org.apache.pulsar.admin.cli.CmdSinks Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.pulsar.admin.cli;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank;
import static org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.TopicName.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE;
import static org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.TopicName.PUBLIC_TENANT;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters;
import com.beust.jcommander.converters.StringConverter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils;
import org.apache.pulsar.admin.cli.utils.CmdUtils;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.admin.PulsarAdmin;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.admin.PulsarAdminException;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.SubscriptionInitialPosition;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.functions.ConsumerConfig;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.functions.FunctionConfig;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.functions.Resources;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.functions.UpdateOptionsImpl;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.functions.Utils;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.ObjectMapperFactory;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Interface for managing Pulsar IO sinks (egress data from Pulsar)")
public class CmdSinks extends CmdBase {
private final CreateSink createSink;
private final UpdateSink updateSink;
private final DeleteSink deleteSink;
private final ListSinks listSinks;
private final GetSink getSink;
private final GetSinkStatus getSinkStatus;
private final StopSink stopSink;
private final StartSink startSink;
private final RestartSink restartSink;
private final LocalSinkRunner localSinkRunner;
public CmdSinks(Supplier admin) {
super("sinks", admin);
createSink = new CreateSink();
updateSink = new UpdateSink();
deleteSink = new DeleteSink();
listSinks = new ListSinks();
getSink = new GetSink();
getSinkStatus = new GetSinkStatus();
stopSink = new StopSink();
startSink = new StartSink();
restartSink = new RestartSink();
localSinkRunner = new LocalSinkRunner();
jcommander.addCommand("create", createSink);
jcommander.addCommand("update", updateSink);
jcommander.addCommand("delete", deleteSink);
jcommander.addCommand("list", listSinks);
jcommander.addCommand("get", getSink);
// TODO deprecate getstatus
jcommander.addCommand("status", getSinkStatus, "getstatus");
jcommander.addCommand("stop", stopSink);
jcommander.addCommand("start", startSink);
jcommander.addCommand("restart", restartSink);
jcommander.addCommand("localrun", localSinkRunner);
jcommander.addCommand("available-sinks", new ListBuiltInSinks());
jcommander.addCommand("reload", new ReloadBuiltInSinks());
* Base command.
abstract class BaseCommand extends CliCommand {
void run() throws Exception {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
String chosenCommand = jcommander.getParsedCommand();
void processArguments() throws Exception {
abstract void runCmd() throws Exception;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Run a Pulsar IO sink connector locally "
+ "(rather than deploying it to the Pulsar cluster)")
protected class LocalSinkRunner extends CreateSink {
@Parameter(names = "--state-storage-service-url",
description = "The URL for the state storage service (the default is Apache BookKeeper)")
protected String stateStorageServiceUrl;
@Parameter(names = "--brokerServiceUrl", description = "The URL for the Pulsar broker", hidden = true)
protected String deprecatedBrokerServiceUrl;
@Parameter(names = "--broker-service-url", description = "The URL for the Pulsar broker")
protected String brokerServiceUrl;
@Parameter(names = "--clientAuthPlugin", description = "Client authentication plugin using "
+ "which function-process can connect to broker", hidden = true)
protected String deprecatedClientAuthPlugin;
@Parameter(names = "--client-auth-plugin",
description = "Client authentication plugin using which function-process can connect to broker")
