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org.apache.pekko.kafka.Subscriptions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Apache Pekko Kafka Connector is a Reactive Enterprise Integration library for Java and Scala, based on Reactive Streams and Apache Pekko.

The newest version!
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, version 2.0:
 * This file is part of the Apache Pekko project, which was derived from Akka.

 * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2016 Softwaremill 
 * Copyright (C) 2016 - 2020 Lightbend Inc. 

package org.apache.pekko.kafka

import org.apache.pekko
import pekko.annotation.{ ApiMayChange, InternalApi }
import pekko.kafka.internal.PartitionAssignmentHelpers
import pekko.kafka.internal.PartitionAssignmentHelpers.EmptyPartitionAssignmentHandler
import pekko.util.ccompat.JavaConverters._
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition

import scala.annotation.varargs

sealed trait Subscription {

  /** ActorRef which is to receive [[pekko.kafka.ConsumerRebalanceEvent]] signals when rebalancing happens */
  def rebalanceListener: Option[ActorRef]

  /** Configure this actor ref to receive [[pekko.kafka.ConsumerRebalanceEvent]] signals */
  def withRebalanceListener(ref: ActorRef): Subscription

  def renderStageAttribute: String

  protected def renderListener: String = ""

 * Kafka-speak for these is "Assignments".
sealed trait ManualSubscription extends Subscription {

  /** @deprecated Manual subscriptions do never rebalance, since Alpakka Kafka 1.0-RC1 */
  @deprecated("Manual subscription does never rebalance", "Alpakka Kafka 1.0-RC1")
  def rebalanceListener: Option[ActorRef] = None

  /** @deprecated Manual subscriptions do never rebalance, since Alpakka Kafka 1.0-RC1 */
  @deprecated("Manual subscription does never rebalance", "Alpakka Kafka 1.0-RC1")
  def withRebalanceListener(ref: ActorRef): ManualSubscription

 * Kafka-speak for these is "Subscriptions".
sealed trait AutoSubscription extends Subscription {

  /** ActorRef which is to receive [[pekko.kafka.ConsumerRebalanceEvent]] signals when rebalancing happens */
  def rebalanceListener: Option[ActorRef]

  def partitionAssignmentHandler: scaladsl.PartitionAssignmentHandler

  /** Configure this actor ref to receive [[pekko.kafka.ConsumerRebalanceEvent]] signals */
  def withRebalanceListener(ref: ActorRef): AutoSubscription

  @ApiMayChange(issue = "")
  def withPartitionAssignmentHandler(handler: scaladsl.PartitionAssignmentHandler): AutoSubscription

  @ApiMayChange(issue = "")
  def withPartitionAssignmentHandler(handler: javadsl.PartitionAssignmentHandler): AutoSubscription

  override protected def renderListener: String =
    rebalanceListener match {
      case Some(ref) => s" rebalanceListener $ref"
      case None      => ""

sealed trait ConsumerRebalanceEvent
final case class TopicPartitionsAssigned(sub: Subscription, topicPartitions: Set[TopicPartition])
    extends ConsumerRebalanceEvent
final case class TopicPartitionsRevoked(sub: Subscription, topicPartitions: Set[TopicPartition])
    extends ConsumerRebalanceEvent

object Subscriptions {

  private[kafka] final case class TopicSubscription(
      tps: Set[String],
      rebalanceListener: Option[ActorRef],
      override val partitionAssignmentHandler: scaladsl.PartitionAssignmentHandler) extends AutoSubscription {
    def withRebalanceListener(ref: ActorRef): TopicSubscription =
      copy(rebalanceListener = Some(ref))

    @ApiMayChange(issue = "")
    def withPartitionAssignmentHandler(handler: scaladsl.PartitionAssignmentHandler): AutoSubscription =
      copy(partitionAssignmentHandler = handler)

    @ApiMayChange(issue = "")
    def withPartitionAssignmentHandler(handler: javadsl.PartitionAssignmentHandler): AutoSubscription =
      copy(partitionAssignmentHandler = PartitionAssignmentHelpers.WrappedJava(handler))

    def renderStageAttribute: String = s"${tps.mkString(" ")}$renderListener"


  private[kafka] final case class TopicSubscriptionPattern(
      pattern: String,
      rebalanceListener: Option[ActorRef],
      override val partitionAssignmentHandler: scaladsl.PartitionAssignmentHandler) extends AutoSubscription {
    def withRebalanceListener(ref: ActorRef): TopicSubscriptionPattern =
      copy(rebalanceListener = Some(ref))

