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 * Copyright (C) 2002-2015 Sebastiano Vigna
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License. 

package PACKAGE;

import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSortedSet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSortedSets;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

/** A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with type-specific sorted maps.
 * @see java.util.Collections

public class SORTED_MAPS {

	private SORTED_MAPS() {}

	/** Returns a comparator for entries based on a given comparator on keys.
	 * @param comparator a comparator on keys.
	 * @return the associated comparator on entries.
	public static KEY_GENERIC Comparator> entryComparator( final KEY_COMPARATOR KEY_GENERIC comparator ) {
		return new Comparator>() {
			public int compare( Map.Entry x, Map.Entry y ) {
				return x.getKey(), y.getKey() );

	/** An immutable class representing an empty type-specific sorted map. 

This class may be useful to implement your own in case you subclass * a type-specific sorted map. */ public static class EmptySortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC extends MAPS.EmptyMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC implements SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC,, Cloneable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7046029254386353129L; protected EmptySortedMap() {} public KEY_COMPARATOR KEY_SUPER_GENERIC comparator() { return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ObjectSortedSet ENTRYSET() { return ObjectSortedSets.EMPTY_SET; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ObjectSortedSet> entrySet() { return ObjectSortedSets.EMPTY_SET; } SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_KEY_UNCHECKED public SORTED_SET KEY_GENERIC keySet() { return SORTED_SETS.EMPTY_SET; } SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_KEY_VALUE_UNCHECKED public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC subMap( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE from, final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE to ) { return EMPTY_MAP; } SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_KEY_VALUE_UNCHECKED public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC headMap( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE to ) { return EMPTY_MAP; } SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_KEY_VALUE_UNCHECKED public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC tailMap( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE from ) { return EMPTY_MAP; } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE FIRST_KEY() { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE LAST_KEY() { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } #if #keys(primitive) public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC headMap( KEY_GENERIC_CLASS oto ) { return headMap( KEY_CLASS2TYPE( oto ) ); } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC tailMap( KEY_GENERIC_CLASS ofrom ) { return tailMap( KEY_CLASS2TYPE( ofrom ) ); } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC subMap( KEY_GENERIC_CLASS ofrom, KEY_GENERIC_CLASS oto ) { return subMap( KEY_CLASS2TYPE( ofrom ), KEY_CLASS2TYPE( oto ) ); } public KEY_GENERIC_CLASS firstKey() { return KEY2OBJ( FIRST_KEY() ); } public KEY_GENERIC_CLASS lastKey() { return KEY2OBJ( LAST_KEY() ); } #endif } /** An empty type-specific sorted map (immutable). It is serializable and cloneable. */ SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_KEY_VALUE_RAWTYPES public static final EmptySortedMap EMPTY_MAP = new EmptySortedMap(); /** An immutable class representing a type-specific singleton sorted map. * *

