org.apache.pekko.routing.ConsistentHashing.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, version 2.0:
* This file is part of the Apache Pekko project, which was derived from Akka.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2022 Lightbend Inc.
package org.apache.pekko.routing
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import org.apache.pekko
import pekko.dispatch.Dispatchers
import pekko.event.Logging
import pekko.japi.Util.immutableSeq
import pekko.serialization.SerializationExtension
object ConsistentHashingRouter {
* If you don't define the `hashMapping` when
* constructing the [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHashingRouter]]
* the messages need to implement this interface to define what
* data to use for the consistent hash key. Note that it's not
* the hash, but the data to be hashed.
* If returning an `Array[Byte]` or String it will be used as is,
* otherwise the configured [[pekko.serialization.Serializer]]
* will be applied to the returned data.
* If messages can't implement this interface themselves,
* it's possible to wrap the messages in
* [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashableEnvelope]],
* or use [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashableEnvelope]]
trait ConsistentHashable {
def consistentHashKey: Any
* If you don't define the `hashMapping` when
* constructing the [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHashingRouter]]
* and messages can't implement [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashable]]
* themselves they can we wrapped by this envelope instead. The
* router will only send the wrapped message to the destination,
* i.e. the envelope will be stripped off.
final case class ConsistentHashableEnvelope(message: Any, hashKey: Any)
extends ConsistentHashable
with RouterEnvelope
with WrappedMessage {
if (message == null)
throw InvalidMessageException("[null] is not an allowed message")
override def consistentHashKey: Any = hashKey
* Partial function from message to the data to
* use for the consistent hash key. Note that it's not
* the hash that is to be returned, but the data to be hashed.
* If returning an `Array[Byte]` or String it will be used as is,
* otherwise the configured [[pekko.serialization.Serializer]]
* will be applied to the returned data.
type ConsistentHashMapping = PartialFunction[Any, Any]
object emptyConsistentHashMapping extends ConsistentHashMapping {
def isDefinedAt(x: Any) = false
def apply(x: Any) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Empty ConsistentHashMapping apply()")
* Mapping from message to the data to use for the consistent hash key.
* Note that it's not the hash that is to be returned, but the data to be
* hashed.
* May return `null` to indicate that the message is not handled by
* this mapping.
* If returning an `Array[Byte]` or String it will be used as is,
* otherwise the configured [[pekko.serialization.Serializer]]
* will be applied to the returned data.
trait ConsistentHashMapper {
def hashKey(message: Any): Any
private[pekko] def hashMappingAdapter(mapper: ConsistentHashMapper): ConsistentHashMapping = {
case message if mapper.hashKey(message).asInstanceOf[AnyRef] ne null =>
object ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic {
* Address to use for the selfAddress parameter
def defaultAddress(system: ActorSystem): Address =
* Uses consistent hashing to select a routee based on the sent message.
* There is 3 ways to define what data to use for the consistent hash key.
* 1. You can define `hashMapping` / `withHashMapper`
* of the router to map incoming messages to their consistent hash key.
* This makes the decision transparent for the sender.
* 2. The messages may implement [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashable]].
* The key is part of the message and it's convenient to define it together
* with the message definition.
* 3. The messages can be wrapped in a [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashableEnvelope]]
* to define what data to use for the consistent hash key. The sender knows
* the key to use.
* These ways to define the consistent hash key can be use together and at
* the same time for one router. The `hashMapping` is tried first.
* @param virtualNodesFactor number of virtual nodes per node, used in [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHash]]
* @param hashMapping partial function from message to the data to
* use for the consistent hash key
* @param system the actor system hosting this router
final case class ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic(
system: ActorSystem,
virtualNodesFactor: Int = 0,
hashMapping: ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashMapping = ConsistentHashingRouter.emptyConsistentHashMapping)
extends RoutingLogic {
import ConsistentHashingRouter._
* Java API
* @param system the actor system hosting this router
def this(system: ActorSystem) =
this(system, virtualNodesFactor = 0, hashMapping = ConsistentHashingRouter.emptyConsistentHashMapping)
private lazy val selfAddress = {
// Important that this is lazy, because consistent hashing routing pool is used by SimpleDnsManager
// that can be activated early, before the transport defaultAddress is set in the startup.
// See issue #20263.