protected String clientAuthPlugin;
@Parameter(names = "--clientAuthParams", description = "Client authentication param", hidden = true)
protected String deprecatedClientAuthParams;
@Parameter(names = "--client-auth-params", description = "Client authentication param")
protected String clientAuthParams;
@Parameter(names = "--use_tls", description = "Use tls connection", hidden = true)
protected Boolean deprecatedUseTls;
@Parameter(names = "--use-tls", description = "Use tls connection")
protected boolean useTls;
@Parameter(names = "--tls_allow_insecure", description = "Allow insecure tls connection", hidden = true)
protected Boolean deprecatedTlsAllowInsecureConnection;
@Parameter(names = "--tls-allow-insecure", description = "Allow insecure tls connection")
protected boolean tlsAllowInsecureConnection;
@Parameter(names = "--hostname_verification_enabled",
description = "Enable hostname verification", hidden = true)
protected Boolean deprecatedTlsHostNameVerificationEnabled;
@Parameter(names = "--hostname-verification-enabled", description = "Enable hostname verification")
protected boolean tlsHostNameVerificationEnabled;
@Parameter(names = "--tls_trust_cert_path", description = "tls trust cert file path", hidden = true)
protected String deprecatedTlsTrustCertFilePath;
@Parameter(names = "--tls-trust-cert-path", description = "tls trust cert file path")
protected String tlsTrustCertFilePath;
@Parameter(names = "--secrets-provider-classname", description = "Whats the classname for secrets provider")
protected String secretsProviderClassName;
@Parameter(names = "--secrets-provider-config",
description = "Config that needs to be passed to secrets provider")
protected String secretsProviderConfig;
@Parameter(names = "--metrics-port-start", description = "The starting port range for metrics server")
protected String metricsPortStart;
private void mergeArgs() {
if (isBlank(brokerServiceUrl) && !isBlank(deprecatedBrokerServiceUrl)) {
brokerServiceUrl = deprecatedBrokerServiceUrl;
if (isBlank(clientAuthPlugin) && !isBlank(deprecatedClientAuthPlugin)) {
clientAuthPlugin = deprecatedClientAuthPlugin;
if (isBlank(clientAuthParams) && !isBlank(deprecatedClientAuthParams)) {
clientAuthParams = deprecatedClientAuthParams;
if (!useTls && deprecatedUseTls != null) {
useTls = deprecatedUseTls;
if (!tlsAllowInsecureConnection && deprecatedTlsAllowInsecureConnection != null) {
tlsAllowInsecureConnection = deprecatedTlsAllowInsecureConnection;
if (!tlsHostNameVerificationEnabled && deprecatedTlsHostNameVerificationEnabled != null) {
tlsHostNameVerificationEnabled = deprecatedTlsHostNameVerificationEnabled;
if (isBlank(tlsTrustCertFilePath) && !isBlank(deprecatedTlsTrustCertFilePath)) {
tlsTrustCertFilePath = deprecatedTlsTrustCertFilePath;
public void runCmd() throws Exception {
// merge deprecated args with new args
List localRunArgs = new LinkedList<>();
localRunArgs.add(System.getenv("PULSAR_HOME") + "/bin/function-localrunner");
localRunArgs.add(new Gson().toJson(sinkConfig));
for (Field field : this.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
if (field.getName().startsWith("DEPRECATED")) {
if (field.getName().contains("$")) {
Object value = field.get(this);
if (value != null) {
localRunArgs.add("--" + field.getName());
ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(localRunArgs).inheritIO();
Process process = processBuilder.start();
protected String validateSinkType(String sinkType) {
return sinkType;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Submit a Pulsar IO sink connector to run in a Pulsar cluster")
protected class CreateSink extends SinkDetailsCommand {
void runCmd() throws Exception {
if (Utils.isFunctionPackageUrlSupported(archive)) {
getAdmin().sinks().createSinkWithUrl(sinkConfig, sinkConfig.getArchive());
} else {
getAdmin().sinks().createSink(sinkConfig, sinkConfig.getArchive());
print("Created successfully");
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Update a Pulsar IO sink connector")
protected class UpdateSink extends SinkDetailsCommand {
@Parameter(names = "--update-auth-data", description = "Whether or not to update the auth data")
