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org.apache.pekko.dispatch.Mailbox.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Apache Pekko is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications for Java and Scala.

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, version 2.0:
 * This file is part of the Apache Pekko project, which was derived from Akka.

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2022 Lightbend Inc. 

package org.apache.pekko.dispatch

import java.util.{ Comparator, Deque, PriorityQueue, Queue }
import java.util.concurrent._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Duration, FiniteDuration }
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

import com.typesafe.config.Config

import org.apache.pekko
import{ ActorCell, ActorRef, ActorSystem, DeadLetter, InternalActorRef }
import pekko.annotation.InternalStableApi
import pekko.dispatch.sysmsg._
import pekko.event.Logging.Error
import pekko.util.{ BoundedBlockingQueue, StablePriorityBlockingQueue, StablePriorityQueue, Unsafe }
import pekko.util.Helpers.ConfigOps

private[pekko] object Mailbox {

  type Status = Int

   * The following assigned numbers CANNOT be changed without looking at the code which uses them!

  // Primary status
  final val Open = 0 // _status is not initialized in AbstractMailbox, so default must be zero! Deliberately without type ascription to make it a compile-time constant
  final val Closed = 1 // Deliberately without type ascription to make it a compile-time constant
  // Secondary status: Scheduled bit may be added to Open/Suspended
  final val Scheduled = 2 // Deliberately without type ascription to make it a compile-time constant
  // Shifted by 2: the suspend count!
  final val shouldScheduleMask = 3
  final val shouldNotProcessMask = ~2
  final val suspendMask = ~3
  final val suspendUnit = 4

  // mailbox debugging helper using println (see below)
  // since this is a compile-time constant, scalac will elide code behind if (Mailbox.debug) (RK checked with 2.9.1)
  final val debug = false // Deliberately without type ascription to make it a compile-time constant

 * Mailbox and InternalMailbox is separated in two classes because ActorCell is needed for implementation,
 * but can't be exposed to user defined mailbox subclasses.
private[pekko] abstract class Mailbox(val messageQueue: MessageQueue)
    extends ForkJoinTask[Unit]
    with SystemMessageQueue
    with Runnable {

  import Mailbox._

   * This is needed for actually executing the mailbox, i.e. invoking the
   * ActorCell. There are situations (e.g. RepointableActorRef) where a Mailbox
   * is constructed but we know that we will not execute it, in which case this
   * will be null. It must be a var to support switching into an “active”
   * mailbox, should the owning ActorRef turn local.
   * actorCell.start() publishes actorCell & self to the dispatcher, which
   * means that messages may be processed theoretically before self’s constructor
   * ends. The JMM guarantees visibility for final fields only after the end
   * of the constructor, so safe publication requires that THIS WRITE BELOW
   * stay as it is.
  var actor: ActorCell = _
  def setActor(cell: ActorCell): Unit = actor = cell

  def dispatcher: MessageDispatcher = actor.dispatcher

   * Try to enqueue the message to this queue, or throw an exception.
  def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, msg: Envelope): Unit = messageQueue.enqueue(receiver, msg)

   * Try to dequeue the next message from this queue, return null failing that.
  def dequeue(): Envelope = messageQueue.dequeue()

   * Indicates whether this queue is non-empty.
  def hasMessages: Boolean = messageQueue.hasMessages

   * Should return the current number of messages held in this queue; may
   * always return 0 if no other value is available efficiently. Do not use
   * this for testing for presence of messages, use `hasMessages` instead.
  def numberOfMessages: Int = messageQueue.numberOfMessages

  protected var _statusDoNotCallMeDirectly: Status = _ // 0 by default

  protected var _systemQueueDoNotCallMeDirectly: SystemMessage = _ // null by default

  final def currentStatus: Mailbox.Status = Unsafe.instance.getIntVolatile(this, AbstractMailbox.mailboxStatusOffset)

  final def shouldProcessMessage: Boolean = (currentStatus & shouldNotProcessMask) == 0

  final def suspendCount: Int = currentStatus / suspendUnit

  final def isSuspended: Boolean = (currentStatus & suspendMask) != 0

  final def isClosed: Boolean = currentStatus == Closed

  final def isScheduled: Boolean = (currentStatus & Scheduled) != 0

  protected final def updateStatus(oldStatus: Status, newStatus: Status): Boolean =
    Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapInt(this, AbstractMailbox.mailboxStatusOffset, oldStatus, newStatus)

  protected final def setStatus(newStatus: Status): Unit =
    Unsafe.instance.putIntVolatile(this, AbstractMailbox.mailboxStatusOffset, newStatus)