This class may be useful to implement your own in case you subclass * a type-specific sorted map. */ public static class Singleton KEY_VALUE_GENERIC extends MAPS.Singleton KEY_VALUE_GENERIC implements SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC,, Cloneable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7046029254386353129L; protected final KEY_COMPARATOR KEY_SUPER_GENERIC comparator; protected Singleton( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE key, final VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE value, KEY_COMPARATOR KEY_SUPER_GENERIC comparator ) { super( key, value ); this.comparator = comparator; } protected Singleton( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE key, final VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE value ) { this( key, value, null ); } SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_KEY_UNCHECKED final int compare( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k1, final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE k2 ) { return comparator == null ? KEY_CMP( k1, k2 ) : k1, k2 ); } public KEY_COMPARATOR KEY_SUPER_GENERIC comparator() { return comparator; } SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_KEY_UNCHECKED public ObjectSortedSet ENTRYSET() { if ( entries == null ) entries = ObjectSortedSets.singleton( (MAP.Entry KEY_VALUE_GENERIC)new SingletonEntry(), (Comparator)entryComparator( comparator ) ); return (ObjectSortedSet)entries; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public ObjectSortedSet> entrySet() { return (ObjectSortedSet)ENTRYSET(); } public SORTED_SET KEY_GENERIC keySet() { if ( keys == null ) keys = SORTED_SETS.singleton( key, comparator ); return (SORTED_SET KEY_GENERIC)keys; } SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_KEY_VALUE_UNCHECKED public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC subMap( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE from, final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE to ) { if ( compare( from, key ) <= 0 && compare( key, to ) < 0 ) return this; return EMPTY_MAP; } SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_KEY_VALUE_UNCHECKED public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC headMap( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE to ) { if ( compare( key, to ) < 0 ) return this; return EMPTY_MAP; } SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_KEY_VALUE_UNCHECKED public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC tailMap( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE from ) { if ( compare( from, key ) <= 0 ) return this; return EMPTY_MAP; } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE FIRST_KEY() { return key; } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE LAST_KEY() { return key; } #if #keys(primitive) public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC headMap( KEY_GENERIC_CLASS oto ) { return headMap( KEY_CLASS2TYPE( oto ) ); } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC tailMap( KEY_GENERIC_CLASS ofrom ) { return tailMap( KEY_CLASS2TYPE( ofrom ) ); } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC subMap( KEY_GENERIC_CLASS ofrom, KEY_GENERIC_CLASS oto ) { return subMap( KEY_CLASS2TYPE( ofrom ), KEY_CLASS2TYPE( oto ) ); } public KEY_GENERIC_CLASS firstKey() { return KEY2OBJ( FIRST_KEY() ); } public KEY_GENERIC_CLASS lastKey() { return KEY2OBJ( LAST_KEY() ); } #endif } /** Returns a type-specific immutable sorted map containing only the specified pair. The returned sorted map is serializable and cloneable. * *

Note that albeit the returned map is immutable, its default return value may be changed. * * @param key the only key of the returned sorted map. * @param value the only value of the returned sorted map. * @return a type-specific immutable sorted map containing just the pair <key,value>. */ public static KEY_VALUE_GENERIC SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC singleton( final KEY_GENERIC_CLASS key, VALUE_GENERIC_CLASS value ) { return new Singleton KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( KEY_CLASS2TYPE( key ), VALUE_CLASS2TYPE( value ) ); } /** RETURNS a type-specific immutable sorted map containing only the specified pair. The returned sorted map is serializable and cloneable. * *

Note that albeit the returned map is immutable, its default return value may be changed. * * @param key the only key of the returned sorted map. * @param value the only value of the returned sorted map. * @param comparator the comparator to use in the returned sorted map. * @return a type-specific immutable sorted map containing just the pair <key,value>. */ public static KEY_VALUE_GENERIC SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC singleton( final KEY_GENERIC_CLASS key, VALUE_GENERIC_CLASS value, KEY_COMPARATOR KEY_SUPER_GENERIC comparator ) { return new Singleton KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( KEY_CLASS2TYPE( key ), VALUE_CLASS2TYPE( value ), comparator ); } #if #keys(primitive) || #values(primitive) /** Returns a type-specific immutable sorted map containing only the specified pair. The returned sorted map is serializable and cloneable. * *

Note that albeit the returned map is immutable, its default return value may be changed. * * @param key the only key of the returned sorted map. * @param value the only value of the returned sorted map. * @return a type-specific immutable sorted map containing just the pair <key,value>. */ public static KEY_VALUE_GENERIC SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC singleton( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE key, final VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE value ) { return new Singleton KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( key, value ); } /** Returns a type-specific immutable sorted map containing only the specified pair. The returned sorted map is serializable and cloneable. * *

