org.apache.pekko.serialization.jackson.JacksonSerializer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Apache Pekko is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications for Java and Scala.
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, version 2.0:
* This file is part of the Apache Pekko project, which was derived from Akka.
* Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Lightbend Inc.
package org.apache.pekko.serialization.jackson
import{ ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, NotSerializableException }
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import{ GZIPInputStream, GZIPOutputStream }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success }
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.impl.SubTypeValidator
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.cbor.CBORFactory
import net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4Factory
import org.apache.pekko
import pekko.annotation.InternalApi
import pekko.event.{ LogMarker, Logging }
import pekko.serialization.{ BaseSerializer, SerializationExtension, SerializerWithStringManifest }
import pekko.util.Helpers.toRootLowerCase
import pekko.util.OptionVal
@InternalApi private[pekko] object JacksonSerializer {
* Using the deny list from Jackson databind of class names that shouldn't be allowed.
* Not nice to depend on implementation details of Jackson, but good to use the same
* list to automatically have the list updated when new classes are added in Jackson.
class GadgetClassDenyList extends SubTypeValidator {
private def defaultNoDeserClassNames: java.util.Set[String] =
SubTypeValidator.DEFAULT_NO_DESER_CLASS_NAMES // it's has protected visibility
private val prefixSpring: String = "org.springframework."
private val prefixC3P0: String = "com.mchange.v2.c3p0."
def isAllowedClassName(className: String): Boolean = {
if (defaultNoDeserClassNames.contains(className))
else if (className.startsWith(prefixC3P0) && className.endsWith("DataSource"))
def isAllowedClass(clazz: Class[_]): Boolean = {
if (clazz.getName.startsWith(prefixSpring)) {
} else
@tailrec private def isAllowedSpringClass(clazz: Class[_]): Boolean = {
if (clazz == null || clazz.equals(classOf[java.lang.Object]))
else {
val name = clazz.getSimpleName
// looking for "AbstractBeanFactoryPointcutAdvisor" but no point to allow any is there?
if ("AbstractPointcutAdvisor".equals(name)
// ditto for "FileSystemXmlApplicationContext": block all ApplicationContexts
|| "AbstractApplicationContext".equals(name))
val disallowedSerializationBindings: Set[Class[_]] =
Set(classOf[], classOf[], classOf[java.lang.Comparable[_]])
def isGZipped(bytes: Array[Byte]): Boolean = {
(bytes != null) && (bytes.length >= 2) &&
(bytes(0) == GZIPInputStream.GZIP_MAGIC.toByte) &&
(bytes(1) == (GZIPInputStream.GZIP_MAGIC >> 8).toByte)
final case class LZ4Meta(offset: Int, length: Int) {
import LZ4Meta._
def putInto(buffer: ByteBuffer): Unit = {
def prependTo(bytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bytes.length + offset)
object LZ4Meta {
val LZ4_MAGIC = 0x87D96DF6 // The last 4 bytes of `printf akka | sha512sum`
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): LZ4Meta = {
LZ4Meta(8, bytes.length)
def get(buffer: ByteBuffer): OptionVal[LZ4Meta] = {
if (buffer.remaining() < 4) {
} else if (buffer.getInt() != LZ4_MAGIC) {
} else {
OptionVal.Some(LZ4Meta(8, buffer.getInt()))
def get(bytes: Array[Byte]): OptionVal[LZ4Meta] = {
def isLZ4(bytes: Array[Byte]): Boolean = {
* INTERNAL API: only public by configuration
* Pekko serializer for Jackson with JSON.
@InternalApi private[pekko] final class JacksonJsonSerializer(system: ExtendedActorSystem, bindingName: String)
extends JacksonSerializer(
bindingName: String,
JacksonObjectMapperProvider(system).getOrCreate(bindingName, None))
* INTERNAL API: only public by configuration
* Pekko serializer for Jackson with CBOR.
@InternalApi private[pekko] final class JacksonCborSerializer(system: ExtendedActorSystem, bindingName: String)
extends JacksonSerializer(
JacksonObjectMapperProvider(system).getOrCreate(bindingName, Some(new CBORFactory)))
@InternalApi object Compression {
sealed trait Algoritm
object Off extends Algoritm
final case class GZip(largerThan: Long) extends Algoritm
final case class LZ4(largerThan: Long) extends Algoritm
* INTERNAL API: Base class for Jackson serializers.