    @ApiMayChange(issue = "")
    def withPartitionAssignmentHandler(handler: scaladsl.PartitionAssignmentHandler): AutoSubscription =
      copy(partitionAssignmentHandler = handler)

    @ApiMayChange(issue = "")
    def withPartitionAssignmentHandler(handler: javadsl.PartitionAssignmentHandler): AutoSubscription =
      copy(partitionAssignmentHandler = PartitionAssignmentHelpers.WrappedJava(handler))

    def renderStageAttribute: String = s"pattern $pattern$renderListener"

  private[kafka] final case class Assignment(tps: Set[TopicPartition]) extends ManualSubscription {
    def withRebalanceListener(ref: ActorRef): Assignment = this
    def renderStageAttribute: String = s"${tps.mkString(" ")}"

  private[kafka] final case class AssignmentWithOffset(tps: Map[TopicPartition, Long]) extends ManualSubscription {
    def withRebalanceListener(ref: ActorRef): AssignmentWithOffset = this
    def renderStageAttribute: String =
      s"${ { case (tp, offset) => s"$tp offset$offset" }.mkString(" ")}"

  private[kafka] final case class AssignmentOffsetsForTimes(timestampsToSearch: Map[TopicPartition, Long])
      extends ManualSubscription {
    def withRebalanceListener(ref: ActorRef): AssignmentOffsetsForTimes = this
    def renderStageAttribute: String =
      s"${ { case (tp, timestamp) => s"$tp timestamp$timestamp" }.mkString(" ")}"

  /** Creates subscription for given set of topics */
  def topics(ts: Set[String]): AutoSubscription =
    TopicSubscription(ts, rebalanceListener = None, EmptyPartitionAssignmentHandler)

   * Creates subscription for given set of topics
  def topics(ts: String*): AutoSubscription = topics(ts.toSet)

   * Creates subscription for given set of topics
  def topics(ts: java.util.Set[String]): AutoSubscription = topics(ts.asScala.toSet)

   * Creates subscription for given topics pattern
  def topicPattern(pattern: String): AutoSubscription =
    TopicSubscriptionPattern(pattern, rebalanceListener = None, EmptyPartitionAssignmentHandler)

   * Manually assign given topics and partitions
  def assignment(tps: Set[TopicPartition]): ManualSubscription = Assignment(tps)

   * Manually assign given topics and partitions
  def assignment(tps: TopicPartition*): ManualSubscription = assignment(tps.toSet)

   * Manually assign given topics and partitions
  def assignment(tps: java.util.Set[TopicPartition]): ManualSubscription = assignment(tps.asScala.toSet)

   * Manually assign given topics and partitions with offsets
  def assignmentWithOffset(tps: Map[TopicPartition, Long]): ManualSubscription = AssignmentWithOffset(tps)

   * Manually assign given topics and partitions with offsets
  def assignmentWithOffset(tps: (TopicPartition, Long)*): ManualSubscription = AssignmentWithOffset(tps.toMap)

   * Manually assign given topics and partitions with offsets
  def assignmentWithOffset(tps: java.util.Map[TopicPartition, java.lang.Long]): ManualSubscription =
    assignmentWithOffset(tps.asScala.toMap.asInstanceOf[Map[TopicPartition, Long]])

   * Manually assign given topics and partitions with offsets
  def assignmentWithOffset(tp: TopicPartition, offset: Long): ManualSubscription =
    assignmentWithOffset(Map(tp -> offset))

   * Manually assign given topics and partitions with timestamps
  def assignmentOffsetsForTimes(tps: Map[TopicPartition, Long]): ManualSubscription =

   * Manually assign given topics and partitions with timestamps
  def assignmentOffsetsForTimes(tps: (TopicPartition, Long)*): ManualSubscription =

   * Manually assign given topics and partitions with timestamps
  def assignmentOffsetsForTimes(tps: java.util.Map[TopicPartition, java.lang.Long]): ManualSubscription =
    assignmentOffsetsForTimes(tps.asScala.toMap.asInstanceOf[Map[TopicPartition, Long]])

   * Manually assign given topics and partitions with timestamps
  def assignmentOffsetsForTimes(tp: TopicPartition, timestamp: Long): ManualSubscription =
    assignmentOffsetsForTimes(Map(tp -> timestamp))


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