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/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Iulian Dragos

package backend.opt

import scala.collection.mutable

 *  @author Iulian Dragos
abstract class Inliners extends SubComponent {
  import global._
  import icodes._
  import icodes.opcodes._
  import definitions.{
    NullClass, NothingClass, ObjectClass,
    PredefModule, RuntimePackage, ScalaInlineClass, ScalaNoInlineClass,

  val phaseName = "inliner"

  /** Debug - for timing the inliner. */
  private def timed[T](s: String, body: => T): T = {
    val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val res = body
    val t2 = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val ms = (t2 - t1).toInt
    if (ms >= MAX_INLINE_MILLIS)
      println("%s: %d milliseconds".format(s, ms))


  /* A warning threshold */
  private final val MAX_INLINE_MILLIS = 2000

  /** The maximum size in basic blocks of methods considered for inlining. */
  final val MAX_INLINE_SIZE = 16

  /** Maximum loop iterations. */
  final val MAX_INLINE_RETRY = 15

  /** Small method size (in blocks) */

  /** Create a new phase */
  override def newPhase(p: Phase) = new InliningPhase(p)

  /** The Inlining phase.
  class InliningPhase(prev: Phase) extends ICodePhase(prev) {
    def name = phaseName
    val inliner = new Inliner

    override def apply(c: IClass) {
      inliner analyzeClass c

  def isBottomType(sym: Symbol) = sym == NullClass || sym == NothingClass
  def posToStr(pos: util.Position) = if (pos.isDefined) pos.point.toString else ""

  /** Is the given class a closure? */
  def isClosureClass(cls: Symbol): Boolean =
    cls.isFinal && cls.isSynthetic && !cls.isModuleClass && cls.isAnonymousFunction

   * Simple inliner.
  class Inliner {
    object NonPublicRefs extends Enumeration {
      val Public, Protected, Private = Value

      /** Cache whether a method calls private members. */
      val usesNonPublics: mutable.Map[IMethod, Value] = new mutable.HashMap
    import NonPublicRefs._

    /* fresh name counter */
    val fresh = new mutable.HashMap[String, Int] withDefaultValue 0
    def freshName(s: String) = {
      fresh(s) += 1
      s + fresh(s)

    private def hasInline(sym: Symbol)    = sym hasAnnotation ScalaInlineClass
    private def hasNoInline(sym: Symbol)  = sym hasAnnotation ScalaNoInlineClass

    /** The current iclass */
    private var currentIClazz: IClass = _
    private def warn(pos: Position, msg: String) = currentIClazz.cunit.warning(pos, msg)

    def analyzeClass(cls: IClass): Unit =
      if (settings.inline.value) {
        if (settings.debug.value)
        	log("Analyzing " + cls)

        this.currentIClazz = cls
        cls.methods filterNot (_.symbol.isConstructor) foreach analyzeMethod

    val tfa   = new analysis.MethodTFA()
    tfa.stat  = global.opt.printStats

    // how many times have we already inlined this method here?
    private val inlinedMethodCount: mutable.Map[Symbol, Int] = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Int] {
    	override def default(k: Symbol) = 0

    def analyzeMethod(m: IMethod) {
      var sizeBeforeInlining = if (m.code ne null) m.code.blocks.length else 0
      var instrBeforeInlining = if (m.code ne null) m.code.blocks.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.length)  else 0
      var retry = false
      var count = 0
      val caller = new IMethodInfo(m)
      var info: tfa.lattice.Elem = null

      def analyzeInc(msym: Symbol, i: Instruction, bb: BasicBlock): Boolean = {
        var inlined = false
        def paramTypes  =
        val receiver    = (info.stack.types drop paramTypes.length).head match {
          case REFERENCE(s) => s
          case _            => NoSymbol
        val concreteMethod  = lookupImplFor(msym, receiver)

        def warnNoInline(reason: String) = {
          if (hasInline(msym) && !caller.isBridge)
            warn(i.pos, "Could not inline required method %s because %s.".format(msym.originalName.decode, reason))

        if (shouldLoadImplFor(concreteMethod, receiver))

        def isAvailable = icodes available concreteMethod.enclClass
        def isCandidate = isClosureClass(receiver) || concreteMethod.isEffectivelyFinal || receiver.isFinal
        def isApply     = == nme.apply
        def isCountable = !(isClosureClass(receiver)
                || isApply
                || isMonadicMethod(concreteMethod)
                || receiver.enclosingPackage == definitions.RuntimePackage
                )   // only count non-closures

