org.apache.parquet.scrooge.ScroogeStructConverter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.parquet.scrooge;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import scala.collection.JavaConversions;
import scala.collection.JavaConversions$;
import scala.collection.Seq;
import scala.reflect.Manifest;
import com.twitter.scrooge.ThriftStructCodec;
import com.twitter.scrooge.ThriftStructFieldInfo;
import org.apache.parquet.thrift.struct.ThriftField;
import org.apache.parquet.thrift.struct.ThriftType;
import org.apache.parquet.thrift.struct.ThriftType.StructType.StructOrUnionType;
import org.apache.parquet.thrift.struct.ThriftTypeID;
import static org.apache.parquet.thrift.struct.ThriftField.Requirement;
import static org.apache.parquet.thrift.struct.ThriftField.Requirement.DEFAULT;
import static org.apache.parquet.thrift.struct.ThriftField.Requirement.REQUIRED;
import static org.apache.parquet.thrift.struct.ThriftField.Requirement.OPTIONAL;
* Class to convert a scrooge generated class to {@link ThriftType.StructType}. {@link ScroogeReadSupport } uses this
* class to get the requested schema
public class ScroogeStructConverter {
* convert a given scrooge generated class to {@link ThriftType.StructType}
* @param scroogeClass a scrooge class
* @return a thrift type descriptor for the class
public ThriftType.StructType convert(Class scroogeClass) {
return convertStructFromClass(scroogeClass);
private static String mapKeyName(String fieldName) {
return fieldName + "_map_key";
private static String mapValueName(String fieldName) {
return fieldName + "_map_value";
private static String listElemName(String fieldName) {
return fieldName + "_list_elem";
private static String setElemName(String fieldName) {
return fieldName + "_set_elem";
private Class getCompanionClass(Class klass) {
try {
return Class.forName(klass.getName() + "$");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("Can not find companion object for scrooge class " + klass, e);
private ThriftType.StructType convertStructFromClass(Class klass) {
return convertCompanionClassToStruct(getCompanionClass(klass));
private ThriftType.StructType convertCompanionClassToStruct(Class> companionClass) {
ThriftStructCodec> companionObject;
try {
companionObject = (ThriftStructCodec>) companionClass.getField("MODULE$").get(null);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("Can not get ThriftStructCodec from companion object of " + companionClass.getName(), e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("Can not get ThriftStructCodec from companion object of " + companionClass.getName(), e);
List children = new LinkedList();//{@link ThriftType.StructType} uses foreach loop to iterate the children, yields O(n) time for linked list
Iterable scroogeFields = getFieldInfos(companionObject);
for (ThriftStructFieldInfo field : scroogeFields) {
StructOrUnionType structOrUnionType =
isUnion(companionObject.getClass()) ? StructOrUnionType.UNION : StructOrUnionType.STRUCT;
return new ThriftType.StructType(children, structOrUnionType);
private Iterable getFieldInfos(ThriftStructCodec> c) {
Class extends ThriftStructCodec> klass = c.getClass();
if (isUnion(klass)) {
// Union needs special treatment since currently scrooge does not generates the fieldInfos
// field in the parent union class
return getFieldInfosForUnion(klass);
} else {
//each struct has a generated fieldInfos method to provide metadata to its fields
try {
Object r = klass.getMethod("fieldInfos").invoke(c);
return JavaConversions$.MODULE$.asJavaIterable((scala.collection.Iterable) r);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("can not get field Info from: " + c.toString(), e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("can not get field Info from: " + c.toString(), e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("can not get field Info from: " + c.toString(), e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("can not get field Info from: " + c.toString(), e);
private Iterable getFieldInfosForUnion(Class klass) {
ArrayList fields = new ArrayList();
for (Field f : klass.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (f.getType().equals(Manifest.class)) {
Class unionClass = (Class) ((ParameterizedType) f.getGenericType()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
Class companionUnionClass = getCompanionClass(unionClass);
try {
Object companionUnionObj = companionUnionClass.getField("MODULE$").get(null);
ThriftStructFieldInfo info = (ThriftStructFieldInfo) companionUnionClass.getMethod("fieldInfo").invoke(companionUnionObj);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("can not find fieldInfo for " + unionClass, e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("can not find fieldInfo for " + unionClass, e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("can not find fieldInfo for " + unionClass, e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("can not find fieldInfo for " + unionClass, e);
return fields;
* Convert a field in scrooge to ThriftField in parquet
* @param scroogeField a scrooge field
* @return a thrift field descriptor for the scrooge field
public ThriftField toThriftField(ThriftStructFieldInfo scroogeField) {
Requirement requirement = getRequirementType(scroogeField);
String fieldName = scroogeField.tfield().name;
short fieldId = scroogeField.tfield().id;
byte thriftTypeByte = scroogeField.tfield().type;
ThriftTypeID typeId = ThriftTypeID.fromByte(thriftTypeByte);
ThriftType thriftType;
switch (typeId) {
case BOOL:
thriftType = new ThriftType.BoolType();
case BYTE:
thriftType = new ThriftType.ByteType();
case DOUBLE:
thriftType = new ThriftType.DoubleType();
case I16:
thriftType = new ThriftType.I16Type();
case I32:
thriftType = new ThriftType.I32Type();
case I64:
thriftType = new ThriftType.I64Type();
case STRING:
ThriftType.StringType stringType = new ThriftType.StringType();
// There is no real binary type (see THRIFT-1920) in Thrift,
// binary data is represented by String type with an additional binary flag.
