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/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
* Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
* @author Martin Odersky
package symtab
import scala.reflect.NameTransformer
/** The class Names ...
* @author Martin Odersky
* @version 1.0, 05/02/2005
trait Names extends reflect.generic.Names {
// Operations -------------------------------------------------------------
private final val HASH_SIZE = 0x8000
private final val HASH_MASK = 0x7FFF
private final val NAME_SIZE = 0x20000
final val nameDebug = false
/** memory to store all names sequentially
var chrs: Array[Char] = new Array[Char](NAME_SIZE)
private var nc = 0
/** hashtable for finding term names quickly
private val termHashtable = new Array[TermName](HASH_SIZE)
/** hashtable for finding type names quickly
private val typeHashtable = new Array[TypeName](HASH_SIZE)
/** the hashcode of a name
private def hashValue(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): Int =
if (len > 0)
(len * (41 * 41 * 41) +
cs(offset) * (41 * 41) +
cs(offset + len - 1) * 41 +
cs(offset + (len >> 1)))
else 0;
/** Is (the ASCII representation of) name at given index equal to
* cs[offset..offset+len-1]?
private def equals(index: Int, cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): Boolean = {
var i = 0
while ((i < len) && (chrs(index + i) == cs(offset + i)))
i += 1;
i == len
/** enter characters into chrs array
private def enterChars(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int) {
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
if (nc + i == chrs.length) {
val newchrs = new Array[Char](chrs.length * 2)
compat.Platform.arraycopy(chrs, 0, newchrs, 0, chrs.length)
chrs = newchrs
chrs(nc + i) = cs(offset + i)
i += 1
if (len == 0) nc += 1
else nc = nc + len
/** Create a term name from the characters in cs[offset..offset+len-1].
def newTermName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): TermName = {
val h = hashValue(cs, offset, len) & HASH_MASK
var n = termHashtable(h)
while ((n ne null) && (n.length != len || !equals(n.start, cs, offset, len)))
n =;
if (n eq null) {
n = new TermName(nc, len, h)
enterChars(cs, offset, len)
/** create a term name from string
def newTermName(s: String): TermName =
newTermName(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length())
/** Create a term name from the UTF8 encoded bytes in bs[offset..offset+len-1].
def newTermName(bs: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): TermName = {
val chars = Codec fromUTF8 bs.slice(offset, offset + len)
newTermName(chars, 0, chars.length)
/** Create a type name from the characters in cs[offset..offset+len-1].
def newTypeName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): TypeName =
newTermName(cs, offset, len).toTypeName
/** Create a type name from string
def newTypeName(s: String): TypeName =
/** Create a type name from the UTF8 encoded bytes in bs[offset..offset+len-1].
def newTypeName(bs: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): TypeName =
newTermName(bs, offset, len).toTypeName
def mkTermName(name: Name): TermName = name.toTermName
def mkTypeName(name: Name): TypeName = name.toTypeName
def isTermName(name: Name): Boolean = name.isTermName
def isTypeName(name: Name): Boolean = name.isTypeName
def nameChars: Array[Char] = chrs
@deprecated("", "2.9.0") def view(s: String): TermName = newTermName(s)
// Classes ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** The name class. */
sealed abstract class Name(protected val index: Int, protected val len: Int) extends Function1[Int, Char] {
/** Index into name table */
def start: Int = index
/** next name in the same hash bucket
def next: Name
/** return the length of this name
final def length: Int = len
final def isEmpty = length == 0
final def nonEmpty = !isEmpty
def isTermName: Boolean
def isTypeName: Boolean
def toTermName: TermName
def toTypeName: TypeName
def companionName: Name
def bothNames: List[Name] = List(toTermName, toTypeName)
/** Copy bytes of this name to buffer cs, starting at position `offset`.
final def copyChars(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int) =
compat.Platform.arraycopy(chrs, index, cs, offset, len)
/** return the ascii representation of this name
final def toChars: Array[Char] = {
val cs = new Array[Char](len)
copyChars(cs, 0)
/** return the string representation of this name
final override def toString(): String = new String(chrs, index, len)
def debugString() = NameTransformer.decode(toString) + (if (isTypeName) "!" else "")
/** Write to UTF8 representation of this name to given character array.
