org.apache.pekko.remote.RemoteWatcher.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Apache Pekko is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications for Java and Scala.
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, version 2.0:
* This file is part of the Apache Pekko project, which was derived from Akka.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2022 Lightbend Inc.
package org.apache.pekko.remote
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import org.apache.pekko
import pekko.annotation.InternalApi
import pekko.dispatch.{ RequiresMessageQueue, UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics }
import pekko.dispatch.Dispatchers
import pekko.dispatch.sysmsg.{ DeathWatchNotification, Watch }
import pekko.event.AddressTerminatedTopic
import pekko.remote.artery.ArteryMessage
import pekko.remote.artery.ArteryTransport
import pekko.util.unused
private[pekko] object RemoteWatcher {
* Factory method for `RemoteWatcher` [[]].
def props(settings: RemoteSettings, failureDetector: FailureDetectorRegistry[Address]): Props =
new RemoteWatcher(
heartbeatInterval = settings.WatchHeartBeatInterval,
unreachableReaperInterval = settings.WatchUnreachableReaperInterval,
heartbeatExpectedResponseAfter = settings.WatchHeartbeatExpectedResponseAfter))
final case class WatchRemote(watchee: InternalActorRef, watcher: InternalActorRef)
final case class UnwatchRemote(watchee: InternalActorRef, watcher: InternalActorRef)
@SerialVersionUID(1L) case object Heartbeat extends HeartbeatMessage
@SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class HeartbeatRsp(addressUid: Int) extends HeartbeatMessage
// specific pair of messages for artery to allow for protobuf serialization and long uid
case object ArteryHeartbeat extends HeartbeatMessage with ArteryMessage
final case class ArteryHeartbeatRsp(uid: Long) extends HeartbeatMessage with ArteryMessage
// sent to self only
case object HeartbeatTick
case object ReapUnreachableTick
final case class ExpectedFirstHeartbeat(from: Address)
// test purpose
object Stats {
lazy val empty: Stats = counts(0, 0)
def counts(watching: Int, watchingNodes: Int): Stats = Stats(watching, watchingNodes)(Set.empty, Set.empty)
final case class Stats(watching: Int, watchingNodes: Int)(
val watchingRefs: Set[(ActorRef, ActorRef)],
val watchingAddresses: Set[Address]) {
override def toString: String = {
def formatWatchingRefs: String = => + " -> " +"[", ", ", "]")
def formatWatchingAddresses: String =
watchingAddresses.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
s"Stats(watching=$watching, watchingNodes=$watchingNodes, watchingRefs=$formatWatchingRefs, watchingAddresses=$formatWatchingAddresses)"
* Remote nodes with actors that are watched are monitored by this actor to be able
* to detect network failures and JVM crashes. [[pekko.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider]]
* intercepts Watch and Unwatch system messages and sends corresponding
* [[RemoteWatcher.WatchRemote]] and [[RemoteWatcher.UnwatchRemote]] to this actor.
* For a new node to be watched this actor periodically sends `RemoteWatcher.Heartbeat`
* to the peer actor on the other node, which replies with [[RemoteWatcher.HeartbeatRsp]]
* message back. The failure detector on the watching side monitors these heartbeat messages.
* If arrival of heartbeat messages stops it will be detected and this actor will publish
* [[]] to the [[pekko.event.AddressTerminatedTopic]].
* When all actors on a node have been unwatched it will stop sending heartbeat messages.
* For bi-directional watch between two nodes the same thing will be established in
* both directions, but independent of each other.
