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The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents.

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSArray;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSNumber;
import org.apache.pdfbox.filter.DecodeOptions;

 * Reads a sampled image from a PDF file.
 * @author John Hewson
final class SampledImageReader
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SampledImageReader.class);
    private SampledImageReader()

     * Returns an ARGB image filled with the given paint and using the given image as a mask.
     * @param paint the paint to fill the visible portions of the image with
     * @return a masked image filled with the given paint
     * @throws IOException if the image cannot be read
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the image is not a stencil.
    public static BufferedImage getStencilImage(PDImage pdImage, Paint paint) throws IOException
        int width = pdImage.getWidth();
        int height = pdImage.getHeight();

        // compose to ARGB
        BufferedImage masked = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
        Graphics2D g = masked.createGraphics();

        // draw the mask
        //g.drawImage(mask, 0, 0, null);

        // fill with paint using src-in
        g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);

        // set the alpha
        WritableRaster raster = masked.getRaster();

        final int[] transparent = new int[4];

        // avoid getting a BufferedImage for the mask to lessen memory footprint.
        // Such masks are always bpc=1 and have no colorspace, but have a decode.
        // (see Stencil Masking)
        try (InputStream iis = pdImage.createInputStream())
            final float[] decode = getDecodeArray(pdImage);
            int value = decode[0] < decode[1] ? 1 : 0;
            int rowLen = width / 8;
            if (width % 8 > 0)
            byte[] buff = new byte[rowLen];
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                int x = 0;
                int readLen = (int) IOUtils.populateBuffer(iis, buff);
                for (int r = 0; r < rowLen && r < readLen; r++)
                    int byteValue = buff[r];
                    int mask = 128;
                    int shift = 7;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        int bit = (byteValue & mask) >> shift;
                        mask >>= 1;
                        if (bit == value)
                            raster.setPixel(x, y, transparent);
                        if (x == width)
                if (readLen != rowLen)
                    LOG.warn("premature EOF, image will be incomplete");

        return masked;

     * Returns the content of the given image as an AWT buffered image with an RGB color space.
     * If a color key mask is provided then an ARGB image is returned instead.
     * This method never returns null.
     * @param pdImage the image to read
     * @param colorKey an optional color key mask
     * @return content of this image as an RGB buffered image
     * @throws IOException if the image cannot be read
    public static BufferedImage getRGBImage(PDImage pdImage, COSArray colorKey) throws IOException
        return getRGBImage(pdImage, null, 1, colorKey);

    private static Rectangle clipRegion(PDImage pdImage, Rectangle region)
        if (region == null)
            return new Rectangle(0, 0, pdImage.getWidth(), pdImage.getHeight());
            int x = Math.max(0, region.x);
            int y = Math.max(0, region.y);
            int width = Math.min(region.width, pdImage.getWidth() - x);
            int height = Math.min(region.height, pdImage.getHeight() - y);
            return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);

     * Returns the content of the given image as an AWT buffered image with an RGB color space.
     * If a color key mask is provided then an ARGB image is returned instead.
     * This method never returns null.
     * @param pdImage the image to read
     * @param region The region of the source image to get, or null if the entire image is needed.
     *               The actual region will be clipped to the dimensions of the source image.
     * @param subsampling The amount of rows and columns to advance for every output pixel, a value
     * of 1 meaning every pixel will be read. It must not be larger than the image width or height.
     * @param colorKey an optional color key mask
     * @return content of this image as an (A)RGB buffered image
     * @throws IOException if the image cannot be read
    public static BufferedImage getRGBImage(PDImage pdImage, Rectangle region, int subsampling,
                                            COSArray colorKey) throws IOException
        if (pdImage.isEmpty())
            throw new IOException("Image stream is empty");
        Rectangle clipped = clipRegion(pdImage, region);

        // get parameters, they must be valid or have been repaired
        final PDColorSpace colorSpace = pdImage.getColorSpace();
        final int numComponents = colorSpace.getNumberOfComponents();
        final int width = (int) Math.ceil(clipped.getWidth() / subsampling);
        final int height = (int) Math.ceil(clipped.getHeight() / subsampling);
        final int bitsPerComponent = pdImage.getBitsPerComponent();

        if (width <= 0 || height <= 0 || pdImage.getWidth() <= 0 || pdImage.getHeight() <= 0)
            throw new IOException("image width and height must be positive");

            if (bitsPerComponent == 1 && colorKey == null && numComponents == 1)
                return from1Bit(pdImage, clipped, subsampling, width, height);