* Start copying to index `to'. Return index of next free byte in array.
* Array must have enough remaining space for all bytes
* (i.e. maximally 3*length bytes).
final def copyUTF8(bs: Array[Byte], offset: Int): Int = {
val bytes = Codec toUTF8 chrs.slice(index, index + len)
compat.Platform.arraycopy(bytes, 0, bs, offset, bytes.length)
offset + bytes.length
/** return the hash value of this name
final override def hashCode(): Int = index
// Presently disabled.
// override def equals(other: Any) = paranoidEquals(other)
private def paranoidEquals(other: Any): Boolean = {
val cmp = this eq other.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
if (cmp || !nameDebug)
return cmp
other match {
case x: String =>
Console.println("Compared " + debugString + " and String '" + x + "'")
case x: Name =>
if (this.isTermName != x.isTermName) {
val panic = this.toTermName == x.toTermName
Console.println("Compared '%s' and '%s', one term, one type.%s".format(this, x,
if (panic) " And they contain the same name string!"
else ""
case _ =>
/** return the i'th Char of this name
final def apply(i: Int): Char = chrs(index + i)
/** return the index of first occurrence of char c in this name, length if not found */
final def pos(c: Char): Int = pos(c, 0)
/** return the index of first occurrence of char c in this name, length if not found */
final def pos(s: String): Int = pos(s, 0)
/** return the index of the first occurrence of character c in
* this name from start, length if not found.
* @param c the character
* @param start ...
* @return the index of the first occurrence of c
final def pos(c: Char, start: Int): Int = {
var i = start
while (i < len && chrs(index + i) != c) i += 1
/** return the index of the first occurrence of nonempty string s
* in this name from start, length if not found.
* @param s the string
* @param start ...
* @return the index of the first occurrence of s
final def pos(s: String, start: Int): Int = {
var i = pos(s.charAt(0), start)
while (i + s.length() <= len) {
var j = 1
while (s.charAt(j) == chrs(index + i + j)) {
j += 1
if (j == s.length()) return i
i = pos(s.charAt(0), i + 1)
/** return the index of last occurrence of char c in this
* name, -1 if not found.
* @param c the character
* @return the index of the last occurrence of c
final def lastPos(c: Char): Int = lastPos(c, len - 1)
final def lastPos(s: String): Int = lastPos(s, len - s.length)
/** return the index of the last occurrence of char c in this
* name from start, -1 if not found.
* @param c the character
* @param start ...
* @return the index of the last occurrence of c
final def lastPos(c: Char, start: Int): Int = {
var i = start
while (i >= 0 && chrs(index + i) != c) i -= 1
/** return the index of the last occurrence of string s in this
* name from start, -1 if not found.
* @param s the string
* @param start ...
* @return the index of the last occurrence of s
final def lastPos(s: String, start: Int): Int = {
var i = lastPos(s.charAt(0), start)
while (i >= 0) {
var j = 1;
while (s.charAt(j) == chrs(index + i + j)) {
j += 1
if (j == s.length()) return i;
i = lastPos(s.charAt(0), i - 1)
/** does this name start with prefix?
final def startsWith(prefix: Name): Boolean = startsWith(prefix, 0)
/** does this name start with prefix at given start index?
final def startsWith(prefix: Name, start: Int): Boolean = {
var i = 0
while (i < prefix.length && start + i < len &&
chrs(index + start + i) == chrs(prefix.start + i))
i += 1;
i == prefix.length
/** does this name end with suffix?
final def endsWith(suffix: Name): Boolean = endsWith(suffix, len)
/** does this name end with suffix just before given end index?
