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org.apache.pekko.testkit.TestKit.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Apache Pekko is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications for Java and Scala.

The newest version!
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, version 2.0:
 * This file is part of the Apache Pekko project, which was derived from Akka.

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2022 Lightbend Inc. 

package org.apache.pekko.testkit

import java.util.concurrent._
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

import scala.annotation.nowarn

import org.apache.pekko
import pekko.annotation.InternalApi
import pekko.util.{ BoxedType, Timeout }

object TestActor {
  type Ignore = Option[PartialFunction[Any, Boolean]]

  abstract class AutoPilot {
    def run(sender: ActorRef, msg: Any): AutoPilot
    def noAutoPilot: AutoPilot = NoAutoPilot
    def keepRunning: AutoPilot = KeepRunning

  case object NoAutoPilot extends AutoPilot {
    def run(sender: ActorRef, msg: Any): AutoPilot = this

  case object KeepRunning extends AutoPilot {
    def run(sender: ActorRef, msg: Any): AutoPilot = sys.error("must not call")

  final case class SetIgnore(i: Ignore) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
  final case class Watch(ref: ActorRef) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
  final case class UnWatch(ref: ActorRef) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
  final case class SetAutoPilot(ap: AutoPilot) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
  final case class Spawn(props: Props, name: Option[String] = None, strategy: Option[SupervisorStrategy] = None)
      extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded {
    def apply(context: ActorRefFactory): ActorRef = name match {
      case Some(n) => context.actorOf(props, n)
      case None    => context.actorOf(props)

  trait Message {
    def msg: AnyRef
    def sender: ActorRef
  final case class RealMessage(msg: AnyRef, sender: ActorRef) extends Message
  case object NullMessage extends Message {
    override def msg: AnyRef = throw IllegalActorStateException("last receive did not dequeue a message")
    override def sender: ActorRef = throw IllegalActorStateException("last receive did not dequeue a message")

  val FALSE = (_: Any) => false

  private[TestActor] class DelegatingSupervisorStrategy extends SupervisorStrategy {
    import SupervisorStrategy._

    private var delegates = Map.empty[ActorRef, SupervisorStrategy]

    private def delegate(child: ActorRef) = delegates.get(child).getOrElse(stoppingStrategy)

    def update(child: ActorRef, supervisor: SupervisorStrategy): Unit = delegates += (child -> supervisor)

    override def decider = defaultDecider // not actually invoked

    override def handleChildTerminated(context: ActorContext, child: ActorRef, children: Iterable[ActorRef]): Unit = {
      delegates -= child

    override def processFailure(
        context: ActorContext,
        restart: Boolean,
        child: ActorRef,
        cause: Throwable,
        stats: ChildRestartStats,
        children: Iterable[ChildRestartStats]): Unit = {
      delegate(child).processFailure(context, restart, child, cause, stats, children)

    override def handleFailure(
        context: ActorContext,
        child: ActorRef,
        cause: Throwable,
        stats: ChildRestartStats,
        children: Iterable[ChildRestartStats]): Boolean = {
      delegate(child).handleFailure(context, child, cause, stats, children)

  // make creator serializable, for VerifySerializabilitySpec
  def props(queue: BlockingDeque[Message]): Props = Props(classOf[TestActor], queue)

class TestActor(queue: BlockingDeque[TestActor.Message]) extends Actor {
  import TestActor._

  override val supervisorStrategy: DelegatingSupervisorStrategy = new DelegatingSupervisorStrategy

  var ignore: Ignore = None

  var autopilot: AutoPilot = NoAutoPilot

  def receive = {
    case SetIgnore(ign)      => ignore = ign
    case Watch(ref)          =>
    case UnWatch(ref)        => context.unwatch(ref)
    case SetAutoPilot(pilot) => autopilot = pilot
    case spawn: Spawn =>
      val actor = spawn(context)
      for (s <- spawn.strategy) supervisorStrategy(actor) = s
      queue.offerLast(RealMessage(actor, self))
    case x: AnyRef =>
      autopilot =, x) match {
        case KeepRunning => autopilot
        case other       => other
      val observe = => !ignoreFunc.applyOrElse(x, FALSE)).getOrElse(true)
      if (observe) queue.offerLast(RealMessage(x, sender()))

  override def postStop() = {
    import pekko.util.ccompat.JavaConverters._
    queue.asScala.foreach { m =>
      context.system.deadLetters.tell(DeadLetter(m.msg, m.sender, self), m.sender)