   * Reduce the suspend count by one. Caller does not need to worry about whether
   * status was Scheduled or not.
   * @return true if the suspend count reached zero
  final def resume(): Boolean = currentStatus match {
    case Closed =>
      setStatus(Closed); false
    case s =>
      val next = if (s < suspendUnit) s else s - suspendUnit
      if (updateStatus(s, next)) next < suspendUnit
      else resume()

   * Increment the suspend count by one. Caller does not need to worry about whether
   * status was Scheduled or not.
   * @return true if the previous suspend count was zero
  final def suspend(): Boolean = currentStatus match {
    case Closed =>
      setStatus(Closed); false
    case s =>
      if (updateStatus(s, s + suspendUnit)) s < suspendUnit
      else suspend()

   * set new primary status Closed. Caller does not need to worry about whether
   * status was Scheduled or not.
  final def becomeClosed(): Boolean = currentStatus match {
    case Closed =>
      setStatus(Closed); false
    case s => updateStatus(s, Closed) || becomeClosed()

   * Set Scheduled status, keeping primary status as is.
  final def setAsScheduled(): Boolean = {
    val s = currentStatus
     * Only try to add Scheduled bit if pure Open/Suspended, not Closed or with
     * Scheduled bit already set.
    if ((s & shouldScheduleMask) != Open) false
    else updateStatus(s, s | Scheduled) || setAsScheduled()

   * Reset Scheduled status, keeping primary status as is.
  final def setAsIdle(): Boolean = {
    val s = currentStatus
    updateStatus(s, s & ~Scheduled) || setAsIdle()
   * AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater for system queue.
  protected final def systemQueueGet: LatestFirstSystemMessageList =
    // Note: contrary how it looks, there is no allocation here, as SystemMessageList is a value class and as such
    // it just exists as a typed view during compile-time. The actual return type is still SystemMessage.
    new LatestFirstSystemMessageList(
      Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, AbstractMailbox.systemMessageOffset).asInstanceOf[SystemMessage])

  protected final def systemQueuePut(_old: LatestFirstSystemMessageList, _new: LatestFirstSystemMessageList): Boolean =
    (_old.head eq _new.head) ||
    // Note: calling .head is not actually existing on the bytecode level as the parameters _old and _new
    // are SystemMessage instances hidden during compile time behind the SystemMessageList value class.
    // Without calling .head the parameters would be boxed in SystemMessageList wrapper.
    Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapObject(this, AbstractMailbox.systemMessageOffset, _old.head, _new.head)

  final def canBeScheduledForExecution(hasMessageHint: Boolean, hasSystemMessageHint: Boolean): Boolean =
    currentStatus match {
      case Open | Scheduled => hasMessageHint || hasSystemMessageHint || hasSystemMessages || hasMessages
      case Closed           => false
      case _                => hasSystemMessageHint || hasSystemMessages

  override final def run(): Unit = {
    try {
      if (!isClosed) { // Volatile read, needed here
        processAllSystemMessages() // First, deal with any system messages
        processMailbox() // Then deal with messages
    } finally {
      setAsIdle() // Volatile write, needed here
      dispatcher.registerForExecution(this, false, false)

  override final def getRawResult(): Unit = ()
  override final def setRawResult(unit: Unit): Unit = ()
  final override def exec(): Boolean =
    try {
      run(); false
    } catch {
      case _: InterruptedException =>
      case anything: Throwable =>
        val t = Thread.currentThread()
        t.getUncaughtExceptionHandler match {
          case null =>
          case some => some.uncaughtException(t, anything)
        throw anything

   * Process the messages in the mailbox
  @tailrec private final def processMailbox(
      left: Int = java.lang.Math.max(dispatcher.throughput, 1),
      deadlineNs: Long =
        if (dispatcher.isThroughputDeadlineTimeDefined)
          System.nanoTime + dispatcher.throughputDeadlineTime.toNanos
        else 0L): Unit =
    if (shouldProcessMessage) {
      val next = dequeue()
      if (next ne null) {
        if (Mailbox.debug) println("" + actor.self + " processing message " + next)
        if (Thread.interrupted())
          throw new InterruptedException("Interrupted while processing actor messages")
        if ((left > 1) && (!dispatcher.isThroughputDeadlineTimeDefined || (System.nanoTime - deadlineNs) < 0))
          processMailbox(left - 1, deadlineNs)