            // An AWT raster must use 8/16/32 bits per component. Images with < 8bpc
            // will be unpacked into a byte-backed raster. Images with 16bpc will be reduced
            // in depth to 8bpc as they will be drawn to TYPE_INT_RGB images anyway. All code
            // in PDColorSpace#toRGBImage expects an 8-bit range, i.e. 0-255.
            // Interleaved raster allows chunk-copying for 8-bit images.
            WritableRaster raster = Raster.createInterleavedRaster(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, width, height,
                    numComponents, new Point(0, 0));
            final float[] defaultDecode = pdImage.getColorSpace().getDefaultDecode(8);
            final float[] decode = getDecodeArray(pdImage);
            if (bitsPerComponent == 8 && colorKey == null && Arrays.equals(decode, defaultDecode))
                // convert image, faster path for non-decoded, non-colormasked 8-bit images
                return from8bit(pdImage, raster, clipped, subsampling, width, height);
            return fromAny(pdImage, raster, colorKey, clipped, subsampling, width, height);
        catch (NegativeArraySizeException | IllegalArgumentException ex)
            throw new IOException(ex);

     * Extract the raw unconverted raster of the given image
     * @param pdImage  The image to get the raw raster data from
     * @return the raw raster of this image
     * @throws IOException
    public static WritableRaster getRawRaster(PDImage pdImage) throws IOException
        if (pdImage.isEmpty())
            throw new IOException("Image stream is empty");

        // get parameters, they must be valid or have been repaired
        final PDColorSpace colorSpace = pdImage.getColorSpace();
        final int numComponents = colorSpace.getNumberOfComponents();
        final int width = pdImage.getWidth();
        final int height = pdImage.getHeight();
        final int bitsPerComponent = pdImage.getBitsPerComponent();

        if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
            throw new IOException("image width and height must be positive");

            int dataBufferType = DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE;
            if (bitsPerComponent > 8)
                dataBufferType = DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT;
            WritableRaster raster = Raster.createInterleavedRaster(dataBufferType, width, height, numComponents,
                    new Point(0, 0));
            readRasterFromAny(pdImage, raster);
            return raster;
        catch (NegativeArraySizeException | IllegalArgumentException ex)
            throw new IOException(ex);

    private static void readRasterFromAny(PDImage pdImage, WritableRaster raster)
            throws IOException
        final PDColorSpace colorSpace = pdImage.getColorSpace();
        final int numComponents = colorSpace.getNumberOfComponents();
        final int bitsPerComponent = pdImage.getBitsPerComponent();
        final float[] decode = getDecodeArray(pdImage);
        DecodeOptions options = new DecodeOptions();

        // read bit stream
        try (ImageInputStream iis = new MemoryCacheImageInputStream(pdImage.createInputStream(options)))
            final int inputWidth = pdImage.getWidth();
            final int scanWidth = pdImage.getWidth();
            final int scanHeight = pdImage.getHeight();

            // create stream
            final float sampleMax = (float) Math.pow(2, bitsPerComponent) - 1f;
            final boolean isIndexed = colorSpace instanceof PDIndexed;

            // calculate row padding
            int padding = 0;
            if (inputWidth * numComponents * bitsPerComponent % 8 > 0)
                padding = 8 - (inputWidth * numComponents * bitsPerComponent % 8);

            // read stream
            final boolean isShort = raster.getDataBuffer().getDataType() == DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT;
            assert !isIndexed || !isShort;
            final byte[] srcColorValuesBytes = isShort ? null : new byte[numComponents];
            final short[] srcColorValuesShort = isShort ? new short[numComponents] : null;
            for (int y = 0; y < scanHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < scanWidth; x++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < numComponents; c++)
                        int value = (int) iis.readBits(bitsPerComponent);

                        // decode array
                        final float dMin = decode[c * 2];
                        final float dMax = decode[(c * 2) + 1];

                        // interpolate to domain
                        float output = dMin + (value * ((dMax - dMin) / sampleMax));