 * Implementation trait behind the [[pekko.testkit.TestKit]] class: you may use
 * this if inheriting from a concrete class is not possible.
 * This trait requires the concrete class mixing it in to provide an
 * [[]] which is available before this traits’s
 * constructor is run. The recommended way is this:
 * {{{
 * class MyTest extends TestKitBase {
 *   implicit lazy val system = ActorSystem() // may add arguments here
 *   ...
 * }
 * }}}
trait TestKitBase {

  import TestActor.{ Message, NullMessage, RealMessage, Spawn }

  implicit def system: ActorSystem
  def testKitSettings = TestKitExtension(system)

  private val queue = new LinkedBlockingDeque[Message]()
  private[pekko] var lastMessage: Message = NullMessage

  def lastSender = lastMessage.sender

   * Defines the testActor name.
  protected def testActorName: String = "testActor"

   * ActorRef of the test actor. Access is provided to enable e.g.
   * registration as message target.
  lazy val testActor: ActorRef = {
    val impl = system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem]
    val ref = impl.systemActorOf(
      "%s-%d".format(testActorName, TestKit.testActorId.incrementAndGet))
    awaitCond(ref match {
        case r: RepointableRef => r.isStarted
        case _                 => true
      }, 3.seconds.dilated, 10.millis)

  private var end: Duration = Duration.Undefined

   * if last assertion was expectNoMsg, disable timing failure upon within()
   * block end.
  private var lastWasNoMsg = false

   * Ignore all messages in the test actor for which the given partial
   * function returns true.
  def ignoreMsg(f: PartialFunction[Any, Boolean]): Unit = { testActor ! TestActor.SetIgnore(Some(f)) }

   * Stop ignoring messages in the test actor.
  def ignoreNoMsg(): Unit = { testActor ! TestActor.SetIgnore(None) }

   * Have the testActor watch someone (i.e. ``).
  def watch(ref: ActorRef): ActorRef = {
    testActor ! TestActor.Watch(ref)

   * Have the testActor stop watching someone (i.e. `context.unwatch(...)`).
  def unwatch(ref: ActorRef): ActorRef = {
    testActor ! TestActor.UnWatch(ref)

   * Install an AutoPilot to drive the testActor: the AutoPilot will be run
   * for each received message and can be used to send or forward messages,
   * etc. Each invocation must return the AutoPilot for the next round.
  def setAutoPilot(pilot: TestActor.AutoPilot): Unit = testActor ! TestActor.SetAutoPilot(pilot)

   * Obtain current time (`System.nanoTime`) as Duration.
  def now: FiniteDuration = System.nanoTime.nanos

   * Obtain time remaining for execution of the innermost enclosing `within`
   * block or missing that it returns the properly dilated default for this
   * case from settings (key "pekko.test.single-expect-default").
  def remainingOrDefault = remainingOr(testKitSettings.SingleExpectDefaultTimeout.dilated)

   * Obtain time remaining for execution of the innermost enclosing `within`
   * block or throw an [[java.lang.AssertionError]] if no `within` block surrounds this
   * call.
  def remaining: FiniteDuration = end match {
    case f: FiniteDuration => f - now
    case _                 => throw new AssertionError("`remaining` may not be called outside of `within`")

   * Obtain time remaining for execution of the innermost enclosing `within`
   * block or missing that it returns the given duration.
  def remainingOr(duration: FiniteDuration): FiniteDuration = end match {
    case x if x eq Duration.Undefined => duration
    case x if !x.isFinite             => throw new IllegalArgumentException("`end` cannot be infinite")
    case f: FiniteDuration            => f - now
    case _                            => throw new IllegalArgumentException("`end` cannot be infinite")

  private def remainingOrDilated(max: Duration): FiniteDuration = max match {
    case x if x eq Duration.Undefined => remainingOrDefault
    case x if !x.isFinite             => throw new IllegalArgumentException("max duration cannot be infinite")
    case f: FiniteDuration            => f.dilated
    case _                            => throw new IllegalArgumentException("max duration cannot be infinite")

