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/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
* Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
* @author
package transform
import symtab.Flags._
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
/* */
/** - uncurry all symbol and tree types (@see UnCurryPhase) -- this includes normalizing all proper types.
* - for every curried parameter list: (ps_1) ... (ps_n) ==> (ps_1, ..., ps_n)
* - for every curried application: f(args_1)...(args_n) ==> f(args_1, ..., args_n)
* - for every type application: f[Ts] ==> f[Ts]() unless followed by parameters
* - for every use of a parameterless function: f ==> f() and q.f ==> q.f()
* - for every def-parameter: x: => T ==> x: () => T
* - for every use of a def-parameter: x ==> x.apply()
* - for every argument to a def parameter `x: => T':
* if argument is not a reference to a def parameter:
* convert argument `e' to (expansion of) `() => e'
* - for every repeated Scala parameter `x: T*' --> x: Seq[T].
* - for every repeated Java parameter `x: T...' --> x: Array[T], except:
* if T is an unbounded abstract type, replace --> x: Array[Object]
* - for every argument list that corresponds to a repeated Scala parameter
* (a_1, ..., a_n) => (Seq(a_1, ..., a_n))
* - for every argument list that corresponds to a repeated Java parameter
* (a_1, ..., a_n) => (Array(a_1, ..., a_n))
* - for every argument list that is an escaped sequence
* (a_1:_*) => (a_1) (possibly converted to sequence or array, as needed)
* - convert implicit method types to method types
* - convert non-trivial catches in try statements to matches
* - convert non-local returns to throws with enclosing try statements.
/* */
abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL {
import global._ // the global environment
import definitions._ // standard classes and methods
import CODE._
val phaseName: String = "uncurry"
def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer = new UnCurryTransformer(unit)
override def changesBaseClasses = false
// ------ Type transformation --------------------------------------------------------
// uncurry and uncurryType expand type aliases
private def expandAlias(tp: Type): Type = if (!tp.isHigherKinded) tp.normalize else tp
private def isUnboundedGeneric(tp: Type) = tp match {
case t @ TypeRef(_, sym, _) => sym.isAbstractType && !(t <:< AnyRefClass.tpe)
case _ => false
private val uncurry: TypeMap = new TypeMap {
def apply(tp0: Type): Type = {
// tp0.typeSymbolDirect.initialize
val tp = expandAlias(tp0)
tp match {
case MethodType(params, MethodType(params1, restpe)) =>
apply(MethodType(params ::: params1, restpe))
case MethodType(params, ExistentialType(tparams, restpe @ MethodType(_, _))) =>
assert(false, "unexpected curried method types with intervening existential")
case MethodType(h :: t, restpe) if h.isImplicit =>
apply(MethodType(h.cloneSymbol.resetFlag(IMPLICIT) :: t, restpe))
case NullaryMethodType(restpe) =>
apply(MethodType(List(), restpe))
case TypeRef(pre, ByNameParamClass, List(arg)) =>
apply(functionType(List(), arg))
case TypeRef(pre, RepeatedParamClass, args) =>
apply(appliedType(SeqClass.typeConstructor, args))
case TypeRef(pre, JavaRepeatedParamClass, args) =>
if (isUnboundedGeneric(args.head)) ObjectClass.tpe else args.head))
case _ =>
private val uncurryType = new TypeMap {
def apply(tp0: Type): Type = {
val tp = expandAlias(tp0)
tp match {
case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
val parents1 = parents mapConserve uncurry
if (parents1 eq parents) tp
else ClassInfoType(parents1, decls, clazz) // @MAT normalize in decls??
case PolyType(_, _) =>
case _ =>
/** - return symbol's transformed type,
* - if symbol is a def parameter with transformed type T, return () => T
* @MAT: starting with this phase, the info of every symbol will be normalized
def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type =
if (sym.isType) uncurryType(tp) else uncurry(tp)
/** Traverse tree omitting local method definitions.
* If a `return' is encountered, set `returnFound' to true.