        if (settings.debug.value)
          log("Treating " + i
              + "\n\treceiver: " + receiver
              + "\n\ticodes.available: " + isAvailable
              + "\n\tconcreteMethod.isEffectivelyFinal: " + concreteMethod.isEffectivelyFinal)

        if (isAvailable && isCandidate) {
          lookupIMethod(concreteMethod, receiver) match {
            case Some(callee) =>
              val inc   = new IMethodInfo(callee)
              val pair  = new CallerCalleeInfo(caller, inc)

              if (pair isStampedForInlining info.stack) {
                retry = true
                inlined = true
                if (isCountable)
                  count += 1

                pair.doInline(bb, i)
                if (!inc.inline || inc.isMonadic)
                  caller.inlinedCalls += 1
                inlinedMethodCount(inc.sym) += 1

                /* Remove this method from the cache, as the calls-private relation
                 * might have changed after the inlining.
                usesNonPublics -= m
              else {
                if (settings.debug.value)
                  pair logFailure info.stack

                warnNoInline(pair failureReason info.stack)
            case None =>
              warnNoInline("bytecode was not available")
              if (settings.debug.value)
                log("could not find icode\n\treceiver: " + receiver + "\n\tmethod: " + concreteMethod)
        else warnNoInline(
          if (!isAvailable) "bytecode was not available"
          else "it is not final"

      import scala.util.control.Breaks._
      do {
        retry = false
        if (caller.inline) {
          log("Not inlining into " + caller.sym.originalName.decode + " because it is marked @inline.")
        else if (caller.hasCode) {
          log("Analyzing " + m + " count " + count + " with " + caller.length + " blocks")
          tfa init m

          caller.linearized foreach { bb =>
            info = tfa in bb

            breakable {
              for (i <- bb) {
                i match {
                  case CALL_METHOD(msym, Dynamic) =>
                    if (analyzeInc(msym, i, bb)) break
                  case _ => ()
                info = tfa.interpret(info, i)

          if (tfa.stat)
            log(m.symbol.fullName + " iterations: " + tfa.iterations + " (size: " + caller.length + ")")
      while (retry && count < MAX_INLINE_RETRY)

      if (sizeBeforeInlining > 0) {
        val instrAfterInlining = m.code.blocks.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.length)
        val prefix = if ((instrAfterInlining > 2 * instrBeforeInlining) && (instrAfterInlining > 200)) " !! " else ""
        log(prefix + " %s blocks before inlining: %d (%d) after: %d (%d)".format(
          m.symbol.fullName, sizeBeforeInlining, instrBeforeInlining, m.code.blocks.length, instrAfterInlining))

    private def isMonadicMethod(sym: Symbol) = {
      val (origName, _, _) = nme.splitSpecializedName(
      origName match {
        case nme.foreach | nme.filter | nme.withFilter | | nme.flatMap => true
        case _ => false

    private def isHigherOrderMethod(sym: Symbol) =
      sym.isMethod && atPhase(currentRun.erasurePhase.prev)( exists isFunctionType)

    /** Should method 'sym' being called in 'receiver' be loaded from disk? */
    def shouldLoadImplFor(sym: Symbol, receiver: Symbol): Boolean = {
      def alwaysLoad    = (receiver.enclosingPackage == RuntimePackage) || (receiver == PredefModule.moduleClass)
      def loadCondition = sym.isEffectivelyFinal && isMonadicMethod(sym) && isHigherOrderMethod(sym)

      val res = hasInline(sym) || alwaysLoad || loadCondition
      if (settings.debug.value)
        log("shouldLoadImplFor: " + receiver + "." + sym + ": " + res)

    /** Look up implementation of method 'sym in 'clazz'.
    def lookupImplFor(sym: Symbol, clazz: Symbol): Symbol = {
      // TODO: verify that clazz.superClass is equivalent here to clazz.tpe.parents(0).typeSymbol (.tpe vs .info)
      def needsLookup = (clazz != NoSymbol) && (clazz != sym.owner) && !sym.isEffectivelyFinal && clazz.isFinal

      def lookup(clazz: Symbol): Symbol = {
        // println("\t\tlooking up " + meth + " in " + clazz.fullName + " meth.owner = " + meth.owner)
        if (sym.owner == clazz || isBottomType(clazz)) sym
        else sym.overridingSymbol(clazz) match {
          case NoSymbol  => if (sym.owner.isTrait) sym else lookup(clazz.superClass)
          case imp       => imp
      if (needsLookup) {
        val concreteMethod = lookup(clazz)
        if (settings.debug.value)
          log("\tlooked up method: " + concreteMethod.fullName)