// If defaultAddress is not available the message will not be routed, but new attempt
// is performed for next message.
val a = ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic.defaultAddress(system)
if (a == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("defaultAddress not available yet")
val vnodes =
if (virtualNodesFactor == 0) system.settings.DefaultVirtualNodesFactor
else virtualNodesFactor
private lazy val log = Logging(system, classOf[ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic])
* Setting the number of virtual nodes per node, used in [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHash]]
def withVirtualNodesFactor(vnodes: Int): ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic = copy(virtualNodesFactor = vnodes)
* Java API: Setting the mapping from message to the data to use for the consistent hash key.
def withHashMapper(mapper: ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashMapper): ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic =
copy(hashMapping = ConsistentHashingRouter.hashMappingAdapter(mapper))
// tuple of routees and the ConsistentHash, updated together in updateConsistentHash
private val consistentHashRef =
new AtomicReference[(immutable.IndexedSeq[Routee], ConsistentHash[ConsistentRoutee])]((null, null))
override def select(message: Any, routees: immutable.IndexedSeq[Routee]): Routee =
if (routees.isEmpty) NoRoutee
else {
// update consistentHash when routees has changed
// changes to routees are rare and when no changes this is a quick operation
def updateConsistentHash(): ConsistentHash[ConsistentRoutee] = {
val oldConsistentHashTuple = consistentHashRef.get
val (oldRoutees, oldConsistentHash) = oldConsistentHashTuple
if (routees ne oldRoutees) {
// when other instance, same content, no need to re-hash, but try to set routees
val consistentHash =
if (routees == oldRoutees) oldConsistentHash
else ConsistentHash(, selfAddress)), vnodes) // re-hash
// ignore, don't update, in case of CAS failure
consistentHashRef.compareAndSet(oldConsistentHashTuple, (routees, consistentHash))
} else oldConsistentHash
def target(hashData: Any): Routee =
try {
val currentConsistenHash = updateConsistentHash()
if (currentConsistenHash.isEmpty) NoRoutee
hashData match {
case bytes: Array[Byte] => currentConsistenHash.nodeFor(bytes).routee
case str: String => currentConsistenHash.nodeFor(str).routee
case x: AnyRef => currentConsistenHash.nodeFor(SerializationExtension(system).serialize(x).get).routee
case unexpected =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected hashdata: $unexpected") // will not happen, for exhaustiveness check
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
log.warning("Couldn't route message with consistent hash key [{}] due to [{}]", hashData, e.getMessage)
message match {
case _ if hashMapping.isDefinedAt(message) => target(hashMapping(message))
case hashable: ConsistentHashable => target(hashable.consistentHashKey)
case _ =>
"Message [{}] must be handled by hashMapping, or implement [{}] or be wrapped in [{}]",
* A router pool that uses consistent hashing to select a routee based on the
* sent message. The selection is described in [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic]].
* The configuration parameter trumps the constructor arguments. This means that
* if you provide `nrOfInstances` during instantiation they will be ignored if
* the router is defined in the configuration file for the actor being used.
* Supervision Setup
* Any routees that are created by a router will be created as the router's children.
* The router is therefore also the children's supervisor.
* The supervision strategy of the router actor can be configured with
* [[#withSupervisorStrategy]]. If no strategy is provided, routers default to
* a strategy of “always escalate”. This means that errors are passed up to the
* router's supervisor for handling.
* The router's supervisor will treat the error as an error with the router itself.
* Therefore a directive to stop or restart will cause the router itself to stop or
* restart. The router, in turn, will cause its children to stop and restart.
* @param nrOfInstances initial number of routees in the pool
* @param resizer optional resizer that dynamically adjust the pool size
* @param virtualNodesFactor number of virtual nodes per node, used in [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHash]]
* @param hashMapping partial function from message to the data to
* use for the consistent hash key
* @param supervisorStrategy strategy for supervising the routees, see 'Supervision Setup'
* @param routerDispatcher dispatcher to use for the router head actor, which handles
* supervision, death watch and router management messages
final case class ConsistentHashingPool(
nrOfInstances: Int,
override val resizer: Option[Resizer] = None,
virtualNodesFactor: Int = 0,
hashMapping: ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashMapping = ConsistentHashingRouter.emptyConsistentHashMapping,
override val supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = Pool.defaultSupervisorStrategy,
override val routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId,
override val usePoolDispatcher: Boolean = false)
extends Pool
with PoolOverrideUnsetConfig[ConsistentHashingPool] {
def this(config: Config) =
nrOfInstances = config.getInt("nr-of-instances"),
resizer = Resizer.fromConfig(config),
usePoolDispatcher = config.hasPath("pool-dispatcher"))
* Java API
* @param nr initial number of routees in the pool
def this(nr: Int) = this(nrOfInstances = nr)
override def createRouter(system: ActorSystem): Router =
new Router(ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic(system, virtualNodesFactor, hashMapping))
override def nrOfInstances(sys: ActorSystem) = this.nrOfInstances
* Setting the supervisor strategy to be used for the “head” Router actor.
