src.it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Generic definitions */
/* Assertions (useful to generate conditional code) */
/* Current type and class (and size, if applicable) */
/* Value methods */
/* Interfaces (keys) */
/* Interfaces (values) */
/* Abstract implementations (keys) */
/* Abstract implementations (values) */
/* Static containers (keys) */
/* Static containers (values) */
/* Implementations */
/* Synchronized wrappers */
/* Unmodifiable wrappers */
/* Other wrappers */
/* Methods (keys) */
/* Methods (values) */
/* Methods (keys/values) */
/* Methods that have special names depending on keys (but the special names depend on values) */
/* Equality */
/* Object/Reference-only definitions (keys) */
/* Object/Reference-only definitions (values) */
* Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Sebastiano Vigna
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.Hash;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.booleans.BooleanArrays;
import static it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.arraySize;
import static it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.maxFill;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ReferenceCollection;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.AbstractReferenceCollection;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.AbstractObjectSortedSet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectListIterator;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectBidirectionalIterator;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSortedSet;
/** A type-specific linked hash map with with a fast, small-footprint implementation.
* Instances of this class use a hash table to represent a map. The table is
* enlarged as needed by doubling its size when new entries are created, but it is never made
* smaller (even on a {@link #clear()}). A family of {@linkplain #trim() trimming
* methods} lets you control the size of the table; this is particularly useful
* if you reuse instances of this class.
Iterators generated by this map will enumerate pairs in the same order in which they
* have been added to the map (addition of pairs whose key is already present
* in the set does not change the iteration order). Note that this order has nothing in common with the natural
* order of the keys. The order is kept by means of a doubly linked list, represented
* via an array of longs parallel to the table.
This class implements the interface of a sorted map, so to allow easy
* access of the iteration order: for instance, you can get the first key
* in iteration order with {@link #firstKey()} without having to create an
* iterator; however, this class partially violates the {@link java.util.SortedMap}
* contract because all submap methods throw an exception and {@link
* #comparator()} returns always null
Additional methods, such as getAndMoveToFirst()
, make it easy
* to use instances of this class as a cache (e.g., with LRU policy).
The iterators provided by the views of this class using are type-specific
* {@linkplain java.util.ListIterator list iterators}, and can be started at any
* element which is a key of the map, or
* a {@link NoSuchElementException} exception will be thrown.
* If, however, the provided element is not the first or last key in the
* set, the first access to the list index will require linear time, as in the worst case
* the entire key set must be scanned in iteration order to retrieve the positional
* index of the starting key. If you use just the methods of a type-specific {@link it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.BidirectionalIterator},
* however, all operations will be performed in constant time.
* @see Hash
* @see HashCommon
public class Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap extends AbstractObject2ReferenceSortedMap implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable, Hash {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
private static final boolean ASSERTS = false;
/** The array of keys. */
protected transient K key[];
/** The array of values. */
protected transient V value[];
/** The array telling whether a position is used. */
protected transient boolean used[];
/** The acceptable load factor. */
protected final float f;
/** The current table size. */
protected transient int n;
/** Threshold after which we rehash. It must be the table size times {@link #f}. */
protected transient int maxFill;
/** The mask for wrapping a position counter. */
protected transient int mask;
/** Number of entries in the set. */
protected int size;
/** Cached set of entries. */
protected transient volatile FastSortedEntrySet entries;
/** Cached set of keys. */
protected transient volatile ObjectSortedSet keys;
/** Cached collection of values. */
protected transient volatile ReferenceCollection values;
/** The index of the first entry in iteration order. It is valid iff {@link #size} is nonzero; otherwise, it contains -1. */
protected transient int first = -1;
/** The index of the last entry in iteration order. It is valid iff {@link #size} is nonzero; otherwise, it contains -1. */
protected transient int last = -1;
/** For each entry, the next and the previous entry in iteration order,
* stored as ((prev & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32) | (next & 0xFFFFFFFFL)
* The first entry contains predecessor -1, and the last entry
* contains successor -1. */
protected transient long link[];
/* Macros for transforming the bi-directional long link. Return values are 32-bit int indexes.
* SET_UPPER and SET_LOWER do a masked assignment as described at
* http://www-graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#MaskedMerge
/** The hash strategy of this custom map. */
protected Strategy strategy;
/** Creates a new hash map.
* The actual table size will be the least power of two greater than expected
* @param expected the expected number of elements in the hash set.
* @param f the load factor.