protected boolean updateAuthData;
void runCmd() throws Exception {
UpdateOptionsImpl updateOptions = new UpdateOptionsImpl();
if (Utils.isFunctionPackageUrlSupported(archive)) {
getAdmin().sinks().updateSinkWithUrl(sinkConfig, sinkConfig.getArchive(), updateOptions);
} else {
getAdmin().sinks().updateSink(sinkConfig, sinkConfig.getArchive(), updateOptions);
print("Updated successfully");
protected void validateSinkConfigs(SinkConfig sinkConfig) {
if (sinkConfig.getTenant() == null) {
if (sinkConfig.getNamespace() == null) {
abstract class SinkDetailsCommand extends BaseCommand {
@Parameter(names = "--tenant", description = "The sink's tenant")
protected String tenant;
@Parameter(names = "--namespace", description = "The sink's namespace")
protected String namespace;
@Parameter(names = "--name", description = "The sink's name")
protected String name;
@Parameter(names = { "-t", "--sink-type" }, description = "The sinks's connector provider")
protected String sinkType;
@Parameter(names = { "-i",
"--inputs" }, description = "The sink's input topic or topics "
+ "(multiple topics can be specified as a comma-separated list)")
protected String inputs;
@Parameter(names = "--topicsPattern", description = "TopicsPattern to consume from list of topics "
+ "under a namespace that match the pattern. [--input] and [--topicsPattern] are mutually exclusive. "
+ "Add SerDe class name for a pattern in --customSerdeInputs (supported for java fun only)",
hidden = true)
protected String deprecatedTopicsPattern;
@Parameter(names = "--topics-pattern", description = "The topic pattern to consume from a list of topics "
+ "under a namespace that matches the pattern. [--input] and [--topics-pattern] are mutually "
+ "exclusive. Add SerDe class name for a pattern in --custom-serde-inputs")
protected String topicsPattern;
@Parameter(names = "--subsName", description = "Pulsar source subscription name "
+ "if user wants a specific subscription-name for input-topic consumer", hidden = true)
protected String deprecatedSubsName;
@Parameter(names = "--subs-name", description = "Pulsar source subscription name "
+ "if user wants a specific subscription-name for input-topic consumer")
protected String subsName;
@Parameter(names = "--subs-position", description = "Pulsar source subscription position "
+ "if user wants to consume messages from the specified location")
protected SubscriptionInitialPosition subsPosition;
@Parameter(names = "--customSerdeInputs",
description = "The map of input topics to SerDe class names (as a JSON string)", hidden = true)
protected String deprecatedCustomSerdeInputString;
@Parameter(names = "--custom-serde-inputs",
description = "The map of input topics to SerDe class names (as a JSON string)")
protected String customSerdeInputString;
@Parameter(names = "--custom-schema-inputs",
description = "The map of input topics to Schema types or class names (as a JSON string)")
protected String customSchemaInputString;
@Parameter(names = "--input-specs",
description = "The map of inputs to custom configuration (as a JSON string)")
protected String inputSpecs;
@Parameter(names = "--max-redeliver-count", description = "Maximum number of times that a message "
+ "will be redelivered before being sent to the dead letter queue")
protected Integer maxMessageRetries;
@Parameter(names = "--dead-letter-topic",
description = "Name of the dead topic where the failing messages will be sent.")
protected String deadLetterTopic;
@Parameter(names = "--processingGuarantees",
description = "The processing guarantees (aka delivery semantics) applied to the sink", hidden = true)
protected FunctionConfig.ProcessingGuarantees deprecatedProcessingGuarantees;
@Parameter(names = "--processing-guarantees",
description = "The processing guarantees (as known as delivery semantics) applied to the sink."
+ " The '--processing-guarantees' implementation in Pulsar also relies on sink implementation."
+ " The available values are `ATLEAST_ONCE`, `ATMOST_ONCE`, `EFFECTIVELY_ONCE`."
+ " If it is not specified, `ATLEAST_ONCE` delivery guarantee is used.")