   * Query queue status.
  def msgAvailable = !queue.isEmpty

   * Await until the given condition evaluates to `true` or the timeout
   * expires, whichever comes first.
   * If no timeout is given, take it from the innermost enclosing `within`
   * block.
   * Note that the timeout is scaled using Duration.dilated,
   * which uses the configuration entry "pekko.test.timefactor".
  def awaitCond(
      p: => Boolean,
      max: Duration = Duration.Undefined,
      interval: Duration = 100.millis,
      message: String = ""): Unit = {
    val _max = remainingOrDilated(max)
    val stop = now + _max

    def poll(t: Duration): Unit = {
      if (!p) {
        assert(now < stop, s"timeout ${_max} expired: $message")
        poll((stop - now) min interval)

    poll(_max min interval)

   * Evaluate the given assert every `interval` until it does not throw an exception and return the
   * result.
   * If the `max` timeout expires the last exception is thrown.
   * If no timeout is given, take it from the innermost enclosing `within`
   * block.
   * Note that the timeout is scaled using Duration.dilated,
   * which uses the configuration entry "pekko.test.timefactor".
  def awaitAssert[A](a: => A, max: Duration = Duration.Undefined, interval: Duration = 100.millis): A = {
    val _max = remainingOrDilated(max)
    val stop = now + _max

    def poll(t: Duration): A = {
      // cannot use null-ness of result as signal it failed
      // because Java API and not wanting to return a value will be "return null"
      var failed = false
      val result: A =
        try {
          val aRes = a
          failed = false
        } catch {
          case NonFatal(e) =>
            failed = true
            if ((now + t) >= stop) throw e
            else null.asInstanceOf[A]

      if (!failed) result
      else {
        poll((stop - now) min interval)

    poll(_max min interval)

   * Evaluate the given assert every `interval` until exception is thrown or `max` timeout is expired.
   * Returns the result of last evaluation of the assertion.
   * If no timeout is given, take it from the innermost enclosing `within`
   * block.
   * Note that the timeout is scaled using Duration.dilated,
   * which uses the configuration entry "pekko.test.timefactor".
  def assertForDuration[A](a: => A, max: FiniteDuration, interval: Duration = 100.millis): A = {
    val _max = remainingOrDilated(max)
    val stop = now + _max

    def poll(t: Duration): A = {
      // cannot use null-ness of result as signal it failed
      // because Java API and not wanting to return a value will be "return null"
      val instantNow = now
      val result =
        try {
        } catch {
          case e: Throwable => throw e

      if (instantNow < stop) {
        poll((stop - now) min interval)
      } else {

    poll(max min interval)

   * Execute code block while bounding its execution time between `min` and
   * `max`. `within` blocks may be nested. All methods in this trait which
   * take maximum wait times are available in a version which implicitly uses
   * the remaining time governed by the innermost enclosing `within` block.
   * Note that the timeout is scaled using Duration.dilated, which uses the
   * configuration entry "pekko.test.timefactor", while the min Duration is not.
   * {{{
   * val ret = within(50 millis) {
   *   test ! "ping"
   *   expectMsgClass(classOf[String])
   * }
   * }}}
  def within[T](min: FiniteDuration, max: FiniteDuration)(f: => T): T = {
    val _max = max.dilated
    val start = now
    val rem = if (end == Duration.Undefined) Duration.Inf else end - start
    assert(rem >= min, s"required min time $min not possible, only ${format(min.unit, rem)} left")

    lastWasNoMsg = false

    val max_diff = _max min rem
    val prev_end = end
    end = start + max_diff

    val ret =
      try f
      finally end = prev_end

    val diff = now - start
    assert(min <= diff, s"block took ${format(min.unit, diff)}, should at least have been $min")
    if (!lastWasNoMsg) {
      assert(diff <= max_diff, s"block took ${format(_max.unit, diff)}, exceeding ${format(_max.unit, max_diff)}")


   * Same as calling `within(0 seconds, max)(f)`.
  def within[T](max: FiniteDuration)(f: => T): T = within(0 seconds, max)(f)

   * Same as `expectMsg(remainingOrDefault, obj)`, but correctly treating the timeFactor.
  def expectMsg[T](obj: T): T = expectMsg_internal(remainingOrDefault, obj)

   * Receive one message from the test actor and assert that it equals the
   * given object. Wait time is bounded by the given duration, with an
   * AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
   * @return the received object
  def expectMsg[T](max: FiniteDuration, obj: T): T = expectMsg_internal(max.dilated, obj)