* @param strategy the strategy.
public Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap( final int expected, final float f, final Strategy strategy ) {
this.strategy = strategy;
if ( f <= 0 || f > 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Load factor must be greater than 0 and smaller than or equal to 1" );
if ( expected < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The expected number of elements must be nonnegative" );
this.f = f;
n = arraySize( expected, f );
mask = n - 1;
maxFill = maxFill( n, f );
key = (K[]) new Object[ n ];
value = (V[]) new Object[ n ];
used = new boolean[ n ];
link = new long[ n ];
/** Creates a new hash map with {@link Hash#DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR} as load factor.
* @param expected the expected number of elements in the hash map.
* @param strategy the strategy.
public Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap( final int expected, final Strategy strategy ) {
this( expected, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, strategy );
/** Creates a new hash map with initial expected {@link Hash#DEFAULT_INITIAL_SIZE} entries
* and {@link Hash#DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR} as load factor.
* @param strategy the strategy.
public Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap( final Strategy strategy ) {
/** Creates a new hash map copying a given one.
* @param m a {@link Map} to be copied into the new hash map.
* @param f the load factor.
* @param strategy the strategy.
public Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap( final Map extends K, ? extends V> m, final float f, final Strategy strategy ) {
this( m.size(), f, strategy );
putAll( m );
/** Creates a new hash map with {@link Hash#DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR} as load factor copying a given one.
* @param m a {@link Map} to be copied into the new hash map.
* @param strategy the strategy.
public Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap( final Map extends K, ? extends V> m, final Strategy strategy ) {
this( m, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, strategy );
/** Creates a new hash map copying a given type-specific one.
* @param m a type-specific map to be copied into the new hash map.
* @param f the load factor.
* @param strategy the strategy.
public Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap( final Object2ReferenceMap m, final float f, final Strategy strategy ) {
this( m.size(), f, strategy );
putAll( m );
/** Creates a new hash map with {@link Hash#DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR} as load factor copying a given type-specific one.
* @param m a type-specific map to be copied into the new hash map.
* @param strategy the strategy.
public Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap( final Object2ReferenceMap m, final Strategy strategy ) {
this( m, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, strategy );
/** Creates a new hash map using the elements of two parallel arrays.
* @param k the array of keys of the new hash map.
* @param v the array of corresponding values in the new hash map.
* @param f the load factor.
* @param strategy the strategy.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if k
and v
have different lengths.
public Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap( final K[] k, final V v[], final float f, final Strategy strategy ) {
this( k.length, f, strategy );
if ( k.length != v.length ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The key array and the value array have different lengths (" + k.length + " and " + v.length + ")" );
for( int i = 0; i < k.length; i++ ) this.put( k[ i ], v[ i ] );
/** Creates a new hash map with {@link Hash#DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR} as load factor using the elements of two parallel arrays.
* @param k the array of keys of the new hash map.
* @param v the array of corresponding values in the new hash map.
* @param strategy the strategy.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if k
and v
have different lengths.
public Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap( final K[] k, final V v[], final Strategy strategy ) {
this( k, v, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, strategy );
/** Returns the hashing strategy.
* @return the hashing strategy of this custom hash map.
public Strategy strategy() {
return strategy;
* The following methods implements some basic building blocks used by
* all accessors. They are (and should be maintained) identical to those used in OpenHashSet.drv.
public V put(final K k, final V v) {
// The starting point.
int pos = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (k)) ) ) & mask;
// There's always an unused entry.
while( used[ pos ] ) {
if ( ( strategy.equals( (key[ pos ]), (K) (k) ) ) ) {
final V oldValue = value[ pos ];
value[ pos ] = v;
return oldValue;
pos = ( pos + 1 ) & mask;
used[ pos ] = true;
key[ pos ] = k;
value[ pos ] = v;
if ( size == 0 ) {
first = last = pos;
// Special case of SET_UPPER_LOWER( link[ pos ], -1, -1 );
link[ pos ] = -1L;
else {
link[ last ] ^= ( ( link[ last ] ^ ( pos & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
link[ pos ] = ( ( last & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) << 32 ) | ( -1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
last = pos;
if ( ++size >= maxFill ) rehash( arraySize( size + 1, f ) );
if ( ASSERTS ) checkTable();
return defRetValue;
/** Shifts left entries with the specified hash code, starting at the specified position,
* and empties the resulting free entry.
* @param pos a starting position.
* @return the position cleared by the shifting process.
protected final int shiftKeys( int pos ) {
// Shift entries with the same hash.
int last, slot;
for(;;) {
pos = ( ( last = pos ) + 1 ) & mask;
while( used[ pos ] ) {
slot = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (key[ pos ])) ) ) & mask;
if ( last <= pos ? last >= slot || slot > pos : last >= slot && slot > pos ) break;
pos = ( pos + 1 ) & mask;
if ( ! used[ pos ] ) break;
key[ last ] = key[ pos ];
value[ last ] = value[ pos ];
fixPointers( pos, last );
used[ last ] = false;
key[ last ] = null;
value[ last ] = null;
return last;
public V remove( final Object k ) {
// The starting point.
int pos = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (k)) ) ) & mask;
// There's always an unused entry.
while( used[ pos ] ) {
if ( ( strategy.equals( (key[ pos ]), (K) (k) ) ) ) {
fixPointers( pos );
final V v = value[ pos ];
shiftKeys( pos );
return v;
pos = ( pos + 1 ) & mask;
return defRetValue;
/** Removes the mapping associated with the first key in iteration order.
