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 * Copyright (C) 2002-2015 Sebastiano Vigna
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License. 

package PACKAGE;

import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSets;

#if ! #valueclass(Object)

import java.util.Map;

/** A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with type-specific maps.
 * @see it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.Maps
 * @see java.util.Collections

public class MAPS {

	private MAPS() {}

	/** An immutable class representing an empty type-specific map.

This class may be useful to implement your own in case you subclass * a type-specific map. */ public static class EmptyMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC extends FUNCTIONS.EmptyFunction KEY_VALUE_GENERIC implements MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC,, Cloneable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7046029254386353129L; protected EmptyMap() {} public boolean containsValue( final VALUE_TYPE v ) { return false; } public void putAll( final Map m ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ObjectSet ENTRYSET() { return ObjectSets.EMPTY_SET; } SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_KEY_UNCHECKED public SET KEY_GENERIC keySet() { return SETS.EMPTY_SET; } SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_VALUE_UNCHECKED public VALUE_COLLECTION VALUE_GENERIC values() { return VALUE_SETS.EMPTY_SET; } #if #values(primitive) public boolean containsValue( final Object ov ) { return false; } #endif private Object readResolve() { return EMPTY_MAP; } public Object clone() { return EMPTY_MAP; } public boolean isEmpty() { return true; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public ObjectSet> entrySet() { return (ObjectSet)ENTRYSET(); } public int hashCode() { return 0; } public boolean equals( final Object o ) { if ( ! ( o instanceof Map ) ) return false; return ((Map)o).isEmpty(); } public String toString() { return "{}"; } } /** An empty type-specific map (immutable). It is serializable and cloneable. */ SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_KEY_VALUE_RAWTYPES public static final EmptyMap EMPTY_MAP = new EmptyMap(); /** An immutable class representing a type-specific singleton map. * *

This class may be useful to implement your own in case you subclass * a type-specific map. */ public static class Singleton KEY_VALUE_GENERIC extends FUNCTIONS.Singleton KEY_VALUE_GENERIC implements MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC,, Cloneable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7046029254386353129L; protected transient volatile ObjectSet entries; protected transient volatile SET KEY_GENERIC keys; protected transient volatile VALUE_COLLECTION VALUE_GENERIC values; protected Singleton( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE key, final VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE value ) { super( key, value ); } public boolean containsValue( final VALUE_TYPE v ) { return VALUE_EQUALS( value, v ); } #if #values(primitive) public boolean containsValue( final Object ov ) { return VALUE_EQUALS( VALUE_OBJ2TYPE( ov ), value ); } #endif public void putAll( final Map m ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public ObjectSet ENTRYSET() { if ( entries == null ) entries = ObjectSets.singleton( (MAP.Entry KEY_VALUE_GENERIC)new SingletonEntry() ); return entries; } public SET KEY_GENERIC keySet() { if ( keys == null ) keys = SETS.singleton( key ); return keys; } public VALUE_COLLECTION VALUE_GENERIC values() { if ( values == null ) values = VALUE_SETS.singleton( value ); return values; } protected class SingletonEntry implements MAP.Entry KEY_VALUE_GENERIC, Map.Entry { public KEY_GENERIC_CLASS getKey() { return KEY2OBJ( Singleton.this.key ); } public VALUE_GENERIC_CLASS getValue() { return VALUE2OBJ( Singleton.this.value ); } #if #keys(primitive) public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE ENTRY_GET_KEY() { return Singleton.this.key; } #endif #if #values(primitive) public VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE ENTRY_GET_VALUE() { return Singleton.this.value; } public VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE setValue( final VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE value ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } #endif public VALUE_GENERIC_CLASS setValue( final VALUE_GENERIC_CLASS value ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public boolean equals( final Object o ) { if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry)) return false; Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry)o; return KEY_EQUALS( Singleton.this.key, KEY_OBJ2TYPE( e.getKey() ) ) && VALUE_EQUALS( Singleton.this.value, VALUE_OBJ2TYPE( e.getValue() ) ); } public int hashCode() { return KEY2JAVAHASH( Singleton.this.key ) ^ VALUE2JAVAHASH( Singleton.this.value ); } public String toString() { return Singleton.this.key + "->" + Singleton.this.value; } } public boolean isEmpty() { return false; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public ObjectSet> entrySet() { return (ObjectSet)ENTRYSET(); } public int hashCode() { return KEY2JAVAHASH( key ) ^ VALUE2JAVAHASH( value ); } public boolean equals( final Object o ) { if ( o == this ) return true; if ( ! ( o instanceof Map ) ) return false; Map m = (Map)o; if ( m.size() != 1 ) return false; return entrySet().iterator().next().equals( m.entrySet().iterator().next() ); } public String toString() { return "{" + key + "=>" + value + "}"; } } /** Returns a type-specific immutable map containing only the specified pair. The returned map is serializable and cloneable. * *