* Configuration in `pekko.serialization.jackson` section.
* It will load Jackson modules defined in configuration `jackson-modules`.
* It will compress the payload if the compression `algorithm` is enabled and the the
* payload is larger than the configured `compress-larger-than` value.
@InternalApi private[pekko] abstract class JacksonSerializer(
val system: ExtendedActorSystem,
val bindingName: String,
val objectMapper: ObjectMapper)
extends SerializerWithStringManifest {
import JacksonSerializer._
// TODO issue #27107: it should be possible to implement ByteBufferSerializer as well, using Jackson's
// ByteBufferBackedOutputStream/ByteBufferBackedInputStream
private val log = Logging.withMarker(system, classOf[JacksonSerializer])
private val conf = JacksonObjectMapperProvider.configForBinding(bindingName, system.settings.config)
private val isDebugEnabled = conf.getBoolean("verbose-debug-logging") && log.isDebugEnabled
private final val BufferSize = 1024 * 4
private val compressionAlgorithm: Compression.Algoritm = {
toRootLowerCase(conf.getString("compression.algorithm")) match {
case "off" => Compression.Off
case "gzip" =>
val compressLargerThan = conf.getBytes("compression.compress-larger-than")
case "lz4" =>
val compressLargerThan = conf.getBytes("compression.compress-larger-than")
case other =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Unknown compression algorithm [$other], possible values are " +
""""off" or "gzip"""")
private val migrations: Map[String, JacksonMigration] = {
import pekko.util.ccompat.JavaConverters._
conf.getConfig("migrations") {
case (k, v) =>
val transformer = system.dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[JacksonMigration](v.toString, Nil).get
k -> transformer
private val denyList: GadgetClassDenyList = new GadgetClassDenyList
private val allowedClassPrefix = {
import pekko.util.ccompat.JavaConverters._
private val typeInManifest: Boolean = conf.getBoolean("type-in-manifest")
// Calculated eagerly so as to fail fast
private val configuredDeserializationType: Option[Class[_ <: AnyRef]] = conf.getString("deserialization-type") match {
case "" => None
case className =>
system.dynamicAccess.getClassFor[AnyRef](className) match {
case Success(c) => Some(c)
case Failure(_) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Cannot find deserialization-type [$className] for Jackson serializer [$bindingName]")
// This must lazy otherwise it will deadlock the ActorSystem creation
private lazy val serialization = SerializationExtension(system)
// This must be lazy since it depends on serialization above
private lazy val deserializationType: Option[Class[_ <: AnyRef]] = if (typeInManifest) {
} else {
configuredDeserializationType.orElse {
val bindings = serialization.bindings.filter(_._2.identifier == identifier)
bindings match {
case Nil =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Jackson serializer [$bindingName] with type-in-manifest disabled must either declare" +
" a deserialization-type or have exactly one binding configured, but none were configured")
case Seq((clazz, _)) =>
case multiple =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Jackson serializer [$bindingName] with type-in-manifest disabled must either declare" +
" a deserialization-type or have exactly one binding configured, but multiple bindings" +
s" were configured [${multiple.mkString(", ")}]")
// doesn't have to be volatile, doesn't matter if check is run more than once
private var serializationBindingsCheckedOk = false
private lazy val lz4Factory = LZ4Factory.fastestInstance()
private lazy val lz4Compressor = lz4Factory.fastCompressor()
private lazy val lz4Decompressor = lz4Factory.safeDecompressor()
override val identifier: Int = BaseSerializer.identifierFromConfig(bindingName, system)
override def manifest(obj: AnyRef): String = {
deserializationType match {
case Some(clazz) =>
migrations.get(clazz.getName) match {
case Some(transformer) => "#" + transformer.currentVersion
case None => ""
case None =>
val className = obj.getClass.getName
migrations.get(className) match {
case Some(transformer) => className + "#" + transformer.currentVersion