* Used for MSIL only.
private object lookForReturns extends Traverser {
var returnFound = false
override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
case Return(_) => returnFound = true
case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) => ;
case _ => super.traverse(tree)
def found(tree: Tree) = {
returnFound = false
class UnCurryTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
private var needTryLift = false
private var inPattern = false
private var inConstructorFlag = 0L
private val byNameArgs = new mutable.HashSet[Tree]
private val noApply = new mutable.HashSet[Tree]
private val newMembers = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Tree]()
private val repeatedParams = mutable.Map[Symbol, List[ValDef]]()
private lazy val serialVersionUIDAnnotation =
AnnotationInfo(SerialVersionUIDAttr.tpe, List(Literal(Constant(0))), List())
override def transformUnit(unit: CompilationUnit) {
private var nprinted = 0
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = try { //debug
} catch {
case ex: Throwable =>
if (nprinted < 10) {
Console.println("exception when traversing " + tree)
nprinted += 1
throw ex
/* Is tree a reference `x' to a call by name parameter that needs to be converted to
* x.apply()? Note that this is not the case if `x' is used as an argument to another
* call by name parameter.
def isByNameRef(tree: Tree): Boolean =
tree.isTerm && tree.hasSymbol &&
isByNameParamType(tree.symbol.tpe) &&
/** Uncurry a type of a tree node.
* This function is sensitive to whether or not we are in a pattern -- when in a pattern
* additional parameter sections of a case class are skipped.
def uncurryTreeType(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
case MethodType(params, MethodType(params1, restpe)) if inPattern =>
uncurryTreeType(MethodType(params, restpe))
case _ =>
// ------- Handling non-local returns -------------------------------------------------
/** The type of a non-local return expression with given argument type */
private def nonLocalReturnExceptionType(argtype: Type) =
appliedType(NonLocalReturnControlClass.typeConstructor, List(argtype))
/** A hashmap from method symbols to non-local return keys */
private val nonLocalReturnKeys = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Symbol]()
/** Return non-local return key for given method */
private def nonLocalReturnKey(meth: Symbol) =
nonLocalReturnKeys.getOrElseUpdate(meth, {
meth.newValue(meth.pos, unit.freshTermName("nonLocalReturnKey"))
.setFlag (SYNTHETIC)
.setInfo (ObjectClass.tpe)
/** Generate a non-local return throw with given return expression from given method.
* I.e. for the method's non-local return key, generate:
* throw new NonLocalReturnControl(key, expr)
* todo: maybe clone a pre-existing exception instead?
* (but what to do about exceptions that miss their targets?)
private def nonLocalReturnThrow(expr: Tree, meth: Symbol) =
localTyper.typed {
List(List(Ident(nonLocalReturnKey(meth)), expr))))
/** Transform (body, key) to:
* {
* val key = new Object()
* try {
* body
* } catch {
* case ex: NonLocalReturnControl[_] =>
* if (ex.key().eq(key)) ex.value()
* else throw ex
* }
* }
private def nonLocalReturnTry(body: Tree, key: Symbol, meth: Symbol) = {
localTyper.typed {
val extpe = nonLocalReturnExceptionType(meth.tpe.finalResultType)
val ex = meth.newValue(body.pos, nme.ex) setInfo extpe
val pat = Bind(ex,
val rhs =
Apply(Select(Ident(ex), "key"), List()),
Apply(Select(Ident(ex), "value"), List()),
val keyDef = ValDef(key, New(TypeTree(ObjectClass.tpe), List(List())))
val tryCatch = Try(body, List(CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, rhs)), EmptyTree)
Block(List(keyDef), tryCatch)
// ------ Transforming anonymous functions and by-name-arguments ----------------
/** Undo eta expansion for parameterless and nullary methods */
def deEta(fun: Function): Tree = fun match {
case Function(List(), Apply(expr, List())) if treeInfo.isPureExpr(expr) =>
if (expr hasSymbolWhich (_.isLazy))
case Function(List(), expr) if isByNameRef(expr) =>
noApply += expr
case _ =>
/* Transform a function node (x_1,...,x_n) => body of type FunctionN[T_1, .., T_N, R] to
* class $anon() extends Object() with FunctionN[T_1, .., T_N, R] with ScalaObject {
* def apply(x_1: T_1, ..., x_N: T_n): R = body
* }
* new $anon()
* transform a function node (x => body) of type PartialFunction[T, R] where
* body = expr match { case P_i if G_i => E_i }_i=1..n
* to:
* class $anon() extends Object() with PartialFunction[T, R] with ScalaObject {
* def apply(x: T): R = (expr: @unchecked) match {
* { case P_i if G_i => E_i }_i=1..n
* def isDefinedAt(x: T): boolean = (x: @unchecked) match {
* case P_1 if G_1 => true
* ...
