org.apache.pekko.util.FrequencySketch.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* This file is part of the Apache Pekko project, which was derived from Akka.
* Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Lightbend Inc.
* Copyright 2015 Ben Manes. All Rights Reserved.
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package org.apache.pekko.util
import org.apache.pekko.annotation.InternalApi
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
* A frequency sketch for estimating the popularity of items. For implementing the TinyLFU cache admission policy.
* The frequency sketch includes the TinyLFU reset operation, which periodically halves all counters.
private[pekko] object FrequencySketch {
* Create a new FrequencySketch based on the cache capacity (which will be increased to the nearest power of two).
* @param capacity the cache capacity (maximum items that will be cached)
* @param widthMultiplier a multiplier for the width of the sketch
* @param resetMultiplier the multiplier on the capacity for the reset size
* @param depth the depth of count-min sketch (number of hash functions)
* @param counterBits the size of the counters in bits: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits
* @param hasher the hash function for the element type
* @return a configured FrequencySketch
def apply[A](
capacity: Int,
widthMultiplier: Int = 4,
resetMultiplier: Double = 10,
depth: Int = 4,
counterBits: Int = 4)(implicit hasher: Hasher[A]): FrequencySketch[A] = {
val width = widthMultiplier * Bits.ceilingPowerOfTwo(capacity)
val resetSize = (resetMultiplier * capacity).toInt
new FrequencySketch(depth, width, counterBits, resetSize, hasher)
sealed trait Hasher[A] {
def hash(value: A): Int
object Hasher {
final val DefaultSeed = 135283237
implicit val StringHasher: StringHasher = new StringHasher(DefaultSeed)
final class StringHasher(seed: Int) extends Hasher[String] {
override def hash(value: String): Int = MurmurHash3.stringHash(value, seed)
object Bits {
def isPowerOfTwo(i: Int): Boolean = (i & (i - 1)) == 0
def powerOfTwoExponent(i: Int): Int = 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(i - 1)
def ceilingPowerOfTwo(i: Int): Int = 1 << -Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(i - 1)
* A frequency sketch for estimating the popularity of items. For implementing the TinyLFU cache admission policy.
* This is a generalised frequency sketch with configurable depth (number of hash functions) and counter size.
* The matrix of counters is a two-dimensional array of longs, which each hold multiple counters depending on the
* counter size (the number of bits for each counter). Powers of two are used to enable bit manipulation operations.
* The frequency sketch includes the TinyLFU reset operation, which periodically halves all counters, to allow
* smaller counters to be used while retaining reasonable accuracy of relative frequencies.
* To get pairwise independent hash functions for the given depth, this implementation combines two hash functions
* using the "Building a Better Bloom Filter" approach, where gi(x) = h1(x) + i * h2(x) mod p.
* References:
* "TinyLFU: A Highly Efficient Cache Admission Policy"
* Gil Einziger, Roy Friedman, Ben Manes
* "An Improved Data Stream Summary: The Count-Min Sketch and its Applications"
* Graham Cormode, S. Muthukrishnan
* "Less Hashing, Same Performance: Building a Better Bloom Filter"
* Adam Kirsch, Michael Mitzenmacher
* @param depth depth of the count-min sketch (number of hash functions)
* @param width width of the count-min sketch (number of counters)
* @param counterBits the size of the counters in bits: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits
* @param resetSize the size (number of counter increments) to apply the reset operation
* @param hasher the hash function for the element type
private[pekko] final class FrequencySketch[A](
depth: Int,
width: Int,
counterBits: Int,
resetSize: Int,
hasher: FrequencySketch.Hasher[A]) {
require(FrequencySketch.Bits.isPowerOfTwo(width), "width must be a power of two")
require(Set(2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64)(counterBits), "counterBits must be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits")
private final val SlotBits = 64
private[this] val counterWidth = counterBits
private[this] val slots = SlotBits / counterWidth
private[this] val rowWidth = math.max(1, width / slots)
private[this] val columnMask = width - 1
private[this] val slotShift = FrequencySketch.Bits.powerOfTwoExponent(slots)
private[this] val slotMask = slots - 1
private[this] val counterShift = FrequencySketch.Bits.powerOfTwoExponent(counterWidth)
private[this] val counterMask = if (counterBits == 64) Long.MaxValue else (1L << counterWidth) - 1
private[this] val oddMask = (1 to slots).foldLeft(1L)((mask, count) => mask | (1L << (count * counterWidth)))
private[this] val resetMask = {
val counterResetMask = counterMask >> 1
(1 to slots).foldLeft(counterResetMask)((mask, count) => mask | (counterResetMask << (count * counterWidth)))
private[this] val matrix = Array.fill[Array[Long]](depth)(Array.ofDim[Long](rowWidth))
private[this] val rowSizes = Array.ofDim[Int](depth)
private[this] var updatedSize = 0
* Get the current size of the sketch (the number of incremented counters).
def size: Int = updatedSize
* Get the estimated frequency for a value. Limited by the maximum size of the counters.
