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org.apache.pdfbox.text.TextPosition Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents.

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.pdfbox.text;

import java.text.Normalizer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont;
import org.apache.pdfbox.util.Matrix;

 * This represents a string and a position on the screen of those characters.
 * @author Ben Litchfield
public final class TextPosition
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TextPosition.class);

    private static final Map DIACRITICS = createDiacritics();

    // text matrix for the start of the text object, coordinates are in display units
    // and have not been adjusted
    private final Matrix textMatrix;

    // ending X and Y coordinates in display units
    private final float endX;
    private final float endY;

    private final float maxHeight; // maximum height of text, in display units
    private final int rotation; // 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees of page rotation
    private final float x;
    private final float y;
    private final float pageHeight;
    private final float pageWidth;

    private final float widthOfSpace; // width of a space, in display units

    private final int[] charCodes; // internal PDF character codes
    private final PDFont font;
    private final float fontSize;
    private final int fontSizePt;

    // mutable
    private float[] widths;
    private String unicode;
    private float direction = -1;

     * Constructor.
     * @param pageRotation rotation of the page that the text is located in
     * @param pageWidth width of the page that the text is located in
     * @param pageHeight height of the page that the text is located in
     * @param textMatrix text rendering matrix for start of text (in display units)
     * @param endX x coordinate of the end position
     * @param endY y coordinate of the end position
     * @param maxHeight Maximum height of text (in display units)
     * @param individualWidth The width of the given character/string. (in text units)
     * @param spaceWidth The width of the space character. (in display units)
     * @param unicode The string of Unicode characters to be displayed.
     * @param charCodes An array of the internal PDF character codes for the glyphs in this text.
     * @param font The current font for this text position.
     * @param fontSize The new font size.
     * @param fontSizeInPt The font size in pt units (see {@link #getFontSizeInPt()} for details).
    public TextPosition(int pageRotation, float pageWidth, float pageHeight, Matrix textMatrix,
                        float endX, float endY, float maxHeight, float individualWidth,
                        float spaceWidth, String unicode, int[] charCodes, PDFont font,
                        float fontSize, int fontSizeInPt)
        this.textMatrix = textMatrix;

        this.endX = endX;
        this.endY = endY;

        int rotationAngle = pageRotation;
        this.rotation = rotationAngle;

        this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
        this.pageHeight = pageHeight;
        this.pageWidth = pageWidth;

        this.widths = new float[] { individualWidth };
        this.widthOfSpace = spaceWidth;
        this.unicode = unicode;
        this.charCodes = charCodes;
        this.font = font;
        this.fontSize = fontSize;
        this.fontSizePt = fontSizeInPt;

        x = getXRot(rotationAngle);
        if (rotationAngle == 0 || rotationAngle == 180)
            y = this.pageHeight - getYLowerLeftRot(rotationAngle);
            y = this.pageWidth - getYLowerLeftRot(rotationAngle);

    // Adds non-decomposing diacritics to the hash with their related combining character.
    // These are values that the unicode spec claims are equivalent but are not mapped in the form
    // NFKC normalization method. Determined by going through the Combining Diacritical Marks
    // section of the Unicode spec and identifying which characters are not  mapped to by the
    // normalization.
    private static Map createDiacritics()
        Map map = new HashMap(31);
        map.put(0x0060, "\u0300");
        map.put(0x02CB, "\u0300");
        map.put(0x0027, "\u0301");
        map.put(0x02B9, "\u0301");
        map.put(0x02CA, "\u0301");
        map.put(0x005e, "\u0302");
        map.put(0x02C6, "\u0302");
        map.put(0x007E, "\u0303");
        map.put(0x02C9, "\u0304");
        map.put(0x00B0, "\u030A");
        map.put(0x02BA, "\u030B");
        map.put(0x02C7, "\u030C");
        map.put(0x02C8, "\u030D");
        map.put(0x0022, "\u030E");
        map.put(0x02BB, "\u0312");
        map.put(0x02BC, "\u0313");
        map.put(0x0486, "\u0313");
        map.put(0x055A, "\u0313");
        map.put(0x02BD, "\u0314");
        map.put(0x0485, "\u0314");
        map.put(0x0559, "\u0314");
        map.put(0x02D4, "\u031D");
        map.put(0x02D5, "\u031E");
        map.put(0x02D6, "\u031F");
        map.put(0x02D7, "\u0320");
        map.put(0x02B2, "\u0321");
        map.put(0x02CC, "\u0329");
        map.put(0x02B7, "\u032B");
        map.put(0x02CD, "\u0331");
        map.put(0x005F, "\u0332");
        map.put(0x204E, "\u0359");
        return map;