* @return the value previously associated with the first key in iteration order.
* @throws NoSuchElementException is this map is empty.
public V removeFirst() {
if ( size == 0 ) throw new NoSuchElementException();
final int pos = first;
// Abbreviated version of fixPointers(pos)
first = (int) link[ pos ];
if ( 0 <= first ) {
// Special case of SET_PREV( link[ first ], -1 )
link[ first ] |= (-1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32;
final V v = value[ pos ];
shiftKeys( pos );
return v;
/** Removes the mapping associated with the last key in iteration order.
* @return the value previously associated with the last key in iteration order.
* @throws NoSuchElementException is this map is empty.
public V removeLast() {
if ( size == 0 ) throw new NoSuchElementException();
final int pos = last;
// Abbreviated version of fixPointers(pos)
last = (int) ( link[ pos ] >>> 32 );
if ( 0 <= last ) {
// Special case of SET_NEXT( link[ last ], -1 )
link[ last ] |= -1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
final V v = value[ pos ];
shiftKeys( pos );
return v;
private void moveIndexToFirst( final int i ) {
if ( size == 1 || first == i ) return;
if ( last == i ) {
last = (int) ( link[ i ] >>> 32 );
// Special case of SET_NEXT( link[ last ], -1 );
link[ last ] |= -1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
else {
final long linki = link[ i ];
final int prev = (int) ( linki >>> 32 );
final int next = (int) linki;
link[ prev ] ^= ( ( link[ prev ] ^ ( linki & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
link[ next ] ^= ( ( link[ next ] ^ ( linki & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L );
link[ first ] ^= ( ( link[ first ] ^ ( ( i & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) << 32 ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L );
link[ i ] = ( ( -1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) << 32 ) | ( first & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
first = i;
private void moveIndexToLast( final int i ) {
if ( size == 1 || last == i ) return;
if ( first == i ) {
first = (int) link[ i ];
// Special case of SET_PREV( link[ first ], -1 );
link[ first ] |= (-1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32;
else {
final long linki = link[ i ];
final int prev = (int) ( linki >>> 32 );
final int next = (int) linki;
link[ prev ] ^= ( ( link[ prev ] ^ ( linki & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
link[ next ] ^= ( ( link[ next ] ^ ( linki & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L );
link[ last ] ^= ( ( link[ last ] ^ ( i & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
link[ i ] = ( ( last & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) << 32 ) | ( -1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
last = i;
/** Returns the value to which the given key is mapped; if the key is present, it is moved to the first position of the iteration order.
* @param k the key.
* @return the corresponding value, or the {@linkplain #defaultReturnValue() default return value} if no value was present for the given key.
public V getAndMoveToFirst( final K k ) {
final K key[] = this.key;
final boolean used[] = this.used;
final int mask = this.mask;
// The starting point.
int pos = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (k)) ) ) & mask;
// There's always an unused entry.
while( used[ pos ] ) {
if( ( strategy.equals( (k), (K) (key[ pos ]) ) ) ) {
moveIndexToFirst( pos );
return value[ pos ];
pos = ( pos + 1 ) & mask;
return defRetValue;
/** Returns the value to which the given key is mapped; if the key is present, it is moved to the last position of the iteration order.
* @param k the key.
* @return the corresponding value, or the {@linkplain #defaultReturnValue() default return value} if no value was present for the given key.
public V getAndMoveToLast( final K k ) {
final K key[] = this.key;
final boolean used[] = this.used;
final int mask = this.mask;
// The starting point.
int pos = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (k)) ) ) & mask;
// There's always an unused entry.
while( used[ pos ] ) {
if( ( strategy.equals( (k), (K) (key[ pos ]) ) ) ) {
moveIndexToLast( pos );
return value[ pos ];
pos = ( pos + 1 ) & mask;
return defRetValue;
/** Adds a pair to the map; if the key is already present, it is moved to the first position of the iteration order.
* @param k the key.
* @param v the value.
* @return the old value, or the {@linkplain #defaultReturnValue() default return value} if no value was present for the given key.
public V putAndMoveToFirst( final K k, final V v ) {
final K key[] = this.key;
final boolean used[] = this.used;
final int mask = this.mask;
// The starting point.
int pos = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (k)) ) ) & mask;
// There's always an unused entry.
while( used[ pos ] ) {
if ( ( strategy.equals( (k), (K) (key[ pos ]) ) ) ) {
final V oldValue = value[ pos ];
value[ pos ] = v;
moveIndexToFirst( pos );
return oldValue;
pos = ( pos + 1 ) & mask;
used[ pos ] = true;
key[ pos ] = k;
value[ pos ] = v;
if ( size == 0 ) {
first = last = pos;
// Special case of SET_UPPER_LOWER( link[ pos ], -1, -1 );
link[ pos ] = -1L;
else {
link[ first ] ^= ( ( link[ first ] ^ ( ( pos & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) << 32 ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L );
link[ pos ] = ( ( -1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) << 32 ) | ( first & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
first = pos;
if ( ++size >= maxFill ) rehash( arraySize( size, f ) );
if ( ASSERTS ) checkTable();
return defRetValue;
/** Adds a pair to the map; if the key is already present, it is moved to the last position of the iteration order.
* @param k the key.
* @param v the value.
* @return the old value, or the {@linkplain #defaultReturnValue() default return value} if no value was present for the given key.
public V putAndMoveToLast( final K k, final V v ) {
final K key[] = this.key;
final boolean used[] = this.used;
final int mask = this.mask;
// The starting point.
int pos = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (k)) ) ) & mask;
// There's always an unused entry.
while( used[ pos ] ) {
if ( ( strategy.equals( (k), (K) (key[ pos ]) ) ) ) {
final V oldValue = value[ pos ];
value[ pos ] = v;
moveIndexToLast( pos );
return oldValue;
pos = ( pos + 1 ) & mask;
used[ pos ] = true;
key[ pos ] = k;
value[ pos ] = v;
if ( size == 0 ) {
first = last = pos;
// Special case of SET_UPPER_LOWER( link[ pos ], -1, -1 );
link[ pos ] = -1L;
else {
link[ last ] ^= ( ( link[ last ] ^ ( pos & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
link[ pos ] = ( ( last & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) << 32 ) | ( -1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
last = pos;
if ( ++size >= maxFill ) rehash( arraySize( size, f ) );
if ( ASSERTS ) checkTable();
return defRetValue;
public V get( final Object k ) {
// The starting point.
int pos = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (k)) ) ) & mask;
// There's always an unused entry.
while( used[ pos ] ) {
if ( ( strategy.equals( (key[ pos ]), (K) (k) ) ) ) return value[ pos ];
pos = ( pos + 1 ) & mask;
return defRetValue;
public boolean containsKey( final Object k ) {
// The starting point.
int pos = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (k)) ) ) & mask;
// There's always an unused entry.
while( used[ pos ] ) {
if ( ( strategy.equals( (key[ pos ]), (K) (k) ) ) ) return true;
pos = ( pos + 1 ) & mask;
return false;
public boolean containsValue( final Object v ) {
final V value[] = this.value;
final boolean used[] = this.used;
for( int i = n; i-- != 0; ) if ( used[ i ] && ( (value[ i ]) == (v) ) ) return true;
return false;
/* Removes all elements from this map.
* To increase object reuse, this method does not change the table size.
* If you want to reduce the table size, you must use {@link #trim()}.
public void clear() {
if ( size == 0 ) return;
size = 0;
BooleanArrays.fill( used, false );
// We null all object entries so that the garbage collector can do its work.
ObjectArrays.fill( key, null );
ObjectArrays.fill( value, null );
first = last = -1;
public int size() {
return size;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return size == 0;
/** A no-op for backward compatibility.
* @param growthFactor unused.
* @deprecated Since fastutil
6.1.0, hash tables are doubled when they are too full.
public void growthFactor( int growthFactor ) {}
/** Gets the growth factor (2).
* @return the growth factor of this set, which is fixed (2).
* @see #growthFactor(int)
* @deprecated Since fastutil
6.1.0, hash tables are doubled when they are too full.
public int growthFactor() {
return 16;
/** The entry class for a hash map does not record key and value, but
* rather the position in the hash table of the corresponding entry. This
* is necessary so that calls to {@link java.util.Map.Entry#setValue(Object)} are reflected in
* the map */
private final class MapEntry implements Object2ReferenceMap.Entry , Map.Entry {
// The table index this entry refers to, or -1 if this entry has been deleted.
private int index;
MapEntry( final int index ) {
this.index = index;
public K getKey() {
return (key[ index ]);
public V getValue() {
return (value[ index ]);
public V setValue( final V v ) {
final V oldValue = value[ index ];
value[ index ] = v;
return oldValue;
public boolean equals( final Object o ) {
if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry)) return false;
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry)o;
return ( strategy.equals( (key[ index ]), (K) ((e.getKey())) ) ) && ( (value[ index ]) == ((e.getValue())) );
public int hashCode() {
return ( strategy.hashCode( (K) (key[ index ])) ) ^ ( (value[ index ]) == null ? 0 : System.identityHashCode(value[ index ]) );
public String toString() {
return key[ index ] + "=>" + value[ index ];
/** Modifies the {@link #link} vector so that the given entry is removed.
* If the given entry is the first or the last one, this method will complete
* in constant time; otherwise, it will have to search for the given entry.
* @param i the index of an entry.
protected void fixPointers( final int i ) {
if ( size == 0 ) {
first = last = -1;
if ( first == i ) {
first = (int) link[ i ];
if (0 <= first) {
// Special case of SET_PREV( link[ first ], -1 )
link[ first ] |= (-1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32;
if ( last == i ) {
last = (int) ( link[ i ] >>> 32 );
if (0 <= last) {
// Special case of SET_NEXT( link[ last ], -1 )
link[ last ] |= -1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
final long linki = link[ i ];
final int prev = (int) ( linki >>> 32 );
final int next = (int) linki;
link[ prev ] ^= ( ( link[ prev ] ^ ( linki & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
link[ next ] ^= ( ( link[ next ] ^ ( linki & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L );
/** Modifies the {@link #link} vector for a shift from s to d.
If the given entry is the first or the last one, this method will complete
* in constant time; otherwise, it will have to search for the given entry.
* @param s the source position.
* @param d the destination position.
protected void fixPointers( int s, int d ) {
if ( size == 1 ) {
first = last = d;
// Special case of SET_UPPER_LOWER( link[ d ], -1, -1 )
link[ d ] = -1L;
if ( first == s ) {
first = d;
link[ (int) link[ s ] ] ^= ( ( link[ (int) link[ s ] ] ^ ( ( d & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) << 32 ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L );
link[ d ] = link[ s ];
if ( last == s ) {
last = d;
link[ (int) ( link[ s ] >>> 32 )] ^= ( ( link[ (int) ( link[ s ] >>> 32 )] ^ ( d & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
link[ d ] = link[ s ];
final long links = link[ s ];
final int prev = (int) ( links >>> 32 );
final int next = (int) links;
link[ prev ] ^= ( ( link[ prev ] ^ ( d & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
link[ next ] ^= ( ( link[ next ] ^ ( ( d & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) << 32 ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L );
link[ d ] = links;
/** Returns the first key of this map in iteration order.
* @return the first key in iteration order.
public K firstKey() {
if ( size == 0 ) throw new NoSuchElementException();
return key[ first ];
/** Returns the last key of this map in iteration order.
* @return the last key in iteration order.
public K lastKey() {
if ( size == 0 ) throw new NoSuchElementException();
return key[ last ];
public Comparator super K> comparator() { return null; }
public Object2ReferenceSortedMap tailMap( K from ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public Object2ReferenceSortedMap headMap( K to ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public Object2ReferenceSortedMap subMap( K from, K to ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
/** A list iterator over a linked map.
* This class provides a list iterator over a linked hash map. The empty constructor runs in
* constant time. The one-argument constructor needs to search for the given key, but it is
* optimized for the case of {@link java.util.SortedMap#lastKey()}, in which case runs in constant time, too.
private class MapIterator {
/** The entry that will be returned by the next call to {@link java.util.ListIterator#previous()} (or null
if no previous entry exists). */
int prev = -1;
/** The entry that will be returned by the next call to {@link java.util.ListIterator#next()} (or null
if no next entry exists). */
int next = -1;
/** The last entry that was returned (or -1 if we did not iterate or used {@link java.util.Iterator#remove()}). */
int curr = -1;
/** The current index (in the sense of a {@link java.util.ListIterator}). Note that this value is not meaningful when this iterator has been created using the nonempty constructor.*/
int index = -1;
private MapIterator() {
next = first;
index = 0;
private MapIterator( final K from ) {
if ( ( strategy.equals( (key[ last ]), (K) (from) ) ) ) {
prev = last;
index = size;
else {
// The starting point.
int pos = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (from)) ) ) & mask;
// There's always an unused entry.
while( used[ pos ] ) {
if ( ( strategy.equals( (key[ pos ]), (K) (from) ) ) ) {
// Note: no valid index known.