case None => className
override def toBinary(obj: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = {
val startTime = if (isDebugEnabled) System.nanoTime else 0L
val bytes = objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(obj)
val result = compress(bytes)
logToBinaryDuration(obj, startTime, bytes, result)
private def logToBinaryDuration(obj: AnyRef, startTime: Long, bytes: Array[Byte], result: Array[Byte]) = {
if (isDebugEnabled) {
val durationMicros = (System.nanoTime - startTime) / 1000
if (bytes.length == result.length)
"Serialization of [{}] took [{}] µs, size [{}] bytes",
"Serialization of [{}] took [{}] µs, compressed size [{}] bytes, uncompressed size [{}] bytes",
override def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: String): AnyRef = {
val startTime = if (isDebugEnabled) System.nanoTime else 0L
val (fromVersion, manifestClassName) = parseManifest(manifest)
if (typeInManifest) checkAllowedClassName(manifestClassName)
val migration = migrations.get(deserializationType.fold(manifestClassName)(_.getName))
val className = migration match {
case Some(transformer) if fromVersion < transformer.currentVersion =>
transformer.transformClassName(fromVersion, manifestClassName)
case Some(transformer) if fromVersion == transformer.currentVersion =>
case Some(transformer) if fromVersion <= transformer.supportedForwardVersion =>
transformer.transformClassName(fromVersion, manifestClassName)
case Some(transformer) if fromVersion > transformer.supportedForwardVersion =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Migration version ${transformer.supportedForwardVersion} is " +
s"behind version $fromVersion of deserialized type [$manifestClassName]")
case _ =>
if (typeInManifest && (className ne manifestClassName))
if (isCaseObject(className)) {
val result = system.dynamicAccess.getObjectFor[AnyRef](className) match {
case Success(obj) => obj
case Failure(_) =>
throw new NotSerializableException(
s"Cannot find manifest case object [$className] for serializer [${getClass.getName}].")
val clazz = result.getClass
// no migrations for case objects, since no json tree
logFromBinaryDuration(bytes, bytes, startTime, clazz)
} else {
val clazz = deserializationType.getOrElse {
system.dynamicAccess.getClassFor[AnyRef](className) match {
case Success(c) => c
case Failure(_) =>
throw new NotSerializableException(
s"Cannot find manifest class [$className] for serializer [${getClass.getName}].")
if (typeInManifest) checkAllowedClass(clazz)
val decompressedBytes = decompress(bytes)
val result = migration match {
case Some(transformer) if fromVersion < transformer.currentVersion =>
val jsonTree = objectMapper.readTree(decompressedBytes)
val newJsonTree = transformer.transform(fromVersion, jsonTree)
objectMapper.treeToValue(newJsonTree, clazz)
case Some(transformer) if fromVersion == transformer.currentVersion =>
objectMapper.readValue(decompressedBytes, clazz)
case Some(transformer) if fromVersion <= transformer.supportedForwardVersion =>
val jsonTree = objectMapper.readTree(decompressedBytes)
val newJsonTree = transformer.transform(fromVersion, jsonTree)
objectMapper.treeToValue(newJsonTree, clazz)
case _ =>
objectMapper.readValue(decompressedBytes, clazz)
logFromBinaryDuration(bytes, decompressedBytes, startTime, clazz)
private def logFromBinaryDuration(
bytes: Array[Byte],
decompressBytes: Array[Byte],
startTime: Long,
clazz: Class[_ <: AnyRef]) = {
if (isDebugEnabled) {
val durationMicros = (System.nanoTime - startTime) / 1000
if (bytes.length == decompressBytes.length)
"Deserialization of [{}] took [{}] µs, size [{}] bytes",
"Deserialization of [{}] took [{}] µs, compressed size [{}] bytes, uncompressed size [{}] bytes",
private def isCaseObject(className: String): Boolean =
className.length > 0 && className.charAt(className.length - 1) == '$'
private def checkAllowedClassName(className: String): Unit = {
if (!denyList.isAllowedClassName(className)) {
val warnMsg = s"Can't serialize/deserialize object of type [$className] in [${getClass.getName}]. " +
s"Disallowed (on deny list) for security reasons."