protected FunctionConfig.ProcessingGuarantees processingGuarantees;
@Parameter(names = "--retainOrdering", description = "Sink consumes and sinks messages in order", hidden = true)
protected Boolean deprecatedRetainOrdering;
@Parameter(names = "--retain-ordering", description = "Sink consumes and sinks messages in order")
protected Boolean retainOrdering;
@Parameter(names = "--parallelism",
description = "The sink's parallelism factor (i.e. the number of sink instances to run)")
protected Integer parallelism;
@Parameter(names = "--retain-key-ordering",
description = "Sink consumes and processes messages in key order")
protected Boolean retainKeyOrdering;
@Parameter(names = {"-a", "--archive"}, description = "Path to the archive file for the sink. It also supports "
+ "url-path [http/https/file (file protocol assumes that file already exists on worker host)] from "
+ "which worker can download the package.", listConverter = StringConverter.class)
protected String archive;
@Parameter(names = "--className",
description = "The sink's class name if archive is file-url-path (file://)", hidden = true)
protected String deprecatedClassName;
@Parameter(names = "--classname", description = "The sink's class name if archive is file-url-path (file://)")
protected String className;
@Parameter(names = "--sinkConfigFile", description = "The path to a YAML config file specifying the "
+ "sink's configuration", hidden = true)
protected String deprecatedSinkConfigFile;
@Parameter(names = "--sink-config-file", description = "The path to a YAML config file specifying the "
+ "sink's configuration")
protected String sinkConfigFile;
@Parameter(names = "--cpu", description = "The CPU (in cores) that needs to be allocated "
+ "per sink instance (applicable only to Docker runtime)")
protected Double cpu;
@Parameter(names = "--ram", description = "The RAM (in bytes) that need to be allocated "
+ "per sink instance (applicable only to the process and Docker runtimes)")
protected Long ram;
@Parameter(names = "--disk", description = "The disk (in bytes) that need to be allocated "
+ "per sink instance (applicable only to Docker runtime)")
protected Long disk;
@Parameter(names = "--sinkConfig", description = "User defined configs key/values", hidden = true)
protected String deprecatedSinkConfigString;
@Parameter(names = "--sink-config", description = "User defined configs key/values")
protected String sinkConfigString;
@Parameter(names = "--auto-ack",
description = "Whether or not the framework will automatically acknowledge messages", arity = 1)
protected Boolean autoAck;
@Parameter(names = "--timeout-ms", description = "The message timeout in milliseconds")
protected Long timeoutMs;
@Parameter(names = "--negative-ack-redelivery-delay-ms",
description = "The negative ack message redelivery delay in milliseconds")
protected Long negativeAckRedeliveryDelayMs;
@Parameter(names = "--custom-runtime-options", description = "A string that encodes options to "
+ "customize the runtime, see docs for configured runtime for details")
protected String customRuntimeOptions;
@Parameter(names = "--secrets", description = "The map of secretName to an object that encapsulates "
+ "how the secret is fetched by the underlying secrets provider")
protected String secretsString;
@Parameter(names = "--transform-function", description = "Transform function applied before the Sink")
protected String transformFunction;
@Parameter(names = "--transform-function-classname", description = "The transform function class name")
protected String transformFunctionClassName;
@Parameter(names = "--transform-function-config", description = "Configuration of the transform function "
+ "applied before the Sink")
protected String transformFunctionConfig;
protected SinkConfig sinkConfig;
private void mergeArgs() {
if (isBlank(subsName) && !isBlank(deprecatedSubsName)) {
subsName = deprecatedSubsName;
if (isBlank(topicsPattern) && !isBlank(deprecatedTopicsPattern)) {
topicsPattern = deprecatedTopicsPattern;
if (isBlank(customSerdeInputString) && !isBlank(deprecatedCustomSerdeInputString)) {
customSerdeInputString = deprecatedCustomSerdeInputString;
if (processingGuarantees == null && deprecatedProcessingGuarantees != null) {
processingGuarantees = deprecatedProcessingGuarantees;
if (retainOrdering == null && deprecatedRetainOrdering != null) {
retainOrdering = deprecatedRetainOrdering;
if (isBlank(className) && !isBlank(deprecatedClassName)) {
className = deprecatedClassName;
if (isBlank(sinkConfigFile) && !isBlank(deprecatedSinkConfigFile)) {
sinkConfigFile = deprecatedSinkConfigFile;
if (isBlank(sinkConfigString) && !isBlank(deprecatedSinkConfigString)) {
sinkConfigString = deprecatedSinkConfigString;
void processArguments() throws Exception {
// merge deprecated args with new args
if (null != sinkConfigFile) {
this.sinkConfig = CmdUtils.loadConfig(sinkConfigFile, SinkConfig.class);
} else {
this.sinkConfig = new SinkConfig();
if (null != tenant) {
if (null != namespace) {
if (null != className) {
if (null != name) {
if (null != processingGuarantees) {
if (retainOrdering != null) {
if (retainKeyOrdering != null) {
if (null != inputs) {
if (null != customSerdeInputString) {
Type type = new TypeToken
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