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org.apache.pekko.util.LineNumbers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Apache Pekko is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications for Java and Scala.

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, version 2.0:
 * This file is part of the Apache Pekko project, which was derived from Akka.

 * Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Lightbend Inc. 

package org.apache.pekko.util

import{ DataInputStream, InputStream }
import java.lang.invoke.SerializedLambda

import scala.annotation.switch
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

 * This is a minimized byte-code parser that concentrates exclusively on line
 * numbers and source file extraction. It works for all normal classes up to
 * format 52:0 (JDK8), and it also works for Lambdas that are Serializable. The
 * latter restriction is due to the fact that the proxy object generated by
 * LambdaMetafactory otherwise contains no information about which method backs
 * this particular lambda (and there might be multiple defined within a single
 * class).
object LineNumbers {

  sealed trait Result
  case object NoSourceInfo extends Result
  final case class UnknownSourceFormat(explanation: String) extends Result
  final case class SourceFile(filename: String) extends Result {
    override def toString = filename
  final case class SourceFileLines(filename: String, from: Int, to: Int) extends Result {
    override def toString = if (from != to) s"$filename:$from-$to" else s"$filename:$from"

   * Scala API: Obtain line number information for the class defining the given object.
   * This is done by reading the byte code (a potentially blocking IO operation)
   * and interpreting the debug information that it may contain.
   * This does not work for Java 8 lambdas that are not Serializable, because
   * the language designers have consciously made it impossible to obtain the
   * byte code for those.
  // FIXME: this needs memoization with an LRU cache
  def apply(obj: AnyRef): Result = forObject(obj)

   * Java API: Obtain line number information for the class defining the given object.
   * This is done by reading the byte code (a potentially blocking IO operation)
   * and interpreting the debug information that it may contain.
   * This does not work for Java 8 lambdas that are not Serializable, because
   * the language designers have consciously made it impossible to obtain the
   * byte code for those.
  def `for`(obj: AnyRef): Result = apply(obj)

   * Extract source information if available and format a string to identify the
   * class definition in question. This will include the package name and either
   * source file information or the class name.
  def prettyName(obj: AnyRef): String =
    apply(obj) match {
      case NoSourceInfo             => obj.getClass.getName
      case UnknownSourceFormat(msg) => s"${obj.getClass.getName}($msg)"
      case SourceFile(f)            => s"${obj.getClass.getName}($f)"
      case l: SourceFileLines       => s"${obj.getClass.getPackage.getName}/$l"


  // compile-time constant; conditionals below will be elided if false
  private final val debug = false

  private class Constants(count: Int) {

    private var _fwd = Map.empty[Int, String]
    private var _rev = Map.empty[String, Int]
    private var _xref = Map.empty[Int, Int]

    def fwd: Map[Int, String] = _fwd
    def rev: Map[String, Int] = _rev

    private var nextIdx = 1

    def isDone: Boolean = nextIdx >= count

    def apply(idx: Int): String = _fwd(idx)
    def apply(str: String): Int = _rev(str)

    def resolve(): Unit = _xref.foreach(p => put(p._1, apply(p._2)))
    def contains(str: String): Boolean = _rev contains str

    private def put(idx: Int, str: String): Unit = {
      if (!(_rev contains str)) _rev = _rev.updated(str, idx)
      _fwd = _fwd.updated(idx, str)

