org.apache.pekko.grpc.maven.AbstractGenerateMojo.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Apache Pekko gRPC - Support for building streaming gRPC servers and clients on top of Pekko Streams.
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, version 2.0:
* This file is part of the Apache Pekko project, which was derived from Akka.
* Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Lightbend Inc.
package org.apache.pekko.grpc.maven
import{ ByteArrayOutputStream, File, PrintStream }
import org.apache.pekko
import pekko.grpc.gen.{ CodeGenerator, Logger, ProtocSettings }
import pekko.grpc.gen.javadsl.{ JavaClientCodeGenerator, JavaInterfaceCodeGenerator, JavaServerCodeGenerator }
import pekko.grpc.gen.scaladsl.{ ScalaClientCodeGenerator, ScalaServerCodeGenerator, ScalaTraitCodeGenerator }
import javax.inject.Inject
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject
import protocbridge.{ JvmGenerator, ProtocRunner, Target }
import scalapb.ScalaPbCodeGenerator
import scala.beans.BeanProperty
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
object AbstractGenerateMojo {
case class ProtocError(file: String, line: Int, pos: Int, message: String)
private val ProtocErrorRegex = """(\w+\.\w+):(\d+):(\d+):\s(.*)""".r
/** @return a left(parsed error) or a right(original error string) if it cannot be parsed */
def parseError(errorLine: String): Either[ProtocError, String] =
errorLine match {
case ProtocErrorRegex(file, line, pos, message) =>
Left(ProtocError(file, line.toInt, pos.toInt, message))
case unknown =>
private def captureStdOutAndErr[T](block: => T): (String, String, T) = {
val errBao = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val errPrinter = new PrintStream(errBao, true, "UTF-8")
val outBao = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val outPrinter = new PrintStream(outBao, true, "UTF-8")
val originalOut = System.out
val originalErr = System.err
val t =
try {
} finally {
(outBao.toString("UTF-8"), errBao.toString("UTF-8"), t)
sealed trait Language {
def targetDirSuffix: String
case object Scala extends Language {
val targetDirSuffix = "scala"
case object Java extends Language {
val targetDirSuffix = "java"
def parseLanguage(text: String): Language =
text.toLowerCase match {
case "scala" => Scala
case "java" => Java
case unknown =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("[" + unknown + "] is not a supported language, supported are java or scala")
* Turns generatorSettings into sequence of strings, including to:
* 1. Filter keys if the values are not false.
* 2. Make camelCase into snake_case
* e.g. { "flatPackage": "true", "serverPowerApis": "false" } -> ["flat_package"]
def parseGeneratorSettings(generatorSettings: java.util.Map[String, String]): Seq[String] = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
generatorSettings.asScala.filter(_._2.toLowerCase() != "false") { params =>
"[A-Z]".r.replaceAllIn(params, s => s"_${}")
abstract class AbstractGenerateMojo @Inject() (buildContext: BuildContext) extends AbstractMojo {
import AbstractGenerateMojo._
var project: MavenProject = _
var protoPaths: java.util.List[String] = _
var outputDirectory: String = _
var language: String = _
var generateClient: Boolean = _
var generateServer: Boolean = _
// Add the '' or '' extra generator instead
var generatePlayClient: Boolean = _
// Add the '' or '' extra generator instead
var generatePlayServer: Boolean = _
var generatorSettings: java.util.Map[String, String] = _
var extraGenerators: java.util.ArrayList[String] = _
var includeStdTypes: Boolean = _
var protocVersion: String = _
def addGeneratedSourceRoot(generatedSourcesDir: String): Unit
override def execute(): Unit = {
val chosenLanguage = parseLanguage(language)
var directoryFound = false
protoPaths.forEach { protoPath =>
// verify proto dir exists
val protoDir = {
val protoFile = new File(protoPath)
if (!protoFile.isAbsolute()) {
new File(project.getBasedir(), protoPath).toPath().normalize().toFile()
} else {
if (protoDir.exists()) {
directoryFound = true
// generated sources should be compiled
val generatedSourcesDir = s"$outputDirectory/pekko-grpc${chosenLanguage.targetDirSuffix}"
val compileSourceRoot = {
val generatedSourcesFile = new File(generatedSourcesDir)
if (!generatedSourcesFile.isAbsolute()) {
new File(project.getBasedir(), generatedSourcesDir).toPath().normalize().toFile()
} else {
generate(chosenLanguage, compileSourceRoot, protoDir)
if (!directoryFound) sys.error(s"None of protobuf sources directories $protoPaths do not exist")
private def generate(language: Language, generatedSourcesDir: File, protoDir: File): Unit = {
val scanner = buildContext.newScanner(protoDir, true)
val schemas = => new File(protoDir, file)).filter(buildContext.hasDelta).toSet
// only build if there are changes to the proto files
if (schemas.isEmpty) {"No changed or new .proto-files found in [%s], skipping code generation".format(generatedSourcesDir))
} else {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val loadedExtraGenerators = =>
val targets = language match {
case Java =>
val glueGenerators = loadedExtraGenerators ++ Seq(
if (generateServer) Seq(JavaInterfaceCodeGenerator, JavaServerCodeGenerator) else Seq.empty,
if (generateClient) Seq(JavaInterfaceCodeGenerator, JavaClientCodeGenerator)
else Seq.empty).flatten.distinct
val settings = parseGeneratorSettings(generatorSettings)
val javaSettings = settings.intersect(ProtocSettings.protocJava)
Seq[Target](Target(, generatedSourcesDir, javaSettings)) ++ => adaptAkkaGenerator(generatedSourcesDir, g, settings))
case Scala =>
// Add flatPackage option as default if it's not set.