                        if (isIndexed)
                            // indexed color spaces get the raw value, because the TYPE_BYTE
                            // below cannot be reversed by the color space without it having
                            // knowledge of the number of bits per component
                            srcColorValuesBytes[c] = (byte) Math.round(output);
                            if (isShort)
                                // interpolate to TYPE_SHORT
                                int outputShort = Math
                                        .round(((output - Math.min(dMin, dMax)) / Math.abs(dMax - dMin)) * 65535f);

                                srcColorValuesShort[c] = (short) outputShort;
                                // interpolate to TYPE_BYTE
                                int outputByte = Math
                                        .round(((output - Math.min(dMin, dMax)) / Math.abs(dMax - dMin)) * 255f);

                                srcColorValuesBytes[c] = (byte) outputByte;

                    if (isShort)
                        raster.setDataElements(x, y, srcColorValuesShort);
                        raster.setDataElements(x, y, srcColorValuesBytes);

                // rows are padded to the nearest byte

    private static BufferedImage from1Bit(PDImage pdImage, Rectangle clipped, final int subsampling,
                                          final int width, final int height) throws IOException
        int currentSubsampling = subsampling;
        final PDColorSpace colorSpace = pdImage.getColorSpace();
        final float[] decode = getDecodeArray(pdImage);
        BufferedImage bim = null;
        WritableRaster raster;

        DecodeOptions options = new DecodeOptions(currentSubsampling);
        // read bit stream
        try (InputStream iis = pdImage.createInputStream(options))
            final int inputWidth;
            final int startx;
            final int starty;
            final int scanWidth;
            final int scanHeight;
            if (options.isFilterSubsampled())
                // Decode options were honored, and so there is no need for additional clipping or subsampling
                inputWidth = width;
                startx = 0;
                starty = 0;
                scanWidth = width;
                scanHeight = height;
                currentSubsampling = 1;
                // Decode options not honored, so we need to clip and subsample ourselves.
                inputWidth = pdImage.getWidth();
                startx = clipped.x;
                starty = clipped.y;
                scanWidth = clipped.width;
                scanHeight = clipped.height;
            if (colorSpace instanceof PDDeviceGray)
                // TYPE_BYTE_GRAY and not TYPE_BYTE_BINARY because this one is handled
                // without conversion to RGB by Graphics.drawImage
                // this reduces the memory footprint, only one byte per pixel instead of three.
                bim = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
                raster = bim.getRaster();
                raster = Raster.createBandedRaster(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, width, height, 1, new Point(0, 0));

            final byte[] output = ((DataBufferByte) raster.getDataBuffer()).getData();
            int idx = 0;

            // read stream byte per byte, invert pixel bits if necessary,
            // and then simply shift bits out to the left, detecting set bits via sign 
            final boolean nosubsampling = currentSubsampling == 1;
            final int stride = (inputWidth + 7) / 8;
            final int invert = decode[0] < decode[1] ? 0 : -1;
            final int endX = startx + scanWidth;
            final byte[] buff = new byte[stride];
            for (int y = 0; y < starty + scanHeight; y++)
                int read = (int) IOUtils.populateBuffer(iis, buff);
                if (y >= starty && y % currentSubsampling == 0)
                    int x = startx;
                    for (int r = x / 8; r < stride && r < read; r++)
                        int value = (buff[r] ^ invert) << (24 + (x & 7));
                        for (int count = Math.min(8 - (x & 7), endX - x); count > 0; x++, count--)
                            if (nosubsampling || x % currentSubsampling == 0)
                                if (value < 0)
                                    output[idx] = (byte) 255;
                            value <<= 1;
                if (read != stride)
                    LOG.warn("premature EOF, image will be incomplete");

            if (bim != null)
                return bim;

            // use the color space to convert the image to RGB
            return colorSpace.toRGBImage(raster);