* Note that frequencies are also periodically halved as an aging mechanism.
def frequency(value: A): Int = {
val hash1 = hasher.hash(value)
val hash2 = rehash(hash1)
var minCount = Int.MaxValue
var row = 0
while (row < depth) {
val hash = hash1 + row * hash2
minCount = Math.min(minCount, getCounter(row, hash))
row += 1
* Increment the estimated frequency of a value. Limited by the maximum size of the counters.
* Note that frequencies are also periodically halved as an aging mechanism.
def increment(value: A): Unit = {
val hash1 = hasher.hash(value)
val hash2 = rehash(hash1)
var updated = false
var row = 0
while (row < depth) {
val hash = hash1 + row * hash2
updated |= incrementCounter(row, hash)
row += 1
if (updated) {
updatedSize += 1
if (updatedSize == resetSize) reset()
private def rehash(hash: Int): Int =
MurmurHash3.finalizeHash(MurmurHash3.mixLast(hash, hash), 2)
private def getCounter(row: Int, hash: Int): Int = {
val column = (hash & columnMask) >>> slotShift
val slot = (hash & slotMask) << counterShift
((matrix(row)(column) >>> slot) & counterMask).toInt
private def incrementCounter(row: Int, hash: Int): Boolean = {
val column = (hash & columnMask) >>> slotShift
val slot = (hash & slotMask) << counterShift
val mask = counterMask << slot
if ((matrix(row)(column) & mask) != mask) {
matrix(row)(column) += (1L << slot)
rowSizes(row) += 1
} else false
* The TinyLFU reset operation (periodically halving all counters).
* Adjusts for truncation from integer division (bit shift for efficiency)
* by adjusting for the number of odd counters per row (each off by 0.5).
private def reset(): Unit = {
var row = 0
while (row < depth) {
var column = 0
var odd = 0
while (column < rowWidth) {
odd += java.lang.Long.bitCount(matrix(row)(column) & oddMask)
matrix(row)(column) = (matrix(row)(column) >>> 1) & resetMask
column += 1
rowSizes(row) = (rowSizes(row) - odd) >>> 1
row += 1
updatedSize = rowSizes.max
def toDebugString: String = FrequencySketchUtil.debugString(matrix, rowWidth, slots, counterWidth, counterMask)
private[pekko] object FastFrequencySketch {
* Create a new FastFrequencySketch based on the cache capacity (which will be increased to the nearest power of two).
* @param capacity the cache capacity (maximum items that will be cached)
* @param widthMultiplier a multiplier for the width of the sketch
* @param resetMultiplier the multiplier on the capacity for the reset size
* @return a configured FastFrequencySketch
def apply[A](capacity: Int, widthMultiplier: Int = 4, resetMultiplier: Double = 10): FastFrequencySketch[A] = {
val width = widthMultiplier * FrequencySketch.Bits.ceilingPowerOfTwo(capacity)
val resetSize = (resetMultiplier * capacity).toInt
new FastFrequencySketch(width, resetSize)
* A faster implementation of the frequency sketch (around twice as fast).
* This frequency sketch uses a fixed depth (number of hash functions) of 4 and a counter size of 4 bits (0-15),
* so that constants can be used for improved efficiency. It also uses its own rehashing of item hash codes.
* The implementation is inspired by the approach used in the Caffeine caching library:
* @param width width of the count-min sketch (number of counters)
* @param resetSize the size (number of counter increments) to apply the reset operation
private[pekko] final class FastFrequencySketch[A](width: Int, resetSize: Int) {
require(FrequencySketch.Bits.isPowerOfTwo(width), "width must be a power of two")
private final val Depth = 4
private final val SlotShift = 4
private final val SlotMask = 0xF
private final val CounterShift = 2
private final val CounterMask = 0xFL
private final val OddMask = 0x1111111111111111L
private final val ResetMask = 0x7777777777777777L
// seeds are large primes between 2^63 and 2^64
private final val Seed0 = 0xC3A5C85C97CB3127L
private final val Seed1 = 0xB492B66FBE98F273L
private final val Seed2 = 0x9AE16A3B2F90404FL
private final val Seed3 = 0xCBF29CE484222325L
private[this] val rowWidth = math.max(1, width >>> SlotShift)
private[this] val indexMask = width - 1
private[this] val matrix = Array.fill[Array[Long]](Depth)(Array.ofDim[Long](rowWidth))
private[this] val rowSizes = Array.ofDim[Int](Depth)
private[this] var updatedSize = 0
def size: Int = updatedSize
def frequency(value: A): Int = {
val hash = rehash(value.hashCode)
var minCount = getCounter(row = 0, index(hash, Seed0))
minCount = Math.min(minCount, getCounter(row = 1, index(hash, Seed1)))
minCount = Math.min(minCount, getCounter(row = 2, index(hash, Seed2)))
minCount = Math.min(minCount, getCounter(row = 3, index(hash, Seed3)))
def increment(value: A): Unit = {
val hash = rehash(value.hashCode)
var updated = incrementCounter(row = 0, index(hash, Seed0))
updated |= incrementCounter(row = 1, index(hash, Seed1))
updated |= incrementCounter(row = 2, index(hash, Seed2))
updated |= incrementCounter(row = 3, index(hash, Seed3))
if (updated) {
updatedSize += 1
if (updatedSize == resetSize) reset()
// A low-bias hash function found by Hash Function Prospector
// hash-prospector has been placed in public domain -
private def rehash(hash: Int): Int = {
var x = hash
x = ((x >>> 15) ^ x) * 0xD168AAAD
x = ((x >>> 15) ^ x) * 0xAF723597
(x >>> 15) ^ x
private def index(hash: Int, seed: Long): Int = {
val x = (hash + seed) * seed
(x + (x >>> 32)).toInt & indexMask
private def getCounter(row: Int, index: Int): Int = {
val column = index >>> SlotShift
val slot = (index & SlotMask) << CounterShift
((matrix(row)(column) >>> slot) & CounterMask).toInt
private def incrementCounter(row: Int, index: Int): Boolean = {
val column = index >>> SlotShift
val slot = (index & SlotMask) << CounterShift
val mask = CounterMask << slot
if ((matrix(row)(column) & mask) != mask) {
matrix(row)(column) += (1L << slot)
rowSizes(row) += 1
} else false
private def reset(): Unit = {
var row = 0
while (row < 4) {
var column = 0
var odd = 0
while (column < rowWidth) {
odd += java.lang.Long.bitCount(matrix(row)(column) & OddMask)
matrix(row)(column) = (matrix(row)(column) >>> 1) & ResetMask
column += 1
rowSizes(row) = (rowSizes(row) - odd) >>> 1
row += 1
updatedSize = rowSizes.max
def toDebugString: String =
FrequencySketchUtil.debugString(matrix, rowWidth, slots = 16, counterWidth = 4, CounterMask)
private[pekko] object FrequencySketchUtil {
* Create a pretty table with all the frequency sketch counters for debugging (smaller) sketches.
def debugString(
matrix: Array[Array[Long]],
rowWidth: Int,
slots: Int,
counterWidth: Int,
counterMax: Long): String = {
def digits(n: Long): Int = math.floor(math.log10(n.toDouble)).toInt + 1
val indexDigits = digits(rowWidth)
val counterDigits = math.max(2, digits(counterMax))
def divider(start: String, line: String, separator1: String, separator: String, end: String): String =
start + (line * (indexDigits + 2)) + separator1 + (line * (counterDigits + 2)) +
((separator + (line * (counterDigits + 2))) * (slots - 1)) + end + "\n"
val builder = new StringBuilder
builder ++= divider("╔", "═", "╦", "╤", "╗")
builder ++= "║" + (" " * (indexDigits + 2))
for (slot <- 0 until slots) {
builder ++= (if (slot == 0) "║" else "│")
builder ++= s" %${counterDigits}d ".format(slot)
builder ++= "║\n"
for (row <- matrix.indices) {
for (column <- matrix(0).indices) {
builder ++= (if (column == 0) divider("╠", "═", "╬", "╪", "╣")
else divider("╟", "─", "╫", "┼", "╢"))
builder ++= s"║ %${indexDigits}d ".format(column)
var shift = 0
while (shift < 64) {
val count = (matrix(row)(column) >>> shift) & counterMax
builder ++= (if (shift == 0) "║" else "│")
builder ++= s" %${counterDigits}d ".format(count)
shift += counterWidth
builder ++= "║\n"
builder ++= divider("╚", "═", "╩", "╧", "╝")
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