next = (int) link[ pos ];
prev = pos;
pos = ( pos + 1 ) & mask;
throw new NoSuchElementException( "The key " + from + " does not belong to this map." );
public boolean hasNext() { return next != -1; }
public boolean hasPrevious() { return prev != -1; }
private final void ensureIndexKnown() {
if ( index >= 0 ) return;
if ( prev == -1 ) {
index = 0;
if ( next == -1 ) {
index = size;
int pos = first;
index = 1;
while( pos != prev ) {
pos = (int) link[ pos ];
public int nextIndex() {
return index;
public int previousIndex() {
return index - 1;
public int nextEntry() {
if ( ! hasNext() ) return size();
curr = next;
next = (int) link[ curr ];
prev = curr;
if ( index >= 0 ) index++;
return curr;
public int previousEntry() {
if ( ! hasPrevious() ) return -1;
curr = prev;
prev = (int) ( link[ curr ] >>> 32 );
next = curr;
if ( index >= 0 ) index--;
return curr;
public void remove() {
if ( curr == -1 ) throw new IllegalStateException();
if ( curr == prev ) {
/* If the last operation was a next(), we are removing an entry that preceeds
the current index, and thus we must decrement it. */
prev = (int) ( link[ curr ] >>> 32 );
next = (int) link[ curr ];
/* Now we manually fix the pointers. Because of our knowledge of next
and prev, this is going to be faster than calling fixPointers(). */
if ( prev == -1 ) first = next;
link[ prev ] ^= ( ( link[ prev ] ^ ( next & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
if ( next == -1 ) last = prev;
link[ next ] ^= ( ( link[ next ] ^ ( ( prev & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) << 32 ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L );
int last, slot, pos = curr;
// We have to horribly duplicate the shiftKeys() code because we need to update next/prev.
for(;;) {
pos = ( ( last = pos ) + 1 ) & mask;
while( used[ pos ] ) {
slot = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (key[ pos ])) ) ) & mask;
if ( last <= pos ? last >= slot || slot > pos : last >= slot && slot > pos ) break;
pos = ( pos + 1 ) & mask;
if ( ! used[ pos ] ) break;
key[ last ] = key[ pos ];
value[ last ] = value[ pos ];
if ( next == pos ) next = last;
if ( prev == pos ) prev = last;
fixPointers( pos, last );
used[ last ] = false;
key[ last ] = null;
value[ last ] = null;
curr = -1;
public int skip( final int n ) {
int i = n;
while( i-- != 0 && hasNext() ) nextEntry();
return n - i - 1;
public int back( final int n ) {
int i = n;
while( i-- != 0 && hasPrevious() ) previousEntry();
return n - i - 1;
private class EntryIterator extends MapIterator implements ObjectListIterator > {
private MapEntry entry;
public EntryIterator() {}
public EntryIterator( K from ) {
super( from );
public MapEntry next() {
return entry = new MapEntry( nextEntry() );
public MapEntry previous() {
return entry = new MapEntry( previousEntry() );
public void remove() {
entry.index = -1; // You cannot use a deleted entry.
public void set( Object2ReferenceMap.Entry ok ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public void add( Object2ReferenceMap.Entry ok ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
private class FastEntryIterator extends MapIterator implements ObjectListIterator > {
final BasicEntry entry = new BasicEntry ( (null), (null) );
public FastEntryIterator() {}
public FastEntryIterator( K from ) {
super( from );
public BasicEntry next() {
final int e = nextEntry();
entry.key = key[ e ];
entry.value = value[ e ];
return entry;
public BasicEntry previous() {
final int e = previousEntry();
entry.key = key[ e ];
entry.value = value[ e ];
return entry;
public void set( Object2ReferenceMap.Entry ok ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public void add( Object2ReferenceMap.Entry ok ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
private final class MapEntrySet extends AbstractObjectSortedSet > implements FastSortedEntrySet {
public ObjectBidirectionalIterator > iterator() {
return new EntryIterator();
public Comparator super Object2ReferenceMap.Entry > comparator() { return null; }
public ObjectSortedSet > subSet( Object2ReferenceMap.Entry fromElement, Object2ReferenceMap.Entry toElement) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public ObjectSortedSet > headSet( Object2ReferenceMap.Entry toElement ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public ObjectSortedSet > tailSet( Object2ReferenceMap.Entry fromElement ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public Object2ReferenceMap.Entry first() {
if ( size == 0 ) throw new NoSuchElementException();
return new MapEntry( Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap.this.first );
public Object2ReferenceMap.Entry last() {
if ( size == 0 ) throw new NoSuchElementException();
return new MapEntry( Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap.this.last );
public boolean contains( final Object o ) {
if ( !( o instanceof Map.Entry ) ) return false;
final Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry)o;
final K k = (e.getKey());
// The starting point.
int pos = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (k)) ) ) & mask;
// There's always an unused entry.
while( used[ pos ] ) {
if ( ( strategy.equals( (key[ pos ]), (K) (k) ) ) ) return ( (value[ pos ]) == ((e.getValue())) );
pos = ( pos + 1 ) & mask;
return false;
public boolean remove( final Object o ) {
if ( !( o instanceof Map.Entry ) ) return false;
final Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry)o;
final K k = (e.getKey());
// The starting point.