* case P_n if G_n => true
* case _ => false
* }
* }
* new $anon()
* However, if one of the patterns P_i if G_i is a default pattern, generate instead
* def isDefinedAt(x: T): boolean = true
def transformFunction(fun: Function): Tree = {
val fun1 = deEta(fun)
def owner = fun.symbol.owner
def targs = fun.tpe.typeArgs
def isPartial = fun.tpe.typeSymbol == PartialFunctionClass
if (fun1 ne fun) fun1
else {
val (formals, restpe) = (targs.init, targs.last)
val anonClass = owner newAnonymousFunctionClass fun.pos setFlag (FINAL | SYNTHETIC | inConstructorFlag)
def parents =
if (isFunctionType(fun.tpe)) List(abstractFunctionForFunctionType(fun.tpe), SerializableClass.tpe)
else List(ObjectClass.tpe, fun.tpe, SerializableClass.tpe)
anonClass setInfo ClassInfoType(parents, new Scope, anonClass)
val applyMethod = anonClass.newMethod(fun.pos, nme.apply) setFlag FINAL
applyMethod setInfo MethodType(applyMethod newSyntheticValueParams formals, restpe) enter applyMethod
fun.vparams foreach (_.symbol.owner = applyMethod)
new ChangeOwnerTraverser(fun.symbol, applyMethod) traverse fun.body
def mkUnchecked(tree: Tree) = {
def newUnchecked(expr: Tree) = Annotated(New(gen.scalaDot(, List(Nil)), expr)
tree match {
case Match(selector, cases) => atPos(tree.pos) { Match(newUnchecked(selector), cases) }
case _ => tree
def applyMethodDef() = {
val body = if (isPartial) mkUnchecked(fun.body) else fun.body
DefDef(Modifiers(FINAL), nme.apply, Nil, List(fun.vparams), TypeTree(restpe), body) setSymbol applyMethod
def isDefinedAtMethodDef() = {
val m = anonClass.newMethod(fun.pos, nme.isDefinedAt) setFlag FINAL
m setInfo MethodType(m newSyntheticValueParams formals, BooleanClass.tpe) enter m
val Match(selector, cases) = fun.body
val vparam = fun.vparams.head.symbol
val idparam = m.paramss.head.head
val substParam = new TreeSymSubstituter(List(vparam), List(idparam))
def substTree[T <: Tree](t: T): T = substParam(resetLocalAttrs(t))
def transformCase(cdef: CaseDef): CaseDef =
substTree(CaseDef(cdef.pat.duplicate, cdef.guard.duplicate, Literal(true)))
def defaultCase = CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, Literal(false))
DefDef(m, mkUnchecked(
if (cases exists treeInfo.isDefaultCase) Literal(true)
else Match(substTree(selector.duplicate), (cases map transformCase) :+ defaultCase)
val members =
if (isPartial) List(applyMethodDef, isDefinedAtMethodDef)
else List(applyMethodDef)
localTyper.typedPos(fun.pos) {
List(ClassDef(anonClass, NoMods, List(List()), List(List()), members, fun.pos)),
New(TypeTree(anonClass.tpe), List(List())),
def transformArgs(pos: Position, fun: Symbol, args: List[Tree], formals: List[Type]) = {
val isJava = fun.isJavaDefined
def transformVarargs(varargsElemType: Type) = {
def mkArrayValue(ts: List[Tree], elemtp: Type) =
ArrayValue(TypeTree(elemtp), ts) setType arrayType(elemtp)
// when calling into scala varargs, make sure it's a sequence.