   * Will at least try to process all queued system messages: in case of
   * failure simply drop and go on to the next, because there is nothing to
   * restart here (failure is in ActorCell somewhere …). In case the mailbox
   * becomes closed (because of processing a Terminate message), dump all
   * already dequeued message to deadLetters.
  final def processAllSystemMessages(): Unit = {
    var interruption: Throwable = null
    var messageList = systemDrain(SystemMessageList.LNil)
    while (messageList.nonEmpty && !isClosed) {
      val msg = messageList.head
      messageList = messageList.tail
      if (debug) println("" + actor.self + " processing system message " + msg + " with " + actor.childrenRefs)
      // we know here that systemInvoke ensures that only "fatal" exceptions get rethrown
      if (Thread.interrupted())
        interruption = new InterruptedException("Interrupted while processing system messages")
      // don’t ever execute normal message when system message present!
      if (messageList.isEmpty && !isClosed) messageList = systemDrain(SystemMessageList.LNil)
     * if we closed the mailbox, we must dump the remaining system messages
     * to deadLetters (this is essential for DeathWatch)
    val dlm: Mailbox =
      // MICRO-OPT: `actor` is volatile, so the access is slow enough to avoid if not needed
      if (messageList.nonEmpty) actor.dispatcher.mailboxes.deadLetterMailbox
      else null
    while (messageList.nonEmpty) {
      val msg = messageList.head
      messageList = messageList.tail
      try dlm.systemEnqueue(actor.self, msg)
      catch {
        case e: InterruptedException => interruption = e
        case NonFatal(e) =>
              "error while enqueuing " + msg + " to deadLetters: " + e.getMessage))
    // if we got an interrupted exception while handling system messages, then rethrow it
    if (interruption ne null) {
      Thread.interrupted() // clear interrupted flag before throwing according to java convention
      throw interruption

   * Overridable callback to clean up the mailbox,
   * called when an actor is unregistered.
   * By default it dequeues all system messages + messages and ships them to the owning actors' systems' DeadLetterMailbox
  protected[dispatch] def cleanUp(): Unit =
    if (actor ne null) { // actor is null for the deadLetterMailbox
      val dlm = actor.dispatcher.mailboxes.deadLetterMailbox
      var messageList = systemDrain(new LatestFirstSystemMessageList(NoMessage))
      while (messageList.nonEmpty) {
        // message must be “virgin” before being able to systemEnqueue again
        val msg = messageList.head
        messageList = messageList.tail
        dlm.systemEnqueue(actor.self, msg)

      if (messageQueue ne null) // needed for CallingThreadDispatcher, which never calls
        messageQueue.cleanUp(actor.self, actor.dispatcher.mailboxes.deadLetterMailbox.messageQueue)

 * A MessageQueue is one of the core components in forming an Akka Mailbox.
 * The MessageQueue is where the normal messages that are sent to Actors will be enqueued (and subsequently dequeued)
 * It needs to at least support N producers and 1 consumer thread-safely.
trait MessageQueue {

   * Try to enqueue the message to this queue, or throw an exception.
  def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit // NOTE: receiver is used only in two places, but cannot be removed

   * Try to dequeue the next message from this queue, return null failing that.
  def dequeue(): Envelope

   * Should return the current number of messages held in this queue; may
   * always return 0 if no other value is available efficiently. Do not use
   * this for testing for presence of messages, use `hasMessages` instead.
  def numberOfMessages: Int

   * Indicates whether this queue is non-empty.
  def hasMessages: Boolean

   * Called when the mailbox this queue belongs to is disposed of. Normally it
   * is expected to transfer all remaining messages into the dead letter queue
   * which is passed in. The owner of this MessageQueue is passed in if
   * available (e.g. for creating DeadLetters()), “/deadletters” otherwise.
   * Note that we implement the method in a recursive manner mainly for
   * atomicity (not touching the queue twice).
  def cleanUp(owner: ActorRef, deadLetters: MessageQueue): Unit

class NodeMessageQueue extends AbstractNodeQueue[Envelope] with MessageQueue with UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics {

  final def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit = add(handle)

  final def dequeue(): Envelope = poll()

  final def numberOfMessages: Int = count()

  final def hasMessages: Boolean = !isEmpty()