    def readOne(d: DataInputStream): Unit =
      (d.readByte(): @switch) match {
        case 1 => // Utf8
          val str = d.readUTF()
          put(nextIdx, str)
          nextIdx += 1
        case 3 => // Integer
          skip(d, 4)
          nextIdx += 1
        case 4 => // Float
          skip(d, 4)
          nextIdx += 1
        case 5 => // Long
          skip(d, 8)
          nextIdx += 2
        case 6 => // Double
          skip(d, 8)
          nextIdx += 2
        case 7 => // Class
          val other = d.readUnsignedShort()
          _xref = _xref.updated(nextIdx, other)
          nextIdx += 1
        case 8 => // String
          skip(d, 2)
          nextIdx += 1
        case 9 => // FieldRef
          skip(d, 4) // two shorts
          nextIdx += 1
        case 10 => // MethodRef
          skip(d, 4) // two shorts
          nextIdx += 1
        case 11 => // InterfaceMethodRef
          skip(d, 4) // two shorts
          nextIdx += 1
        case 12 => // NameAndType
          skip(d, 4) // two shorts
          nextIdx += 1
        case 15 => // MethodHandle
          skip(d, 3) // a byte and a short
          nextIdx += 1
        case 16 => // MethodType
          skip(d, 2)
          nextIdx += 1
        case 18 => // InvokeDynamic
          skip(d, 4) // two shorts
          nextIdx += 1


  private def forObject(obj: AnyRef): Result =
    getStreamForClass(obj.getClass).orElse(getStreamForLambda(obj)) match {
      case None                   => NoSourceInfo
      case Some((stream, filter)) => getInfo(stream, filter)

  private def getInfo(stream: InputStream, filter: Option[String]): Result = {
    val dis = new DataInputStream(stream)

    try {
      implicit val constants = getConstants(dis)
      if (debug)
        println(s"LNB:   fwd(${constants.fwd.size}) rev(${constants.rev.size}) ${constants.fwd.keys.toList.sorted}")
      val lines = readMethods(dis, filter)
      val source = readAttributes(dis)

      if (source.isEmpty) NoSourceInfo
        lines match {
          case None             => SourceFile(source.get)
          case Some((from, to)) => SourceFileLines(source.get, from, to)

    } catch {
      case NonFatal(ex) => UnknownSourceFormat(s"parse error: ${ex.getMessage}")
    } finally {
      try dis.close()
      catch {
        case ex: InterruptedException => throw ex
        case NonFatal(_)              => // ignore

  private def getStreamForClass(c: Class[_]): Option[(InputStream, None.type)] = {
    val resource = c.getName.replace('.', '/') + ".class"
    val cl = c.getClassLoader
    val r = cl.getResourceAsStream(resource)
    if (debug) println(s"LNB:     resource '$resource' resolved to stream $r")
    Option(r).map(_ -> None)

  private def getStreamForLambda(l: AnyRef): Option[(InputStream, Some[String])] =
    try {
      val c = l.getClass
      val writeReplace = c.getDeclaredMethod("writeReplace")
      writeReplace.invoke(l) match {
        case serialized: SerializedLambda =>
          if (debug)
            println(s"LNB:     found Lambda implemented in ${serialized.getImplClass}:${serialized.getImplMethodName}")
          Option(c.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(serialized.getImplClass + ".class"))
            .map(_ -> Some(serialized.getImplMethodName))
        case _ => None
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(ex) =>
        if (debug) ex.printStackTrace()

  private def skipID(d: DataInputStream): Unit = {
    val magic = d.readInt()
    if (debug) println(f"LNB: magic=0x$magic%08X")
    if (magic != 0xCAFEBABE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a Java class file")

  private def skipVersion(d: DataInputStream): Unit = {
    val minor = d.readShort()
    val major = d.readShort()
    if (debug) println(s"LNB: version=$major:$minor")

  private def getConstants(d: DataInputStream): Constants = {
    val count = d.readUnsignedShort()
    if (debug) println(s"LNB: reading $count constants")
    val c = new Constants(count)
    while (!c.isDone) c.readOne(d)

  private def skipClassInfo(d: DataInputStream)(implicit c: Constants): Unit = {
    skip(d, 2) // access flags
    val name = d.readUnsignedShort() // class name
    skip(d, 2) // superclass name
    if (debug) println(s"LNB: class name = ${c(name)}")

  private def skipInterfaceInfo(d: DataInputStream)(implicit c: Constants): Unit = {
    val count = d.readUnsignedShort()
    for (_ <- 1 to count) {
      val intf = d.readUnsignedShort()
      if (debug) println(s"LNB:   implements ${c(intf)}")

