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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, version 2.0:
 * This file is part of the Apache Pekko project, which was derived from Akka.

 * Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Lightbend Inc. 


import org.apache.pekko
import pekko.Done
import pekko.event.{ LogSource, Logging }
import pekko.http.javadsl.server.directives.SecurityDirectives.ProvidedCredentials
import pekko.http.scaladsl.Http
import pekko.http.scaladsl.model.Uri
import pekko.http.scaladsl.server.Directives.{ authenticateBasicAsync, pathPrefix, rawPathPrefix }
import pekko.http.scaladsl.server.{ Directive, Directives, PathMatchers, Route }
import pekko.http.scaladsl.server.directives.Credentials
import pekko.http.scaladsl.settings.ServerSettings
import{ javadsl, ManagementLogMarker, NamedRouteProvider, PekkoManagementSettings }
import pekko.util.ManifestInfo
import pekko.util.FutureConverters._
import pekko.util.OptionConverters._

import java.util.Optional
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise }
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success }
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

object PekkoManagement extends ExtensionId[PekkoManagement] with ExtensionIdProvider {
  override def lookup: PekkoManagement.type = PekkoManagement

  override def get(system: ActorSystem): PekkoManagement = super.get(system)

  override def get(system: ClassicActorSystemProvider): PekkoManagement = super.get(system)

  override def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): PekkoManagement =
    new PekkoManagement()(system)

final class PekkoManagement(implicit private[pekko] val system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Extension {

    productName = "Pekko Management",
    dependencies = List(
    logWarning = true)

  private val log = Logging.withMarker(system, getClass)(LogSource.fromClass)
  val settings: PekkoManagementSettings = new PekkoManagementSettings(system.settings.config)

  import system.dispatcher

  private val routeProviders: immutable.Seq[ManagementRouteProvider] = loadRouteProviders()

  private val bindingFuture = new AtomicReference[Future[Http.ServerBinding]]()
  private val selfUriPromise = Promise[Uri]() // TODO has to keep config as well as the Uri, so we can reject 2nd calls with diff uri

  private def providerSettings: ManagementRouteProviderSettings = {
    // port is on purpose never inferred from protocol, because this HTTP endpoint is not the "main" one for the app
    val protocol = "http" // changed to "https" if ManagementRouteProviderSettings.withHttpsConnectionContext is used
    val host = settings.Http.Hostname
    val port = settings.Http.Port
    val path = settings.Http.BasePath.fold("")("/" + _)
    val selfBaseUri =
      Uri.from(scheme = protocol, host = host, port = port, path = path)
    ManagementRouteProviderSettings(selfBaseUri, settings.Http.RouteProvidersReadOnly)

   * Get the routes for the HTTP management endpoint.
   * This method can be used to embed the Pekko management routes in an existing Pekko HTTP server.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if routes not configured for pekko management
  def routes: Route = prepareCombinedRoutes(providerSettings)

   * Amend the [[ManagementRouteProviderSettings]] and get the routes for the HTTP management endpoint.
   * Use this when adding authentication and HTTPS.
   * This method can be used to embed the Pekko management routes in an existing Pekko HTTP server.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if routes not configured for pekko management
  def routes(transformSettings: ManagementRouteProviderSettings => ManagementRouteProviderSettings): Route =

   * Start a Pekko HTTP server to serve the HTTP management endpoint.
  def start(): Future[Uri] =

   * Amend the [[ManagementRouteProviderSettings]] and start a Pekko HTTP server to serve
   * the HTTP management endpoint.
   * Use this when adding authentication and HTTPS.
  def start(transformSettings: ManagementRouteProviderSettings => ManagementRouteProviderSettings): Future[Uri] = {
    val serverBindingPromise = Promise[Http.ServerBinding]()
    if (bindingFuture.compareAndSet(null, serverBindingPromise.future)) {
      try {
        val effectiveBindHostname = settings.Http.EffectiveBindHostname
        val effectiveBindPort = settings.Http.EffectiveBindPort
        val effectiveProviderSettings = transformSettings(providerSettings)

        // TODO instead of binding to hardcoded things here, discovery could also be used for this binding!
        // Basically: "give me the SRV host/port for the port called `pekko-bootstrap`"
        // discovery.lookup("_pekko-bootstrap" + ".effective-name.default").find(myaddress)
        // ----
        // FIXME -- think about the style of how we want to make these available"Binding Pekko Management (HTTP) endpoint to: {}:{}", effectiveBindHostname, effectiveBindPort)

        val combinedRoutes = prepareCombinedRoutes(effectiveProviderSettings)

        val baseBuilder = Http()
          .newServerAt(effectiveBindHostname, effectiveBindPort)

        val securedBuilder = effectiveProviderSettings.httpsConnectionContext match {
          case Some(httpsContext) => baseBuilder.enableHttps(httpsContext)
          case None               => baseBuilder
        val serverFutureBinding = securedBuilder.bind(combinedRoutes)

        serverBindingPromise.completeWith(serverFutureBinding).future.flatMap { binding =>
          val boundPort = binding.localAddress.getPort

