org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.querymatcher.ScanQueryMatcher Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.querymatcher;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue.KVComparator;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue.Type;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValueUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.DeleteTracker;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.DeleteTracker.DeleteResult;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HStore;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionCoprocessorHost;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ScanInfo;
* A query matcher that is specifically designed for the scan case.
public abstract class ScanQueryMatcher {
* {@link #match} return codes. These instruct the scanner moving through memstores and StoreFiles
* what to do with the current KeyValue.
* Additionally, this contains "early-out" language to tell the scanner to move on to the next
* File (memstore or Storefile), or to return immediately.
public static enum MatchCode {
* Include KeyValue in the returned result
* Do not include KeyValue in the returned result
* Do not include, jump to next StoreFile or memstore (in time order)
* Do not include, return current result
* These codes are used by the ScanQueryMatcher
* Done with the row, seek there.
* Done with column, seek to next.
* Done with scan, thanks to the row filter.
* Seek to next key which is given as hint.
* Include KeyValue and done with column, seek to next.
* Include KeyValue and done with row, seek to next.
/** Row comparator for the region this query is for */
protected final KVComparator rowComparator;
/** Key to seek to in memstore and StoreFiles */
protected final Cell startKey;
/** Keeps track of columns and versions */
protected final ColumnTracker columns;
/** The oldest timestamp we are interested in, based on TTL */
protected final long oldestUnexpiredTS;
protected final long now;
/** Row the query is on */
protected Cell currentRow;
protected ScanQueryMatcher(Cell startKey, ScanInfo scanInfo, ColumnTracker columns,
long oldestUnexpiredTS, long now) {
this.rowComparator = scanInfo.getComparator();
this.startKey = startKey;
this.oldestUnexpiredTS = oldestUnexpiredTS;
this.now = now;
this.columns = columns;
protected static Cell createStartKeyFromRow(byte[] startRow, ScanInfo scanInfo) {
return KeyValueUtil.createFirstDeleteFamilyOnRow(startRow, scanInfo.getFamily());
* Check before the delete logic.
* @return null means continue.
protected final MatchCode preCheck(Cell cell) {
if (currentRow == null) {
// Since the curCell is null it means we are already sure that we have moved over to the next
// row
return MatchCode.DONE;
// if row key is changed, then we know that we have moved over to the next row
if (rowComparator.compareRows(currentRow, cell) != 0) {
return MatchCode.DONE;
if (this.columns.done()) {
return MatchCode.SEEK_NEXT_ROW;
long timestamp = cell.getTimestamp();
// check if this is a fake cell. The fake cell is an optimization, we should make the scanner
// seek to next column or next row. See StoreFileScanner.requestSeek for more details.
// check for early out based on timestamp alone
if (timestamp == HConstants.OLDEST_TIMESTAMP || columns.isDone(timestamp)) {
return columns.getNextRowOrNextColumn(cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(),
// check if the cell is expired by cell TTL
if (HStore.isCellTTLExpired(cell, this.oldestUnexpiredTS, this.now)) {
return MatchCode.SKIP;
return null;
protected final MatchCode checkDeleted(DeleteTracker deletes, Cell cell) {
if (deletes.isEmpty()) {
return null;
DeleteResult deleteResult = deletes.isDeleted(cell);
switch (deleteResult) {
return columns.getNextRowOrNextColumn(cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(),
return MatchCode.SKIP;
return null;
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected delete result: " + deleteResult);
* Determines if the caller should do one of several things:
* - seek/skip to the next row (MatchCode.SEEK_NEXT_ROW)
* - seek/skip to the next column (MatchCode.SEEK_NEXT_COL)
* - include the current KeyValue (MatchCode.INCLUDE)
* - ignore the current KeyValue (MatchCode.SKIP)
* - got to the next row (MatchCode.DONE)
* @param cell KeyValue to check
* @return The match code instance.
* @throws IOException in case there is an internal consistency problem caused by a data
* corruption.
public abstract MatchCode match(Cell cell) throws IOException;
* @return the start key
public Cell getStartKey() {
return startKey;
* @return whether there is an null column in the query
public abstract boolean hasNullColumnInQuery();
* @return a cell represent the current row
public Cell currentRow() {
return currentRow;
* Make {@link #currentRow()} return null.
public void clearCurrentRow() {
currentRow = null;
protected abstract void reset();
* Set the row when there is change in row
* @param currentRow
public void setToNewRow(Cell currentRow) {
this.currentRow = currentRow;
public abstract boolean isUserScan();
* @return Returns false if we know there are no more rows to be scanned (We've reached the
* stopRow
or we are scanning on row only because this Scan is for a Get,
* etc.
public abstract boolean moreRowsMayExistAfter(Cell cell);
public Cell getKeyForNextColumn(Cell cell) {
// We aren't sure whether any DeleteFamily cells exist, so we can't skip to next column.
// TODO: Current way disable us to seek to next column quickly. Is there any better solution?
// see HBASE-18471 for more details
// see TestFromClientSide3#testScanAfterDeletingSpecifiedRow
// see TestFromClientSide3#testScanAfterDeletingSpecifiedRowV2
if (cell.getQualifierLength() == 0) {
Cell nextKey = createNextOnRowCol(cell);
if (nextKey != cell) {
return nextKey;
// The cell is at the end of row/family/qualifier, so it is impossible to find any DeleteFamily cells.