      else sym

    class IMethodInfo(val m: IMethod) {
      val sym           = m.symbol
      val name          =
      def owner         = sym.owner
      def paramTypes    =
      def minimumStack  = paramTypes.length + 1

      def inline        = hasInline(sym)
      def noinline      = hasNoInline(sym)
      def numInlined    = inlinedMethodCount(sym)

      def isBridge      = sym.isBridge
      def isInClosure   = isClosureClass(owner)
      def isHigherOrder = isHigherOrderMethod(sym)
      def isMonadic     = isMonadicMethod(sym)

      def handlers      = m.exh
      def blocks        = if (m.code eq null) sys.error("blocks = null + " + m) else m.code.blocks
      def locals        = m.locals
      def length        = blocks.length
      def openBlocks    = blocks filterNot (_.closed)
      def instructions  = blocks.flatten
      def linearized    = linearizer linearize m

      def isSmall       = (length <= SMALL_METHOD_SIZE) && blocks(0).length < 10
      def isLarge       = length > MAX_INLINE_SIZE
      def isRecursive   = m.recursive
      def hasCode       = m.code != null
      def hasSourceFile = m.sourceFile != null
      def hasHandlers   = handlers.nonEmpty

      // the number of inlined calls in 'm', used by 'shouldInline'
      var inlinedCalls = 0

      def addLocals(ls: List[Local])  = m.locals ++= ls
      def addLocal(l: Local)          = addLocals(List(l))
      def addHandlers(exhs: List[ExceptionHandler]) = m.exh = exhs ::: m.exh

    class CallerCalleeInfo(val caller: IMethodInfo, val inc: IMethodInfo) {
      def isLargeSum  = caller.length + inc.length - 1 > SMALL_METHOD_SIZE

      /** Inline 'inc' into 'caller' at the given block and instruction.
       *  The instruction must be a CALL_METHOD.
      def doInline(block: BasicBlock, instr: Instruction) {
        val targetPos = instr.pos
        log("Inlining " + inc.m + " in " + caller.m + " at pos: " + posToStr(targetPos))

        def blockEmit(i: Instruction) = block.emit(i, targetPos)
        def newLocal(baseName: String, kind: TypeKind) =
          new Local(caller.sym.newVariable(targetPos, freshName(baseName)), kind, false)

        val a = new analysis.MethodTFA(inc.m)

        /* The exception handlers that are active at the current block. */
        val activeHandlers = caller.handlers filter (_ covered block)

        /* Map 'original' blocks to the ones inlined in the caller. */
        val inlinedBlock = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, BasicBlock]()

        val varsInScope = mutable.HashSet[Local]() ++= block.varsInScope

        /** Side effects varsInScope when it sees SCOPE_ENTERs. */
        def instrBeforeFilter(i: Instruction): Boolean = {
          i match { case SCOPE_ENTER(l) => varsInScope += l ; case _ => () }
          i ne instr
        val instrBefore = block.toList takeWhile instrBeforeFilter
        val instrAfter  = block.toList drop (instrBefore.length + 1)

        assert(!instrAfter.isEmpty, "CALL_METHOD cannot be the last instruction in block!")

        // store the '$this' into the special local
        val inlinedThis = newLocal("$inlThis", REFERENCE(ObjectClass))

        /** buffer for the returned value */
        val retVal = inc.m.returnType match {
          case UNIT  => null
          case x     => newLocal("$retVal", x)

        val inlinedLocals: mutable.Map[Local, Local] = new mutable.HashMap

        /** Add a new block in the current context. */
        def newBlock() = {
          val b = caller.m.code.newBlock
          activeHandlers foreach (_ addCoveredBlock b)
          if (retVal ne null) b.varsInScope += retVal
          b.varsInScope += inlinedThis
          b.varsInScope ++= varsInScope

        def translateExh(e: ExceptionHandler) = {
          val handler: ExceptionHandler = e.dup
          handler.covered = handler.covered map inlinedBlock
          handler setStartBlock inlinedBlock(e.startBlock)

        /** alfa-rename `l' in caller's context. */
        def dupLocal(l: Local): Local = {
          val sym = caller.sym.newVariable(l.sym.pos, freshName(
          // sym.setInfo(l.sym.tpe)
          val dupped = new Local(sym, l.kind, false)
          inlinedLocals(l) = dupped

        val afterBlock = newBlock()