     * Return the string of characters stored in this object. The length can be different than the
     * CharacterCodes length e.g. if ligatures are used ("fi", "fl", "ffl") where one glyph
     * represents several unicode characters.
     * @return The string on the screen.
    public String getUnicode()
        return unicode;

     * Return the internal PDF character codes of the glyphs in this text.
     * @return an array of internal PDF character codes
    public int[] getCharacterCodes()
        return charCodes;

     * The matrix containing the starting text position and scaling. Despite the name, it is not the
     * text matrix set by the "Tm" operator, it is really the effective text rendering matrix (which
     * is dependent on the current transformation matrix (set by the "cm" operator), the text matrix
     * (set by the "Tm" operator), the font size (set by the "Tf" operator) and the page cropbox).
     * @return The Matrix containing the starting text position
    public Matrix getTextMatrix()
        return textMatrix;

     * Return the direction/orientation of the string in this object based on its text matrix. Only
     * angles of 0, 90, 180, or 270 are supported. To get other angles, use this code:
     * TextPosition text = ...
     * Matrix m = text.getTextMatrix().clone();
     * m.concatenate(text.getFont().getFontMatrix());
     * int angle = (int) Math.round(Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(m.getShearY(), m.getScaleY())));
* * @return The direction of the text (0, 90, 180, or 270). */ public float getDir() { if (direction < 0) { float a = textMatrix.getScaleY(); float b = textMatrix.getShearY(); float c = textMatrix.getShearX(); float d = textMatrix.getScaleX(); // 12 0 left to right // 0 12 if (a > 0 && Math.abs(b) < d && Math.abs(c) < a && d > 0) { direction = 0; } // -12 0 right to left (upside down) // 0 -12 else if (a < 0 && Math.abs(b) < Math.abs(d) && Math.abs(c) < Math.abs(a) && d < 0) { direction = 180; } // 0 12 up // -12 0 else if (Math.abs(a) < Math.abs(c) && b > 0 && c < 0 && Math.abs(d) < b) { direction = 90; } // 0 -12 down // 12 0 else if (Math.abs(a) < c && b < 0 && c > 0 && Math.abs(d) < Math.abs(b)) { direction = 270; } else { direction = 0; } } return direction; } /** * Return the X starting coordinate of the text, adjusted by the given rotation amount. * The rotation adjusts where the 0,0 location is relative to the text. * * @param rotation Rotation to apply (0, 90, 180, or 270). 0 will perform no adjustments. * @return X coordinate */ private float getXRot(float rotation) { if (rotation == 0) { return textMatrix.getTranslateX(); } else if (rotation == 90) { return textMatrix.getTranslateY(); } else if (rotation == 180) { return pageWidth - textMatrix.getTranslateX(); } else if (rotation == 270) { return pageHeight - textMatrix.getTranslateY(); } return 0; } /** * This will get the page rotation adjusted x position of the character. * This is adjusted based on page rotation so that the upper left is 0,0 which is * unlike PDF coordinates, which start at the bottom left. See also * this answer by Michael Klink for * further details and * PDFBOX-4597 for a sample * file. * * @return The x coordinate of the character. */ public float getX() { return x; } /** * This will get the text direction adjusted x position of the character. * This is adjusted based on text direction so that the first character * in that direction is in the upper left at 0,0. * This method ignores the page rotation but takes the text rotation (see * {@link #getDir() getDir()}) and adjusts the coordinates to awt. This is useful when doing * text extraction, to compare the glyph positions when imagining these to be horizontal. See also * this answer by Michael Klink for * further details and * PDFBOX-4597 for a sample * file. * * @return The x coordinate of the text. */ public float getXDirAdj() { return getXRot(getDir()); } /** * This will get the y position of the character with 0,0 in lower left. * This will be adjusted by the given rotation. * * @param rotation Rotation to apply to text to adjust the 0,0 location (0,90,180,270) * @return The y coordinate of the text */ private float getYLowerLeftRot(float rotation) { if (rotation == 0) { return textMatrix.getTranslateY(); } else if (rotation == 90) { return pageWidth - textMatrix.getTranslateX(); } else if (rotation == 180) { return pageHeight - textMatrix.getTranslateY(); } else if (rotation == 270) { return textMatrix.getTranslateX(); } return 0; } /** * This will get the page rotation adjusted x position of the