   * Receive one message from the test actor and assert that it equals the
   * given object. Wait time is bounded by the given duration, with an
   * AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
   * @return the received object
  def expectMsg[T](max: FiniteDuration, hint: String, obj: T): T = expectMsg_internal(max.dilated, obj, Some(hint))

  private def expectMsg_internal[T](max: Duration, obj: T, hint: Option[String] = None): T = {
    val o = receiveOne(max)
    val hintOrEmptyString =": " + _).getOrElse("")
    assert(o ne null, s"timeout ($max) during expectMsg while waiting for $obj" + hintOrEmptyString)
    assert(obj == o, s"expected $obj, found $o" + hintOrEmptyString)

   * Receive one message from the test actor and assert that the given
   * partial function accepts it. Wait time is bounded by the given duration,
   * with an AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
   * Use this variant to implement more complicated or conditional
   * processing.
   * @return the received object as transformed by the partial function
  def expectMsgPF[T](max: Duration = Duration.Undefined, hint: String = "")(f: PartialFunction[Any, T]): T = {
    val _max = remainingOrDilated(max)
    val o = receiveOne(_max)
    assert(o ne null, s"timeout (${_max}) during expectMsg: $hint")
    assert(f.isDefinedAt(o), s"expected: $hint but got unexpected message $o")

   * Receive one message from the test actor and assert that it is the Terminated message of the given ActorRef.
   * Before calling this method, you have to `watch` the target actor ref.
   * Wait time is bounded by the given duration, with an AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
   * @param target the actor ref expected to be Terminated
   * @param max wait no more than max time, otherwise throw AssertionFailure
   * @return the received Terminated message
  def expectTerminated(target: ActorRef, max: Duration = Duration.Undefined): Terminated =
    expectMsgPF(max, "Terminated " + target) {
      case t @ Terminated(`target`) => t

   * Hybrid of expectMsgPF and receiveWhile: receive messages while the
   * partial function matches and returns false. Use it to ignore certain
   * messages while waiting for a specific message.
   * @return the last received message, i.e. the first one for which the
   *         partial function returned true
  def fishForMessage(max: Duration = Duration.Undefined, hint: String = "")(f: PartialFunction[Any, Boolean]): Any = {
    val _max = remainingOrDilated(max)
    val end = now + _max
    def recv: Any = {
      val o = receiveOne(end - now)
      assert(o ne null, s"timeout (${_max}) during fishForMessage, hint: $hint")
      assert(f.isDefinedAt(o), s"fishForMessage($hint) found unexpected message $o")
      if (f(o)) o else recv

   * Waits for specific message that partial function matches while ignoring all other messages coming in the meantime.
   * Use it to ignore any number of messages while waiting for a specific one.
   * @return result of applying partial function to the last received message,
   *         i.e. the first one for which the partial function is defined
  def fishForSpecificMessage[T](max: Duration = Duration.Undefined, hint: String = "")(
      f: PartialFunction[Any, T]): T = {
    val _max = remainingOrDilated(max)
    val end = now + _max
    def recv: T = {
      val o = receiveOne(end - now)
      assert(o ne null, s"timeout (${_max}) during fishForSpecificMessage, hint: $hint")
      if (f.isDefinedAt(o)) f(o) else recv

   * Same as `expectMsgType[T](remainingOrDefault)`, but correctly treating the timeFactor.
  def expectMsgType[T](implicit t: ClassTag[T]): T =
    expectMsgClass_internal(remainingOrDefault, t.runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]])

   * Receive one message from the test actor and assert that it conforms to the
   * given type (after erasure). Wait time is bounded by the given duration,
   * with an AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
   * @return the received object
  def expectMsgType[T](max: FiniteDuration)(implicit t: ClassTag[T]): T =
    expectMsgClass_internal(max.dilated, t.runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]])

   * Same as `expectMsgClass(remainingOrDefault, c)`, but correctly treating the timeFactor.
  def expectMsgClass[C](c: Class[C]): C = expectMsgClass_internal(remainingOrDefault, c)

   * Receive one message from the test actor and assert that it conforms to
   * the given class. Wait time is bounded by the given duration, with an
   * AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
   * @return the received object
  def expectMsgClass[C](max: FiniteDuration, c: Class[C]): C = expectMsgClass_internal(max.dilated, c)

  private def expectMsgClass_internal[C](max: FiniteDuration, c: Class[C]): C = {
    val o = receiveOne(max)
    assert(o ne null, s"timeout ($max) during expectMsgClass waiting for $c")
    assert(BoxedType(c).isInstance(o), s"expected $c, found ${o.getClass} ($o)")