def arrayToSequence(tree: Tree, elemtp: Type) = {
atPhase( {
localTyper.typedPos(pos) {
val pt = arrayType(elemtp)
val adaptedTree = // might need to cast to Array[elemtp], as arrays are not covariant
if (tree.tpe <:< pt) tree
else gen.mkCastArray(tree, elemtp, pt)
gen.mkWrapArray(adaptedTree, elemtp)
// when calling into java varargs, make sure it's an array - see bug #1360
def sequenceToArray(tree: Tree) = {
val toArraySym = tree.tpe member nme.toArray
assert(toArraySym != NoSymbol)
def getManifest(tp: Type): Tree = {
val manifestOpt = localTyper.findManifest(tp, false)
if (!manifestOpt.tree.isEmpty) manifestOpt.tree
else if (tp.bounds.hi ne tp) getManifest(tp.bounds.hi)
else localTyper.getManifestTree(tree.pos, tp, false)
atPhase( {
localTyper.typedPos(pos) {
Apply(gen.mkAttributedSelect(tree, toArraySym),
var suffix: Tree =
if (treeInfo isWildcardStarArgList args) {
val Typed(tree, _) = args.last;
if (isJava)
if (tree.tpe.typeSymbol == ArrayClass) tree
else sequenceToArray(tree)
if (tree.tpe.typeSymbol isSubClass TraversableClass) tree // @PP: I suspect this should be SeqClass
else arrayToSequence(tree, varargsElemType)
else {
def mkArray = mkArrayValue(args drop (formals.length - 1), varargsElemType)
if (isJava || inPattern) mkArray
else if (args.isEmpty) gen.mkNil // avoid needlessly double-wrapping an empty argument list
else arrayToSequence(mkArray, varargsElemType)
atPhase( {
if (isJava && isPrimitiveArray(suffix.tpe) && isArrayOfSymbol(fun.tpe.params.last.tpe, ObjectClass)) {
suffix = localTyper.typedPos(pos) {
gen.mkRuntimeCall("toObjectArray", List(suffix))
args.take(formals.length - 1) :+ (suffix setType formals.last)
val args1 = if (isVarArgTypes(formals)) transformVarargs(formals.last.typeArgs.head) else args
(formals, args1).zipped map { (formal, arg) =>
if (!isByNameParamType(formal)) {
} else if (isByNameRef(arg)) {
byNameArgs += arg
arg setType functionType(List(), arg.tpe)
} else {
if (opt.verboseDebug) {
val posstr = arg.pos.source.path + ":" + arg.pos.line
val permstr = if (fun.isPrivate) "private" else "notprivate"
log("byname | %s | %s | %s".format(posstr, fun.fullName, permstr))
val result = localTyper.typed(
Function(Nil, arg) setPos arg.pos).asInstanceOf[Function]
new ChangeOwnerTraverser(currentOwner, result.symbol).traverse(arg)
/** For removing calls to specially designated methods.
def elideIntoUnit(tree: Tree): Tree = Literal(()) setPos tree.pos setType UnitClass.tpe
def isElidable(tree: Tree) = {
val sym = treeInfo.methPart(tree).symbol
// XXX settings.noassertions.value temporarily retained to avoid
// breakage until a reasonable interface is settled upon.
sym != null && sym.elisionLevel.exists(x => x < settings.elidebelow.value || settings.noassertions.value) && {
log("Eliding call from " + tree.symbol.owner + " to " + sym + " based on its elision threshold of " + sym.elisionLevel.get)
def isNonLocalReturn(ret: Return) = ret.symbol != currentOwner.enclMethod || currentOwner.isLazy
// ------ The tree transformers --------------------------------------------------------
def mainTransform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
@inline def withNeedLift(needLift: Boolean)(f: => Tree): Tree = {
val saved = needTryLift
needTryLift = needLift
try f
finally needTryLift = saved
/** A try or synchronized needs to be lifted anyway for MSIL if it contains
* return statements. These are disallowed in the CLR. By lifting
* such returns will be converted to throws.