Note that albeit the returned map is immutable, its default return value may be changed. * * @param key the only key of the returned sorted map. * @param value the only value of the returned sorted map. * @param comparator the comparator to use in the returned sorted map. * @return a type-specific immutable sorted map containing just the pair <key,value>. */ public static KEY_VALUE_GENERIC SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC singleton( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE key, final VALUE_GENERIC_TYPE value, KEY_COMPARATOR KEY_SUPER_GENERIC comparator ) { return new Singleton KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( key, value, comparator ); } #endif /** A synchronized wrapper class for sorted maps. */ public static class SynchronizedSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC extends MAPS.SynchronizedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC implements SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC, { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7046029254386353129L; protected final SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC sortedMap; protected SynchronizedSortedMap( final SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC m, final Object sync ) { super( m, sync ); sortedMap = m; } protected SynchronizedSortedMap( final SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC m ) { super( m ); sortedMap = m; } public KEY_COMPARATOR KEY_SUPER_GENERIC comparator() { synchronized( sync ) { return sortedMap.comparator(); } } public ObjectSortedSet ENTRYSET() { if ( entries == null ) entries = ObjectSortedSets.synchronize( sortedMap.ENTRYSET(), sync ); return (ObjectSortedSet)entries; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public ObjectSortedSet> entrySet() { return (ObjectSortedSet)ENTRYSET(); } public SORTED_SET KEY_GENERIC keySet() { if ( keys == null ) keys = SORTED_SETS.synchronize( sortedMap.keySet(), sync ); return (SORTED_SET KEY_GENERIC)keys; } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC subMap( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE from, final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE to ) { return new SynchronizedSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( sortedMap.subMap( from, to ), sync ); } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC headMap( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE to ) { return new SynchronizedSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( sortedMap.headMap( to ), sync ); } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC tailMap( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE from ) { return new SynchronizedSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( sortedMap.tailMap( from ), sync ); } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE FIRST_KEY() { synchronized( sync ) { return sortedMap.FIRST_KEY(); } } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE LAST_KEY() { synchronized( sync ) { return sortedMap.LAST_KEY(); } } #if #keys(primitive) public KEY_GENERIC_CLASS firstKey() { synchronized( sync ) { return sortedMap.firstKey(); } } public KEY_GENERIC_CLASS lastKey() { synchronized( sync ) { return sortedMap.lastKey(); } } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC subMap( final KEY_GENERIC_CLASS from, final KEY_GENERIC_CLASS to ) { return new SynchronizedSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( sortedMap.subMap( from, to ), sync ); } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC headMap( final KEY_GENERIC_CLASS to ) { return new SynchronizedSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( sortedMap.headMap( to ), sync ); } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC tailMap( final KEY_GENERIC_CLASS from ) { return new SynchronizedSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( sortedMap.tailMap( from ), sync ); } #endif } /** Returns a synchronized type-specific sorted map backed by the given type-specific sorted map. * * @param m the sorted map to be wrapped in a synchronized sorted map. * @return a synchronized view of the specified sorted map. * @see java.util.Collections#synchronizedSortedMap(SortedMap) */ public static KEY_VALUE_GENERIC SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC synchronize( final SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC m ) { return new SynchronizedSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( m ); } /** Returns a synchronized type-specific sorted map backed by the given type-specific sorted map, using an assigned object to synchronize. * * @param m the sorted map to be wrapped in a synchronized sorted map. * @param sync an object that will be used to synchronize the access to the sorted sorted map. * @return a