   * Same as `expectMsgAnyOf(remainingOrDefault, obj...)`, but correctly treating the timeFactor.
  def expectMsgAnyOf[T](obj: T*): T = expectMsgAnyOf_internal(remainingOrDefault, obj: _*)

   * Receive one message from the test actor and assert that it equals one of
   * the given objects. Wait time is bounded by the given duration, with an
   * AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
   * @return the received object
  def expectMsgAnyOf[T](max: FiniteDuration, obj: T*): T = expectMsgAnyOf_internal(max.dilated, obj: _*)

  private def expectMsgAnyOf_internal[T](max: FiniteDuration, obj: T*): T = {
    val o = receiveOne(max)
    assert(o ne null, s"timeout ($max) during expectMsgAnyOf waiting for ${obj.mkString("(", ", ", ")")}")
    assert(obj.exists(_ == o), s"found unexpected $o")

   * Same as `expectMsgAnyClassOf(remainingOrDefault, obj...)`, but correctly treating the timeFactor.
  def expectMsgAnyClassOf[C](obj: Class[_ <: C]*): C = expectMsgAnyClassOf_internal(remainingOrDefault, obj: _*)

   * Receive one message from the test actor and assert that it conforms to
   * one of the given classes. Wait time is bounded by the given duration,
   * with an AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
   * @return the received object
  def expectMsgAnyClassOf[C](max: FiniteDuration, obj: Class[_ <: C]*): C =
    expectMsgAnyClassOf_internal(max.dilated, obj: _*)

  private def expectMsgAnyClassOf_internal[C](max: FiniteDuration, obj: Class[_ <: C]*): C = {
    val o = receiveOne(max)
    assert(o ne null, s"timeout ($max) during expectMsgAnyClassOf waiting for ${obj.mkString("(", ", ", ")")}")
    assert(obj.exists(c => BoxedType(c).isInstance(o)), s"found unexpected $o")

   * Same as `expectMsgAllOf(remainingOrDefault, obj...)`, but correctly treating the timeFactor.
  def expectMsgAllOf[T](obj: T*): immutable.Seq[T] = expectMsgAllOf_internal(remainingOrDefault, obj: _*)

