattern.{SCALAR_SUBQUERY, SCALAR_SUBQUERY_REFERENCE, TreePattern}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.DataSourceV2ScanRelation
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, StructType}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* Most codes are copied from [[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer.MergeScalarSubqueries]].
* That merge scalar subqueries for DataSource V2 can't be achieved on Spark Side, due lack of the
* unified interface which can determine whether two [[DataSourceV2ScanRelation]]s can be merged and
* reused. So we extend the [[tryMergePlans]] method to check and merge
* [[DataSourceV2ScanRelation]]s, thus we can merge scalar subqueries for paimon.
trait MergePaimonScalarSubqueriersBase extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
plan match {
// Subquery reuse needs to be enabled for this optimization.
case _ if !conf.getConf(SQLConf.SUBQUERY_REUSE_ENABLED) => plan
// This rule does a whole plan traversal, no need to run on subqueries.
case _: Subquery => plan
// Plans with CTEs are not supported for now.
case _: WithCTE => plan
case _ => extractCommonScalarSubqueries(plan)
* An item in the cache of merged scalar subqueries.
* @param attributes
* Attributes that form the struct scalar return value of a merged subquery.
* @param plan
* The plan of a merged scalar subquery.
* @param merged
* A flag to identify if this item is the result of merging subqueries. Please note that
* `attributes.size == 1` doesn't always mean that the plan is not merged as there can be
* subqueries that are different ([[checkIdenticalPlans]] is false) due to an extra [[Project]]
* node in one of them. In that case `attributes.size` remains 1 after merging, but the merged
* flag becomes true.
case class Header(attributes: Seq[Attribute], plan: LogicalPlan, merged: Boolean)
private def extractCommonScalarSubqueries(plan: LogicalPlan) = {
val cache = ArrayBuffer.empty[Header]
val planWithReferences = insertReferences(plan, cache)
cache.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (header, i) =>
cache(i) = cache(i).copy(plan = if (header.merged) {
createProject(header.attributes, removeReferences(header.plan, cache)),
underSubquery = true)
} else {
removeReferences(header.plan, cache)
val newPlan = removeReferences(planWithReferences, cache)
val subqueryCTEs = cache.filter(_.merged).map(_.plan.asInstanceOf[CTERelationDef])
if (subqueryCTEs.nonEmpty) {
WithCTE(newPlan, subqueryCTEs)
} else {
// First traversal builds up the cache and inserts `ScalarSubqueryReference`s to the plan.
private def insertReferences(plan: LogicalPlan, cache: ArrayBuffer[Header]): LogicalPlan = {
plan.transformUpWithSubqueries {
case n =>
n.transformExpressionsUpWithPruning(_.containsAnyPattern(SCALAR_SUBQUERY)) {
case s: ScalarSubquery if !s.isCorrelated && s.deterministic =>
val (subqueryIndex, headerIndex) = cacheSubquery(s.plan, cache)
ScalarSubqueryReference(subqueryIndex, headerIndex, s.dataType, s.exprId)
// Caching returns the index of the subquery in the cache and the index of scalar member in the
// "Header".
private def cacheSubquery(plan: LogicalPlan, cache: ArrayBuffer[Header]): (Int, Int) = {
val output = plan.output.head
.collectFirst(Function.unlift {
case (header, subqueryIndex) =>
checkIdenticalPlans(plan, header.plan)
.map {
outputMap =>
val mappedOutput = mapAttributes(output, outputMap)
val headerIndex = header.attributes.indexWhere(_.exprId == mappedOutput.exprId)
subqueryIndex -> headerIndex
.orElse(tryMergePlans(plan, header.plan).map {
case (mergedPlan, outputMap) =>
val mappedOutput = mapAttributes(output, outputMap)
var headerIndex = header.attributes.indexWhere(_.exprId == mappedOutput.exprId)
val newHeaderAttributes = if (headerIndex == -1) {
headerIndex = header.attributes.size
header.attributes :+ mappedOutput
} else {
cache(subqueryIndex) = Header(newHeaderAttributes, mergedPlan, merged = true)
subqueryIndex -> headerIndex
.getOrElse {
cache += Header(Seq(output), plan, merged = false)
cache.length - 1 -> 0
// If 2 plans are identical return the attribute mapping from the new to the cached version.
protected def checkIdenticalPlans(
newPlan: LogicalPlan,
cachedPlan: LogicalPlan): Option[AttributeMap[Attribute]] = {
if (newPlan.canonicalized == cachedPlan.canonicalized) {
} else {
// Recursively traverse down and try merging 2 plans. If merge is possible then return the merged
// plan with the attribute mapping from the new to the merged version.