if (!String.class.equals(scroogeField.manifest().runtimeClass())) {
thriftType = stringType;
case STRUCT:
thriftType = convertStructTypeField(scroogeField);
case MAP:
thriftType = convertMapTypeField(scroogeField, requirement);
case SET:
thriftType = convertSetTypeField(scroogeField, requirement);
case LIST:
thriftType = convertListTypeField(scroogeField, requirement);
case ENUM:
thriftType = convertEnumTypeField(scroogeField);
case STOP:
case VOID:
throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't convert type " + typeId);
return new ThriftField(fieldName, fieldId, requirement, thriftType);
private ThriftType convertSetTypeField(ThriftStructFieldInfo f, Requirement requirement) {
return convertSetTypeField(f.tfield().name, f.valueManifest().get(), requirement);
private ThriftType convertSetTypeField(String fieldName, Manifest> valueManifest, Requirement requirement) {
String elemName = setElemName(fieldName);
ThriftType elementType = convertClassToThriftType(elemName, requirement, valueManifest);
//Set only has one sub-field as element field, therefore using hard-coded 1 as fieldId,
//it's the same as the solution used in ElephantBird
ThriftField elementField = generateFieldWithoutId(elemName, requirement, elementType);
return new ThriftType.SetType(elementField);
private ThriftType convertListTypeField(ThriftStructFieldInfo f, Requirement requirement) {
return convertListTypeField(f.tfield().name, f.valueManifest().get(), requirement);
private ThriftType convertListTypeField(String fieldName, Manifest> valueManifest, Requirement requirement) {
String elemName = listElemName(fieldName);
ThriftType elementType = convertClassToThriftType(elemName, requirement, valueManifest);
ThriftField elementField = generateFieldWithoutId(elemName, requirement, elementType);
return new ThriftType.ListType(elementField);
private ThriftType convertMapTypeField(ThriftStructFieldInfo f, Requirement requirement) {
return convertMapTypeField(f.tfield().name, f.keyManifest().get(), f.valueManifest().get(), requirement);
private ThriftType convertMapTypeField(String fieldName, Manifest> keyManifest, Manifest> valueManifest, Requirement requirement) {
String keyName = mapKeyName(fieldName);
String valueName = mapValueName(fieldName);
ThriftType keyType = convertClassToThriftType(keyName, requirement, keyManifest);
ThriftField keyField = generateFieldWithoutId(keyName, requirement, keyType);
ThriftType valueType = convertClassToThriftType(valueName, requirement, valueManifest);
ThriftField valueField = generateFieldWithoutId(valueName, requirement, valueType);
return new ThriftType.MapType(keyField, valueField);
* Generate artificial field, this kind of fields do not have a field ID.
* To be consistent with the behavior in ElephantBird, here uses 1 as the field ID
private ThriftField generateFieldWithoutId(String fieldName, Requirement requirement, ThriftType thriftType) {
return new ThriftField(fieldName, (short) 1, requirement, thriftType);
* In composite types, such as the type of the key in a map, since we use reflection to get the type class, this method
* does conversion based on the class provided.