    // faster, 8-bit non-decoded, non-colormasked image conversion
    private static BufferedImage from8bit(PDImage pdImage, WritableRaster raster, Rectangle clipped, final int subsampling,
                                          final int width, final int height) throws IOException
        int currentSubsampling = subsampling;
        DecodeOptions options = new DecodeOptions(currentSubsampling);
        try (InputStream input = pdImage.createInputStream(options))
            final int inputWidth;
            final int startx;
            final int starty;
            final int scanWidth;
            final int scanHeight;
            if (options.isFilterSubsampled())
                // Decode options were honored, and so there is no need for additional clipping or subsampling
                inputWidth = width;
                startx = 0;
                starty = 0;
                scanWidth = width;
                scanHeight = height;
                currentSubsampling = 1;
                // Decode options not honored, so we need to clip and subsample ourselves.
                inputWidth = pdImage.getWidth();
                startx = clipped.x;
                starty = clipped.y;
                scanWidth = clipped.width;
                scanHeight = clipped.height;
            final int numComponents = pdImage.getColorSpace().getNumberOfComponents();
            // get the raster's underlying byte buffer
            byte[] bank = ((DataBufferByte) raster.getDataBuffer()).getData();
            if (startx == 0 && starty == 0 && scanWidth == width && scanHeight == height && currentSubsampling == 1)
                // we just need to copy all sample data, then convert to RGB image.
                long inputResult = IOUtils.populateBuffer(input, bank);
                if (, (long) width * height * numComponents) != 0)
                    LOG.debug("Tried reading " + (long) width * height * numComponents + " bytes but only " + inputResult + " bytes read");
                return pdImage.getColorSpace().toRGBImage(raster);

            // either subsampling is required, or reading only part of the image, so its
            // not possible to blindly copy all data.
            byte[] tempBytes = new byte[numComponents * inputWidth];
            // compromise between memory and time usage:
            // reading the whole image consumes too much memory
            // reading one pixel at a time makes it slow in our buffering infrastructure 
            int i = 0;
            for (int y = 0; y < starty + scanHeight; ++y)
                long inputResult = IOUtils.populateBuffer(input, tempBytes);

                if (, tempBytes.length) != 0)
                    LOG.debug("Tried reading " + tempBytes.length + " bytes but only " + inputResult + " bytes read");

                if (y < starty || y % currentSubsampling > 0)

                if (currentSubsampling == 1)
                    // Not the entire region was requested, but if no subsampling should
                    // be performed, we can still copy the entire part of this row
                    System.arraycopy(tempBytes, startx * numComponents, bank, y * inputWidth * numComponents, scanWidth * numComponents);
                    for (int x = startx; x < startx + scanWidth; x += currentSubsampling)
                        for (int c = 0; c < numComponents; c++)
                            bank[i] = tempBytes[x * numComponents + c];
            // use the color space to convert the image to RGB
            return pdImage.getColorSpace().toRGBImage(raster);

    // slower, general-purpose image conversion from any image format
    private static BufferedImage fromAny(PDImage pdImage, WritableRaster raster, COSArray colorKey, Rectangle clipped,
                                         final int subsampling, final int width, final int height)
            throws IOException
        int currentSubsampling = subsampling;
        final PDColorSpace colorSpace = pdImage.getColorSpace();
        final int numComponents = colorSpace.getNumberOfComponents();
        final int bitsPerComponent = pdImage.getBitsPerComponent();
        final float[] decode = getDecodeArray(pdImage);

        DecodeOptions options = new DecodeOptions(currentSubsampling);
        // read bit stream
        try (ImageInputStream iis = new MemoryCacheImageInputStream(pdImage.createInputStream(options)))
            final int inputWidth;
            final int startx;
            final int starty;
            final int scanWidth;
            final int scanHeight;
            if (options.isFilterSubsampled())
                // Decode options were honored, and so there is no need for additional clipping or subsampling
                inputWidth = width;
                startx = 0;
                starty = 0;
                scanWidth = width;
                scanHeight = height;
                currentSubsampling = 1;
                // Decode options not honored, so we need to clip and subsample ourselves.
                inputWidth = pdImage.getWidth();
                startx = clipped.x;
                starty = clipped.y;
                scanWidth = clipped.width;
                scanHeight = clipped.height;
            final float sampleMax = (float) Math.pow(2, bitsPerComponent) - 1f;
            final boolean isIndexed = colorSpace instanceof PDIndexed;

            // init color key mask
            float[] colorKeyRanges = null;
            BufferedImage colorKeyMask = null;
            if (colorKey != null)
                if (colorKey.size() >= numComponents * 2)
                    colorKeyRanges = colorKey.toFloatArray();
                    colorKeyMask = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
                    LOG.warn("colorKey mask size is " + colorKey.size() +
                             ", should be " + (numComponents * 2) + ", ignored");

            // calculate row padding
            int padding = 0;
            if (inputWidth * numComponents * bitsPerComponent % 8 > 0)
                padding = 8 - (inputWidth * numComponents * bitsPerComponent % 8);

