org.apache.pekko.remote.testkit.MultiNodeSpec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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This module of Apache Pekko is marked as 'may change', which means that it is in early access mode. A module marked 'may change' doesn't have to obey the rule of staying binary compatible between minor releases. Breaking API changes may be introduced in minor releases without notice as we refine and simplify based on your feedback. Additionally such a module may be dropped in major releases without prior deprecation.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, version 2.0:
* This file is part of the Apache Pekko project, which was derived from Akka.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2022 Lightbend Inc.
package org.apache.pekko.remote.testkit
import{ InetAddress, InetSocketAddress }
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Awaitable }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigFactory, ConfigObject }
import language.implicitConversions
import org.apache.pekko
import pekko.event.{ Logging, LoggingAdapter }
import pekko.remote.RemoteTransportException
import pekko.remote.testconductor.{ TestConductor, TestConductorExt }
import pekko.remote.testconductor.RoleName
import pekko.testkit._
import pekko.testkit.TestEvent._
import pekko.testkit.TestKit
import pekko.util.Timeout
import pekko.util.ccompat._
* Configure the role names and participants of the test, including configuration settings.
abstract class MultiNodeConfig {
private var _commonConf: Option[Config] = None
private var _nodeConf = Map[RoleName, Config]()
private var _roles = Vector[RoleName]()
private var _deployments = Map[RoleName, immutable.Seq[String]]()
private var _allDeploy = Vector[String]()
private var _testTransport = false
* Register a common base config for all test participants, if so desired.
def commonConfig(config: Config): Unit = _commonConf = Some(config)
* Register a config override for a specific participant.
def nodeConfig(roles: RoleName*)(configs: Config*): Unit = {
val c = configs.reduceLeft(_.withFallback(_))
_nodeConf ++= { _ -> c }
* Include for verbose debug logging
* @param on when `true` debug Config is returned, otherwise config with info logging
def debugConfig(on: Boolean): Config =
if (on)
pekko.loglevel = DEBUG
pekko.remote {
log-received-messages = on
log-sent-messages = on
pekko.remote.artery {
log-received-messages = on
log-sent-messages = on
} {
receive = on
fsm = on
pekko.remote.log-remote-lifecycle-events = on
* Construct a RoleName and return it, to be used as an identifier in the
* test. Registration of a role name creates a role which then needs to be
* filled.
def role(name: String): RoleName = {
if (_roles.exists( == name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("non-unique role name " + name)
val r = RoleName(name)
_roles :+= r
def deployOn(role: RoleName, deployment: String): Unit =
_deployments += role -> ((_deployments.get(role).getOrElse(Vector())) :+ deployment)
def deployOnAll(deployment: String): Unit = _allDeploy :+= deployment
* To be able to use `blackhole`, `passThrough`, and `throttle` you must
* activate the failure injector and throttler transport adapters by
* specifying `testTransport(on = true)` in your MultiNodeConfig.
def testTransport(on: Boolean): Unit = _testTransport = on
private[testkit] lazy val myself: RoleName = {
require(_roles.size > MultiNodeSpec.selfIndex, "not enough roles declared for this test")
private[pekko] def config: Config = {
val transportConfig =
if (_testTransport) ConfigFactory.parseString("""
pekko.remote.classic.netty.tcp.applied-adapters = [trttl, gremlin]
pekko.remote.artery.advanced.test-mode = on
else ConfigFactory.empty
val configs = _nodeConf
.toList ::: _commonConf.toList ::: transportConfig :: MultiNodeSpec.nodeConfig :: MultiNodeSpec.baseConfig :: Nil
private[testkit] def deployments(node: RoleName): immutable.Seq[String] =
(_deployments.get(node).getOrElse(Nil)) ++ _allDeploy
private[testkit] def roles: immutable.Seq[RoleName] = _roles
object MultiNodeSpec {
* Number of nodes node taking part in this test.
* {{{
* -Dmultinode.max-nodes=4
* }}}
val maxNodes: Int = Option(Integer.getInteger("multinode.max-nodes"))
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalStateException("need system property multinode.max-nodes to be set"))
require(maxNodes > 0, "multinode.max-nodes must be greater than 0")
* Name (or IP address; must be resolvable using InetAddress.getByName)
* of the host this node is running on.