final def endsWith(suffix: Name, end: Int): Boolean = {
var i = 1
while (i <= suffix.length && i <= end &&
chrs(index + end - i) == chrs(suffix.start + suffix.length - i))
i += 1;
i > suffix.length
final def containsName(subname: String): Boolean = containsName(newTermName(subname))
final def containsName(subname: Name): Boolean = {
var start = 0
val last = len - subname.length
while (start <= last && !startsWith(subname, start)) start += 1
start <= last
/** Some thoroughly self-explanatory convenience functions. They
* assume that what they're being asked to do is known to be valid.
final def startChar: Char = apply(0)
final def endChar: Char = apply(len - 1)
final def startsWith(char: Char): Boolean = len > 0 && startChar == char
final def startsWith(name: String): Boolean = startsWith(newTermName(name))
final def endsWith(char: Char): Boolean = len > 0 && endChar == char
final def endsWith(name: String): Boolean = endsWith(newTermName(name))
final def stripStart(prefix: Name): Name = subName(prefix.length, len)
final def stripStart(prefix: String): Name = subName(prefix.length, len)
final def stripEnd(suffix: Name): Name = subName(0, len - suffix.length)
final def stripEnd(suffix: String): Name = subName(0, len - suffix.length)
def lastIndexOf(ch: Char) = toChars lastIndexOf ch
/** Return the subname with characters from start to end-1.
def subName(from: Int, to: Int): Name
/** Replace all occurrences of `from` by `to` in
* name; result is always a term name.
def replace(from: Char, to: Char): Name = {
val cs = new Array[Char](len)
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
val ch = this(i)
cs(i) = if (ch == from) to else ch
i += 1
newTermName(cs, 0, len)
/** Replace operator symbols by corresponding $op_name.
def encode: Name = {
val str = toString()
val res = NameTransformer.encode(str)
if (res == str) this
else if (isTypeName) newTypeName(res)
else newTermName(res)
def append(suffix: String): Name
def append(suffix: Name): Name
/** Replace $op_name by corresponding operator symbol.
def decode: String = (
NameTransformer.decode(toString()) +
(if (nameDebug && isTypeName) "!" else ""))//debug
def isOperatorName: Boolean = decode != toString
def nameKind: String = if (isTypeName) "type" else "term"
def longString: String = nameKind + " " + NameTransformer.decode(toString)
final class TermName(_index: Int, _len: Int, hash: Int) extends Name(_index, _len) {
var next: TermName = termHashtable(hash)
termHashtable(hash) = this
def isTermName: Boolean = true
def isTypeName: Boolean = false
def toTermName: TermName = this
def toTypeName: TypeName = {
val h = hashValue(chrs, index, len) & HASH_MASK
var n = typeHashtable(h)
while ((n ne null) && n.start != index)
n =;
if (n eq null)
n = new TypeName(index, len, h);
def append(suffix: String): TermName = newTermName(this + suffix)
def append(suffix: Name): TermName = append(suffix.toString)
def companionName: TypeName = toTypeName
def subName(from: Int, to: Int): TermName =
newTermName(chrs, start + from, to - from)
final class TypeName(_index: Int, _len: Int, hash: Int) extends Name(_index, _len) {
var next: TypeName = typeHashtable(hash)
typeHashtable(hash) = this
def isTermName: Boolean = false
def isTypeName: Boolean = true
def toTermName: TermName = {
val h = hashValue(chrs, index, len) & HASH_MASK
var n = termHashtable(h)
while ((n ne null) && n.start != index)
n =;
if (n eq null)
n = new TermName(index, len, h);
def toTypeName: TypeName = this
def append(suffix: String): TypeName = newTypeName(this + suffix)
def append(suffix: Name): TypeName = append(suffix.toString)
def companionName: TermName = toTermName
def subName(from: Int, to: Int): TypeName =
newTypeName(chrs, start + from, to - from)
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