  @tailrec final def cleanUp(owner: ActorRef, deadLetters: MessageQueue): Unit = {
    val envelope = dequeue()
    if (envelope ne null) {
      deadLetters.enqueue(owner, envelope)
      cleanUp(owner, deadLetters)

 * Lock-free bounded non-blocking multiple-producer single-consumer queue.
 * Discards overflowing messages into DeadLetters.
class BoundedNodeMessageQueue(capacity: Int)
    extends AbstractBoundedNodeQueue[Envelope](capacity)
    with MessageQueue
    with BoundedMessageQueueSemantics
    with MultipleConsumerSemantics {
  final def pushTimeOut: Duration = Duration.Undefined

  final def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit =
    if (!add(handle))
        .tell(DeadLetter(handle.message, handle.sender, receiver), handle.sender)

  final def dequeue(): Envelope = poll()

  final def numberOfMessages: Int = size()

  final def hasMessages: Boolean = !isEmpty()

  @tailrec final def cleanUp(owner: ActorRef, deadLetters: MessageQueue): Unit = {
    val envelope = dequeue()
    if (envelope ne null) {
      deadLetters.enqueue(owner, envelope)
      cleanUp(owner, deadLetters)

private[pekko] trait SystemMessageQueue {

   * Enqueue a new system message, e.g. by prepending atomically as new head of a single-linked list.
  def systemEnqueue(receiver: ActorRef, message: SystemMessage): Unit

   * Dequeue all messages from system queue and return them as single-linked list.
  def systemDrain(newContents: LatestFirstSystemMessageList): EarliestFirstSystemMessageList

  def hasSystemMessages: Boolean

private[pekko] trait DefaultSystemMessageQueue { self: Mailbox =>

  final def systemEnqueue(receiver: ActorRef, message: SystemMessage): Unit = {
    if (Mailbox.debug) println("" + receiver + " having enqueued " + message)
    val currentList = systemQueueGet
    if (currentList.head == NoMessage) {
      if (actor ne null) actor.dispatcher.mailboxes.deadLetterMailbox.systemEnqueue(receiver, message)
    } else {
      if (!systemQueuePut(currentList, message :: currentList)) {
        systemEnqueue(receiver, message)

  final def systemDrain(newContents: LatestFirstSystemMessageList): EarliestFirstSystemMessageList = {
    val currentList = systemQueueGet
    if (currentList.head == NoMessage) new EarliestFirstSystemMessageList(null)
    else if (systemQueuePut(currentList, newContents)) currentList.reverse
    else systemDrain(newContents)

  def hasSystemMessages: Boolean = systemQueueGet.head match {
    case null | NoMessage => false
    case _                => true


 * This is a marker trait for message queues which support multiple consumers,
 * as is required by the BalancingDispatcher.
trait MultipleConsumerSemantics

 * A QueueBasedMessageQueue is a MessageQueue backed by a java.util.Queue.
trait QueueBasedMessageQueue extends MessageQueue with MultipleConsumerSemantics {
  def queue: Queue[Envelope]
  def numberOfMessages = queue.size
  def hasMessages = !queue.isEmpty
  def cleanUp(owner: ActorRef, deadLetters: MessageQueue): Unit = {
    if (hasMessages) {
      var envelope = dequeue()
      while (envelope ne null) {
        deadLetters.enqueue(owner, envelope)
        envelope = dequeue()

 * UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics adds unbounded semantics to a QueueBasedMessageQueue,
 * i.e. a non-blocking enqueue and dequeue.
trait UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics

trait UnboundedQueueBasedMessageQueue extends QueueBasedMessageQueue with UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics {
  def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit = queue.add(handle)
  def dequeue(): Envelope = queue.poll()

 * BoundedMessageQueueSemantics adds bounded semantics to a QueueBasedMessageQueue,
 * i.e. blocking enqueue with timeout.
trait BoundedMessageQueueSemantics {
  def pushTimeOut: Duration

 * Used to determine mailbox factories which create [[BoundedMessageQueueSemantics]]
 * mailboxes, and thus should be validated that the `pushTimeOut` is greater than 0.
private[pekko] trait ProducesPushTimeoutSemanticsMailbox {
  def pushTimeOut: Duration

trait BoundedQueueBasedMessageQueue extends QueueBasedMessageQueue with BoundedMessageQueueSemantics {
  override def queue: BlockingQueue[Envelope]

  def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit =
    if (pushTimeOut.length >= 0) {
      if (!queue.offer(handle, pushTimeOut.length, pushTimeOut.unit))
          .tell(DeadLetter(handle.message, handle.sender, receiver), handle.sender)
    } else queue.put(handle)

  def dequeue(): Envelope = queue.poll()

 * DequeBasedMessageQueue refines QueueBasedMessageQueue to be backed by a java.util.Deque.
trait DequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics {
  def enqueueFirst(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit

trait UnboundedDequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics
    extends DequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics
    with UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics

trait BoundedDequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics extends DequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics with BoundedMessageQueueSemantics

trait DequeBasedMessageQueue extends QueueBasedMessageQueue with DequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics {
  def queue: Deque[Envelope]

 * UnboundedDequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics adds unbounded semantics to a DequeBasedMessageQueue,
 * i.e. a non-blocking enqueue and dequeue.
trait UnboundedDequeBasedMessageQueue extends DequeBasedMessageQueue with UnboundedDequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics {
  def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit = queue.add(handle)
  def enqueueFirst(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit = queue.addFirst(handle)
  def dequeue(): Envelope = queue.poll()

 * BoundedMessageQueueSemantics adds bounded semantics to a DequeBasedMessageQueue,
 * i.e. blocking enqueue with timeout.
trait BoundedDequeBasedMessageQueue extends DequeBasedMessageQueue with BoundedDequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics {
  def pushTimeOut: Duration
  override def queue: BlockingDeque[Envelope]

  def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit =
    if (pushTimeOut.length >= 0) {
      if (!queue.offer(handle, pushTimeOut.length, pushTimeOut.unit))
          .tell(DeadLetter(handle.message, handle.sender, receiver), handle.sender)
    } else queue.put(handle)

  def enqueueFirst(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit =
    if (pushTimeOut.length >= 0) {
      if (!queue.offerFirst(handle, pushTimeOut.length, pushTimeOut.unit))
          .tell(DeadLetter(handle.message, handle.sender, receiver), handle.sender)
    } else queue.putFirst(handle)

  def dequeue(): Envelope = queue.poll()

 * MailboxType is a factory to create MessageQueues for an optionally
 * provided ActorContext.
 * Possibly Important Notice
 * When implementing a custom mailbox type, be aware that there is special
 * semantics attached to `system.actorOf()` in that sending to the returned
 * ActorRef may—for a short period of time—enqueue the messages first in a
 * dummy queue. Top-level actors are created in two steps, and only after the
 * guardian actor has performed that second step will all previously sent
 * messages be transferred from the dummy queue into the real mailbox.
trait MailboxType {
  def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]): MessageQueue

trait ProducesMessageQueue[T <: MessageQueue]

 * UnboundedMailbox is the default unbounded MailboxType used by Pekko Actors.
final case class UnboundedMailbox() extends MailboxType with ProducesMessageQueue[UnboundedMailbox.MessageQueue] {

  def this(settings: ActorSystem.Settings, config: Config) = this()

  override def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]): MessageQueue =
    new UnboundedMailbox.MessageQueue

object UnboundedMailbox {
  class MessageQueue extends ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Envelope] with UnboundedQueueBasedMessageQueue {
    final def queue: Queue[Envelope] = this

 * SingleConsumerOnlyUnboundedMailbox is a high-performance, multiple producer—single consumer, unbounded MailboxType,
 * with the drawback that you can't have multiple consumers,
 * which rules out using it with BalancingPool (BalancingDispatcher) for instance.
 * Currently this queue is slower for some benchmarks than the ConcurrentLinkedQueue from JDK 8 that is used by default,
 * so be sure to measure the performance in your particular setting in order to determine which one to use.
final case class SingleConsumerOnlyUnboundedMailbox() extends MailboxType with ProducesMessageQueue[NodeMessageQueue] {

  def this(settings: ActorSystem.Settings, config: Config) = this()

  final override def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]): MessageQueue = new NodeMessageQueue

 * NonBlockingBoundedMailbox is a high-performance, multiple-producer single-consumer, bounded MailboxType,
 * Noteworthy is that it discards overflow as DeadLetters.
 * It can't have multiple consumers, which rules out using it with BalancingPool (BalancingDispatcher) for instance.
 * NOTE: NonBlockingBoundedMailbox does not use `mailbox-push-timeout-time` as it is non-blocking.
case class NonBlockingBoundedMailbox(capacity: Int)
    extends MailboxType
    with ProducesMessageQueue[BoundedNodeMessageQueue] {

  def this(settings: ActorSystem.Settings, config: Config) = this(config.getInt("mailbox-capacity"))

  if (capacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The capacity for NonBlockingBoundedMailbox can not be negative")

  final override def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]): MessageQueue =
    new BoundedNodeMessageQueue(capacity)

 * BoundedMailbox is the default bounded MailboxType used by Pekko Actors.
final case class BoundedMailbox(capacity: Int, override val pushTimeOut: FiniteDuration)
    extends MailboxType
    with ProducesMessageQueue[BoundedMailbox.MessageQueue]
    with ProducesPushTimeoutSemanticsMailbox {

  def this(settings: ActorSystem.Settings, config: Config) =
    this(config.getInt("mailbox-capacity"), config.getNanosDuration("mailbox-push-timeout-time"))

  if (capacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The capacity for BoundedMailbox can not be negative")
  if (pushTimeOut eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The push time-out for BoundedMailbox can not be null")

  override def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]): MessageQueue =
    new BoundedMailbox.MessageQueue(capacity, pushTimeOut)

object BoundedMailbox {
  class MessageQueue(capacity: Int, final val pushTimeOut: FiniteDuration)
      extends LinkedBlockingQueue[Envelope](capacity)
      with BoundedQueueBasedMessageQueue {
    final def queue: BlockingQueue[Envelope] = this

 * UnboundedPriorityMailbox is an unbounded mailbox that allows for prioritization of its contents.
 * Extend this class and provide the Comparator in the constructor.
class UnboundedPriorityMailbox(val cmp: Comparator[Envelope], val initialCapacity: Int)
    extends MailboxType
    with ProducesMessageQueue[UnboundedPriorityMailbox.MessageQueue] {
  def this(cmp: Comparator[Envelope]) = this(cmp, 11)
  final override def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]): MessageQueue =
    new UnboundedPriorityMailbox.MessageQueue(initialCapacity, cmp)

object UnboundedPriorityMailbox {
  class MessageQueue(initialCapacity: Int, cmp: Comparator[Envelope])
      extends PriorityBlockingQueue[Envelope](initialCapacity, cmp)
      with UnboundedQueueBasedMessageQueue {
    final def queue: Queue[Envelope] = this

 * BoundedPriorityMailbox is a bounded mailbox that allows for prioritization of its contents.
 * Extend this class and provide the Comparator in the constructor.
class BoundedPriorityMailbox(
    final val cmp: Comparator[Envelope],
    final val capacity: Int,
    override final val pushTimeOut: Duration)
    extends MailboxType
    with ProducesMessageQueue[BoundedPriorityMailbox.MessageQueue]
    with ProducesPushTimeoutSemanticsMailbox {

  if (capacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The capacity for BoundedMailbox can not be negative")
  if (pushTimeOut eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The push time-out for BoundedMailbox can not be null")

  final override def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]): MessageQueue =
    new BoundedPriorityMailbox.MessageQueue(capacity, cmp, pushTimeOut)

object BoundedPriorityMailbox {
  class MessageQueue(capacity: Int, cmp: Comparator[Envelope], val pushTimeOut: Duration)
      extends BoundedBlockingQueue[Envelope](capacity, new PriorityQueue[Envelope](11, cmp))
      with BoundedQueueBasedMessageQueue {
    final def queue: BlockingQueue[Envelope] = this

 * UnboundedStablePriorityMailbox is an unbounded mailbox that allows for prioritization of its contents.  Unlike the
 * [[UnboundedPriorityMailbox]] it preserves ordering for messages of equal priority.
 * Extend this class and provide the Comparator in the constructor.
class UnboundedStablePriorityMailbox(val cmp: Comparator[Envelope], val initialCapacity: Int)
    extends MailboxType
    with ProducesMessageQueue[UnboundedStablePriorityMailbox.MessageQueue] {
  def this(cmp: Comparator[Envelope]) = this(cmp, 11)
  final override def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]): MessageQueue =
    new UnboundedStablePriorityMailbox.MessageQueue(initialCapacity, cmp)

object UnboundedStablePriorityMailbox {
  class MessageQueue(initialCapacity: Int, cmp: Comparator[Envelope])
      extends StablePriorityBlockingQueue[Envelope](initialCapacity, cmp)
      with UnboundedQueueBasedMessageQueue {
    final def queue: Queue[Envelope] = this

 * BoundedStablePriorityMailbox is a bounded mailbox that allows for prioritization of its contents.  Unlike the
 * [[BoundedPriorityMailbox]] it preserves ordering for messages of equal priority.
 * Extend this class and provide the Comparator in the constructor.
class BoundedStablePriorityMailbox(
    final val cmp: Comparator[Envelope],
    final val capacity: Int,
    override final val pushTimeOut: Duration)
    extends MailboxType
    with ProducesMessageQueue[BoundedStablePriorityMailbox.MessageQueue]
    with ProducesPushTimeoutSemanticsMailbox {

  if (capacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The capacity for BoundedMailbox can not be negative")
  if (pushTimeOut eq null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The push time-out for BoundedMailbox can not be null")

  final override def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]): MessageQueue =
    new BoundedStablePriorityMailbox.MessageQueue(capacity, cmp, pushTimeOut)

object BoundedStablePriorityMailbox {
  class MessageQueue(capacity: Int, cmp: Comparator[Envelope], val pushTimeOut: Duration)
      extends BoundedBlockingQueue[Envelope](capacity, new StablePriorityQueue[Envelope](11, cmp))
      with BoundedQueueBasedMessageQueue {
    final def queue: BlockingQueue[Envelope] = this

 * UnboundedDequeBasedMailbox is an unbounded MailboxType, backed by a Deque.
final case class UnboundedDequeBasedMailbox()
    extends MailboxType
    with ProducesMessageQueue[UnboundedDequeBasedMailbox.MessageQueue] {

  def this(settings: ActorSystem.Settings, config: Config) = this()

  override def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]): MessageQueue =
    new UnboundedDequeBasedMailbox.MessageQueue

object UnboundedDequeBasedMailbox {
  class MessageQueue extends LinkedBlockingDeque[Envelope] with UnboundedDequeBasedMessageQueue {
    final val queue = this

 * BoundedDequeBasedMailbox is an bounded MailboxType, backed by a Deque.
case class BoundedDequeBasedMailbox(final val capacity: Int, override final val pushTimeOut: FiniteDuration)
    extends MailboxType
    with ProducesMessageQueue[BoundedDequeBasedMailbox.MessageQueue]
    with ProducesPushTimeoutSemanticsMailbox {

  def this(settings: ActorSystem.Settings, config: Config) =
    this(config.getInt("mailbox-capacity"), config.getNanosDuration("mailbox-push-timeout-time"))

  if (capacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The capacity for BoundedDequeBasedMailbox can not be negative")
  if (pushTimeOut eq null)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("The push time-out for BoundedDequeBasedMailbox can not be null")

  final override def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]): MessageQueue =
    new BoundedDequeBasedMailbox.MessageQueue(capacity, pushTimeOut)

object BoundedDequeBasedMailbox {
  class MessageQueue(capacity: Int, val pushTimeOut: FiniteDuration)
      extends LinkedBlockingDeque[Envelope](capacity)
      with BoundedDequeBasedMessageQueue {
    final val queue = this

 * ControlAwareMessageQueue handles messages that extend [[pekko.dispatch.ControlMessage]] with priority.
trait ControlAwareMessageQueueSemantics extends QueueBasedMessageQueue {
  def controlQueue: Queue[Envelope]
  def queue: Queue[Envelope]

  def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit = handle match {
    case envelope @ Envelope(_: ControlMessage, _) => controlQueue.add(envelope)
    case envelope                                  => queue.add(envelope)

  def dequeue(): Envelope = {
    val controlMsg = controlQueue.poll()

    if (controlMsg ne null) controlMsg
    else queue.poll()

  override def numberOfMessages: Int = controlQueue.size() + queue.size()

  override def hasMessages: Boolean = !(queue.isEmpty && controlQueue.isEmpty)

trait UnboundedControlAwareMessageQueueSemantics
    extends UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics
    with ControlAwareMessageQueueSemantics
trait BoundedControlAwareMessageQueueSemantics
    extends BoundedMessageQueueSemantics
    with ControlAwareMessageQueueSemantics