character. * This is adjusted based on page rotation so that the upper left is 0,0 which is * unlike PDF coordinates, which start at the bottom left. See also * this answer by Michael Klink for * further details and * PDFBOX-4597 for a sample * file. * * @return The adjusted y coordinate of the character. */ public float getY() { return y; } /** * This will get the y position of the text, adjusted so that 0,0 is upper left and it is * adjusted based on the text direction. * This method ignores the page rotation but takes the * text rotation and adjusts the coordinates to awt. This is useful when doing text extraction, * to compare the glyph positions when imagining these to be horizontal. See also * this answer by Michael Klink for * further details and * PDFBOX-4597 for a sample * file. * * @return The adjusted y coordinate of the character. */ public float getYDirAdj() { float dir = getDir(); // some PDFBox code assumes that the 0,0 point is in upper left, not lower left if (dir == 0 || dir == 180) { return pageHeight - getYLowerLeftRot(dir); } else { return pageWidth - getYLowerLeftRot(dir); } } /** * Get the length or width of the text, based on a given rotation. * * @param rotation Rotation that was used to determine coordinates (0,90,180,270) * @return Width of text in display units */ private float getWidthRot(float rotation) { if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270) { return Math.abs(endY - textMatrix.getTranslateY()); } else { return Math.abs(endX - textMatrix.getTranslateX()); } } /** * This will get the width of the string when page rotation adjusted coordinates are used. * * @return The width of the text in display units. */ public float getWidth() { return getWidthRot(rotation); } /** * This will get the width of the string when text direction adjusted coordinates are used. * * @return The width of the text in display units. */ public float getWidthDirAdj() { return getWidthRot(getDir()); } /** * This will get the maximum height of all characters in this string. * * @return The maximum height of all characters in this string. */ public float getHeight() { return maxHeight; } /** * This will get the maximum height of all characters in this string. * * @return The maximum height of all characters in this string. */ public float getHeightDir() { // this is not really a rotation-dependent calculation, but this is defined for symmetry return maxHeight; } /** * This will get the font size that has been set with the "Tf" operator (Set text font and * size). When the text is rendered, it may appear bigger or smaller depending on the current * transformation matrix (set by the "cm" operator) and the text matrix (set by the "Tm" * operator). * * @return The font size. */ public float getFontSize() { return fontSize; } /** * This will get the font size in pt. To get this size we have to multiply the font size from * {@link #getFontSize() getFontSize()} with the text matrix (set by the "Tm" operator) * horizontal scaling factor and truncate the result to integer. The actual rendering may appear * bigger or smaller depending on the current transformation matrix (set by the "cm" operator). * To get the size in rendering, use {@link #getXScale() getXScale()}. * * @return The font size in pt. */ public float getFontSizeInPt() { return fontSizePt; } /** * This will get the font for the text being drawn. * * @return The font size. */ public PDFont getFont() { return font; } /** * This will get the width of a space character. This is useful for some algorithms such as the * text stripper, that need to know the width of a space character. * * @return The width of a space character. */ public float getWidthOfSpace() { return widthOfSpace; } /** * This will get the X scaling factor. This is dependent on the current transformation matrix * (set by the "cm" operator), the text matrix (set by the "Tm" operator) and the font size (set * by the "Tf" operator). * * @return The X scaling factor. */ public float getXScale() { return textMatrix.getScalingFactorX(); } /** * This will get the Y scaling factor. This is dependent on the current transformation matrix * (set by the "cm" operator), the text matrix (set by the "Tm" operator) and the font size (set * by the "Tf" operator). * * @return The Y scaling factor. */ public float getYScale() { return textMatrix.getScalingFactorY(); } /** * Get the widths of each individual character. * * @return An array that has the same length as the CharacterCodes array. */ public float[] getIndividualWidths() { return widths; } /** * Determine if this TextPosition