def shouldBeLiftedAnyway(tree: Tree) = false && // buggy, see #1981
forMSIL && lookForReturns.found(tree)
/** Transform tree `t' to { def f = t; f } where `f' is a fresh name
def liftTree(tree: Tree) = {
if (settings.debug.value)
log("lifting tree at: " + (tree.pos))
val sym = currentOwner.newMethod(tree.pos, unit.freshTermName("liftedTree"))
sym.setInfo(MethodType(List(), tree.tpe))
new ChangeOwnerTraverser(currentOwner, sym).traverse(tree)
List(DefDef(sym, List(Nil), tree)),
Apply(Ident(sym), Nil)
def withInConstructorFlag(inConstructorFlag: Long)(f: => Tree): Tree = {
val saved = this.inConstructorFlag
this.inConstructorFlag = inConstructorFlag
try f
finally this.inConstructorFlag = saved
if (isElidable(tree)) elideIntoUnit(tree)
else tree match {
case dd @ DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
if (dd.symbol hasAnnotation VarargsClass) saveRepeatedParams(dd)
withNeedLift(false) {
if (tree.symbol.isClassConstructor) {
atOwner(tree.symbol) {
val rhs1 = (rhs: @unchecked) match {
case Block(stats, expr) =>
def transformInConstructor(stat: Tree) =
withInConstructorFlag(INCONSTRUCTOR) { transform(stat) }
val presupers = treeInfo.preSuperFields(stats) map transformInConstructor
val rest = stats drop presupers.length
val supercalls = rest take 1 map transformInConstructor
val others = rest drop 1 map transform
treeCopy.Block(rhs, presupers ::: supercalls ::: others, transform(expr))
tree, mods, name, transformTypeDefs(tparams),
transformValDefss(vparamss), transform(tpt), rhs1)
} else {
case ValDef(_, _, _, rhs) =>
val sym = tree.symbol
// a local variable that is mutable and free somewhere later should be lifted
// as lambda lifting (coming later) will wrap 'rhs' in an Ref object.
if (!sym.owner.isSourceMethod || (sym.isVariable && freeMutableVars(sym)))
withNeedLift(true) { super.transform(tree) }
case Apply(Select(Block(List(), Function(vparams, body)), nme.apply), args) =>
// perform beta-reduction; this helps keep view applications small
println("beta-reduce1: "+tree)
withNeedLift(true) {
mainTransform(new TreeSubstituter(vparams map (_.symbol), args).transform(body))
case Apply(Select(Function(vparams, body), nme.apply), args) =>
// if (List.forall2(vparams, args)((vparam, arg) => treeInfo.isAffineIn(body) ||
// treeInfo.isPureExpr(arg))) =>
// perform beta-reduction; this helps keep view applications small
println("beta-reduce2: "+tree)
withNeedLift(true) {
mainTransform(new TreeSubstituter(vparams map (_.symbol), args).transform(body))
case UnApply(fn, args) =>
inPattern = false
val fn1 = transform(fn)
inPattern = true
val args1 = transformTrees( match {
case nme.unapply => args
case nme.unapplySeq => transformArgs(tree.pos, fn.symbol, args, analyzer.unapplyTypeListFromReturnTypeSeq(fn.tpe))
case _ => sys.error("internal error: UnApply node has wrong symbol")
treeCopy.UnApply(tree, fn1, args1)
case Apply(fn, args) =>
if (fn.symbol == Object_synchronized && shouldBeLiftedAnyway(args.head))
transform(treeCopy.Apply(tree, fn, List(liftTree(args.head))))
withNeedLift(true) {
val formals = fn.tpe.paramTypes
treeCopy.Apply(tree, transform(fn), transformTrees(transformArgs(tree.pos, fn.symbol, args, formals)))
case Assign(Select(_, _), _) =>
withNeedLift(true) { super.transform(tree) }
case Assign(lhs, _) if lhs.symbol.owner != currentMethod || lhs.symbol.hasFlag(LAZY | ACCESSOR) =>
withNeedLift(true) { super.transform(tree) }
case ret @ Return(_) if (isNonLocalReturn(ret)) =>
withNeedLift(true) { super.transform(ret) }
case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
if (needTryLift || shouldBeLiftedAnyway(tree)) transform(liftTree(tree))
else super.transform(tree)
case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
inPattern = true
val pat1 = transform(pat)
inPattern = false
treeCopy.CaseDef(tree, pat1, transform(guard), transform(body))
case fun @ Function(_, _) =>
case Template(_, _, _) =>
withInConstructorFlag(0) { super.transform(tree) }
case _ =>
val tree1 = super.transform(tree)
if (isByNameRef(tree1)) {
val tree2 = tree1 setType functionType(Nil, tree1.tpe)
return {
if (noApply contains tree2) tree2
else localTyper.typedPos(tree1.pos)(Apply(Select(tree2, nme.apply), Nil))
} setType {
assert(tree.tpe != null, tree + " tpe is null")
def postTransform(tree: Tree): Tree = atPhase( {
def applyUnary(): Tree = {
def needsParens = tree.symbol.isMethod && !tree.tpe.isInstanceOf[PolyType] // TODO_NMT: verify that the inner tree of a type-apply also gets parens if the whole tree is a polymorphic nullary method application
def repair = {
if (!tree.tpe.isInstanceOf[MethodType]) // i.e., it's a NullaryMethodType
tree.tpe = MethodType(Nil, tree.tpe.resultType) // TODO_NMT: I think the original `tree.tpe` was wrong, since that would set the method's resulttype to PolyType(Nil, restp) instead of restp
atPos(tree.pos)(Apply(tree, Nil) setType tree.tpe.resultType)
if (needsParens) repair
else if (tree.isType) TypeTree(tree.tpe) setPos tree.pos
else tree
tree match {
/* Some uncurry post transformations add members to templates.