private[pekko] class RemoteWatcher(
failureDetector: FailureDetectorRegistry[Address],
heartbeatInterval: FiniteDuration,
unreachableReaperInterval: FiniteDuration,
heartbeatExpectedResponseAfter: FiniteDuration)
extends Actor
with ActorLogging
with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {
import RemoteWatcher._
import context.dispatcher
def scheduler = context.system.scheduler
val remoteProvider: RemoteActorRefProvider = RARP(context.system).provider
val artery = remoteProvider.remoteSettings.Artery.Enabled
val (heartBeatMsg, selfHeartbeatRspMsg) =
if (artery) (ArteryHeartbeat, ArteryHeartbeatRsp(AddressUidExtension(context.system).longAddressUid))
else {
// For classic remoting the 'int' part is sufficient
val addressUid = AddressUidExtension(context.system).addressUid
(Heartbeat, HeartbeatRsp(addressUid))
// actors that this node is watching, map of watchee -> Set(watchers)
val watching = new mutable.HashMap[InternalActorRef, mutable.Set[InternalActorRef]]()
with mutable.MultiMap[InternalActorRef, InternalActorRef]
// nodes that this node is watching, i.e. expecting heartbeats from these nodes. Map of address -> Set(watchee) on this address
val watcheeByNodes = new mutable.HashMap[Address, mutable.Set[InternalActorRef]]()
with mutable.MultiMap[Address, InternalActorRef]
def watchingNodes = watcheeByNodes.keySet
var unreachable: Set[Address] = Set.empty
var addressUids: Map[Address, Long] = Map.empty
val heartbeatTask = scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(heartbeatInterval, heartbeatInterval, self, HeartbeatTick)
val failureDetectorReaperTask =
scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(unreachableReaperInterval, unreachableReaperInterval, self, ReapUnreachableTick)
override def postStop(): Unit = {
def receive: Receive = {
case HeartbeatTick => sendHeartbeat()
case Heartbeat | ArteryHeartbeat => receiveHeartbeat()
case HeartbeatRsp(uid) => receiveHeartbeatRsp(uid.toLong)
case ArteryHeartbeatRsp(uid) => receiveHeartbeatRsp(uid)
case ReapUnreachableTick => reapUnreachable()
case ExpectedFirstHeartbeat(from) => triggerFirstHeartbeat(from)
case WatchRemote(watchee, watcher) => addWatch(watchee, watcher)
case UnwatchRemote(watchee, watcher) => removeWatch(watchee, watcher)
case t @ Terminated(watchee: InternalActorRef) => terminated(watchee, t.existenceConfirmed, t.addressTerminated)
// test purpose
case Stats =>
val watchSet = watching.iterator
.flatMap {
case (wee, wers) => { wer =>
wee -> wer
.toSet[(ActorRef, ActorRef)]
sender() ! Stats(watching = watchSet.size, watchingNodes = watchingNodes.size)(watchSet, watchingNodes.toSet)
def receiveHeartbeat(): Unit =
sender() ! selfHeartbeatRspMsg
def receiveHeartbeatRsp(uid: Long): Unit = {
val from = sender().path.address
if (failureDetector.isMonitoring(from))
log.debug("Received heartbeat rsp from [{}]", from)
log.debug("Received first heartbeat rsp from [{}]", from)
if (watcheeByNodes.contains(from) && !unreachable(from)) {
if (!addressUids.contains(from) || addressUids(from) != uid)
addressUids += (from -> uid)
def reapUnreachable(): Unit =
watchingNodes.foreach { a =>
if (!unreachable(a) && !failureDetector.isAvailable(a)) {
log.warning("Detected unreachable: [{}]", a)
quarantine(a, addressUids.get(a), "Deemed unreachable by remote failure detector", harmless = false)
unreachable += a
def publishAddressTerminated(address: Address): Unit = {
log.debug("Publish AddressTerminated [{}]", address)
def quarantine(address: Address, uid: Option[Long], reason: String, harmless: Boolean): Unit = {
remoteProvider.transport match {
case t: ArteryTransport if harmless => t.quarantine(address, uid, reason, harmless)
case _ => remoteProvider.quarantine(address, uid, reason)
* Returns true if either has cluster or `pekko.remote.use-unsafe-remote-features-outside-cluster`
* is enabled. Can be overridden when using RemoteWatcher as a superclass.
protected def shouldWatch(@unused watchee: InternalActorRef): Boolean = {
// In this it is unnecessary if only created by RARP, but cluster needs it.