* {{{
* }}}
* InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress is used if empty or "localhost"
* is defined as system property "".
val selfName: String = Option(System.getProperty("")) match {
case None => throw new IllegalStateException("need system property to be set")
case Some("") => InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress
case Some(host) => host
require(selfName != "", " must not be empty")
* TCP Port number to be used when running tests on TCP. 0 means a random port.
* {{{
* -Dmultinode.port=0
* }}}
val tcpPort: Int = Integer.getInteger("multinode.port", 0)
require(tcpPort >= 0 && tcpPort < 65535, "multinode.port is out of bounds: " + tcpPort)
* UDP Port number to be used when running tests on UDP. 0 means a random port.
* {{{
* -Dmultinode.udp.port=0
* }}}
val udpPort: Option[Int] =
Option(System.getProperty("multinode.udp.port")).map { _ =>
Integer.getInteger("multinode.udp.port", 0)
require(udpPort.getOrElse(1) >= 0 && udpPort.getOrElse(1) < 65535, "multinode.udp.port is out of bounds: " + udpPort)
* Port number of this node.
* This is defined in function of property `multinode.protocol`.
* If set to 'udp', udpPort will be used. If unset or any other value, it will default to tcpPort.
val selfPort: Int =
System.getProperty("multinode.protocol") match {
case "udp" => udpPort.getOrElse(0)
case _ => tcpPort
* Name (or IP address; must be resolvable using InetAddress.getByName)
* of the host that the server node is running on.
* {{{
* }}}
val serverName: String = Option(System.getProperty("multinode.server-host"))
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalStateException("need system property multinode.server-host to be set"))
require(serverName != "", "multinode.server-host must not be empty")
* Port number of the node that's running the server system. Defaults to 4711.
* {{{
* -Dmultinode.server-port=4711
* }}}
val serverPort: Int = Integer.getInteger("multinode.server-port", 4711)
require(serverPort > 0 && serverPort < 65535, "multinode.server-port is out of bounds: " + serverPort)
* Index of this node in the roles sequence. The TestConductor
* is started in “controller” mode on selfIndex 0, i.e. there you can inject
* failures and shutdown other nodes etc.
* {{{
* -Dmultinode.index=0
* }}}
val selfIndex = Option(Integer.getInteger("multinode.index"))
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalStateException("need system property multinode.index to be set"))
require(selfIndex >= 0 && selfIndex < maxNodes, "multinode.index is out of bounds: " + selfIndex)
private[testkit] val nodeConfig = mapToConfig(
"" -> "remote",
"pekko.remote.artery.canonical.hostname" -> selfName,
"pekko.remote.classic.netty.tcp.hostname" -> selfName,
"pekko.remote.classic.netty.tcp.port" -> tcpPort,
"pekko.remote.artery.canonical.port" -> selfPort))
private[testkit] val baseConfig: Config =
pekko {
loggers = ["org.apache.pekko.testkit.TestEventListener"]
loglevel = "WARNING"
stdout-loglevel = "WARNING"
coordinated-shutdown.terminate-actor-system = off = off = off
actor {
default-dispatcher {
executor = "fork-join-executor"
fork-join-executor {
parallelism-min = 8
parallelism-factor = 2.0
parallelism-max = 8
private def mapToConfig(map: Map[String, Any]): Config = {
import pekko.util.ccompat.JavaConverters._
// Multi node tests on kubernetes require fixed ports to be mapped and exposed
// This method change the port bindings to avoid conflicts
// Please note that with the current setup only port 5000 and 5001 (or 6000 and 6001 when using UDP)
// are exposed in kubernetes
def configureNextPortIfFixed(config: Config): Config = {
val arteryPortConfig = getNextPortString("pekko.remote.artery.canonical.port", config)
val nettyPortConfig = getNextPortString("pekko.remote.classic.netty.tcp.port", config)
private def getNextPortString(key: String, config: Config): String = {
val port = config.getInt(key)
if (port != 0)
s"""$key = ${port + 1}"""
else ""
* Note: To be able to run tests with everything ignored or excluded by tags
* you must not use `testconductor`, or helper methods that use `testconductor`,
* from the constructor of your test class. Otherwise the controller node might
* be shutdown before other nodes have completed and you will see errors like:
* `AskTimeoutException: sending to terminated ref breaks promises`. Using lazy
* val is fine.
abstract class MultiNodeSpec(
val myself: RoleName,
_system: ActorSystem,
_roles: immutable.Seq[RoleName],
deployments: RoleName => Seq[String])
extends TestKit(_system)
with MultiNodeSpecCallbacks {
import MultiNodeSpec._
* Constructor for using arbitrary logic to create the actor system used in
* the multi node spec (the `Config` passed to the creator must be used in
* the created actor system for the multi node tests to work)
def this(config: MultiNodeConfig, actorSystemCreator: Config => ActorSystem) =
this(config.myself, actorSystemCreator(ConfigFactory.load(config.config)), config.roles, config.deployments)
def this(config: MultiNodeConfig) =
this(config, {
val name = TestKitUtils.testNameFromCallStack(classOf[MultiNodeSpec], "".r)
config =>
try {
ActorSystem(name, config)
} catch {
// Retry creating the system once as when using port = 0 two systems may try and use the same one.
// RTE is for aeron, CE for netty
case _: RemoteTransportException => ActorSystem(name, config)
case _: ChannelException => ActorSystem(name, config)
val log: LoggingAdapter = Logging(system, this)(_.getClass.getName)
* Enrich `.await()` onto all Awaitables, using remaining duration from the innermost
* enclosing `within` block or QueryTimeout.
implicit def awaitHelper[T](w: Awaitable[T]): AwaitHelper[T] = new AwaitHelper(w)
class AwaitHelper[T](w: Awaitable[T]) {
def await: T = Await.result(w, remainingOr(testConductor.Settings.QueryTimeout.duration))
final override def multiNodeSpecBeforeAll(): Unit = {
final override def multiNodeSpecAfterAll(): Unit = {
// wait for all nodes to remove themselves before we shut the conductor down
if (selfIndex == 0) {
within(testConductor.Settings.BarrierTimeout.duration) {
// Await.result(testConductor.getNodes, remaining).filterNot(_ == myself).isEmpty
testConductor.getNodes.await.forall(_ == myself)
}, message = s"Nodes not shutdown: ${testConductor.getNodes.await}")
shutdown(system, duration = shutdownTimeout)
def shutdownTimeout: FiniteDuration = 15.seconds.dilated
* Override this and return `true` to assert that the
* shutdown of the `ActorSystem` was done properly.
def verifySystemShutdown: Boolean = false
* Test Class Interface
* Override this method to do something when the whole test is starting up.
protected def atStartup(): Unit = ()
* Override this method to do something when the whole test is terminating.
protected def afterTermination(): Unit = ()
* All registered roles
def roles: immutable.Seq[RoleName] = _roles
* TO BE DEFINED BY USER: Defines the number of participants required for starting the test. This
* might not be equals to the number of nodes available to the test.
* Must be a `def`:
* {{{
* def initialParticipants = 5
* }}}
def initialParticipants: Int
initialParticipants > 0,
"initialParticipants must be a 'def' or early initializer, and it must be greater zero")
require(initialParticipants <= maxNodes, "not enough nodes to run this test")
* Access to the barriers, failure injection, etc. The extension will have
* been started either in Conductor or Player mode when the constructor of
* MultiNodeSpec finishes, i.e. do not call the start*() methods yourself!
var testConductor: TestConductorExt = null
* Execute the given block of code only on the given nodes (names according
* to the `roleMap`).
def runOn(nodes: RoleName*)(thunk: => Unit): Unit = {
if (isNode(nodes: _*)) {
* Verify that the running node matches one of the given nodes
def isNode(nodes: RoleName*): Boolean = nodes contains myself
* Enter the named barriers in the order given. Use the remaining duration from
* the innermost enclosing `within` block or the default `BarrierTimeout`.
def enterBarrier(name: String*): Unit =
* Enter the named barriers in the order given. Use the remaining duration from
* the innermost enclosing `within` block or the passed `max` timeout.
