flash.localization.XLRLocalizer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package flash.localization;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.net.URL;
* ILocalizer implementation, which supports looking up text in XLR
* files..
public class XLRLocalizer implements ILocalizer
public XLRLocalizer()
// only resources
public XLRLocalizer( String path )
findFiles( new File( path ), null );
public XLRTargetNode loadNode( Locale fileLocale, String fileId, Locale locale, String id )
String key = getKey( fileLocale, fileId );
XLRFile f = filedict.get( key );
if (f == null)
String resource = key.replaceAll( "\\.", "/" ) + ".xlr";
URL url = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource( resource );
if (url != null)
f = new XLRFile( fileId, url );
filedict.put( key, f );
if (f != null)
XLRMessageNode messageNode = (XLRMessageNode) nodedict.get( id );
if (messageNode != null)
XLRTargetNode targetNode = messageNode.getTarget( locale.toString() );
return targetNode;
return null;
public XLRTargetNode checkPrefix( Locale fileLocale, String fileId, Locale locale, String id )
XLRTargetNode t = loadNode( fileLocale, fileId, locale, id );
if (t == null)
int sep = fileId.lastIndexOf( '$' );
if (sep == -1)
sep = fileId.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if (sep != -1)
t = checkPrefix( fileLocale, fileId.substring( 0, sep ), locale, id );
return t;
public XLRTargetNode checkLocales( Locale locale, String id )
XLRTargetNode t = checkPrefix( locale, id, locale, id );
if ((t == null) && (locale.getCountry().length() > 0) && (locale.getVariant().length() > 0))
t = checkPrefix( new Locale( locale.getLanguage(), locale.getCountry() ), id, locale, id );
if ((t == null) && (locale.getCountry().length() > 0))
t = checkPrefix( new Locale( locale.getLanguage() ), id, locale, id );
if ((t == null))
t = checkPrefix( null, id, locale, id );
return t;
public ILocalizedText getLocalizedText( Locale locale, String id )
XLRMessageNode messageNode = (XLRMessageNode) nodedict.get( id );
XLRTargetNode targetNode = null;
if (messageNode != null)
targetNode = messageNode.getTarget( locale.toString() );
if (targetNode == null)
targetNode = checkLocales( locale, id );
if (targetNode == null)
return null;
return new XLRLocalizedText( targetNode );
private String getKey( Locale locale, String id )
String key = id;
if (locale != null)
if (locale.getLanguage().length() > 0)
key += "_" + locale.getLanguage();
if (locale.getCountry().length() > 0)
key += "_" + locale.getCountry();
if (locale.getVariant().length() > 0)
key += "_" + locale.getVariant();
return key;
private Map filedict = new HashMap();
private Map nodedict = new HashMap();
private class XLRFile
public XLRFile( String prefix, URL url )
this.prefix = prefix;
this.url = url;
public void load()
if (loaded)
InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream( this.url.openStream() );
SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
factory.setNamespaceAware( false ); // FIXME
XLRHandler xmlHandler = new XLRHandler( nodedict, prefix );
CDATAHandler cdataHandler = new CDATAHandler( xmlHandler );
SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();
parser.setProperty("http://xml.org/sax/properties/lexical-handler", cdataHandler);
parser.parse( in, xmlHandler );
catch (Exception e)
e.printStackTrace( );
loaded = true;
private boolean loaded = false;
private final URL url;
private final String prefix;
private void findFiles( File f, String relative )
if (!f.exists())
if (f.isDirectory())
File[] files = f.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i)
findFiles( files[i].getAbsoluteFile(), ((relative == null)? "":(relative + ".")) + files[i].getName() );
if (!f.getName().endsWith( ".xlr" ))
String id = relative.substring( 0, relative.length() - ".xlr".length() );
String prefix = id;
int dot = id.lastIndexOf( '.' );
int underscore = -1;
if (dot != -1)
underscore = id.indexOf( '_', dot );
underscore = id.indexOf( '_' );
if (underscore != -1)
prefix = id.substring( 0, underscore );
filedict.put( id, new XLRFile( prefix, f.toURL() ) );
catch (Exception e)
e.printStackTrace( );
private class XLRLocalizedText implements ILocalizedText
public XLRLocalizedText( XLRTargetNode node )
this.node = node;
public String format( Map parameters )
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
String s = node.execute( buffer, node.locale, parameters )? buffer.toString() : null;
if (s != null)
s = LocalizationManager.replaceInlineReferences( s, parameters );
return s;
private XLRTargetNode node;
private abstract class XLRNode
public LinkedList children = new LinkedList();
public boolean execute( StringBuilder buffer, String locale, Map parameters )
boolean success = false;
for (Iterator it = children.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
XLRNode child = it.next();
if (child.execute( buffer, locale, parameters ))
success = true;
return success;
private class XLRChoiceNode extends XLRNode
public boolean execute( StringBuilder buffer, String locale, Map parameters )
for (Iterator it = children.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
XLRNode child = it.next();
if (child.execute( buffer, locale, parameters ))
return true;
return false;
private class XLRMessageNode extends XLRChoiceNode
public XLRMessageNode( String id )
this.id = id;
public XLRTargetNode getTarget( String locale )
for (Iterator it = children.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
XLRNode node = it.next();
if ((node instanceof XLRTargetNode) && ((XLRTargetNode) node).matchesLocale( locale ))
return (XLRTargetNode) node;
return null;
public final String id;
private class XLRTargetNode extends XLRNode
public XLRTargetNode( String locale )
this.locale = locale;
public boolean matchesLocale( String locale )
return (((this.locale == null) && (locale == null)) || locale.equalsIgnoreCase( this.locale ));