Note that albeit the returned map is immutable, its default return value may be changed. * * @param key the only key of the returned map. * @param value the only value of the returned map. * @return a type-specific immutable map containing just the pair <key,value>. */ public static KEY_VALUE_GENERIC MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC singleton( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE key, VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE value ) { return new Singleton KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( key, value ); } #if #keys(primitive) || #values(primitive) /** Returns a type-specific immutable map containing only the specified pair. The returned map is serializable and cloneable. * *

Note that albeit the returned map is immutable, its default return value may be changed. * * @param key the only key of the returned map. * @param value the only value of the returned map. * @return a type-specific immutable map containing just the pair <key,value>. */ public static KEY_VALUE_GENERIC MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC singleton( final KEY_GENERIC_CLASS key, final VALUE_GENERIC_CLASS value ) { return new Singleton KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( KEY_CLASS2TYPE( key ), VALUE_CLASS2TYPE( value ) ); } #endif /** A synchronized wrapper class for maps. */ public static class SynchronizedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC extends FUNCTIONS.SynchronizedFunction KEY_VALUE_GENERIC implements MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC, { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7046029254386353129L; protected final MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC map; protected transient volatile ObjectSet entries; protected transient volatile SET KEY_GENERIC keys; protected transient volatile VALUE_COLLECTION VALUE_GENERIC values; protected SynchronizedMap( final MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC m, final Object sync ) { super( m, sync ); = m; } protected SynchronizedMap( final MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC m ) { super( m ); = m; } public int size() { synchronized( sync ) { return map.size(); } } public boolean containsKey( final KEY_TYPE k ) { synchronized( sync ) { return map.containsKey( k ); } } public boolean containsValue( final VALUE_TYPE v ) { synchronized( sync ) { return map.containsValue( v ); } } public VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE defaultReturnValue() { synchronized( sync ) { return map.defaultReturnValue(); } } public void defaultReturnValue( final VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE defRetValue ) { synchronized( sync ) { map.defaultReturnValue( defRetValue ); } } public VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE put( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k, final VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE v ) { synchronized( sync ) { return map.put( k, v ); } } //public void putAll( final MAP KEY_VALUE_EXTENDS_GENERIC c ) { synchronized( sync ) { map.putAll( c ); } } public void putAll( final Map m ) { synchronized( sync ) { map.putAll( m ); } } public ObjectSet ENTRYSET() { if ( entries == null ) entries = ObjectSets.synchronize( map.ENTRYSET(), sync ); return entries; } public SET KEY_GENERIC keySet() { if ( keys == null ) keys = SETS.synchronize( map.keySet(), sync ); return keys; } public VALUE_COLLECTION VALUE_GENERIC values() { if ( values == null ) return VALUE_COLLECTIONS.synchronize( map.values(), sync ); return values; } public void clear() { synchronized( sync ) { map.clear(); } } public String toString() { synchronized( sync ) { return map.toString(); } } #if #keys(primitive) || #values(primitive) public VALUE_GENERIC_CLASS put( final KEY_GENERIC_CLASS k, final VALUE_GENERIC_CLASS v ) { synchronized( sync ) { return map.put( k, v ); } } #endif #if #keys(primitive) public VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE remove( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) { synchronized( sync ) { return map.remove( k ); } } public VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE get( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) { synchronized( sync ) { return map.get( k ); } } public boolean containsKey( final Object ok ) { synchronized( sync ) { return map.containsKey( ok ); } } #endif #if #values(primitive) public boolean containsValue( final Object ov ) { synchronized( sync ) { return map.containsValue( ov ); } } #endif #if #keys(reference) public VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE REMOVE_VALUE( final Object k ) { synchronized( sync ) { return map.REMOVE_VALUE( k ); } } public VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE GET_VALUE( final Object k ) { synchronized( sync ) { return map.GET_VALUE( k ); } } #endif public boolean isEmpty() { synchronized( sync ) { return map.isEmpty(); } } public ObjectSet> entrySet() { synchronized( sync ) { return map.entrySet(); } } public int hashCode() { synchronized( sync ) { return map.hashCode(); } } public boolean equals( final Object o ) { synchronized( sync ) { return map.equals( o ); } } } /** Returns a synchronized type-specific map backed by the given type-specific map. * * @param m the map to be wrapped in a synchronized map. * @return a synchronized view of the specified map. * @see java.util.Collections#synchronizedMap(Map) */ public static KEY_VALUE_GENERIC MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC synchronize( final MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC m ) { return new SynchronizedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( m ); } /** Returns a synchronized type-specific map backed by the given type-specific map, using an assigned object to synchronize. * * @param m the map to be wrapped in a synchronized map. * @param sync an object that will be used to synchronize the access to the map. * @return a synchronized view of the specified map. * @see java.util.Collections#synchronizedMap(Map) */ public static KEY_VALUE_GENERIC MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC synchronize( final MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC m, final Object sync ) { return new SynchronizedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( m, sync ); } /** An unmodifiable wrapper class for maps. */ public static class UnmodifiableMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC extends FUNCTIONS.UnmodifiableFunction KEY_VALUE_GENERIC implements MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC, { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7046029254386353129L; protected final MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC map; protected transient volatile ObjectSet entries; protected transient volatile SET KEY_GENERIC keys; protected transient volatile VALUE_COLLECTION VALUE_GENERIC values; protected UnmodifiableMap( final MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC m ) { super( m ); = m; } public int size() { return map.size(); } public boolean containsKey( final KEY_TYPE k ) { return map.containsKey( k ); } public boolean containsValue( final VALUE_TYPE v ) { return map.containsValue( v ); } public VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE defaultReturnValue() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void defaultReturnValue( final VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE defRetValue ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE put( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k, final VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE v ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } //public void putAll( final MAP KEY_VALUE_EXTENDS_GENERIC c ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void putAll( final Map m ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public ObjectSet ENTRYSET() { if ( entries == null ) entries = ObjectSets.unmodifiable( map.ENTRYSET() ); return entries; } public SET KEY_GENERIC keySet() { if ( keys == null ) keys = SETS.unmodifiable( map.keySet() ); return keys; } public VALUE_COLLECTION VALUE_GENERIC values() { if ( values == null ) return VALUE_COLLECTIONS.unmodifiable( map.values() ); return values; } public void clear() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public String toString() { return map.toString(); } #if #keys(primitive) && #values(primitive) public VALUE_GENERIC_CLASS put( final KEY_GENERIC_CLASS k, final VALUE_GENERIC_CLASS v ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } #endif #if #keys(primitive) public VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE remove( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE get( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k ) { return map.get( k ); } public boolean containsKey( final Object ok ) { return map.containsKey( ok ); } #endif #if #values(primitive) public boolean containsValue( final Object ov ) { return map.containsValue( ov ); } #endif #if #keys(reference) || #values(reference) public VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE REMOVE_VALUE( final Object k ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE GET_VALUE( final Object k ) { return map.GET_VALUE( k ); } #endif public boolean isEmpty() { return map.isEmpty(); } public ObjectSet> entrySet() { return ObjectSets.unmodifiable( map.entrySet() ); } } /** Returns an unmodifiable type-specific map backed by the given type-specific map. * * @param m the map to be wrapped in an unmodifiable map. * @return an unmodifiable view of the specified map. * @see java.util.Collections#unmodifiableMap(Map) */ public static KEY_VALUE_GENERIC MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC unmodifiable( final MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC m ) { return new UnmodifiableMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( m ); } }

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