   * Receive a number of messages from the test actor matching the given
   * number of objects and assert that for each given object one is received
   * which equals it and vice versa. This construct is useful when the order in
   * which the objects are received is not fixed. Wait time is bounded by the
   * given duration, with an AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
   *   dispatcher ! SomeWork1()
   *   dispatcher ! SomeWork2()
   *   expectMsgAllOf(1 second, Result1(), Result2())
*/ def expectMsgAllOf[T](max: FiniteDuration, obj: T*): immutable.Seq[T] = expectMsgAllOf_internal(max.dilated, obj: _*) private def checkMissingAndUnexpected( missing: Seq[Any], unexpected: Seq[Any], missingMessage: String, unexpectedMessage: String): Unit = { assert( missing.isEmpty && unexpected.isEmpty, (if (missing.isEmpty) "" else missing.mkString(missingMessage + " [", ", ", "] ")) + (if (unexpected.isEmpty) "" else unexpected.mkString(unexpectedMessage + " [", ", ", "]"))) } private def expectMsgAllOf_internal[T](max: FiniteDuration, obj: T*): immutable.Seq[T] = { val recv = receiveN_internal(obj.size, max) val missing = obj.filterNot(x => recv.exists(x == _)) val unexpected = recv.filterNot(x => obj.exists(x == _)) checkMissingAndUnexpected(missing, unexpected, "not found", "found unexpected") recv.asInstanceOf[immutable.Seq[T]] } /** * Same as `expectMsgAllClassOf(remainingOrDefault, obj...)`, but correctly treating the timeFactor. */ def expectMsgAllClassOf[T](obj: Class[_ <: T]*): immutable.Seq[T] = internalExpectMsgAllClassOf(remainingOrDefault, obj: _*) /** * Receive a number of messages from the test actor matching the given * number of classes and assert that for each given class one is received * which is of that class (equality, not conformance). This construct is * useful when the order in which the objects are received is not fixed. * Wait time is bounded by the given duration, with an AssertionFailure * being thrown in case of timeout. */ def expectMsgAllClassOf[T](max: FiniteDuration, obj: Class[_ <: T]*): immutable.Seq[T] = internalExpectMsgAllClassOf(max.dilated, obj: _*) private def internalExpectMsgAllClassOf[T](max: FiniteDuration, obj: Class[_ <: T]*): immutable.Seq[T] = { val recv = receiveN_internal(obj.size, max) val missing = obj.filterNot(x => recv.exists(_.getClass eq BoxedType(x))) val unexpected = recv.filterNot(x => obj.exists(c => BoxedType(c) eq x.getClass)) checkMissingAndUnexpected(missing, unexpected, "not found", "found non-matching object(s)") recv.asInstanceOf[immutable.Seq[T]] } /** * Same as `expectMsgAllConformingOf(remainingOrDefault, obj...)`, but correctly treating the timeFactor. */ def expectMsgAllConformingOf[T](obj: Class[_ <: T]*): immutable.Seq[T] = internalExpectMsgAllConformingOf(remainingOrDefault, obj: _*) /** * Receive a number of messages from the test actor matching the given * number of classes and assert that for each given class one is received * which conforms to that class (and vice versa). This construct is useful * when the order in which the objects are received is not fixed. Wait time * is bounded by the given duration, with an AssertionFailure being thrown in * case of timeout. * * Beware that one object may satisfy all given class constraints, which * may be counter-intuitive. */ def expectMsgAllConformingOf[T](max: FiniteDuration, obj: Class[_ <: T]*): immutable.Seq[T] = internalExpectMsgAllConformingOf(max.dilated, obj: _*) private def internalExpectMsgAllConformingOf[T](max: FiniteDuration, obj: Class[_ <: T]*): immutable.Seq[T] = { val recv = receiveN_internal(obj.size, max) val missing = obj.filterNot(x => recv.exists(BoxedType(x).isInstance(_))) val unexpected = recv.filterNot(x => obj.exists(c => BoxedType(c).isInstance(x))) checkMissingAndUnexpected(missing, unexpected, "not found", "found non-matching object(s)") recv.asInstanceOf[immutable.Seq[T]] } /** * Assert that no message is received. Waits for the default period configured as * `pekko.test.expect-no-message-default`. * That timeout is scaled using the configuration entry "pekko.test.timefactor". */ @deprecated(message = "Use expectNoMessage instead", since = "Akka 2.5.5") def expectNoMsg(): Unit = expectNoMessage() /** * Assert that no message is received for the specified time. * NOTE! Supplied value is always dilated. */ @deprecated(message = "Use expectNoMessage instead", since = "Akka 2.5.5") def expectNoMsg(max: FiniteDuration): Unit = { expectNoMsg_internal(max.dilated) } /** * Assert that no message is received for the specified time. * Supplied value is not dilated. */ def expectNoMessage(max: FiniteDuration) = { expectNoMsg_internal(max) } /** * Assert that no message is received. Waits for the default period configured as * `pekko.test.expect-no-message-default`. * That timeout is scaled using the configuration entry "pekko.test.timefactor". */ def expectNoMessage(): Unit = expectNoMsg_internal(testKitSettings.ExpectNoMessageDefaultTimeout.dilated) private def expectNoMsg_internal(max: FiniteDuration): Unit = { val finish = System.nanoTime() + max.toNanos