        /** Map from nw.init instructions to their matching NEW call */
        val pending: mutable.Map[Instruction, NEW] = new mutable.HashMap

        /** Map an instruction from the callee to one suitable for the caller. */
        def map(i: Instruction): Instruction = {
          def assertLocal(l: Local) = {
            assert(caller.locals contains l, "Could not find local '" + l + "' in locals, nor in inlinedLocals: " + inlinedLocals)
          def isInlined(l: Local) = inlinedLocals isDefinedAt l

          val newInstr = i match {
            case THIS(clasz)                    => LOAD_LOCAL(inlinedThis)
            case STORE_THIS(_)                  => STORE_LOCAL(inlinedThis)
            case JUMP(whereto)                  => JUMP(inlinedBlock(whereto))
            case CJUMP(succ, fail, cond, kind)  => CJUMP(inlinedBlock(succ), inlinedBlock(fail), cond, kind)
            case CZJUMP(succ, fail, cond, kind) => CZJUMP(inlinedBlock(succ), inlinedBlock(fail), cond, kind)
            case SWITCH(tags, labels)           => SWITCH(tags, labels map inlinedBlock)
            case RETURN(_)                      => JUMP(afterBlock)
            case LOAD_LOCAL(l) if isInlined(l)  => LOAD_LOCAL(inlinedLocals(l))
            case STORE_LOCAL(l) if isInlined(l) => STORE_LOCAL(inlinedLocals(l))
            case LOAD_LOCAL(l)                  => assertLocal(l)
            case STORE_LOCAL(l)                 => assertLocal(l)
            case SCOPE_ENTER(l) if isInlined(l) => SCOPE_ENTER(inlinedLocals(l))
            case SCOPE_EXIT(l) if isInlined(l)  => SCOPE_EXIT(inlinedLocals(l))

            case nw @ NEW(sym) =>
              val r = NEW(sym)
              pending(nw.init) = r

            case CALL_METHOD(meth, Static(true)) if meth.isClassConstructor =>
              CALL_METHOD(meth, Static(true))

            case _ => i.clone()
          // check any pending NEW's
          pending remove i foreach (_.init = newInstr.asInstanceOf[CALL_METHOD])

        caller addLocals (inc.locals map dupLocal)
        caller addLocal inlinedThis

        if (retVal ne null)
          caller addLocal retVal

        inc.blocks foreach { b =>
          inlinedBlock += (b -> newBlock())
          inlinedBlock(b).varsInScope ++= (b.varsInScope map inlinedLocals)

        // analyse callee

        // re-emit the instructions before the call
        block emit instrBefore

        // store the arguments into special locals
        inc.m.params.reverse foreach (p => blockEmit(STORE_LOCAL(inlinedLocals(p))))

        // jump to the start block of the callee

        // duplicate the other blocks in the callee
        linearizer linearize inc.m foreach { bb =>
          var info = a in bb
          def emitInlined(i: Instruction) = inlinedBlock(bb).emit(i, targetPos)
          def emitDrops(toDrop: Int)      = info.stack.types drop toDrop foreach (t => emitInlined(DROP(t)))

          for (i <- bb) {
            i match {
              case RETURN(UNIT) => emitDrops(0)
              case RETURN(kind) =>
                if (info.stack.length > 1) {
              case _            => ()
            info = a.interpret(info, i)

        afterBlock emit instrAfter

        // add exception handlers of the callee
        caller addHandlers (inc.handlers map translateExh)
        assert(pending.isEmpty, "Pending NEW elements: " + pending)
        if (settings.debug.value) icodes.checkValid(caller.m)

      def isStampedForInlining(stack: TypeStack) =
        !sameSymbols && inc.hasCode && shouldInline && isSafeToInline(stack)

      def logFailure(stack: TypeStack) = log(
        """|inline failed for %s:
           |  pair.sameSymbols: %s
           |  inc.numInlined < 2: %s
           |  inc.hasCode: %s
           |  isSafeToInline: %s
           |  shouldInline: %s
          inc.m, sameSymbols, inc.numInlined < 2,
          inc.hasCode, isSafeToInline(stack), shouldInline

      def failureReason(stack: TypeStack) =
        if (!inc.hasCode) "bytecode was unavailable"
        else if (!isSafeToInline(stack)) "it is unsafe (target may reference private fields)"
        else "of a bug (run with -Ylog:inline -Ydebug for more information)"

      def canAccess(level: NonPublicRefs.Value) = level match {
        case Private    => caller.owner == inc.owner
        case Protected  => caller.owner.tpe <:< inc.owner.tpe
        case Public     => true
      private def sameSymbols = caller.sym == inc.sym

      /** A method is safe to inline when:
       *    - it does not contain calls to private methods when
       *      called from another class
       *    - it is not inlined into a position with non-empty stack,
       *      while having a top-level finalizer (see liftedTry problem)
       *    - it is not recursive
       * Note:
       *    - synthetic private members are made public in this pass.
      def isSafeToInline(stack: TypeStack): Boolean = {
        def makePublic(f: Symbol): Boolean =
          inc.hasSourceFile && (f.isSynthetic || f.isParamAccessor) && {
            if (settings.debug.value)
              log("Making not-private symbol out of synthetic: " + f)

            if (f hasFlag Flags.PRIVATE) f setFlag Flags.notPRIVATE

        if (!inc.hasCode || inc.isRecursive)
          return false

        val accessNeeded = usesNonPublics.getOrElseUpdate(inc.m, {
          // Avoiding crashing the compiler if there are open blocks.
          inc.openBlocks foreach { b =>
                "Encountered open block in isSafeToInline: this indicates a bug in the optimizer!\n" +
                "  caller = " + caller.m + ", callee = " + inc.m
            return false
          def check(sym: Symbol, cond: Boolean) =
            if (cond) Private
            else if (sym.isProtected) Protected
            else Public

          def checkField(f: Symbol)   = check(f, f.isPrivate && !makePublic(f))
          def checkSuper(m: Symbol)   = check(m, m.isPrivate || !m.isClassConstructor)
          def checkMethod(m: Symbol)  = check(m, m.isPrivate)

          def getAccess(i: Instruction) = i match {
            case CALL_METHOD(m, SuperCall(_)) => checkSuper(m)
            case CALL_METHOD(m, _)            => checkMethod(m)
            case LOAD_FIELD(f, _)             => checkField(f)
            case STORE_FIELD(f, _)            => checkField(f)
            case _                            => Public

          def iterate(): NonPublicRefs.Value = {
            var seenProtected = false
            inc.instructions foreach { i =>
              getAccess(i) match {
                case Private    => return Private
                case Protected  => seenProtected = true
                case _          => ()
            if (seenProtected) Protected else Public

        def isIllegalStack = (stack.length > inc.minimumStack && inc.hasHandlers) || {
          if (settings.debug.value)
            log("method " + inc.sym + " is used on a non-empty stack with finalizer.")

//        if (!canAccess(accessNeeded))
//          println("access needed and failed: " + accessNeeded)
        canAccess(accessNeeded) && !isIllegalStack

      /** Decide whether to inline or not. Heuristics:
       *   - it's bad to make the caller larger (> SMALL_METHOD_SIZE) if it was small
       *   - it's bad to inline large methods
       *   - it's good to inline higher order functions
       *   - it's good to inline closures functions.
       *   - it's bad (useless) to inline inside bridge methods
      private def neverInline   = caller.isBridge || !inc.hasCode || inc.noinline
      private def alwaysInline  = inc.inline

      def shouldInline: Boolean = !neverInline && (alwaysInline || {
        if (settings.debug.value)
          log("shouldInline: " + caller.m + " with " + inc.m)

        var score = 0

        // better not inline inside closures, but hope that the closure itself
        // is repeatedly inlined
        if (caller.isInClosure) score -= 2
        else if (caller.inlinedCalls < 1) score -= 1 // only monadic methods can trigger the first inline

        if (inc.isSmall)
          score += 1
        if (caller.isSmall && isLargeSum) {
          score -= 1
          if (settings.debug.value)
            log("shouldInline: score decreased to " + score + " because small " + caller + " would become large")
        if (inc.isLarge)
          score -= 1

        if (inc.isMonadic)
          score += 3
        else if (inc.isHigherOrder)
          score += 1
        if (inc.isInClosure)
          score += 2
        if (inc.numInlined > 2)
          score -= 2

        log("shouldInline(" + inc.m + ") score: " + score)

        score > 0

    def lookupIMethod(meth: Symbol, receiver: Symbol): Option[IMethod] = {
      def tryParent(sym: Symbol) = icodes icode sym flatMap (_ lookupMethod meth) map tryParent find (_.isDefined) getOrElse None
  } /* class Inliner */
} /* class Inliners */

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