public boolean execute( StringBuilder buffer, String locale, Map parameters )
if (matchesLocale( locale ))
return super.execute( buffer, locale, parameters );
return false;
public final String locale;
private class XLRTextNode extends XLRNode
public XLRTextNode( String text )
this.text = text;
public boolean execute( StringBuilder buffer, String locale, Map parameters )
boolean success = false;
if (text != null)
success = true;
buffer.append( text );
boolean result = super.execute( buffer, locale, parameters );
return success || result;
public final String text;
private class XLRVariableNode extends XLRNode
public XLRVariableNode( String name )
this.varname = name;
public boolean execute( StringBuilder buffer, String locale, Map parameters )
boolean success = false;
if (varname != null)
success = parameters.containsKey( varname ) && (parameters.get( varname ) != null);
if (success)
buffer.append( parameters.get( varname ).toString());
success |= super.execute( buffer, locale, parameters );
return success;
public String varname;
private class XLRMatchNode extends XLRNode
public String varname;
public String text = null;
public String pattern = null;
public XLRMatchNode( String varname, String pattern )
this.varname = varname;
this.pattern = pattern;
public boolean execute( StringBuilder buffer, String locale, Map parameters )
String value = null;
if ((varname != null) && parameters.containsKey( varname ) && parameters.get( varname ) != null)
value = parameters.get( varname ).toString();
if (value == null)
value = "";
// match based on the value being non-zero length, non-zero, or not "false" if pattern isn't set
boolean matched = false;
if (pattern == null)
if ((value != null) && (value.length() > 0))
matched = !(value.equalsIgnoreCase( "false" ) || value.equals( "0" ));
matched = false; // null string
// to match an empty string, try pattern of "^$"
matched = value.matches( pattern );
if (matched)
super.execute( buffer, locale, parameters );
return true;
return false;
private class XLRHandler extends DefaultHandler
public XLRHandler( Map nodedict, String base )
this.nodedict = nodedict; // id -> messagenode
this.base = base;
public Stack context = new Stack();
private String fileLocale = null;
private String base = null;
private Map nodedict;
StringBuilder textBuffer = new StringBuilder(128);
protected boolean inCDATA = false;
public void startElement (String uri, String localName,
String qName, Attributes attributes)
throws SAXException
XLRNode current = null;
if (context.size() > 0)
current = context.peek();
// common shortcuts...
String locale = attributes.getValue( "locale" );
if (locale == null)
locale = fileLocale;
String text = attributes.getValue( "text" );
XLRNode node = null;
if ("messages".equals( qName ))
fileLocale = attributes.getValue( "locale" );
if (attributes.getValue( "idbase" ) != null)
base = attributes.getValue( "idbase" );
else if ("message".equals( qName ))
String id = attributes.getValue( "id" );
if (base != null)
id = base + "." + id;
node = nodedict.get( id );
if (node == null)
node = new XLRMessageNode( id );
nodedict.put( id, node );
if ((text != null) && (locale != null)) // check errors
XLRTargetNode targetNode = new XLRTargetNode( locale );
node.children.add( targetNode );
XLRTextNode textNode = new XLRTextNode( text );
targetNode.children.add( textNode );
context.push( node );
else if ("target".equals( qName ))
node = new XLRTargetNode( locale );
if (text != null)
node.children.add( new XLRTextNode( text ));
current.children.add( node );
context.push( node );
else if ("text".equals( qName ))
String value = attributes.getValue( "value" );
node = new XLRTextNode( value );
current.children.add( node );
context.push( node );
else if ("variable".equals( qName ))
String name = attributes.getValue( "name" );
node = new XLRVariableNode( name );
current.children.add( node );
context.push( node );
else if ("match".equals( qName ))
node = new XLRMatchNode( attributes.getValue( "variable" ), attributes.getValue( "pattern" ) );
if (text != null)
node.children.add( new XLRTextNode( text ));
current.children.add( node );
context.push( node );
else if ("select".equals( qName ))
node = new XLRChoiceNode();
current.children.add( node );
context.push( node );
throw new SAXParseException( "blorp", null ); // fixme
public void endElement (String uri, String localName, String qName)
throws SAXException
XLRNode current = null;
if (context.size() > 0)
current = context.pop();
if ("messages".equals( qName ))
// done
else if ("text".equals( qName ))
if (textBuffer.length() > 0)
current.children.add( new XLRTextNode( textBuffer.toString() ) );
else if ("variable".equals( qName ))
if (textBuffer.length() > 0)
((XLRVariableNode) current).varname = textBuffer.toString();
textBuffer.setLength( 0 );
public void characters (char ch[], int start, int length)
throws SAXException
if (inCDATA)
textBuffer.append(ch, start, length);
String s = new String( ch, start, length ).trim();
if (s.length() > 0)
textBuffer.append( s );
public void ignorableWhitespace (char ch[], int start, int length)
throws SAXException
// no op
public void warning ( SAXParseException e)
throws SAXException
// no op
public void error (SAXParseException e)
throws SAXException
// no op
public void fatalError (SAXParseException e)
throws SAXException
throw e;
private class CDATAHandler implements LexicalHandler
private XLRHandler parentHandler;
public CDATAHandler( XLRHandler h )
parentHandler = h;
public void startCDATA() throws SAXException
parentHandler.inCDATA = true;
public void endCDATA() throws SAXException
parentHandler.inCDATA = false;
public void startDTD(String s, String s1, String s2) throws SAXException
public void endDTD() throws SAXException
public void startEntity(String s) throws SAXException
public void endEntity(String s) throws SAXException
public void comment(char[] chars, int i, int i1) throws SAXException
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