org.apache.pekko.dispatch.Mailboxes.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Apache Pekko is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications for Java and Scala.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, version 2.0:
* This file is part of the Apache Pekko project, which was derived from Akka.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2022 Lightbend Inc.
package org.apache.pekko.dispatch
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigFactory }
import org.apache.pekko
import pekko.ConfigurationException
import{ Actor, ActorRef, ActorSystem, DeadLetter, Deploy, DynamicAccess, Props }
import pekko.annotation.InternalStableApi
import pekko.dispatch.sysmsg.{
import pekko.event.EventStream
import pekko.event.Logging.Warning
import pekko.util.Reflect
object Mailboxes {
final val DefaultMailboxId = ""
final val NoMailboxRequirement = ""
final val BoundedCapacityPrefix = "bounded-capacity:"
private[pekko] class Mailboxes(
val settings: ActorSystem.Settings,
val eventStream: EventStream,
dynamicAccess: DynamicAccess,
deadLetters: ActorRef) {
import Mailboxes._
val deadLetterMailbox: Mailbox = new Mailbox(new MessageQueue {
def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, envelope: Envelope): Unit = onDeadLetterMailboxEnqueue(receiver, envelope)
def dequeue() = null
def hasMessages = false
def numberOfMessages = 0
def cleanUp(owner: ActorRef, deadLetters: MessageQueue): Unit = ()
}) {
def systemEnqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: SystemMessage): Unit =
deadLetters ! DeadLetter(handle, receiver, receiver)
def systemDrain(newContents: LatestFirstSystemMessageList): EarliestFirstSystemMessageList = SystemMessageList.ENil
def hasSystemMessages = false
private[pekko] def onDeadLetterMailboxEnqueue(receiver: ActorRef, envelope: Envelope): Unit = envelope.message match {
case _: DeadLetter => // actor subscribing to DeadLetter, drop it
case msg => deadLetters.tell(DeadLetter(msg, envelope.sender, receiver), envelope.sender)
private val mailboxTypeConfigurators = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, MailboxType]
private val mailboxBindings: Map[Class[_ <: Any], String] = {
import pekko.util.ccompat.JavaConverters._
.foldLeft(Map.empty[Class[_ <: Any], String]) {
case (m, (k, v)) =>
.map { x =>
m.updated(x, v.toString)
.recover {
case e =>
throw new ConfigurationException(
s"Type [$k] specified as " +
s"[$v] in config can't be loaded due to [${e.getMessage}]",
* Returns a mailbox type as specified in configuration, based on the id, or if not defined None.
def lookup(id: String): MailboxType = lookupConfigurator(id)
* Returns a mailbox type as specified in configuration, based on the type, or if not defined None.
def lookupByQueueType(queueType: Class[_ <: Any]): MailboxType = lookup(lookupId(queueType))
private final val rmqClass = classOf[RequiresMessageQueue[_]]
* Return the required message queue type for this class if any.
def getRequiredType(actorClass: Class[_ <: Actor]): Class[_] =
Reflect.findMarker(actorClass, rmqClass) match {
case t: ParameterizedType =>
t.getActualTypeArguments.head match {
case c: Class[_] => c
case x =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"no wildcard type allowed in RequireMessageQueue argument (was [$x])")
case unexpected =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected actor class marker: $unexpected") // will not happen, for exhaustiveness check
// don’t care if this happens twice
private var mailboxSizeWarningIssued = false
private var mailboxNonZeroPushTimeoutWarningIssued = false
def getMailboxRequirement(config: Config) = config.getString("mailbox-requirement") match {
case NoMailboxRequirement => classOf[MessageQueue]
case x => dynamicAccess.getClassFor[AnyRef](x).get
def getProducedMessageQueueType(mailboxType: MailboxType): Class[_] = {
val pmqClass = classOf[ProducesMessageQueue[_]]
if (!pmqClass.isAssignableFrom(mailboxType.getClass)) classOf[MessageQueue]
Reflect.findMarker(mailboxType.getClass, pmqClass) match {
case t: ParameterizedType =>
t.getActualTypeArguments.head match {
case c: Class[_] => c
case x =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"no wildcard type allowed in ProducesMessageQueue argument (was [$x])")
case unexpected =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected message queue type marker: $unexpected") // will not happen, for exhaustiveness check
* Finds out the mailbox type for an actor based on configuration, props and requirements.
protected[pekko] def getMailboxType(props: Props, dispatcherConfig: Config): MailboxType = {
val id = dispatcherConfig.getString("id")
val deploy = props.deploy
val actorClass = props.actorClass()
lazy val actorRequirement = getRequiredType(actorClass)
val mailboxRequirement: Class[_] = getMailboxRequirement(dispatcherConfig)
val hasMailboxRequirement: Boolean = mailboxRequirement != classOf[MessageQueue]
val hasMailboxType =
dispatcherConfig.hasPath("mailbox-type") &&
dispatcherConfig.getString("mailbox-type") != Deploy.NoMailboxGiven
// TODO remove in Akka 2.3
if (!hasMailboxType && !mailboxSizeWarningIssued && dispatcherConfig.hasPath("mailbox-size")) {
s"ignoring setting 'mailbox-size' for dispatcher [$id], you need to specify 'mailbox-type=bounded'"))
mailboxSizeWarningIssued = true
def verifyRequirements(mailboxType: MailboxType): MailboxType = {
lazy val mqType: Class[_] = getProducedMessageQueueType(mailboxType)
if (hasMailboxRequirement && !mailboxRequirement.isAssignableFrom(mqType))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"produced message queue type [$mqType] does not fulfill requirement for dispatcher [$id]. " +
s"Must be a subclass of [$mailboxRequirement].")