val pollInterval = 100.millis def leftNow = (finish - System.nanoTime()).nanos var elem: AnyRef = queue.peekFirst() var left = leftNow while (left.toNanos > 0 && elem == null) { // Use of (left / 2) gives geometric series limited by finish time similar to (1/2)^n limited by 1, // so it is very precise Thread.sleep(pollInterval.toMillis min (left / 2).toMillis) left = leftNow if (left.toNanos > 0) { elem = queue.peekFirst() } } if (elem ne null) { // we pop the message, such that subsequent expectNoMessage calls can // assert on the next period without a message queue.pop() val diff = (max.toNanos - left.toNanos).nanos val m = s"assertion failed: received unexpected message $elem after ${diff.toMillis} millis" throw new java.lang.AssertionError(m) } else { lastWasNoMsg = true } } /** * Receive a series of messages until one does not match the given partial * function or the idle timeout is met (disabled by default) or the overall * maximum duration is elapsed or expected messages count is reached. * Returns the sequence of messages. * * Note that it is not an error to hit the `max` duration in this case. * * One possible use of this method is for testing whether messages of * certain characteristics are generated at a certain rate: * * {{{ * test ! ScheduleTicks(100 millis) * val series = receiveWhile(750 millis) { * case Tick(count) => count * } * assert(series == (1 to 7).toList) * }}} */ def receiveWhile[T](max: Duration = Duration.Undefined, idle: Duration = Duration.Inf, messages: Int = Int.MaxValue)( f: PartialFunction[AnyRef, T]): immutable.Seq[T] = { val stop = now + remainingOrDilated(max) var msg: Message = NullMessage @tailrec def doit(acc: List[T], count: Int): List[T] = { if (count >= messages) acc.reverse else { receiveOne((stop - now) min idle) lastMessage match { case NullMessage => lastMessage = msg acc.reverse case RealMessage(o, _) if f.isDefinedAt(o) => msg = lastMessage doit(f(o) :: acc, count + 1) case RealMessage(_, _) => queue.offerFirst(lastMessage) lastMessage = msg acc.reverse case unexpected => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected: $unexpected") // exhaustiveness check } } } val ret = doit(Nil, 0) lastWasNoMsg = true ret } /** * Same as `receiveN(n, remaining)` but correctly taking into account * Duration.timeFactor. */ def receiveN(n: Int): immutable.Seq[AnyRef] = receiveN_internal(n, remainingOrDefault) /** * Receive N messages in a row before the given deadline. */ def receiveN(n: Int, max: FiniteDuration): immutable.Seq[AnyRef] = receiveN_internal(n, max.dilated) private def receiveN_internal(n: Int, max: Duration): immutable.Seq[AnyRef] = { val stop = max + now for { x <- 1 to n } yield { val timeout = stop - now val o = receiveOne(timeout) assert(o ne null, s"timeout ($max) while expecting $n messages (got ${x - 1})") o } } /** * Receive one message from the internal queue of the TestActor. If the given * duration is zero, the queue is polled (non-blocking). * * This method does NOT automatically scale its Duration parameter! */ def receiveOne(max: Duration): AnyRef = { val message = if (max == 0.seconds) { queue.pollFirst } else if (max.isFinite) { queue.pollFirst(max.length, max.unit) } else { queue.takeFirst } lastWasNoMsg = false message match { case null => lastMessage = NullMessage null case RealMessage(msg, _) => lastMessage = message msg case unexpected => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected: $unexpected") // exhaustiveness check } } /** * Shut down an actor system and wait for termination. * On failure debug output will be logged about the remaining actors in the system. * * If verifySystemShutdown is true, then an exception will be thrown on failure. */ def shutdown( actorSystem: ActorSystem = system, duration: Duration = Duration.Undefined, verifySystemShutdown: Boolean = false): Unit = { TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(actorSystem, duration, verifySystemShutdown) } /** * Spawns an actor as a child of this test actor, and returns the child's ActorRef. * @param props Props to create the child actor * @param name Actor name for the child actor * @param supervisorStrategy Strategy should decide what to do with failures in the actor. */ def childActorOf(props: Props, name: String, supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy): ActorRef = { testActor ! Spawn(props, Some(name), Some(supervisorStrategy)) expectMsgType[ActorRef] } /** * Spawns an actor as a child of this test actor with an auto-generated name, and returns the child's ActorRef. * @param props Props to create the child actor * @param supervisorStrategy Strategy should decide what to do with failures in the actor. */ def childActorOf(props: Props, supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy): ActorRef = { testActor ! Spawn(props, None, Some(supervisorStrategy)) expectMsgType[ActorRef] } /** * Spawns an actor as a child of this test actor with a stopping supervisor strategy, and returns the child's ActorRef. * @param props Props to create the child actor * @param name Actor name for the child actor */ def childActorOf(props: Props, name: String): ActorRef = { testActor ! Spawn(props, Some(name), None) expectMsgType[ActorRef] } /** * Spawns an actor as a child of this test actor with an auto-generated name and stopping supervisor strategy, returning the child's ActorRef. * @param props Props to create the child actor */ def childActorOf(props: Props): ActorRef = { testActor ! Spawn(props, None, None) expectMsgType[ActorRef] } private def format(u: TimeUnit, d: Duration) = "%.3f %s".format(d.toUnit(u), u.toString.toLowerCase) } /** * Test kit for testing actors. Inheriting from this class enables reception of * replies from actors, which are queued by an internal actor and can be * examined using the `expectMsg...