synchronized view of the specified sorted map. * @see java.util.Collections#synchronizedSortedMap(SortedMap) */ public static KEY_VALUE_GENERIC SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC synchronize( final SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC m, final Object sync ) { return new SynchronizedSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( m, sync ); } /** An unmodifiable wrapper class for sorted maps. */ public static class UnmodifiableSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC extends MAPS.UnmodifiableMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC implements SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC, { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7046029254386353129L; protected final SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC sortedMap; protected UnmodifiableSortedMap( final SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC m ) { super( m ); sortedMap = m; } public KEY_COMPARATOR KEY_SUPER_GENERIC comparator() { return sortedMap.comparator(); } public ObjectSortedSet ENTRYSET() { if ( entries == null ) entries = ObjectSortedSets.unmodifiable( sortedMap.ENTRYSET() ); return (ObjectSortedSet)entries; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public ObjectSortedSet> entrySet() { return (ObjectSortedSet)ENTRYSET(); } public SORTED_SET KEY_GENERIC keySet() { if ( keys == null ) keys = SORTED_SETS.unmodifiable( sortedMap.keySet() ); return (SORTED_SET KEY_GENERIC)keys; } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC subMap( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE from, final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE to ) { return new UnmodifiableSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( sortedMap.subMap( from, to ) ); } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC headMap( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE to ) { return new UnmodifiableSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( sortedMap.headMap( to ) ); } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC tailMap( final KEY_GENERIC_TYPE from ) { return new UnmodifiableSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( sortedMap.tailMap( from ) ); } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE FIRST_KEY() { return sortedMap.FIRST_KEY(); } public KEY_GENERIC_TYPE LAST_KEY() { return sortedMap.LAST_KEY(); } #if #keys(primitive) public KEY_GENERIC_CLASS firstKey() { return sortedMap.firstKey(); } public KEY_GENERIC_CLASS lastKey() { return sortedMap.lastKey(); } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC subMap( final KEY_GENERIC_CLASS from, final KEY_GENERIC_CLASS to ) { return new UnmodifiableSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( sortedMap.subMap( from, to ) ); } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC headMap( final KEY_GENERIC_CLASS to ) { return new UnmodifiableSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( sortedMap.headMap( to ) ); } public SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC tailMap( final KEY_GENERIC_CLASS from ) { return new UnmodifiableSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( sortedMap.tailMap( from ) ); } #endif } /** Returns an unmodifiable type-specific sorted map backed by the given type-specific sorted map. * * @param m the sorted map to be wrapped in an unmodifiable sorted map. * @return an unmodifiable view of the specified sorted map. * @see java.util.Collections#unmodifiableSortedMap(SortedMap) */ public static KEY_VALUE_GENERIC SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC unmodifiable( final SORTED_MAP KEY_VALUE_GENERIC m ) { return new UnmodifiableSortedMap KEY_VALUE_GENERIC( m ); } #if defined(TEST) && ! #keyclass(Reference) private static long seed = System.currentTimeMillis(); private static java.util.Random r = new java.util.Random( seed ); private static KEY_TYPE genKey() { #if #keyclass(Byte) || #keyclass(Short) || #keyclass(Character) return (KEY_TYPE)(r.nextInt()); #elif #keys(primitive) return r.NEXT_KEY(); #else return Integer.toBinaryString( r.nextInt() ); #endif } private static VALUE_TYPE genValue() { #if #valueclass(Byte) || #valueclass(Short) || #valueclass(Character) return (VALUE_TYPE)(r.nextInt()); #elif #values(primitive) return r.NEXT_VALUE(); #elif !