// Cleaner than overriding Cluster watcher addWatch/removeWatch just for one boolean test
def addWatch(watchee: InternalActorRef, watcher: InternalActorRef): Unit = {
assert(watcher != self)
log.debug("Watching: [{} -> {}]", watcher, watchee)
if (shouldWatch(watchee)) {
watching.addBinding(watchee, watcher)
// add watch from self, this will actually send a Watch to the target when necessary
} else remoteProvider.warnIfUnsafeDeathwatchWithoutCluster(watchee, watcher, "Watch")
def watchNode(watchee: InternalActorRef): Unit = {
val watcheeAddress = watchee.path.address
if (!watcheeByNodes.contains(watcheeAddress) && unreachable(watcheeAddress)) {
// first watch to that node after a previous unreachable
unreachable -= watcheeAddress
watcheeByNodes.addBinding(watcheeAddress, watchee)
def removeWatch(watchee: InternalActorRef, watcher: InternalActorRef): Unit = {
assert(watcher != self)
if (shouldWatch(watchee)) {
// Could have used removeBinding, but it does not tell if this was the last entry. This saves a contains call.
watching.get(watchee) match {
case Some(watchers) =>
watchers -= watcher
if (watchers.isEmpty) {
log.debug("Unwatching: [{} -> {}]", watcher, watchee)
// clean up self watch when no more watchers of this watchee
log.debug("Cleanup self watch of [{}]", watchee.path)
case None =>
} else remoteProvider.warnIfUnsafeDeathwatchWithoutCluster(watchee, watcher, "Unwatch")
def removeWatchee(watchee: InternalActorRef): Unit = {
val watcheeAddress = watchee.path.address
watching -= watchee
// Could have used removeBinding, but it does not tell if this was the last entry. This saves a contains call.
watcheeByNodes.get(watcheeAddress) match {
case Some(watchees) =>
watchees -= watchee
if (watchees.isEmpty) {
// unwatched last watchee on that node
log.debug("Unwatched last watchee of node: [{}]", watcheeAddress)
case None =>
def unwatchNode(watcheeAddress: Address): Unit = {
watcheeByNodes -= watcheeAddress
addressUids -= watcheeAddress
def terminated(watchee: InternalActorRef, existenceConfirmed: Boolean, addressTerminated: Boolean): Unit = {
log.debug("Watchee terminated: [{}]", watchee.path)
// When watchee is stopped it sends DeathWatchNotification to this RemoteWatcher,
// which will propagate it to all watchers of this watchee.
// addressTerminated case is already handled by the watcher itself in DeathWatch trait
if (!addressTerminated)
for {
watchers <- watching.get(watchee)
watcher <- watchers
} watcher.sendSystemMessage(DeathWatchNotification(watchee, existenceConfirmed, addressTerminated))
def sendHeartbeat(): Unit =
watchingNodes.foreach { a =>
if (!unreachable(a)) {
if (failureDetector.isMonitoring(a)) {
log.debug("Sending Heartbeat to [{}]", a)
} else {
log.debug("Sending first Heartbeat to [{}]", a)
// schedule the expected first heartbeat for later, which will give the
// other side a chance to reply, and also trigger some resends if needed
scheduler.scheduleOnce(heartbeatExpectedResponseAfter, self, ExpectedFirstHeartbeat(a))
context.actorSelection(RootActorPath(a) / self.path.elements) ! heartBeatMsg
def triggerFirstHeartbeat(address: Address): Unit =
if (watcheeByNodes.contains(address) && !failureDetector.isMonitoring(address)) {
log.debug("Trigger extra expected heartbeat from [{}]", address)
* To ensure that we receive heartbeat messages from the right actor system
* incarnation we send Watch again for the first HeartbeatRsp (containing
* the system UID) and if HeartbeatRsp contains a new system UID.
* Terminated will be triggered if the watchee (including correct Actor UID)
* does not exist.
def reWatch(address: Address): Unit =
for {
watchees <- watcheeByNodes.get(address)
watchee <- watchees
} {
val watcher = self.asInstanceOf[InternalActorRef]
log.debug("Re-watch [{} -> {}]", watcher.path, watchee.path)
watchee.sendSystemMessage(Watch(watchee, watcher)) // ➡➡➡ NEVER SEND THE SAME SYSTEM MESSAGE OBJECT TO TWO ACTORS ⬅⬅⬅
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