def withSupervisorStrategy(strategy: SupervisorStrategy): ConsistentHashingPool = copy(supervisorStrategy = strategy)
* Setting the resizer to be used.
def withResizer(resizer: Resizer): ConsistentHashingPool = copy(resizer = Some(resizer))
* Setting the dispatcher to be used for the router head actor, which handles
* supervision, death watch and router management messages.
def withDispatcher(dispatcherId: String): ConsistentHashingPool = copy(routerDispatcher = dispatcherId)
* Setting the number of virtual nodes per node, used in [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHash]]
def withVirtualNodesFactor(vnodes: Int): ConsistentHashingPool = copy(virtualNodesFactor = vnodes)
* Java API: Setting the mapping from message to the data to use for the consistent hash key.
def withHashMapper(mapper: ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashMapper): ConsistentHashingPool =
copy(hashMapping = ConsistentHashingRouter.hashMappingAdapter(mapper))
* Uses the resizer and/or the supervisor strategy of the given RouterConfig
* if this RouterConfig doesn't have one, i.e. the resizer defined in code is used if
* resizer was not defined in config.
* Uses the `hashMapping` defined in code, since that can't be defined in configuration.
override def withFallback(other: RouterConfig): RouterConfig = other match {
case _: FromConfig | _: NoRouter => this.overrideUnsetConfig(other)
case otherRouter: ConsistentHashingPool => copy(hashMapping = otherRouter.hashMapping).overrideUnsetConfig(other)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected ConsistentHashingPool, got [%s]".format(other))
* A router group that uses consistent hashing to select a routee based on the
* sent message. The selection is described in [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic]].
* The configuration parameter trumps the constructor arguments. This means that
* if you provide `paths` during instantiation they will be ignored if
* the router is defined in the configuration file for the actor being used.
* @param paths string representation of the actor paths of the routees, messages are
* sent with [[]] to these paths
* @param virtualNodesFactor number of virtual nodes per node, used in [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHash]]
* @param hashMapping partial function from message to the data to
* use for the consistent hash key
* @param routerDispatcher dispatcher to use for the router head actor, which handles
* router management messages
final case class ConsistentHashingGroup(
paths: immutable.Iterable[String],
virtualNodesFactor: Int = 0,
hashMapping: ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashMapping = ConsistentHashingRouter.emptyConsistentHashMapping,
override val routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId)
extends Group {
def this(config: Config) =
this(paths = immutableSeq(config.getStringList("routees.paths")))
* Java API
* @param routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees, messages are
* sent with [[]] to these paths
def this(routeePaths: java.lang.Iterable[String]) = this(paths = immutableSeq(routeePaths))
override def paths(system: ActorSystem): immutable.Iterable[String] = this.paths
override def createRouter(system: ActorSystem): Router =
new Router(ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic(system, virtualNodesFactor, hashMapping))
* Setting the dispatcher to be used for the router head actor, which handles
* router management messages
def withDispatcher(dispatcherId: String): ConsistentHashingGroup = copy(routerDispatcher = dispatcherId)
* Setting the number of virtual nodes per node, used in [[pekko.routing.ConsistentHash]]
def withVirtualNodesFactor(vnodes: Int): ConsistentHashingGroup = copy(virtualNodesFactor = vnodes)
* Java API: Setting the mapping from message to the data to use for the consistent hash key.
def withHashMapper(mapper: ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashMapper): ConsistentHashingGroup =
copy(hashMapping = ConsistentHashingRouter.hashMappingAdapter(mapper))
* Uses the `hashMapping` defined in code, since that can't be defined in configuration.
override def withFallback(other: RouterConfig): RouterConfig = other match {
case _: FromConfig | _: NoRouter => super.withFallback(other)
case otherRouter: ConsistentHashingGroup => copy(hashMapping = otherRouter.hashMapping)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected ConsistentHashingGroup, got [%s]".format(other))
* Important to use ActorRef with full address, with host and port, in the hash ring,
* so that same ring is produced on different nodes.
* The ConsistentHash uses toString of the ring nodes, and the ActorRef itself
* isn't a good representation, because LocalActorRef doesn't include the
* host and port.
private[pekko] final case class ConsistentRoutee(routee: Routee, selfAddress: Address) {
override def toString: String = routee match {
case ActorRefRoutee(ref) => toStringWithfullAddress(ref.path)
case ActorSelectionRoutee(sel) => toStringWithfullAddress(sel.anchorPath) + sel.pathString
case other => other.toString
private def toStringWithfullAddress(path: ActorPath): String = {
path.address match {
case Address(_, _, None, None) => path.toStringWithAddress(selfAddress)
case _ => path.toString
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