// Please note that merging arbitrary plans can be complicated, the current version supports only
// some of the most important nodes.
private def tryMergePlans(
newPlan: LogicalPlan,
cachedPlan: LogicalPlan): Option[(LogicalPlan, AttributeMap[Attribute])] = {
checkIdenticalPlans(newPlan, cachedPlan)
.map(cachedPlan -> _)
.orElse((newPlan, cachedPlan) match {
case (np: Project, cp: Project) =>
tryMergePlans(np.child, cp.child).map {
case (mergedChild, outputMap) =>
val (mergedProjectList, newOutputMap) =
mergeNamedExpressions(np.projectList, outputMap, cp.projectList)
val mergedPlan = Project(mergedProjectList, mergedChild)
mergedPlan -> newOutputMap
case (np, cp: Project) =>
tryMergePlans(np, cp.child).map {
case (mergedChild, outputMap) =>
val (mergedProjectList, newOutputMap) =
mergeNamedExpressions(np.output, outputMap, cp.projectList)
val mergedPlan = Project(mergedProjectList, mergedChild)
mergedPlan -> newOutputMap
case (np: Project, cp) =>
tryMergePlans(np.child, cp).map {
case (mergedChild, outputMap) =>
val (mergedProjectList, newOutputMap) =
mergeNamedExpressions(np.projectList, outputMap, cp.output)
val mergedPlan = Project(mergedProjectList, mergedChild)
mergedPlan -> newOutputMap
case (np: Aggregate, cp: Aggregate) if supportedAggregateMerge(np, cp) =>
tryMergePlans(np.child, cp.child).flatMap {
case (mergedChild, outputMap) =>
val mappedNewGroupingExpression =, outputMap))
// Order of grouping expression does matter as merging different grouping orders can
// introduce "extra" shuffles/sorts that might not present in all of the original
// subqueries.
if ( ==
) {
val (mergedAggregateExpressions, newOutputMap) =
mergeNamedExpressions(np.aggregateExpressions, outputMap, cp.aggregateExpressions)
val mergedPlan =
Aggregate(cp.groupingExpressions, mergedAggregateExpressions, mergedChild)
Some(mergedPlan -> newOutputMap)
} else {
case (np: Filter, cp: Filter) =>
tryMergePlans(np.child, cp.child).flatMap {
case (mergedChild, outputMap) =>
val mappedNewCondition = mapAttributes(np.condition, outputMap)
// Comparing the canonicalized form is required to ignore different forms of the same
// expression.
if (mappedNewCondition.canonicalized == cp.condition.canonicalized) {
val mergedPlan = cp.withNewChildren(Seq(mergedChild))
Some(mergedPlan -> outputMap)
} else {
case (np: Join, cp: Join) if np.joinType == cp.joinType && np.hint == cp.hint =>
tryMergePlans(np.left, cp.left).flatMap {
case (mergedLeft, leftOutputMap) =>
tryMergePlans(np.right, cp.right).flatMap {
case (mergedRight, rightOutputMap) =>
val outputMap = leftOutputMap ++ rightOutputMap
val mappedNewCondition =, outputMap))
// Comparing the canonicalized form is required to ignore different forms of the same
// expression and `AttributeReference.quailifier`s in `cp.condition`.
if ( ==
) {
val mergedPlan = cp.withNewChildren(Seq(mergedLeft, mergedRight))
Some(mergedPlan -> outputMap)
} else {
case (
newV2ScanRelation: DataSourceV2ScanRelation,
cachedV2ScanRelation: DataSourceV2ScanRelation) =>
tryMergeDataSourceV2ScanRelation(newV2ScanRelation, cachedV2ScanRelation)
// Otherwise merging is not possible.