 * Messages that extend this trait will be handled with priority by control aware mailboxes.
trait ControlMessage

 * UnboundedControlAwareMailbox is an unbounded MailboxType, that maintains two queues
 * to allow messages that extend [[pekko.dispatch.ControlMessage]] to be delivered with priority.
final case class UnboundedControlAwareMailbox()
    extends MailboxType
    with ProducesMessageQueue[UnboundedControlAwareMailbox.MessageQueue] {

  // this constructor will be called via reflection when this mailbox type
  // is used in the application config
  def this(settings: ActorSystem.Settings, config: Config) = this()

  def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]): MessageQueue =
    new UnboundedControlAwareMailbox.MessageQueue

object UnboundedControlAwareMailbox {
  class MessageQueue extends UnboundedControlAwareMessageQueueSemantics with {
    val controlQueue: Queue[Envelope] = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Envelope]()
    val queue: Queue[Envelope] = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Envelope]()

 * BoundedControlAwareMailbox is a bounded MailboxType, that maintains two queues
 * to allow messages that extend [[pekko.dispatch.ControlMessage]] to be delivered with priority.
final case class BoundedControlAwareMailbox(capacity: Int, override final val pushTimeOut: FiniteDuration)
    extends MailboxType
    with ProducesMessageQueue[BoundedControlAwareMailbox.MessageQueue]
    with ProducesPushTimeoutSemanticsMailbox {
  def this(settings: ActorSystem.Settings, config: Config) =
    this(config.getInt("mailbox-capacity"), config.getNanosDuration("mailbox-push-timeout-time"))

  def create(owner: Option[ActorRef], system: Option[ActorSystem]): MessageQueue =
    new BoundedControlAwareMailbox.MessageQueue(capacity, pushTimeOut)

object BoundedControlAwareMailbox {
  class MessageQueue(val capacity: Int, val pushTimeOut: FiniteDuration)
      extends BoundedControlAwareMessageQueueSemantics
      with {

    private final val size = new AtomicInteger(0)
    private final val putLock = new ReentrantLock()
    private final val notFull = putLock.newCondition()

    // no need to use blocking queues here, as blocking is being handled in `enqueueWithTimeout`
    val controlQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Envelope]()
    val queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Envelope]()

    override def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit = handle match {
      case envelope @ Envelope(_: ControlMessage, _) => enqueueWithTimeout(controlQueue, receiver, envelope)
      case envelope                                  => enqueueWithTimeout(queue, receiver, envelope)

    override def numberOfMessages: Int = size.get()
    override def hasMessages: Boolean = numberOfMessages > 0

    final override def dequeue(): Envelope = {
      @tailrec def tailrecDequeue(): Envelope = {
        val count = size.get()

        // if both queues are empty return null
        if (count > 0) {
          // if there are messages try to fetch the current head
          // or retry if other consumer dequeued in the mean time
          if (size.compareAndSet(count, count - 1)) {
            val item = super.dequeue()

            if (size.get < capacity) signalNotFull()

          } else {
        } else {


    private def signalNotFull(): Unit = {

      try {
      } finally {

    private final def enqueueWithTimeout(q: Queue[Envelope], receiver: ActorRef, envelope: Envelope): Unit = {
      var remaining = pushTimeOut.toNanos

      val inserted =
        try {
          var stop = false
          while (size.get() == capacity && !stop) {
            remaining = notFull.awaitNanos(remaining)
            stop = remaining <= 0

          if (stop) {
          } else {
            val c = size.incrementAndGet()

            if (c < capacity) notFull.signal()

        } finally {

      if (!inserted) {
          .tell(DeadLetter(envelope.message, envelope.sender, receiver), envelope.sender)

 * Trait to signal that an Actor requires a certain type of message queue semantics.
 * The mailbox type will be looked up by mapping the type T via in the config,
 * to a mailbox configuration. If no mailbox is assigned on Props or in deployment config then this one will be used.
 * The queue type of the created mailbox will be checked against the type T and actor creation will fail if it doesn't
 * fulfill the requirements.
trait RequiresMessageQueue[T]

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