if (hasRequiredType(actorClass) && !actorRequirement.isAssignableFrom(mqType))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"produced message queue type [$mqType] does not fulfill requirement for actor class [$actorClass]. " +
s"Must be a subclass of [$actorRequirement].")
if (deploy.mailbox != Deploy.NoMailboxGiven) {
} else if (deploy.dispatcher != Deploy.NoDispatcherGiven && deploy.dispatcher != Deploy
.DispatcherSameAsParent && hasMailboxType) {
} else if (hasRequiredType(actorClass)) {
try verifyRequirements(lookupByQueueType(getRequiredType(actorClass)))
catch {
case NonFatal(_) if hasMailboxRequirement => verifyRequirements(lookupByQueueType(mailboxRequirement))
} else if (hasMailboxRequirement) {
} else {
* Check if this class can have a required message queue type.
def hasRequiredType(actorClass: Class[_ <: Actor]): Boolean = rmqClass.isAssignableFrom(actorClass)
private def lookupId(queueType: Class[_]): String =
mailboxBindings.get(queueType) match {
case None => throw new ConfigurationException(s"Mailbox Mapping for [$queueType] not configured")
case Some(s) => s
private def lookupConfigurator(id: String): MailboxType = {
mailboxTypeConfigurators.get(id) match {
case null =>
// It doesn't matter if we create a mailbox type configurator that isn't used due to concurrent lookup.
val newConfigurator = id match {
// TODO RK remove these two for Akka 2.3
case "unbounded" => UnboundedMailbox()
case "bounded" => new BoundedMailbox(settings, config(id))
case _ if id.startsWith(BoundedCapacityPrefix) =>
// hack to allow programmatic set of capacity through props in pekko-typed but still share
// mailbox configurators for the same size
val capacity = id.split(':')(1).toInt
new BoundedMailbox(capacity, Duration.Zero)
case _ =>
if (!settings.config.hasPath(id)) throw new ConfigurationException(s"Mailbox Type [$id] not configured")
val conf = config(id)
val mailboxType = conf.getString("mailbox-type") match {
case "" => throw new ConfigurationException(s"The setting mailbox-type, defined in [$id] is empty")
case fqcn =>
val args = List(classOf[ActorSystem.Settings] -> settings, classOf[Config] -> conf)
.createInstanceFor[MailboxType](fqcn, args)
.recover {
case exception =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Cannot instantiate MailboxType [$fqcn], defined in [$id], make sure it has a public" +
" constructor with [, com.typesafe.config.Config] parameters",
if (!mailboxNonZeroPushTimeoutWarningIssued) {
mailboxType match {
case m: ProducesPushTimeoutSemanticsMailbox if m.pushTimeOut.toNanos > 0L =>
s"Configured potentially-blocking mailbox [$id] configured with non-zero pushTimeOut (${m.pushTimeOut}), " +
s"which can lead to blocking behavior when sending messages to this mailbox. " +
s"Avoid this by setting `$id.mailbox-push-timeout-time` to `0`.")
mailboxNonZeroPushTimeoutWarningIssued = true
case _ => // good; nothing to see here, move along, sir.
mailboxTypeConfigurators.putIfAbsent(id, newConfigurator) match {
case null => newConfigurator
case existing => existing
case existing => existing
private val defaultMailboxConfig = settings.config.getConfig(DefaultMailboxId)
private final def warn(msg: String): Unit =
eventStream.publish(Warning("mailboxes", getClass, msg))
private def config(id: String): Config = {
import pekko.util.ccompat.JavaConverters._
.parseMap(Map("id" -> id).asJava)
private val stashCapacityCache = new AtomicReference[Map[String, Int]](Map.empty[String, Int])
private val defaultStashCapacity: Int =
stashCapacityFromConfig(Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId, Mailboxes.DefaultMailboxId)
* INTERNAL API: The capacity of the stash. Configured in the actor's mailbox or dispatcher config.
private[pekko] final def stashCapacity(dispatcher: String, mailbox: String): Int = {
@tailrec def updateCache(cache: Map[String, Int], key: String, value: Int): Boolean = {
stashCapacityCache.compareAndSet(cache, cache.updated(key, value)) ||
updateCache(stashCapacityCache.get, key, value) // recursive, try again
if (dispatcher == Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId && mailbox == Mailboxes.DefaultMailboxId)
else {
val cache = stashCapacityCache.get
val key = dispatcher + "-" + mailbox
cache.get(key) match {
case Some(value) => value
case None =>
val value = stashCapacityFromConfig(dispatcher, mailbox)
updateCache(cache, key, value)
private def stashCapacityFromConfig(dispatcher: String, mailbox: String): Int = {
val disp = Dispatchers.getConfig(settings.config, dispatcher)
val fallback = disp.withFallback(settings.config.getConfig(Mailboxes.DefaultMailboxId))
val config =
if (mailbox == Mailboxes.DefaultMailboxId) fallback
else settings.config.getConfig(mailbox).withFallback(fallback)
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