// Let us seek to next column.
ColumnCount nextColumn = columns.getColumnHint();
if (nextColumn == null) {
return KeyValueUtil.createLastOnRow(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(),
cell.getRowLength(), cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getFamilyOffset(), cell.getFamilyLength(),
cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength());
} else {
return KeyValueUtil.createFirstOnRow(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(),
cell.getRowLength(), cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getFamilyOffset(), cell.getFamilyLength(),
nextColumn.getBuffer(), nextColumn.getOffset(), nextColumn.getLength());
* @param nextIndexed the key of the next entry in the block index (if any)
* @param currentCell The Cell we're using to calculate the seek key
* @return result of the compare between the indexed key and the key portion of the passed cell
public int compareKeyForNextRow(Cell nextIndexed, Cell currentCell) {
return rowComparator.compareKey(nextIndexed, currentCell.getRowArray(),
currentCell.getRowOffset(), currentCell.getRowLength(), null, 0, 0, null, 0, 0,
HConstants.OLDEST_TIMESTAMP, Type.Minimum.getCode());
* @param nextIndexed the key of the next entry in the block index (if any)
* @param currentCell The Cell we're using to calculate the seek key
* @return result of the compare between the indexed key and the key portion of the passed cell
public int compareKeyForNextColumn(Cell nextIndexed, Cell currentCell) {
ColumnCount nextColumn = columns.getColumnHint();
if (nextColumn == null) {
return rowComparator.compareKey(nextIndexed, currentCell.getRowArray(),
currentCell.getRowOffset(), currentCell.getRowLength(), currentCell.getFamilyArray(),
currentCell.getFamilyOffset(), currentCell.getFamilyLength(),
currentCell.getQualifierArray(), currentCell.getQualifierOffset(),
currentCell.getQualifierLength(), HConstants.OLDEST_TIMESTAMP, Type.Minimum.getCode());
} else {
return rowComparator.compareKey(nextIndexed, currentCell.getRowArray(),
currentCell.getRowOffset(), currentCell.getRowLength(), currentCell.getFamilyArray(),
currentCell.getFamilyOffset(), currentCell.getFamilyLength(), nextColumn.getBuffer(),
nextColumn.getOffset(), nextColumn.getLength(), HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP,
* @return the Filter
public abstract Filter getFilter();
* Delegate to {@link Filter#getNextCellHint(Cell)}. If no filter, return {@code null}.
public abstract Cell getNextKeyHint(Cell cell) throws IOException;
protected static DeleteTracker instantiateDeleteTracker(RegionCoprocessorHost host)
throws IOException {
DeleteTracker tracker = new ScanDeleteTracker();
if (host != null) {
tracker = host.postInstantiateDeleteTracker(tracker);
return tracker;
// Used only for testing purposes
static MatchCode checkColumn(ColumnTracker columnTracker, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length,
long ttl, byte type, boolean ignoreCount) throws IOException {
MatchCode matchCode = columnTracker.checkColumn(bytes, offset, length, type);
if (matchCode == MatchCode.INCLUDE) {
return columnTracker.checkVersions(bytes, offset, length, ttl, type, ignoreCount);
return matchCode;
* @return An new cell is located following input cell. If both of type and timestamp are
* minimum, the input cell will be returned directly.
private static Cell createNextOnRowCol(Cell cell) {
long ts = cell.getTimestamp();
byte type = cell.getTypeByte();
if (type != Type.Minimum.getCode()) {
type = KeyValue.Type.values()[KeyValue.Type.codeToType(type).ordinal() - 1].getCode();
} else if (ts != HConstants.OLDEST_TIMESTAMP) {
ts = ts - 1;
type = Type.Maximum.getCode();
} else {
return cell;
return createNextOnRowCol(cell, ts, type);
private static Cell createNextOnRowCol(final Cell cell, final long ts, final byte type) {
return new Cell() {
public byte[] getRowArray() { return cell.getRowArray(); }
public int getRowOffset() { return cell.getRowOffset(); }
public short getRowLength() { return cell.getRowLength(); }
public byte[] getFamilyArray() { return cell.getFamilyArray(); }
public int getFamilyOffset() { return cell.getFamilyOffset(); }
public byte getFamilyLength() { return cell.getFamilyLength(); }
public byte[] getQualifierArray() { return cell.getQualifierArray(); }
public int getQualifierOffset() { return cell.getQualifierOffset(); }
public int getQualifierLength() { return cell.getQualifierLength(); }
public long getTimestamp() { return ts; }
public byte getTypeByte() {return type; }
public long getMvccVersion() { return cell.getMvccVersion(); }
public long getSequenceId() { return cell.getSequenceId(); }
public byte[] getValueArray() { return cell.getValueArray(); }
public int getValueOffset() { return cell.getValueOffset(); }
public int getValueLength() { return cell.getValueLength(); }
public byte[] getTagsArray() { return cell.getTagsArray(); }
public int getTagsOffset() { return cell.getTagsOffset(); }
public int getTagsLength() { return cell.getTagsLength(); }
public byte[] getValue() { return cell.getValue(); }
public byte[] getFamily() { return cell.getFamily(); }
public byte[] getQualifier() { return cell.getQualifier(); }
public byte[] getRow() {return cell.getRow(); }