int pos = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (k)) ) ) & mask;
// There's always an unused entry.
while( used[ pos ] ) {
if ( ( strategy.equals( (key[ pos ]), (K) (k) ) ) ) {
Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap.this.remove( e.getKey() );
return true;
pos = ( pos + 1 ) & mask;
return false;
public int size() {
return size;
public void clear() {
public ObjectBidirectionalIterator > iterator( final Object2ReferenceMap.Entry from ) {
return new EntryIterator( (from.getKey()) );
public ObjectBidirectionalIterator > fastIterator() {
return new FastEntryIterator();
public ObjectBidirectionalIterator > fastIterator( final Object2ReferenceMap.Entry from ) {
return new FastEntryIterator( (from.getKey()) );
public FastSortedEntrySet object2ReferenceEntrySet() {
if ( entries == null ) entries = new MapEntrySet();
return entries;
/** An iterator on keys.
* We simply override the {@link java.util.ListIterator#next()}/{@link java.util.ListIterator#previous()} methods
* (and possibly their type-specific counterparts) so that they return keys
* instead of entries.
private final class KeyIterator extends MapIterator implements ObjectListIterator {
public KeyIterator( final K k ) { super( k ); }
public K previous() { return key[ previousEntry() ]; }
public void set( K k ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public void add( K k ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public KeyIterator() { super(); }
public K next() { return key[ nextEntry() ]; }
private final class KeySet extends AbstractObjectSortedSet {
public ObjectListIterator iterator( final K from ) {
return new KeyIterator( from );
public ObjectListIterator iterator() {
return new KeyIterator();
public int size() {
return size;
public boolean contains( Object k ) {
return containsKey( k );
public boolean remove( Object k ) {
final int oldSize = size;
Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap.this.remove( k );
return size != oldSize;
public void clear() {
public K first() {
if ( size == 0 ) throw new NoSuchElementException();
return key[ first ];
public K last() {
if ( size == 0 ) throw new NoSuchElementException();
return key[ last ];
public Comparator super K> comparator() { return null; }
final public ObjectSortedSet tailSet( K from ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
final public ObjectSortedSet headSet( K to ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
final public ObjectSortedSet subSet( K from, K to ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public ObjectSortedSet keySet() {
if ( keys == null ) keys = new KeySet();
return keys;
/** An iterator on values.
* We simply override the {@link java.util.ListIterator#next()}/{@link java.util.ListIterator#previous()} methods
* (and possibly their type-specific counterparts) so that they return values
* instead of entries.
private final class ValueIterator extends MapIterator implements ObjectListIterator {
public V previous() { return value[ previousEntry() ]; }
public void set( V v ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public void add( V v ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public ValueIterator() { super(); }
public V next() { return value[ nextEntry() ]; }
public ReferenceCollection values() {
if ( values == null ) values = new AbstractReferenceCollection () {
public ObjectIterator iterator() {
return new ValueIterator();
public int size() {
return size;
public boolean contains( Object v ) {
return containsValue( v );
public void clear() {
return values;
/** A no-op for backward compatibility. The kind of tables implemented by
* this class never need rehashing.
* If you need to reduce the table size to fit exactly
* this set, use {@link #trim()}.
* @return true.
* @see #trim()
* @deprecated A no-op.
public boolean rehash() {
return true;
/** Rehashes the map, making the table as small as possible.
This method rehashes the table to the smallest size satisfying the
* load factor. It can be used when the set will not be changed anymore, so
* to optimize access speed and size.
If the table size is already the minimum possible, this method
* does nothing.
* @return true if there was enough memory to trim the map.
* @see #trim(int)
public boolean trim() {
final int l = arraySize( size, f );
if ( l >= n ) return true;
try {
rehash( l );
catch(OutOfMemoryError cantDoIt) { return false; }
return true;
/** Rehashes this map if the table is too large.
Let N be the smallest table size that can hold
* max(n,{@link #size()})
entries, still satisfying the load factor. If the current
* table size is smaller than or equal to N, this method does
* nothing. Otherwise, it rehashes this map in a table of size
* N.
This method is useful when reusing maps. {@linkplain #clear() Clearing a
* map} leaves the table size untouched. If you are reusing a map
* many times, you can call this method with a typical
* size to avoid keeping around a very large table just
* because of a few large transient maps.
* @param n the threshold for the trimming.
* @return true if there was enough memory to trim the map.
* @see #trim()
public boolean trim( final int n ) {
final int l = HashCommon.nextPowerOfTwo( (int)Math.ceil( n / f ) );
if ( this.n <= l ) return true;
try {
rehash( l );
catch( OutOfMemoryError cantDoIt ) { return false; }
return true;
/** Rehashes the map.