` methods. Assertions and bounds concerning * timing are available in the form of `within` blocks. * * {{{ * class Test extends TestKit(ActorSystem()) { * try { * * val test = system.actorOf(Props[SomeActor]) * * within (1.second) { * test ! SomeWork * expectMsg(Result1) // bounded to 1 second * expectMsg(Result2) // bounded to the remainder of the 1 second * } * * } finally { * system.terminate() * } * * } finally { * system.terminate() * } * } * }}} * * Beware of two points: * * - the ActorSystem passed into the constructor needs to be shutdown, * otherwise thread pools and memory will be leaked * - this class is not thread-safe (only one actor with one queue, one stack * of `within` blocks); it is expected that the code is executed from a * constructor as shown above, which makes this a non-issue, otherwise take * care not to run tests within a single test class instance in parallel. * * It should be noted that for CI servers and the like all maximum Durations * are scaled using their Duration.dilated method, which uses the * TestKitExtension.Settings.TestTimeFactor settable via pekko.conf entry "pekko.test.timefactor". */ @nowarn // 'early initializers' are deprecated on 2.13 and will be replaced with trait parameters on 2.14. class TestKit(_system: ActorSystem) extends TestKitBase { implicit val system: ActorSystem = _system } object TestKit { /** * INTERNAL API */ @InternalApi private[pekko] val testActorId = new AtomicInteger(0) /** * Await until the given condition evaluates to `true` or the timeout * expires, whichever comes first. */ def awaitCond(p: => Boolean, max: Duration, interval: Duration = 100.millis, noThrow: Boolean = false): Boolean = { val stop = now + max @tailrec def poll(): Boolean = { if (!p) { val toSleep = stop - now if (toSleep <= Duration.Zero) { if (noThrow) false else throw new AssertionError(s"timeout $max expired") } else { Thread.sleep((toSleep min interval).toMillis) poll() } } else true } poll() } /** * Obtain current timestamp as Duration for relative measurements (using System.nanoTime). */ def now: Duration = System.nanoTime().nanos /** * Shut down an actor system and wait for termination. * On failure debug output will be logged about the remaining actors in the system. * * The `duration` is dilated by the timefactor. * * If verifySystemShutdown is true, then an exception will be thrown on failure. */ def shutdownActorSystem( actorSystem: ActorSystem, duration: Duration = Duration.Undefined, verifySystemShutdown: Boolean = false): Unit = { val d = duration match { case f: FiniteDuration => f.dilated(actorSystem) case _ => 10.seconds.dilated(actorSystem).min(10.seconds) } actorSystem.terminate() try Await.ready(actorSystem.whenTerminated, d) catch { case _: TimeoutException => val msg = "Failed to stop [%s] within [%s] \n%s".format(, d, actorSystem.asInstanceOf[ActorSystemImpl].printTree) if (verifySystemShutdown) throw new RuntimeException(msg) else println(msg) } } } /** * TestKit-based probe which allows sending, reception and reply. */ class TestProbe(_application: ActorSystem, name: String) extends TestKit(_application) { def this(_application: ActorSystem) = this(_application, "testProbe") /** * Shorthand to get the testActor. */ def ref = testActor protected override def testActorName = name /** * Send message to an actor while using the probe's TestActor as the sender. * Replies will be available for inspection with all of TestKit's assertion * methods. */ def send(actor: ActorRef, msg: Any): Unit = actor.!(msg)(testActor) /** * Forward this message as if in the TestActor's receive method with self.forward. */ def forward(actor: ActorRef, msg: Any = lastMessage.msg): Unit = actor.!(msg)(lastMessage.sender) /** * Get sender of last received message. */ def sender() = lastMessage.sender /** * Send message to the sender of the last dequeued message. */ def reply(msg: Any): Unit = sender().!(msg)(ref) } object TestProbe { def apply()(implicit system: ActorSystem) = new TestProbe(system) def apply(name: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem) = new TestProbe(system, name) } trait ImplicitSender { this: TestKitBase => implicit def self: ActorRef = testActor } trait DefaultTimeout { this: TestKitBase => implicit val timeout: Timeout = testKitSettings.DefaultTimeout }

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