#valueclass(Reference) || #keyclass(Reference) return Integer.toBinaryString( r.nextInt() ); #else return new {}; #endif } private static java.text.NumberFormat format = new java.text.DecimalFormat( "#,###.00" ); private static java.text.FieldPosition p = new java.text.FieldPosition( 0 ); private static String format( double d ) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); return format.format( d, s, p ).toString(); } private static void speedTest( int n, boolean comp ) { System.out.println( "There are presently no speed tests for this class." ); } private static boolean valEquals(Object o1, Object o2) { return o1 == null ? o2 == null : o1.equals(o2); } private static void fatal( String msg ) { System.out.println( msg ); System.exit( 1 ); } private static void ensure( boolean cond, String msg ) { if ( cond ) return; fatal( msg ); } private static Object[] k, v, nk; private static KEY_TYPE kt[]; private static KEY_TYPE nkt[]; private static VALUE_TYPE vt[]; private static SORTED_MAP topMap; protected static void testMaps( SORTED_MAP m, SortedMap t, int n, int level ) { long ms; boolean mThrowsIllegal, tThrowsIllegal, mThrowsNoElement, tThrowsNoElement, mThrowsUnsupp, tThrowsUnsupp; Object rt = null, rm = null; if ( level > 1 ) return; /* Now we check that both maps agree on first/last keys. */ mThrowsNoElement = mThrowsIllegal = tThrowsNoElement = tThrowsIllegal = false; try { m.firstKey(); } catch ( java.util.NoSuchElementException e ) { mThrowsNoElement = true; } try { t.firstKey(); } catch ( java.util.NoSuchElementException e ) { tThrowsNoElement = true; } ensure( mThrowsNoElement == tThrowsNoElement, "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): firstKey() divergence at start in java.util.NoSuchElementException (" + mThrowsNoElement + ", " + tThrowsNoElement + ")" ); if ( ! mThrowsNoElement ) ensure( t.firstKey().equals( m.firstKey() ), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): m and t differ at start on their first key (" + m.firstKey() + ", " + t.firstKey() +")" ); mThrowsNoElement = mThrowsIllegal = tThrowsNoElement = tThrowsIllegal = false; try { m.lastKey(); } catch ( java.util.NoSuchElementException e ) { mThrowsNoElement = true; } try { t.lastKey(); } catch ( java.util.NoSuchElementException e ) { tThrowsNoElement = true; } ensure( mThrowsNoElement == tThrowsNoElement, "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): lastKey() divergence at start in java.util.NoSuchElementException (" + mThrowsNoElement + ", " + tThrowsNoElement + ")" ); if ( ! mThrowsNoElement ) ensure( t.lastKey().equals( m.lastKey() ), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): m and t differ at start on their last key (" + m.lastKey() + ", " + t.lastKey() +")"); /* Now we check that m and t are equal. */ if ( !m.equals( t ) || ! t.equals( m ) ) System.err.println("m: " + m + " t: " + t); ensure( m.equals( t ), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): ! m.equals( t ) at start" ); ensure( t.equals( m ), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): ! t.equals( m ) at start" ); /* Now we check that m actually holds that data. */ for(java.util.Iterator i=t.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { java.util.Map.Entry e = (java.util.Map.Entry); ensure( valEquals(e.getValue(), m.get(e.getKey())), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): m and t differ on an entry ("+e+") after insertion (iterating on t)" ); } /* Now we check that m actually holds that data, but iterating on m. */ for(java.util.Iterator i=m.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { java.util.Map.Entry e = (java.util.Map.Entry); ensure( valEquals(e.getValue(), t.get(e.getKey())), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): m and t differ on an entry ("+e+") after insertion (iterating on m)" ); } /* Now we check that m actually holds the same keys. */ for(java.util.Iterator i=t.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Object o =; ensure( m.containsKey(o), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): m and t differ on a key ("+o+") after insertion (iterating on t)" ); ensure( m.keySet().contains(o), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): m and t differ on a key ("+o+", in keySet()) after insertion (iterating on t)" ); } /* Now we check that m actually holds the same keys, but iterating on m. */ for(java.util.Iterator i=m.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Object o =; ensure( t.containsKey(o), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): m and t differ on a key after insertion (iterating on m)" ); ensure( t.keySet().contains(o), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): m and t differ on a key (in keySet()) after insertion (iterating on m)" ); } /* Now we check that m actually hold the same values. */ for(java.util.Iterator i=t.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Object o =; ensure( m.containsValue(o), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): m and t differ on a value after insertion (iterating on t)" ); ensure( m.values().contains(o), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): m and t differ on a value (in values()) after insertion (iterating on t)" ); } /* Now we check that m actually hold the same values, but iterating on m. */ for(java.util.Iterator i=m.