This method implements the basic rehashing strategy, and may be
* overriden by subclasses implementing different rehashing strategies (e.g.,
* disk-based rehashing). However, you should not override this method
* unless you understand the internal workings of this class.
* @param newN the new size
protected void rehash( final int newN ) {
int i = first, prev = -1, newPrev = -1, t, pos;
K k;
final K key[] = this.key;
final V value[] = this.value;
final int newMask = newN - 1;
final K newKey[] = (K[]) new Object[ newN ];
final V newValue[] = (V[]) new Object[newN];
final boolean newUsed[] = new boolean[ newN ];
final long link[] = this.link;
final long newLink[] = new long[ newN ];
first = -1;
for( int j = size; j-- != 0; ) {
k = key[ i ];
pos = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (k)) ) ) & newMask;
while ( newUsed[ pos ] ) pos = ( pos + 1 ) & newMask;
newUsed[ pos ] = true;
newKey[ pos ] = k;
newValue[ pos ] = value[ i ];
if ( prev != -1 ) {
newLink[ newPrev ] ^= ( ( newLink[ newPrev ] ^ ( pos & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
newLink[ pos ] ^= ( ( newLink[ pos ] ^ ( ( newPrev & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) << 32 ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L );
newPrev = pos;
else {
newPrev = first = pos;
// Special case of SET(newLink[ pos ], -1, -1);
newLink[ pos ] = -1L;
t = i;
i = (int) link[ i ];
prev = t;
n = newN;
mask = newMask;
maxFill = maxFill( n, f );
this.key = newKey;
this.value = newValue;
this.used = newUsed;
this.link = newLink;
this.last = newPrev;
if ( newPrev != -1 )
// Special case of SET_NEXT( newLink[ newPrev ], -1 );
newLink[ newPrev ] |= -1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
/** Returns a deep copy of this map.
This method performs a deep copy of this hash map; the data stored in the
* map, however, is not cloned. Note that this makes a difference only for object keys.
* @return a deep copy of this map.
public Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap clone() {
Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap c;
try {
c = (Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenCustomHashMap )super.clone();
catch(CloneNotSupportedException cantHappen) {
throw new InternalError();
c.keys = null;
c.values = null;
c.entries = null;
c.key = key.clone();
c.value = value.clone();
c.used = used.clone();
c.link = link.clone();
c.strategy = strategy;
return c;
/** Returns a hash code for this map.
* This method overrides the generic method provided by the superclass.
* Since equals()
is not overriden, it is important
* that the value returned by this method is the same value as
* the one returned by the overriden method.
* @return a hash code for this map.
public int hashCode() {
int h = 0;
for( int j = size, i = 0, t = 0; j-- != 0; ) {
while( ! used[ i ] ) i++;
if ( this != key[ i ] )
t = ( strategy.hashCode( (K) (key[ i ])) );
if ( this != value[ i ] )
t ^= ( (value[ i ]) == null ? 0 : System.identityHashCode(value[ i ]) );
h += t;
return h;
private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream s) throws java.io.IOException {
final K key[] = this.key;
final V value[] = this.value;
final MapIterator i = new MapIterator();
for( int j = size, e; j-- != 0; ) {
e = i.nextEntry();
s.writeObject( key[ e ] );
s.writeObject( value[ e ] );
private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream s) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
n = arraySize( size, f );
maxFill = maxFill( n, f );
mask = n - 1;
final K key[] = this.key = (K[]) new Object[ n ];
final V value[] = this.value = (V[]) new Object[ n ];
final boolean used[] = this.used = new boolean[ n ];
final long link[] = this.link = new long[ n ];
int prev = -1;
first = last = -1;
K k;
V v;
for( int i = size, pos = 0; i-- != 0; ) {
k = (K) s.readObject();
v = (V) s.readObject();
pos = ( it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3( strategy.hashCode( (K) (k)) ) ) & mask;
while ( used[ pos ] ) pos = ( pos + 1 ) & mask;
used[ pos ] = true;
key[ pos ] = k;
value[ pos ] = v;
if ( first != -1 ) {
link[ prev ] ^= ( ( link[ prev ] ^ ( pos & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
link[ pos ] ^= ( ( link[ pos ] ^ ( ( prev & 0xFFFFFFFFL ) << 32 ) ) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L );
prev = pos;
else {
prev = first = pos;
// Special case of SET_PREV( newLink[ pos ], -1 );
link[ pos ] |= (-1L & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 32;
last = prev;
if ( prev != -1 )
// Special case of SET_NEXT( link[ prev ], -1 );
link[ prev ] |= -1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
if ( ASSERTS ) checkTable();
private void checkTable() {}