val settings =
if (generatorSettings.containsKey("flatPackage"))
parseGeneratorSettings(generatorSettings) :+ "flat_package"
val scalapbSettings = settings.intersect(ProtocSettings.scalapb)
val glueGenerators = Seq(
if (generateServer) Seq(ScalaTraitCodeGenerator, ScalaServerCodeGenerator) else Seq.empty,
if (generateClient) Seq(ScalaTraitCodeGenerator, ScalaClientCodeGenerator) else Seq.empty).flatten.distinct
// TODO whitelist scala generator parameters instead of blacklist
Seq[Target]((JvmGenerator("scala", ScalaPbCodeGenerator), scalapbSettings) -> generatedSourcesDir) ++ => adaptAkkaGenerator(generatedSourcesDir, g, settings))
val runProtoc: Seq[String] => Int = args =>
com.github.os72.protocjar.Protoc.runProtoc(protocVersion +: args.toArray)
val protocOptions = if (includeStdTypes) Seq("--include_std_types") else Seq.empty
compile(runProtoc, schemas, protoDir, protocOptions, targets)
private[this] def executeProtoc(
protocCommand: Seq[String] => Int,
schemas: Set[File],
protoDir: File,
protocOptions: Seq[String],
targets: Seq[Target]): Int =
try {
val incPath = "-I" + protoDir.getCanonicalPath
ProtocRunner.fromFunction((args, _) => protocCommand(args)),
Seq(incPath) ++ protocOptions ++,
artifact =>
throw new RuntimeException(
s"The version of sbt-protoc you are using is incompatible with '${artifact}' code generator. Please update sbt-protoc to a version >= 0.99.33"))
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
throw new RuntimeException("error occurred while compiling protobuf files: %s".format(e.getMessage), e)
private[this] def compile(
protocCommand: Seq[String] => Int,
schemas: Set[File],
protoDir: File,
protocOptions: Seq[String],
targets: Seq[Target]): Unit = {
// Sort by the length of path names to ensure that we have parent directories before sub directories
val generatedTargets = targets
.map { t =>
if (!t.outputPath.isAbsolute()) {
t.copy(outputPath = new File(t.outputPath.getAbsolutePath).toPath().normalize().toFile())
} else {
if (schemas.nonEmpty && generatedTargets.nonEmpty) {
"Compiling %d protobuf files to %s".format(schemas.size,",")))
schemas.foreach { schema => buildContext.removeMessages(schema) }
getLog.debug("Compiling schemas [%s]".format(schemas.mkString(",")))
getLog.debug("protoc options: %s".format(protocOptions.mkString(",")))"Compiling protobuf")
val (out, err, exitCode) = captureStdOutAndErr {
executeProtoc(protocCommand, schemas, protoDir, protocOptions, generatedTargets)
if (exitCode != 0) {
err.split("\n\r").map(_.trim).map(parseError).foreach {
case Left(ProtocError(file, line, pos, message)) =>
new File(protoDir, file),
new RuntimeException("protoc compilation failed") with NoStackTrace)
case Right(otherError) =>
sys.error(s"protoc exit code $exitCode: $otherError")
} else {
if (getLog.isDebugEnabled) {
getLog.debug("protoc output: " + out)
getLog.debug("protoc stderr: " + err)
generatedTargets.foreach { dir =>"Protoc target directory: %s".format(dir.outputPath.getAbsolutePath))
} else if (schemas.nonEmpty && generatedTargets.isEmpty) {"Protobufs files found, but PB.targets is empty.")
def adaptAkkaGenerator(targetPath: File, generator: CodeGenerator, settings: Seq[String]): Target = {
val logger = new Logger {
def debug(text: String): Unit = getLog.debug(text)
def info(text: String): Unit =
def warn(text: String): Unit = getLog.warn(text)
def error(text: String): Unit = getLog.error(text)
// scala binary version is not used from here, as gradle protoc plugin does not use suggested dependencies
val adapted = new ProtocBridgeCodeGenerator(generator, CodeGenerator.ScalaBinaryVersion("2.12"), logger)
val jvmGenerator = JvmGenerator(, adapted)
(jvmGenerator, settings) -> targetPath
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