* @return converted ThriftType
private ThriftType convertClassToThriftType(String name, Requirement requirement, Manifest> typeManifest) {
Class typeClass = typeManifest.runtimeClass();
if (typeManifest.runtimeClass() == boolean.class) {
return new ThriftType.BoolType();
} else if (typeClass == byte.class) {
return new ThriftType.ByteType();
} else if (typeClass == double.class) {
return new ThriftType.DoubleType();
} else if (typeClass == short.class) {
return new ThriftType.I16Type();
} else if (typeClass == int.class) {
return new ThriftType.I32Type();
} else if (typeClass == long.class) {
return new ThriftType.I64Type();
} else if (typeClass == String.class) {
return new ThriftType.StringType();
} else if (typeClass == ByteBuffer.class) {
return new ThriftType.StringType();
} else if (typeClass == scala.collection.Seq.class) {
Manifest> a = typeManifest.typeArguments().apply(0);
return convertListTypeField(name, a, requirement);
} else if (typeClass == scala.collection.Set.class) {
Manifest> setElementManifest = typeManifest.typeArguments().apply(0);
return convertSetTypeField(name, setElementManifest, requirement);
} else if (typeClass == scala.collection.Map.class) {
List> ms = JavaConversions.seqAsJavaList(typeManifest.typeArguments());
Manifest keyManifest = ms.get(0);
Manifest valueManifest = ms.get(1);
return convertMapTypeField(name, keyManifest, valueManifest, requirement);
} else if (com.twitter.scrooge.ThriftEnum.class.isAssignableFrom(typeClass)) {
return convertEnumTypeField(typeClass, name);
} else {
return convertStructFromClass(typeClass);
private ThriftType convertStructTypeField(ThriftStructFieldInfo f) {
return convertStructFromClass(f.manifest().runtimeClass());
* When define an enum in scrooge, each enum value is a subclass of the enum class, the enum class could be Operation$
private List getEnumList(String enumName) throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException {
enumName += "$";//In scala generated code, the actual class is ended with $
Class companionObjectClass = Class.forName(enumName);
Object cObject = companionObjectClass.getField("MODULE$").get(null);
Method listMethod = companionObjectClass.getMethod("list", new Class[]{});
Object result = listMethod.invoke(cObject, null);
return JavaConversions.seqAsJavaList((Seq) result);
public ThriftType convertEnumTypeField(ThriftStructFieldInfo f) {
return convertEnumTypeField(f.manifest().runtimeClass(), f.tfield().name);
private ThriftType convertEnumTypeField(Class enumClass, String fieldName) {
List enumValues = new ArrayList();
String enumName = enumClass.getName();
try {
List enumCollection = getEnumList(enumName);
for (Object enumObj : enumCollection) {
ScroogeEnumDesc enumDesc = ScroogeEnumDesc.fromEnum(enumObj);
enumValues.add(new ThriftType.EnumValue(, enumDesc.originalName));
return new ThriftType.EnumType(enumValues);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("Can not convert enum field " + fieldName, e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("Can not convert enum field " + fieldName, e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("Can not convert enum field " + fieldName, e);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("Can not convert enum field " + fieldName, e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("Can not convert enum field " + fieldName, e);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("Can not convert enum field " + fieldName, e);
//In scrooge generated class, if a class is a union, then it must have a field called "Union"
private boolean isUnion(Class klass) {
for (Field f : klass.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (f.getName().equals("Union"))
return true;
return false;
private Requirement getRequirementType(ThriftStructFieldInfo f) {
if (f.isOptional() && !f.isRequired()) {
return OPTIONAL;
} else if (f.isRequired() && !f.isOptional()) {
return REQUIRED;
} else if (!f.isOptional() && !f.isRequired()) {
return DEFAULT;
} else {
throw new ScroogeSchemaConversionException("can not determine requirement type for : " + f.toString()
+ ", isOptional=" + f.isOptional() + ", isRequired=" + f.isRequired());
private static class ScroogeEnumDesc {
private int id;
private String originalName;
public static ScroogeEnumDesc fromEnum(Object rawScroogeEnum) throws NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
Class enumClass = rawScroogeEnum.getClass();
Method valueMethod = enumClass.getMethod("value", new Class[]{});
Method originalNameMethod = enumClass.getMethod("originalName", new Class[]{});
ScroogeEnumDesc result = new ScroogeEnumDesc(); = (Integer) valueMethod.invoke(rawScroogeEnum, null);
result.originalName = (String) originalNameMethod.invoke(rawScroogeEnum, null);
return result;
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