Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# Generating and Loading Synthetic Data
Mock data has many use-cases from testing over benchmarking to portable application demos. The generator configs in this
directory produce neat synthetic time series data of an imaginary website. You can generate gigabytes of mock data with
these patterns if you so desire.
**simpleWebsite** generates non-dimensional data with views, clicks, and error count metrics
**complexWebsite** generates similar metrics with a 3-dimensional breakdown across countries, browsers, and platforms
The command line examples below are meant to be executed from the **pinot repository root**.
(This was tested with pinot-quickstart in batch mode. Requires DefaultTenant and broker)
## Generate data via pattern
This first step generates the raw data from a given generator file. By default, we generate the data as CSV, and you can
have a look manually with your favorite spreadsheet tool.
(may require **rm -rf ./myTestData** to clear out existing mock data)
./pinot-tools/target/pinot-tools-pkg/bin/ GenerateData \
-numFiles 1 -numRecords 354780 -format csv \
-schemaFile ./pinot-tools/src/main/resources/generator/complexWebsite_schema.json \
-schemaAnnotationFile ./pinot-tools/src/main/resources/generator/complexWebsite_generator.json \
-outDir ./myTestData
## Generate Pinot Segment
Now we turn the verbose CSV data into an efficiently packed segment ready for upload into pinot.
./pinot-tools/target/pinot-tools-pkg/bin/ CreateSegment \
-tableConfigFile ./pinot-tools/src/main/resources/generator/complexWebsite_config.json \
-format CSV -overwrite \
-schemaFile ./pinot-tools/src/main/resources/generator/complexWebsite_schema.json \
-dataDir ./myTestData \
-outDir ./myTestSegment
## Create Pinot Table
Before we push the segment, let's ensure that we have a table namespace ready. You can skip this step if you created a
table earlier already.
./pinot-tools/target/pinot-tools-pkg/bin/ AddTable -exec \
-tableConfigFile ./pinot-tools/src/main/resources/generator/complexWebsite_config.json \
-schemaFile ./pinot-tools/src/main/resources/generator/complexWebsite_schema.json
## Upload Pinot Segment
Now, we upload the segment. After this step, data should be available and query-able from the pinot console an any
connected applications.
./pinot-tools/target/pinot-tools-pkg/bin/ UploadSegment \
-tableName complexWebsite \
-segmentDir ./myTestSegment
## Check data availability
We can finally check data availability, e.g. by using pinot's built-in query console. If you're running a local
pinot-quickstart image via docker the URL should be: