org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.KeccakDigest Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.ExtendedDigest;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Pack;
* implementation of Keccak based on following KeccakNISTInterface.c from
* Following the naming conventions used in the C source code to enable easy review of the implementation.
public class KeccakDigest
implements ExtendedDigest
private static long[] KeccakRoundConstants = keccakInitializeRoundConstants();
private static int[] KeccakRhoOffsets = keccakInitializeRhoOffsets();
private static long[] keccakInitializeRoundConstants()
long[] keccakRoundConstants = new long[24];
byte[] LFSRstate = new byte[1];
LFSRstate[0] = 0x01;
int i, j, bitPosition;
for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
keccakRoundConstants[i] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 7; j++)
bitPosition = (1 << j) - 1;
if (LFSR86540(LFSRstate))
keccakRoundConstants[i] ^= 1L << bitPosition;
return keccakRoundConstants;
private static boolean LFSR86540(byte[] LFSR)
boolean result = (((LFSR[0]) & 0x01) != 0);
if (((LFSR[0]) & 0x80) != 0)
LFSR[0] = (byte)(((LFSR[0]) << 1) ^ 0x71);
LFSR[0] <<= 1;
return result;
private static int[] keccakInitializeRhoOffsets()
int[] keccakRhoOffsets = new int[25];
int x, y, t, newX, newY;
keccakRhoOffsets[(((0) % 5) + 5 * ((0) % 5))] = 0;
x = 1;
y = 0;
for (t = 0; t < 24; t++)
keccakRhoOffsets[(((x) % 5) + 5 * ((y) % 5))] = ((t + 1) * (t + 2) / 2) % 64;
newX = (0 * x + 1 * y) % 5;
newY = (2 * x + 3 * y) % 5;
x = newX;
y = newY;
return keccakRhoOffsets;
protected long[] state = new long[(1600 / 64)];
protected byte[] dataQueue = new byte[(1536 / 8)];
protected int rate;
protected int bitsInQueue;
protected int fixedOutputLength;
protected boolean squeezing;
public KeccakDigest()
public KeccakDigest(int bitLength)
public KeccakDigest(KeccakDigest source)
System.arraycopy(source.state, 0, this.state, 0, source.state.length);
System.arraycopy(source.dataQueue, 0, this.dataQueue, 0, source.dataQueue.length);
this.rate = source.rate;
this.bitsInQueue = source.bitsInQueue;
this.fixedOutputLength = source.fixedOutputLength;
this.squeezing = source.squeezing;
public String getAlgorithmName()
return "Keccak-" + fixedOutputLength;
public int getDigestSize()
return fixedOutputLength / 8;
public void update(byte in)
absorb(new byte[]{ in }, 0, 1);
public void update(byte[] in, int inOff, int len)
absorb(in, inOff, len);
public int doFinal(byte[] out, int outOff)
squeeze(out, outOff, fixedOutputLength);
return getDigestSize();
* TODO Possible API change to support partial-byte suffixes.
protected int doFinal(byte[] out, int outOff, byte partialByte, int partialBits)
if (partialBits > 0)
absorbBits(partialByte, partialBits);
squeeze(out, outOff, fixedOutputLength);
return getDigestSize();
public void reset()
* Return the size of block that the compression function is applied to in bytes.
* @return internal byte length of a block.
public int getByteLength()
return rate / 8;
private void init(int bitLength)
switch (bitLength)
case 128:
case 224:
case 256:
case 288:
case 384:
case 512:
initSponge(1600 - (bitLength << 1));
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bitLength must be one of 128, 224, 256, 288, 384, or 512.");
private void initSponge(int rate)
if ((rate <= 0) || (rate >= 1600) || ((rate % 64) != 0))
throw new IllegalStateException("invalid rate value");
this.rate = rate;
for (int i = 0; i < state.length; ++i)
state[i] = 0L;
Arrays.fill(this.dataQueue, (byte)0);
this.bitsInQueue = 0;
this.squeezing = false;
this.fixedOutputLength = (1600 - rate) / 2;
protected void absorb(byte[] data, int off, int len)
if ((bitsInQueue % 8) != 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("attempt to absorb with odd length queue");
if (squeezing)
throw new IllegalStateException("attempt to absorb while squeezing");
int bytesInQueue = bitsInQueue >> 3;
int rateBytes = rate >> 3;
int count = 0;
while (count < len)
if (bytesInQueue == 0 && count <= (len - rateBytes))
KeccakAbsorb(data, off + count);
count += rateBytes;
while (count <= (len - rateBytes));
int partialBlock = Math.min(rateBytes - bytesInQueue, len - count);
System.arraycopy(data, off + count, dataQueue, bytesInQueue, partialBlock);
bytesInQueue += partialBlock;
count += partialBlock;
if (bytesInQueue == rateBytes)
KeccakAbsorb(dataQueue, 0);
bytesInQueue = 0;
bitsInQueue = bytesInQueue << 3;
protected void absorbBits(int data, int bits)
if (bits < 1 || bits > 7)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'bits' must be in the range 1 to 7");
if ((bitsInQueue % 8) != 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("attempt to absorb with odd length queue");
if (squeezing)
throw new IllegalStateException("attempt to absorb while squeezing");
int mask = (1 << bits) - 1;
dataQueue[bitsInQueue >> 3] = (byte)(data & mask);
// NOTE: After this, bitsInQueue is no longer a multiple of 8, so no more absorbs will work
bitsInQueue += bits;
private void padAndSwitchToSqueezingPhase()
dataQueue[bitsInQueue >> 3] |= (byte)(1L << (bitsInQueue & 7));
if (++bitsInQueue == rate)
KeccakAbsorb(dataQueue, 0);
bitsInQueue = 0;
int full = bitsInQueue >> 6, partial = bitsInQueue & 63;
int off = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < full; ++i)
state[i] ^= Pack.littleEndianToLong(dataQueue, off);
off += 8;
if (partial > 0)
long mask = (1L << partial) - 1L;
state[full] ^= Pack.littleEndianToLong(dataQueue, off) & mask;
state[(rate - 1) >> 6] ^= (1L << 63);
// displayIntermediateValues.displayText(1, "--- Switching to squeezing phase ---");
bitsInQueue = rate;
// displayIntermediateValues.displayBytes(1, "Block available for squeezing", dataQueue, bitsInQueue / 8);
squeezing = true;
protected void squeeze(byte[] output, int offset, long outputLength)
if (!squeezing)
if ((outputLength % 8) != 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("outputLength not a multiple of 8");
long i = 0;
while (i < outputLength)
if (bitsInQueue == 0)
bitsInQueue = rate;
// displayIntermediateValues.displayBytes(1, "Block available for squeezing", dataQueue, bitsAvailableForSqueezing / 8);
int partialBlock = (int)Math.min((long)bitsInQueue, outputLength - i);
System.arraycopy(dataQueue, (rate - bitsInQueue) / 8, output, offset + (int)(i / 8), partialBlock / 8);
bitsInQueue -= partialBlock;
i += partialBlock;
private void KeccakAbsorb(byte[] data, int off)
int count = rate >> 6;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
state[i] ^= Pack.littleEndianToLong(data, off);
off += 8;
private void KeccakExtract()
Pack.longToLittleEndian(state, 0, rate >> 6, dataQueue, 0);
private void KeccakPermutation()
// displayIntermediateValues.displayStateAs64bitWords(3, "Same, with lanes as 64-bit words", state);
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
// displayIntermediateValues.displayRoundNumber(3, i);
// displayIntermediateValues.displayStateAs64bitWords(3, "After theta", state);
// displayIntermediateValues.displayStateAs64bitWords(3, "After rho", state);
// displayIntermediateValues.displayStateAs64bitWords(3, "After pi", state);
// displayIntermediateValues.displayStateAs64bitWords(3, "After chi", state);
iota(state, i);
// displayIntermediateValues.displayStateAs64bitWords(3, "After iota", state);
private static long leftRotate(long v, int r)
return (v << r) | (v >>> -r);
private static void theta(long[] A)
long C0 = A[0 + 0] ^ A[0 + 5] ^ A[0 + 10] ^ A[0 + 15] ^ A[0 + 20];
long C1 = A[1 + 0] ^ A[1 + 5] ^ A[1 + 10] ^ A[1 + 15] ^ A[1 + 20];
long C2 = A[2 + 0] ^ A[2 + 5] ^ A[2 + 10] ^ A[2 + 15] ^ A[2 + 20];
long C3 = A[3 + 0] ^ A[3 + 5] ^ A[3 + 10] ^ A[3 + 15] ^ A[3 + 20];
long C4 = A[4 + 0] ^ A[4 + 5] ^ A[4 + 10] ^ A[4 + 15] ^ A[4 + 20];
long dX = leftRotate(C1, 1) ^ C4;
A[0] ^= dX;
A[5] ^= dX;
A[10] ^= dX;
A[15] ^= dX;
A[20] ^= dX;
dX = leftRotate(C2, 1) ^ C0;
A[1] ^= dX;
A[6] ^= dX;
A[11] ^= dX;
A[16] ^= dX;
A[21] ^= dX;
dX = leftRotate(C3, 1) ^ C1;
A[2] ^= dX;
A[7] ^= dX;
A[12] ^= dX;
A[17] ^= dX;
A[22] ^= dX;
dX = leftRotate(C4, 1) ^ C2;
A[3] ^= dX;
A[8] ^= dX;
A[13] ^= dX;
A[18] ^= dX;
A[23] ^= dX;
dX = leftRotate(C0, 1) ^ C3;
A[4] ^= dX;
A[9] ^= dX;
A[14] ^= dX;
A[19] ^= dX;
A[24] ^= dX;
private static void rho(long[] A)
// KeccakRhoOffsets[0] == 0
for (int x = 1; x < 25; x++)
A[x] = leftRotate(A[x], KeccakRhoOffsets[x]);
private static void pi(long[] A)
long a1 = A[1];
A[1] = A[6];
A[6] = A[9];
A[9] = A[22];
A[22] = A[14];
A[14] = A[20];
A[20] = A[2];
A[2] = A[12];
A[12] = A[13];
A[13] = A[19];
A[19] = A[23];
A[23] = A[15];
A[15] = A[4];
A[4] = A[24];
A[24] = A[21];
A[21] = A[8];
A[8] = A[16];
A[16] = A[5];
A[5] = A[3];
A[3] = A[18];
A[18] = A[17];
A[17] = A[11];
A[11] = A[7];
A[7] = A[10];
A[10] = a1;
private static void chi(long[] A)
long chiC0, chiC1, chiC2, chiC3, chiC4;
for (int yBy5 = 0; yBy5 < 25; yBy5 += 5)
chiC0 = A[0 + yBy5] ^ ((~A[(((0 + 1) % 5) + yBy5)]) & A[(((0 + 2) % 5) + yBy5)]);
chiC1 = A[1 + yBy5] ^ ((~A[(((1 + 1) % 5) + yBy5)]) & A[(((1 + 2) % 5) + yBy5)]);
chiC2 = A[2 + yBy5] ^ ((~A[(((2 + 1) % 5) + yBy5)]) & A[(((2 + 2) % 5) + yBy5)]);
chiC3 = A[3 + yBy5] ^ ((~A[(((3 + 1) % 5) + yBy5)]) & A[(((3 + 2) % 5) + yBy5)]);
chiC4 = A[4 + yBy5] ^ ((~A[(((4 + 1) % 5) + yBy5)]) & A[(((4 + 2) % 5) + yBy5)]);
A[0 + yBy5] = chiC0;
A[1 + yBy5] = chiC1;
A[2 + yBy5] = chiC2;
A[3 + yBy5] = chiC3;
A[4 + yBy5] = chiC4;
private static void iota(long[] A, int indexRound)
A[0] ^= KeccakRoundConstants[indexRound];