case _ => None
def tryMergeDataSourceV2ScanRelation(
newV2ScanRelation: DataSourceV2ScanRelation,
cachedV2ScanRelation: DataSourceV2ScanRelation)
: Option[(LogicalPlan, AttributeMap[Attribute])]
protected def samePartitioning(
newPartitioning: Option[Seq[Expression]],
cachedPartitioning: Option[Seq[Expression]],
outputAttrMap: AttributeMap[Attribute]): Boolean = {
val mappedNewPartitioning =, outputAttrMap))) ==
protected def mergePaimonScan(scan1: PaimonScan, scan2: PaimonScan): Option[PaimonScan] = {
if (
scan1.table == scan2.table &&
scan1.filters == scan2.filters &&
scan1.pushDownLimit == scan2.pushDownLimit
) {
if (scan1.requiredSchema == scan2.requiredSchema) {
} else {
val mergedRequiredSchema = StructType(
(scan2.requiredSchema.fields.toSet ++ scan1.requiredSchema.fields.toSet).toSeq)
Some(scan2.copy(requiredSchema = mergedRequiredSchema))
} else {
private def createProject(attributes: Seq[Attribute], plan: LogicalPlan): Project = {
CreateNamedStruct(attributes.flatMap(a => Seq(Literal(, a))),
protected def mapAttributes[T <: Expression](expr: T, outputMap: AttributeMap[Attribute]): T = {
expr.transform { case a: Attribute => outputMap.getOrElse(a, a) }.asInstanceOf[T]
// Applies `outputMap` attribute mapping on attributes of `newExpressions` and merges them into
// `cachedExpressions`. Returns the merged expressions and the attribute mapping from the new to
// the merged version that can be propagated up during merging nodes.
private def mergeNamedExpressions(
newExpressions: Seq[NamedExpression],
outputMap: AttributeMap[Attribute],
cachedExpressions: Seq[NamedExpression]) = {
val mergedExpressions = ArrayBuffer[NamedExpression](cachedExpressions: _*)
val newOutputMap = AttributeMap( {
ne =>
val mapped = mapAttributes(ne, outputMap)
val withoutAlias = mapped match {
case Alias(child, _) => child
case e => e
ne.toAttribute -> mergedExpressions
.find {
case Alias(child, _) => child.semanticEquals(withoutAlias)
case e => e.semanticEquals(withoutAlias)
.getOrElse {
mergedExpressions += mapped
(mergedExpressions.toSeq, newOutputMap)
// Only allow aggregates of the same implementation because merging different implementations
// could cause performance regression.
private def supportedAggregateMerge(newPlan: Aggregate, cachedPlan: Aggregate) = {
val newPlanAggregateExpressions = newPlan.aggregateExpressions.flatMap(_.collect {
case a: AggregateExpression => a
val cachedPlanAggregateExpressions = cachedPlan.aggregateExpressions.flatMap(_.collect {
case a: AggregateExpression => a
val newPlanSupportsHashAggregate = Aggregate.supportsHashAggregate(
val cachedPlanSupportsHashAggregate = Aggregate.supportsHashAggregate(
newPlanSupportsHashAggregate && cachedPlanSupportsHashAggregate ||
newPlanSupportsHashAggregate == cachedPlanSupportsHashAggregate && {
val newPlanSupportsObjectHashAggregate =
val cachedPlanSupportsObjectHashAggregate =
newPlanSupportsObjectHashAggregate && cachedPlanSupportsObjectHashAggregate ||
newPlanSupportsObjectHashAggregate == cachedPlanSupportsObjectHashAggregate
// Second traversal replaces `ScalarSubqueryReference`s to either
// `GetStructField(ScalarSubquery(CTERelationRef to the merged plan)` if the plan is merged from
// multiple subqueries or `ScalarSubquery(original plan)` if it isn't.
private def removeReferences(plan: LogicalPlan, cache: ArrayBuffer[Header]) = {
plan.transformUpWithSubqueries {
case n =>
n.transformExpressionsWithPruning(_.containsAnyPattern(SCALAR_SUBQUERY_REFERENCE)) {
case ssr: ScalarSubqueryReference =>
val header = cache(ssr.subqueryIndex)
if (header.merged) {
val subqueryCTE = header.plan.asInstanceOf[CTERelationDef]
_resolved = true,
} else {
createScalarSubquery(header.plan, ssr.exprId)
protected def createScalarSubquery(plan: LogicalPlan, exprId: ExprId): ScalarSubquery
/** Temporal reference to a subquery. */
case class ScalarSubqueryReference(
subqueryIndex: Int,
headerIndex: Int,
dataType: DataType,
exprId: ExprId)
extends LeafExpression
with Unevaluable {
override def nullable: Boolean = true
final override val nodePatterns: Seq[TreePattern] = Seq(SCALAR_SUBQUERY_REFERENCE)
override def stringArgs: Iterator[Any] = Iterator(subqueryIndex, headerIndex, dataType,
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