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Object o =; ensure( t.containsValue(o), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): m and t differ on a value after insertion (iterating on m)"); ensure( t.values().contains(o), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): m and t differ on a value (in values()) after insertion (iterating on m)"); } /* Now we check that inquiries about random data give the same answer in m and t. For m we use the polymorphic method. */ for(int i=0; i 0 ) { badPrevious = true; j.previous(); break; } previous = k; } i = (it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.BidirectionalIterator)((SORTED_SET)m.keySet()).iterator( from ); for( int k = 0; k < 2*n; k++ ) { ensure( i.hasNext() == j.hasNext(), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): divergence in hasNext() (iterator with starting point " + from + ")" ); ensure( i.hasPrevious() == j.hasPrevious() || badPrevious && ( i.hasPrevious() == ( previous != null ) ), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): divergence in hasPrevious() (iterator with starting point " + from + ")" + badPrevious ); if ( r.nextFloat() < .8 && i.hasNext() ) { ensure( ( I = ).equals( J = ), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): divergence in next() (" + I + ", " + J + ", iterator with starting point " + from + ")" ); //System.err.println("Done next " + I + " " + J + " " + badPrevious); badPrevious = false; if ( r.nextFloat() < 0.5 ) { } } else if ( !badPrevious && r.nextFloat() < .2 && i.hasPrevious() ) { ensure( ( I = i.previous() ).equals( J = j.previous() ), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): divergence in previous() (" + I + ", " + J + ", iterator with starting point " + from + ")" ); if ( r.nextFloat() < 0.5 ) { } } } } /* Now we check that m actually holds that data. */ ensure( m.equals(t), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): ! m.equals( t ) after iteration" ); ensure( t.equals(m), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): ! t.equals( m ) after iteration" ); /* Now we select a pair of keys and create a submap. */ if ( ! m.isEmpty() ) { java.util.ListIterator i; Object start = m.firstKey(), end = m.firstKey(); for( i = (java.util.ListIterator)m.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext() && r.nextFloat() < .3; start = end = ); for( ; i.hasNext() && r.nextFloat() < .95; end = ); //System.err.println("Checking subMap from " + start + " to " + end + " (level=" + (level+1) + ")..." ); testMaps( (SORTED_MAP)m.subMap( (KEY_CLASS)start, (KEY_CLASS)end ), t.subMap( start, end ), n, level + 1 ); ensure( m.equals(t), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): ! m.equals( t ) after subMap" ); ensure( t.equals(m), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): ! t.equals( m ) after subMap" ); //System.err.println("Checking headMap to " + end + " (level=" + (level+1) + ")..." ); testMaps( (SORTED_MAP)m.headMap( (KEY_CLASS)end ), t.headMap( end ), n, level + 1 ); ensure( m.equals(t), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): ! m.equals( t ) after headMap" ); ensure( t.equals(m), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): ! t.equals( m ) after headMap" ); //System.err.println("Checking tailMap from " + start + " (level=" + (level+1) + ")..." ); testMaps( (SORTED_MAP)m.tailMap( (KEY_CLASS)start ), t.tailMap( start ), n, level + 1 ); ensure( m.equals(t), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): ! m.equals( t ) after tailMap" ); ensure( t.equals(m), "Error (" + level + ", " + seed + "): ! t.equals( m ) after tailMap" ); } } private static void test() { int n = 1; k = new Object[n]; v = new Object[n]; nk = new Object[n]; kt = new KEY_TYPE[n]; nkt = new KEY_TYPE[n]; vt = new VALUE_TYPE[n]; for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { #if #keyclass(Object) k[i] = kt[i] = genKey(); nk[i] = nkt[i] = genKey(); #else k[i] = new KEY_CLASS( kt[i] = genKey() ); nk[i] = new KEY_CLASS( nkt[i] = genKey() ); #endif #if #values(reference) v[i] = vt[i] = genValue(); #else v[i] = new VALUE_CLASS( vt[i] = genValue() ); #endif } SORTED_MAP m = new Singleton( kt[0], vt[0] ); topMap = m; SortedMap t1 = new java.util.TreeMap(); t1.put( k[0], v[0] ); SortedMap t = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap( t1 ); testMaps( m, t, n, 0 ); System.out.println("Test OK"); return; } public static void main( String args[] ) { if ( args.length > 1 ) r = new java.util.Random( seed = Long.parseLong( args[ 1 ] ) ); try { test(); } catch( Throwable e ) { e.printStackTrace( System.err ); System.err.println( "seed: " + seed ); } } #endif }

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