* Note that the `max` timeout is scaled using Duration.dilated,
* which uses the configuration entry "pekko.test.timefactor".
def enterBarrier(max: FiniteDuration, name: String*): Unit =
* Query the controller for the transport address of the given node (by role name) and
* return that as an ActorPath for easy composition:
* {{{
* val serviceA = system.actorSelection(node("master") / "user" / "serviceA")
* }}}
def node(role: RoleName): ActorPath = RootActorPath(testConductor.getAddressFor(role).await)
def muteDeadLetters(messageClasses: Class[_]*)(sys: ActorSystem = system): Unit =
if (!sys.log.isDebugEnabled) {
def mute(clazz: Class[_]): Unit =
sys.eventStream.publish(Mute(DeadLettersFilter(clazz)(occurrences = Int.MaxValue)))
if (messageClasses.isEmpty) mute(classOf[AnyRef])
else messageClasses.foreach(mute)
* Implementation (i.e. wait for start etc.)
private val controllerAddr = new InetSocketAddress(serverName, serverPort)
protected def attachConductor(tc: TestConductorExt): Unit = {
val timeout = tc.Settings.BarrierTimeout.duration
val startFuture =
if (selfIndex == 0) tc.startController(initialParticipants, myself, controllerAddr)
else tc.startClient(myself, controllerAddr)
try Await.result(startFuture, timeout)
catch {
case NonFatal(x) => throw new RuntimeException("failure while attaching new conductor", x)
testConductor = tc
// now add deployments, if so desired
// Cannot be final because of
private case class Replacement(tag: String, role: RoleName) {
lazy val addr = node(role).address.toString
private val replacements = => Replacement("@" + + "@", r))
protected def injectDeployments(sys: ActorSystem, role: RoleName): Unit = {
val deployer = sys.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem].provider.deployer
deployments(role).foreach { str =>
val deployString = replacements.foldLeft(str) {
case (base, r @ Replacement(tag, _)) =>
base.indexOf(tag) match {
case -1 => base
case _ =>
val replaceWith =
try r.addr
catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
// might happen if all test cases are ignored (excluded) and
// controller node is finished/exited before r.addr is run
// on the other nodes
val unresolved = "pekko://unresolved-replacement-" +
log.warning(unresolved + " due to: " + e.getMessage)
base.replace(tag, replaceWith)
import pekko.util.ccompat.JavaConverters._
ConfigFactory.parseString(deployString).root.asScala.foreach {
case (key, value: ConfigObject) => deployer.parseConfig(key, value.toConfig).foreach(deployer.deploy)
case (key, x) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"key $key must map to deployment section, not simple value $x")
injectDeployments(system, myself)
protected val myAddress = system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem].provider.getDefaultAddress
// useful to see which jvm is running which role, used by LogRoleReplace utility"Role [{}] started with address [{}]",, myAddress)
* This method starts a new ActorSystem with the same configuration as the
* previous one on the current node, including deployments. It also creates
* a new TestConductor client and registers itself with the conductor so
* that it is possible to use barriers etc. normally after this method has
* been called.
* NOTICE: you MUST start a new system before trying to enter a barrier or
* otherwise using the TestConductor after having terminated this node’s
* system.
protected def startNewSystem(): ActorSystem = {
val config = ConfigFactory
val sys = ActorSystem(, config)
injectDeployments(sys, myself)
* Use this to hook MultiNodeSpec into your test framework lifecycle, either by having your test extend MultiNodeSpec
* and call these methods or by creating a trait that calls them and then mixing that trait with your test together
* with MultiNodeSpec.
* Example trait for MultiNodeSpec with ScalaTest
* {{{
* trait STMultiNodeSpec extends MultiNodeSpecCallbacks with AnyWordSpecLike with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {
* override def beforeAll() = multiNodeSpecBeforeAll()
* override def afterAll() = multiNodeSpecAfterAll()
* }
* }}}
trait MultiNodeSpecCallbacks {
* Call this before the start of the test run. NOT before every test case.
def multiNodeSpecBeforeAll(): Unit
* Call this after the all test cases have run. NOT after every test case.
def multiNodeSpecAfterAll(): Unit