* When inside a template, the following sequence is available:
* - newMembers
* Any entry in this sequence will be added into the template
* once the template transformation has finished.
* In particular, this case will add:
* - synthetic Java varargs forwarders for repeated parameters
case Template(parents, self, body) =>
localTyper = typer.atOwner(tree, currentClass)
val tmpl = if (!forMSIL || forMSIL) {
treeCopy.Template(tree, parents, self, transformTrees(newMembers.toList) ::: body)
} else super.transform(tree).asInstanceOf[Template]
case dd @ DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
val rhs1 = nonLocalReturnKeys.get(tree.symbol) match {
case None => rhs
case Some(k) => atPos(rhs.pos)(nonLocalReturnTry(rhs, k, tree.symbol))
val flatdd = treeCopy.DefDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, List(vparamss.flatten), tpt, rhs1)
if (dd.symbol hasAnnotation VarargsClass) addJavaVarargsForwarders(dd, flatdd, tree)
case Try(body, catches, finalizer) =>
if (catches forall treeInfo.isCatchCase) tree
else {
val exname = unit.freshTermName("ex$")
val cases =
if ((catches exists treeInfo.isDefaultCase) || (catches.last match { // bq: handle try { } catch { ... case ex:Throwable => ...}
case CaseDef(Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt), EmptyTree, _) if (tpt.tpe =:= ThrowableClass.tpe) =>
case CaseDef(Bind(_, Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt)), EmptyTree, _) if (tpt.tpe =:= ThrowableClass.tpe) =>
case _ =>
})) catches
else catches :+ CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, Throw(Ident(exname)))
val catchall =
atPos(tree.pos) {
Bind(exname, Ident(nme.WILDCARD)),
Match(Ident(exname), cases))
if (settings.debug.value) log("rewrote try: " + catches + " ==> " + catchall);
val catches1 = localTyper.typedCases(
tree, List(catchall), ThrowableClass.tpe, WildcardType)
treeCopy.Try(tree, body, catches1, finalizer)
case Apply(Apply(fn, args), args1) =>
treeCopy.Apply(tree, fn, args ::: args1)
case Ident(name) =>
assert(name != tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR)
case Select(_, _) | TypeApply(_, _) =>
case ret @ Return(expr) if (isNonLocalReturn(ret)) =>
if (settings.debug.value) log("non local return in "+ret.symbol+" from "+currentOwner.enclMethod)
atPos(ret.pos)(nonLocalReturnThrow(expr, ret.symbol))
case TypeTree() =>
case _ =>
if (tree.isType) TypeTree(tree.tpe) setPos tree.pos else tree
/* Analyzes repeated params if method is annotated as `varargs`.
* If the repeated params exist, it saves them into the `repeatedParams` map,
* which is used later.
private def saveRepeatedParams(dd: DefDef): Unit =
if (dd.symbol.isConstructor)
unit.error(dd.symbol.pos, "A constructor cannot be annotated with a `varargs` annotation.")
else treeInfo.repeatedParams(dd) match {
case Nil =>
unit.error(dd.symbol.pos, "A method without repeated parameters cannot be annotated with the `varargs` annotation.")
case reps =>
repeatedParams(dd.symbol) = reps
/* Called during post transform, after the method argument lists have been flattened.