            "Bound Pekko Management (HTTP) endpoint to: {}:{}",

      } catch {
        case NonFatal(ex) =>
          Future.failed(new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to start Pekko Management HTTP endpoint.", ex))
    } else selfUriPromise.future

  private def prepareCombinedRoutes(providerSettings: ManagementRouteProviderSettings): Route = {
    val basePath: Directive[Unit] = {
      val pathPrefixName = settings.Http.BasePath.getOrElse("")
      if (pathPrefixName.isEmpty) {
      } else {

    def wrapWithAuthenticatorIfPresent(inner: Route): Route = {
      val providerSettingsImpl = providerSettings.asInstanceOf[ManagementRouteProviderSettingsImpl]
      (providerSettingsImpl.scaladslAuth, providerSettingsImpl.javadslAuth) match {
        case (None, None) =>

        case (Some(asyncAuthenticator), None) =>
          authenticateBasicAsync[String](realm = "secured", asyncAuthenticator)(_ => inner)

        case (None, Some(auth)) =>
          def credsToJava(cred: Credentials): Optional[ProvidedCredentials] = cred match {
            case provided: Credentials.Provided => Optional.of(ProvidedCredentials(provided))
            case _                              => Optional.empty()
          authenticateBasicAsync(realm = "secured", c => auth.apply(credsToJava(c))
            .apply(_ => inner)

        case (Some(_), Some(_)) =>
          throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected that both scaladsl and javadsl auth were defined")

    val combinedRoutes = { provider =>"Including HTTP management routes for {}", Logging.simpleName(provider))

    if (combinedRoutes.nonEmpty) {
      basePath {
        wrapWithAuthenticatorIfPresent(Directives.concat(combinedRoutes: _*))
    } else
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "No routes configured for pekko management! " +
        "Double check your `` config.")

  def stop(): Future[Done] = {
    val binding = bindingFuture.get()

    if (binding == null) {
    } else if (bindingFuture.compareAndSet(binding, null)) {
      binding.flatMap(_.unbind()).map((_: Any) => Done)
    } else stop() // retry, CAS was not successful, someone else completed the stop()

  private def loadRouteProviders(): immutable.Seq[ManagementRouteProvider] = {
    val dynamicAccess = system.dynamicAccess

    // since often the providers are Pekko extensions, we initialize them here as the ActorSystem would otherwise {
      case NamedRouteProvider(name, fqcn) =>
          .recoverWith {
            case _ => dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[ExtensionIdProvider](fqcn, Nil)
          .recoverWith[ExtensionIdProvider] {
            case _: ClassCastException | _: NoSuchMethodException =>
              dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[ExtensionIdProvider](fqcn, (classOf[ExtendedActorSystem], system) :: Nil)
          .recoverWith[AnyRef] {
            case _: ClassCastException | _: NoSuchMethodException =>
              dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[ManagementRouteProvider](fqcn, Nil)
          .recoverWith[AnyRef] {
            case _: ClassCastException | _: NoSuchMethodException =>
                (classOf[ExtendedActorSystem], system) :: Nil)
          .recoverWith[AnyRef] {
            case _: ClassCastException | _: NoSuchMethodException =>
              dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[javadsl.ManagementRouteProvider](fqcn, Nil)
          .recoverWith[AnyRef] {
            case _: ClassCastException | _: NoSuchMethodException =>
                .createInstanceFor[javadsl.ManagementRouteProvider](fqcn, (classOf[ExtendedActorSystem], system) :: Nil)
          } match {
          case Success(p: ExtensionIdProvider) =>
            system.registerExtension(p.lookup) match {
              case provider: ManagementRouteProvider         => provider
              case provider: javadsl.ManagementRouteProvider => new ManagementRouteProviderAdapter(provider)
              case other =>
                throw new RuntimeException(
                  s"Extension [$fqcn] should create a 'ManagementRouteProvider' but was " +

          case Success(provider: ManagementRouteProvider) =>

          case Success(provider: javadsl.ManagementRouteProvider) =>
            new ManagementRouteProviderAdapter(provider)

          case Success(_) =>
            throw new RuntimeException(
              s"[$fqcn] is not an 'ExtensionIdProvider', 'ExtensionId' or 'ManagementRouteProvider'")

          case Failure(problem) =>
            throw new RuntimeException(s"While trying to load route provider extension [$name = $fqcn]", problem)


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