logically contains another (i.e. they overlap and should be * rendered on top of each other). * * @param tp2 The other TestPosition to compare against * @return True if tp2 is contained in the bounding box of this text. */ public boolean contains(TextPosition tp2) { double thisXstart = getXDirAdj(); double thisWidth = getWidthDirAdj(); double thisXend = thisXstart + thisWidth; double tp2Xstart = tp2.getXDirAdj(); double tp2Xend = tp2Xstart + tp2.getWidthDirAdj(); // no X overlap at all so return as soon as possible if (tp2Xend <= thisXstart || tp2Xstart >= thisXend) { return false; } // no Y overlap at all so return as soon as possible. Note: 0.0 is in the upper left and // y-coordinate is top of TextPosition double thisYstart = getYDirAdj(); double tp2Ystart = tp2.getYDirAdj(); if (tp2Ystart + tp2.getHeightDir() < thisYstart || tp2Ystart > thisYstart + getHeightDir()) { return false; } // we're going to calculate the percentage of overlap, if its less than a 15% x-coordinate // overlap then we'll return false because its negligible, .15 was determined by trial and // error in the regression test files else if (tp2Xstart > thisXstart && tp2Xend > thisXend) { double overlap = thisXend - tp2Xstart; double overlapPercent = overlap/thisWidth; return overlapPercent > .15; } else if (tp2Xstart < thisXstart && tp2Xend < thisXend) { double overlap = tp2Xend - thisXstart; double overlapPercent = overlap/thisWidth; return overlapPercent > .15; } return true; } /** * Merge a single character TextPosition into the current object. This is to be used only for * cases where we have a diacritic that overlaps an existing TextPosition. In a graphical * display, we could overlay them, but for text extraction we need to merge them. Use the * contains() method to test if two objects overlap. * * @param diacritic TextPosition to merge into the current TextPosition. */ public void mergeDiacritic(TextPosition diacritic) { if (diacritic.getUnicode().length() > 1) { return; } float diacXStart = diacritic.getXDirAdj(); float diacXEnd = diacXStart + diacritic.widths[0]; float currCharXStart = getXDirAdj(); int strLen = unicode.length(); boolean wasAdded = false; for (int i = 0; i < strLen && !wasAdded; i++) { if (i >= widths.length) {"diacritic " + diacritic.getUnicode() + " on ligature " + unicode + " is not supported yet and is ignored (PDFBOX-2831)"); break; } float currCharXEnd = currCharXStart + widths[i]; // this is the case where there is an overlap of the diacritic character with the // current character and the previous character. If no previous character, just append // the diacritic after the current one if (diacXStart < currCharXStart && diacXEnd <= currCharXEnd) { if (i == 0) { insertDiacritic(i, diacritic); } else { float distanceOverlapping1 = diacXEnd - currCharXStart; float percentage1 = distanceOverlapping1/widths[i]; float distanceOverlapping2 = currCharXStart - diacXStart; float percentage2 = distanceOverlapping2/widths[i - 1]; if (percentage1 >= percentage2) { insertDiacritic(i, diacritic); } else { insertDiacritic(i - 1, diacritic); } } wasAdded = true; } // diacritic completely covers this character and therefore we assume that this is the // character the diacritic belongs to else if (diacXStart < currCharXStart) { insertDiacritic(i, diacritic); wasAdded = true; } // otherwise, The diacritic modifies this character because its completely // contained by the character width else if (diacXEnd <= currCharXEnd) { insertDiacritic(i, diacritic); wasAdded = true; } // last character in the TextPosition so we add diacritic to the end else if (i == strLen - 1) { insertDiacritic(i, diacritic); wasAdded = true; } // couldn't find anything useful so we go to the next character in the TextPosition currCharXStart += widths[i]; } } /** * Inserts the diacritic TextPosition to the str of this TextPosition and updates the widths * array to include the extra character width. * * @param i current character * @param diacritic The diacritic TextPosition */ private void insertDiacritic(int i, TextPosition diacritic) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(unicode.substring(0, i)); float[] widths2 = new float[widths.