log.warning(LogMarker.Security, warnMsg)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(warnMsg)
private def checkAllowedClass(clazz: Class[_]): Unit = {
if (!denyList.isAllowedClass(clazz)) {
val warnMsg = s"Can't serialize/deserialize object of type [${clazz.getName}] in [${getClass.getName}]. " +
s"Not allowed for security reasons."
log.warning(LogMarker.Security, warnMsg)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(warnMsg)
} else if (!isInAllowList(clazz)) {
val warnMsg = s"Can't serialize/deserialize object of type [${clazz.getName}] in [${getClass.getName}]. " +
"Only classes that are listed as allowed are allowed for security reasons. " +
"Configure allowed classes with or " +
log.warning(LogMarker.Security, warnMsg)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(warnMsg)
* Using the `serialization-bindings` as source for the allowed classes.
* Note that the intended usage of serialization-bindings is for lookup of
* serializer when serializing (`toBinary`). For deserialization (`fromBinary`) the serializer-id is
* used for selecting serializer.
* Here we use `serialization-bindings` also and more importantly when deserializing (fromBinary)
* to check that the manifest class is of a known (registered) type.
* If an old class is removed from `serialization-bindings` when it's not used for serialization
* but still used for deserialization (e.g. rolling update with serialization changes) it can
* be allowed by specifying in `allowed-class-prefix`.
* That is also possible when changing a binding from a JacksonSerializer to another serializer (e.g. protobuf)
* and still bind with the same class (interface).
private def isInAllowList(clazz: Class[_]): Boolean = {
isBoundToJacksonSerializer(clazz) || hasAllowedClassPrefix(clazz.getName)
private def isBoundToJacksonSerializer(clazz: Class[_]): Boolean = {
try {
// The reason for using isInstanceOf rather than `eq this` is to allow change of
// serializer within the Jackson family, but we don't trust other serializers
// because they might be bound to open-ended interfaces like
val boundSerializer = serialization.serializerFor(clazz)
} catch {
case NonFatal(_) => false // not bound
private def hasAllowedClassPrefix(className: String): Boolean =
* Check that serialization-bindings are not configured with open-ended interfaces,
* like java.lang.Object, bound to this serializer.
* This check is run on first access since it can't be run from constructor because SerializationExtension
* can't be accessed from there.
private def checkAllowedSerializationBindings(): Unit = {
if (!serializationBindingsCheckedOk) {
def isBindingOk(clazz: Class[_]): Boolean =
try {
serialization.serializerFor(clazz) ne this
} catch {
case NonFatal(_) => true // not bound
JacksonSerializer.disallowedSerializationBindings.foreach { clazz =>
if (!isBindingOk(clazz)) {
val warnMsg = "For security reasons it's not allowed to bind open-ended interfaces like " +
s"[${clazz.getName}] to [${getClass.getName}]. " +
"Change your configuration."
log.warning(LogMarker.Security, warnMsg)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(warnMsg)
serializationBindingsCheckedOk = true
private def parseManifest(manifest: String) = {
val i = manifest.lastIndexOf('#')
val fromVersion = if (i == -1) 1 else manifest.substring(i + 1).toInt
val manifestClassName = if (i == -1) manifest else manifest.substring(0, i)
(fromVersion, manifestClassName)
def compress(bytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
compressionAlgorithm match {
case Compression.Off => bytes
case Compression.GZip(largerThan) if bytes.length <= largerThan => bytes
case Compression.GZip(_) =>
val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(BufferSize)
val zip = new GZIPOutputStream(bos)
try zip.write(bytes)
finally zip.close()
case Compression.LZ4(largerThan) if bytes.length <= largerThan => bytes
case Compression.LZ4(_) => {
val meta = LZ4Meta(bytes)
val compressed = lz4Compressor.compress(bytes)
def decompress(bytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
if (isGZipped(bytes)) {
val in = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes))
val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val buffer = new Array[Byte](BufferSize)
@tailrec def readChunk(): Unit = match {
case -1 => ()
case n =>
out.write(buffer, 0, n)
try readChunk()
finally in.close()
} else {
LZ4Meta.get(bytes) match {
case OptionVal.Some(meta) =>
val srcLen = bytes.length - meta.offset
lz4Decompressor.decompress(bytes, meta.offset, srcLen, meta.length)
case _ => bytes
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