            // read stream
            byte[] srcColorValues = new byte[numComponents];
            byte[] alpha = new byte[1];
            for (int y = 0; y < starty + scanHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < startx + scanWidth; x++)
                    boolean isMasked = true;
                    for (int c = 0; c < numComponents; c++)
                        int value = (int)iis.readBits(bitsPerComponent);

                        // color key mask requires values before they are decoded
                        if (colorKeyRanges != null)
                            isMasked &= value >= colorKeyRanges[c * 2] &&
                                        value <= colorKeyRanges[c * 2 + 1];

                        // decode array
                        final float dMin = decode[c * 2];
                        final float dMax = decode[(c * 2) + 1];

                        // interpolate to domain
                        float output = dMin + (value * ((dMax - dMin) / sampleMax));

                        if (isIndexed)
                            // indexed color spaces get the raw value, because the TYPE_BYTE
                            // below cannot be reversed by the color space without it having
                            // knowledge of the number of bits per component
                            srcColorValues[c] = (byte)Math.round(output);
                            // interpolate to TYPE_BYTE
                            int outputByte = Math.round(((output - Math.min(dMin, dMax)) /
                                    Math.abs(dMax - dMin)) * 255f);

                            srcColorValues[c] = (byte)outputByte;
                    // only write to output if within requested region and subsample.
                    if (x >= startx && y >= starty && x % currentSubsampling == 0 && y % currentSubsampling == 0)
                        raster.setDataElements((x - startx) / currentSubsampling, (y - starty) / currentSubsampling, srcColorValues);

                        // set alpha channel in color key mask, if any
                        if (colorKeyMask != null)
                            alpha[0] = (byte)(isMasked ? 255 : 0);
                            colorKeyMask.getRaster().setDataElements((x - startx) / currentSubsampling, (y - starty) / currentSubsampling, alpha);

                // rows are padded to the nearest byte

            // use the color space to convert the image to RGB
            BufferedImage rgbImage = colorSpace.toRGBImage(raster);

            // apply color mask, if any
            if (colorKeyMask != null)
                return applyColorKeyMask(rgbImage, colorKeyMask);
                return rgbImage;

    // color key mask: RGB + Binary -> ARGB
    private static BufferedImage applyColorKeyMask(BufferedImage image, BufferedImage mask)
        int width = image.getWidth();
        int height = image.getHeight();

        // compose to ARGB
        BufferedImage masked = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

        WritableRaster src = image.getRaster();
        WritableRaster dest = masked.getRaster();
        WritableRaster alpha = mask.getRaster();

        float[] rgb = new float[3];
        float[] rgba = new float[4];
        float[] alphaPixel = null;
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                src.getPixel(x, y, rgb);

                rgba[0] = rgb[0];
                rgba[1] = rgb[1];
                rgba[2] = rgb[2];
                alphaPixel = alpha.getPixel(x, y, alphaPixel);
                rgba[3] = 255 - alphaPixel[0];

                dest.setPixel(x, y, rgba);

        return masked;

    // gets decode array from dictionary or returns default
    private static float[] getDecodeArray(PDImage pdImage) throws IOException
        final COSArray cosDecode = pdImage.getDecode();
        float[] decode = null;

        if (cosDecode != null)
            int numberOfComponents = pdImage.getColorSpace().getNumberOfComponents();
            if (cosDecode.size() != numberOfComponents * 2)
                if (pdImage.isStencil() && cosDecode.size() >= 2
                        && cosDecode.get(0) instanceof COSNumber
                        && cosDecode.get(1) instanceof COSNumber)
                    float decode0 = ((COSNumber) cosDecode.get(0)).floatValue();
                    float decode1 = ((COSNumber) cosDecode.get(1)).floatValue();
                    if (decode0 >= 0 && decode0 <= 1 && decode1 >= 0 && decode1 <= 1)
                        LOG.warn("decode array " + cosDecode
                                + " not compatible with color space, using the first two entries");
                        return new float[]
                            decode0, decode1
                LOG.error("decode array " + cosDecode
                        + " not compatible with color space, using default");
                decode = cosDecode.toFloatArray();

        // use color space default
        if (decode == null)
            return pdImage.getColorSpace().getDefaultDecode(pdImage.getBitsPerComponent());

        return decode;

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