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(widths, 0, widths2, 0, i); // Unicode combining diacritics always go after the base character, regardless of whether // the string is in presentation order or logical order sb.append(unicode.charAt(i)); widths2[i] = widths[i]; sb.append(combineDiacritic(diacritic.getUnicode())); widths2[i + 1] = 0; // get the rest of the string sb.append(unicode.substring(i + 1, unicode.length())); System.arraycopy(widths, i + 1, widths2, i + 2, widths.length - i - 1); unicode = sb.toString(); widths = widths2; } /** * Combine the diacritic, for example, convert non-combining diacritic characters to their * combining counterparts. * * @param str String to normalize * @return Normalized string */ private String combineDiacritic(String str) { // Unicode contains special combining forms of the diacritic characters which we want to use int codePoint = str.codePointAt(0); // convert the characters not defined in the Unicode spec if (DIACRITICS.containsKey(codePoint)) { return DIACRITICS.get(codePoint); } else { return Normalizer.normalize(str, Normalizer.Form.NFKC).trim(); } } /** * @return True if the current character is a diacritic char. */ public boolean isDiacritic() { String text = this.getUnicode(); if (text.length() != 1) { return false; } if ("ー".equals(text)) { // PDFBOX-3833: ー is not a real diacritic like ¨ or ˆ, it just changes the // pronunciation of the previous sound, and is printed after the previous glyph // // Ignoring it as diacritic avoids trouble if it slightly overlaps with the next glyph. return false; } int type = Character.getType(text.charAt(0)); return type == Character.NON_SPACING_MARK || type == Character.MODIFIER_SYMBOL || type == Character.MODIFIER_LETTER; } /** * Show the string data for this text position. * * @return A human readable form of this object. */ @Override public String toString() { return getUnicode(); } /** * This will get the x coordinate of the end position. This is the unadjusted value passed into * the constructor. * * @return The unadjusted x coordinate of the end position */ public float getEndX() { return endX; } /** * This will get the y coordinate of the end position. This is the unadjusted value passed into * the constructor. * * @return The unadjusted y coordinate of the end position */ public float getEndY() { return endY; } /** * This will get the rotation of the page that the text is located in. This is the unadjusted * value passed into the constructor. * * @return The unadjusted rotation of the page that the text is located in */ public int getRotation() { return rotation; } /** * This will get the height of the page that the text is located in. This is the unadjusted * value passed into the constructor. * * @return The unadjusted height of the page that the text is located in */ public float getPageHeight() { return pageHeight; } /** * This will get the width of the page that the text is located in. This is the unadjusted value * passed into the constructor. * * @return The unadjusted width of the page that the text is located in */ public float getPageWidth() { return pageWidth; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof TextPosition)) { return false; } TextPosition that = (TextPosition) o; if (, endX) != 0) { return false; } if (, endY) != 0) { return false; } if (, maxHeight) != 0) { return false; } if (rotation != that.rotation) { return false; } if (, x) != 0) { return false; } if (, y) != 0) { return false; } if (, pageHeight) != 0) { return false; } if (, pageWidth) != 0) { return false; } if (, widthOfSpace) != 0) { return false; } if (, fontSize) != 0) { return false; } if (fontSizePt != that.fontSizePt) { return false; } if (textMatrix != null ? !textMatrix.equals(that.textMatrix) : that.textMatrix != null) { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(charCodes, that.charCodes)) { return false; } return font != null ? font.equals(that.font) : that.font == null; // If changing this method, do not compare mutable fields (PDFBOX-4701) } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = textMatrix != null ? textMatrix.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(endX); result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(endY); result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(maxHeight); result = 31 * result + rotation; result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(x); result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(y); result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(pageHeight); result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(pageWidth); result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(widthOfSpace); result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(charCodes); result = 31 * result + (font != null ? font.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + Float.floatToIntBits(fontSize); result = 31 * result + fontSizePt; return result; } }

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