* It looks for the method in the `repeatedParams` map, and generates a Java-style
* varargs forwarder. It then adds the forwarder to the `newMembers` sequence.
private def addJavaVarargsForwarders(dd: DefDef, flatdd: DefDef, tree: Tree): Unit = {
if (!repeatedParams.contains(dd.symbol))
def toSeqType(tp: Type): Type = {
val arg = elementType(ArrayClass, tp)
def toArrayType(tp: Type): Type = {
val arg = elementType(SeqClass, tp)
// to prevent generation of an `Object` parameter from `Array[T]` parameter later
// as this would crash the Java compiler which expects an `Object[]` array for varargs
// e.g. def foo[T](a: Int, b: T*)
// becomes def foo[T](a: Int, b: Array[Object])
// instead of def foo[T](a: Int, b: Array[T]) ===> def foo[T](a: Int, b: Object)
if (arg.typeSymbol.isTypeParameterOrSkolem) ObjectClass.tpe
else arg
val reps = repeatedParams(dd.symbol)
val rpsymbols =
val theTyper = typer.atOwner(tree, currentClass)
val flatparams = flatdd.vparamss.head
// create the type
val forwformals = flatparams map {
case p if rpsymbols(p.symbol) => toArrayType(p.symbol.tpe)
case p => p.symbol.tpe
val forwresult = dd.symbol.tpe.finalResultType
val forwformsyms = (forwformals, flatparams).zipped map ((tp, oldparam) =>
def mono = MethodType(forwformsyms, forwresult)
val forwtype = dd.symbol.tpe match {
case MethodType(_, _) => mono
case PolyType(tps, _) => PolyType(tps, mono)
// create the symbol
val forwsym = (
. setFlag (VARARGS | SYNTHETIC | flatdd.symbol.flags)
. setInfo (forwtype)
// create the tree
val forwtree = theTyper.typedPos(dd.pos) {
val locals = (forwsym ARGS, flatparams).zipped map {
case (_, fp) if !rpsymbols(fp.symbol) => null
case (argsym, fp) =>
gen.mkWrapArray(Ident(argsym), elementType(ArrayClass, argsym.tpe)),
seqType(elementType(SeqClass, fp.symbol.tpe))
val seqargs = (locals, forwsym ARGS).zipped map {
case (null, argsym) => Ident(argsym)
case (l, _) => l
val end = if (forwsym.isConstructor) List(UNIT) else Nil
DEF(forwsym) === BLOCK(
Apply(gen.mkAttributedRef(flatdd.symbol), seqargs) :: end : _*
// check if the method with that name and those arguments already exists in the template => s != forwsym && s.tpe.matches(forwsym.tpe)) match {
case Some(s) => unit.error(dd.symbol.pos,
"A method with a varargs annotation produces a forwarder method with the same signature "
+ s.tpe + " as an existing method.")
case None =>
// enter symbol into scope enter forwsym
// add the method to `newMembers`
newMembers += forwtree
/** Set of mutable local variables that are free in some inner method. */
private val freeMutableVars: mutable.Set[Symbol] = new mutable.HashSet
/** PP: There is apparently some degree of overlap between the CAPTURED
* flag and the role being filled here. I think this is how this was able
* to go for so long looking only at DefDef and Ident nodes, as bugs
* would only emerge under more complicated conditions such as #3855.
* I'll try to figure it all out, but if someone who already knows the
* whole story wants to fill it in, that too would be great.
private val freeLocalsTraverser = new Traverser {
var currentMethod: Symbol = NoSymbol
var maybeEscaping = false
def withEscaping(body: => Unit) {
val saved = maybeEscaping
maybeEscaping = true
try body
finally maybeEscaping = saved
override def traverse(tree: Tree) = tree match {
case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) =>
val lastMethod = currentMethod
currentMethod = tree.symbol
currentMethod = lastMethod
/** A method call with a by-name parameter represents escape. */
case Apply(fn, args) if fn.symbol.paramss.nonEmpty =>
(fn.symbol.paramss.head, args).zipped foreach { (param, arg) =>
if (param.tpe != null && isByNameParamType(param.tpe))
/** The rhs of a closure represents escape. */
case Function(vparams, body) =>
vparams foreach traverse
/** The appearance of an ident outside the method where it was defined or
* anytime maybeEscaping is true implies escape.
case Ident(_) =>
val sym = tree.symbol
if (sym.isVariable && sym.owner.isMethod && (maybeEscaping || sym.owner != currentMethod))
freeMutableVars += sym
case _ =>
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