  private def skipFields(d: DataInputStream)(implicit c: Constants): Unit = {
    val count = d.readUnsignedShort()
    if (debug) println(s"LNB: reading $count fields:")
    for (_ <- 1 to count) skipMethodOrField(d)

  private def skipMethodOrField(d: DataInputStream)(implicit c: Constants): Unit = {
    skip(d, 2) // access flags
    val name = d.readUnsignedShort() // name
    skip(d, 2) // signature
    val attributes = d.readUnsignedShort()
    for (_ <- 1 to attributes) skipAttribute(d)
    if (debug) println(s"LNB:   ${c(name)} ($attributes attributes)")

  private def skipAttribute(d: DataInputStream): Unit = {
    skip(d, 2) // tag
    val length = d.readInt()
    skip(d, length)

  private def readMethods(d: DataInputStream, filter: Option[String])(implicit c: Constants): Option[(Int, Int)] = {
    val count = d.readUnsignedShort()
    if (debug) println(s"LNB: reading $count methods")
    if (c.contains("Code") && c.contains("LineNumberTable")) {
      (1 to count)
        .map(_ => readMethod(d, c("Code"), c("LineNumberTable"), filter))
        .foldLeft(Int.MaxValue -> 0) {
          case ((low, high), (start, end)) => (Math.min(low, start), Math.max(high, end))
        } match {
        case (Int.MaxValue, 0) => None
        case other             => Some(other)
    } else {
      if (debug) println(s"LNB:   (skipped)")
      for (_ <- 1 to count) skipMethodOrField(d)

  private def readMethod(d: DataInputStream, codeTag: Int, lineNumberTableTag: Int, filter: Option[String])(
      implicit c: Constants): Option[(Int, Int)] = {
    skip(d, 2) // access flags
    val name = d.readUnsignedShort() // name
    skip(d, 2) // signature
    if (debug) println(s"LNB:   ${c(name)}")
    val attributes =
      for (_ <- 1 to d.readUnsignedShort()) yield {
        val tag = d.readUnsignedShort()
        val length = d.readInt()
        if (tag != codeTag || (filter.isDefined && c(name) != filter.get)) {
          skip(d, length)
        } else {
          skip(d, 4) // shorts: max stack, max locals
          skip(d, d.readInt()) // skip byte-code
          // skip exception table: N records of 4 shorts (start PC, end PC, handler PC, catch type)
          skip(d, 8 * d.readUnsignedShort())
          val possibleLines =
            for (_ <- 1 to d.readUnsignedShort()) yield {
              val tag = d.readUnsignedShort()
              val length = d.readInt()
              if (tag != lineNumberTableTag) {
                skip(d, length)
              } else {
                val lines =
                  for (_ <- 1 to d.readUnsignedShort()) yield {
                    skip(d, 2) // start PC
                    d.readUnsignedShort() // finally: the line number
                Some(lines.min -> lines.max)
          if (debug) println(s"LNB:     nested attributes yielded: $possibleLines")

  private def readAttributes(d: DataInputStream)(implicit c: Constants): Option[String] = {
    val count = d.readUnsignedShort()
    if (debug) println(s"LNB: reading $count attributes")
    if (c contains "SourceFile") {
      val s = c("SourceFile")
      val attributes =
        for (_ <- 1 to count) yield {
          val tag = d.readUnsignedShort()
          val length = d.readInt()
          if (debug) println(s"LNB:   tag ${c(tag)} ($length bytes)")
          if (tag != s) {
            skip(d, length)
          } else {
            val name = d.readUnsignedShort()
      if (debug) println(s"LNB:   yielded $attributes")
    } else {
      if (debug) println(s"LNB:   (skipped)")

  private def skip(d: DataInputStream, length: Int): Unit =
    if (d.skipBytes(length) != length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("class file ends prematurely")


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