org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints.HttpConsumerEndpoint Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import javax.jbi.messaging.ExchangeStatus;
import javax.jbi.messaging.Fault;
import javax.jbi.messaging.MessageExchange;
import javax.jbi.messaging.NormalizedMessage;
import javax.jbi.servicedesc.ServiceEndpoint;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent;
import org.apache.servicemix.common.ServiceUnit;
import org.apache.servicemix.common.JbiConstants;
import org.apache.servicemix.common.endpoints.ConsumerEndpoint;
import org.apache.servicemix.http.ContextManager;
import org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpComponent;
import org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpEndpointType;
import org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpProcessor;
import org.apache.servicemix.http.SslParameters;
import org.apache.servicemix.http.jetty.JaasJettyPrincipal;
import org.apache.servicemix.jbi.jaxp.SourceTransformer;
import org.mortbay.jetty.RetryRequest;
import org.mortbay.util.ajax.Continuation;
import org.mortbay.util.ajax.ContinuationSupport;
import org.mortbay.util.ajax.WaitingContinuation;
* Plain HTTP consumer endpoint. This endpoint can be used to handle plain HTTP request (without SOAP) or to be able to
* process the request in a non standard way. For HTTP requests, a WSDL2 HTTP binding can be used.
* @author gnodet
* @since 3.2
* @org.apache.xbean.XBean element="consumer"
public class HttpConsumerEndpoint extends ConsumerEndpoint implements HttpProcessor, HttpEndpointType {
public static final String MAIN_WSDL = "main.wsdl";
private String authMethod;
private SslParameters ssl;
private String locationURI;
private HttpConsumerMarshaler marshaler;
private long timeout; // 0 => default to the timeout configured on component
private URI defaultMep = JbiConstants.IN_OUT;
private Map resources = new HashMap();
private Map locks = new ConcurrentHashMap();
private Object httpContext;
private boolean started = false;
public HttpConsumerEndpoint() {
public HttpConsumerEndpoint(DefaultComponent component, ServiceEndpoint endpoint) {
super(component, endpoint);
public HttpConsumerEndpoint(ServiceUnit serviceUnit, QName service, String endpoint) {
super(serviceUnit, service, endpoint);
* Returns the URI at which the endpoint listens for new requests.
* @return a string representing the endpoint's URI
public String getLocationURI() {
return locationURI;
* Sets the URI at which an endpoint listens for requests.
* @param locationURI a string representing the URI
* @org.apache.xbean.Property description="the URI at which the endpoint listens for requests"
public void setLocationURI(String locationURI) {
this.locationURI = locationURI;
* Returns the timeout value for an HTTP endpoint.
* @return the timeout specified in milliseconds
public long getTimeout() {
return timeout;
* Specifies the timeout value for an HTTP consumer endpoint. The timeout is specified in milliseconds. The default value is 0
* which means that the endpoint will never timeout.
* @org.apache.xbean.Property description="the timeout is specified in milliseconds. The default value is 0 which
* means that the endpoint will never timeout."
* @param timeout the length time, in milliseconds, to wait before timing out
public void setTimeout(long timeout) {
this.timeout = timeout;
* @return the marshaler
public HttpConsumerMarshaler getMarshaler() {
return marshaler;
* Sets the class used to marshal messages.
* @param marshaler the marshaler to set
* @org.apache.xbean.Property description="the bean used to marshal HTTP messages. The default is a
* DefaultHttpConsumerMarshaler
public void setMarshaler(HttpConsumerMarshaler marshaler) {
this.marshaler = marshaler;
* Returns a string describing the authentication scheme being used by an endpoint.
* @return a string representing the authentication method used by an endpoint
public String getAuthMethod() {
return authMethod;
* Specifies the authentication method used by a secure endpoint. The authentication method is a string naming the scheme used
* for authenticating users.
* @param authMethod a string naming the authentication scheme a secure endpoint should use
* @org.apache.xbean.Property description="a string naming the scheme used for authenticating users"
public void setAuthMethod(String authMethod) {
this.authMethod = authMethod;
* @return the sslParameters
public SslParameters getSsl() {
return ssl;
* Sets the properties used to configure SSL for the endpoint.
* @param ssl an SslParameters
object containing the SSL properties
* @org.apache.xbean.Property description="a bean containing the SSL configuration properties"
public void setSsl(SslParameters ssl) {
this.ssl = ssl;
* Returns a URI representing the default message exachange pattern(MEP) used by an endpoint.
* @return a URI representing an endpoint's default MEP
public URI getDefaultMep() {
return defaultMep;
* Sets the default message exchange pattern(MEP) for an endpoint. The default MEP is specified as a URI and the default is
* JbiConstants.IN_OUT
* @param defaultMep a URI representing the default MEP of the endpoint
* @org.apache.xbean.Property description="a URI representing the endpoint's default MEP. The default is
* JbiConstants.IN_OUT
public void setDefaultMep(URI defaultMep) {
this.defaultMep = defaultMep;
public void activate() throws Exception {
httpContext = getServerManager().createContext(locationURI, this);
public void deactivate() throws Exception {
httpContext = null;
public void start() throws Exception {
started = true;
public void stop() throws Exception {
started = false;
public void process(MessageExchange exchange) throws Exception {
// Receive the exchange response
// First, check if the continuation has not been removed from the map,
// which would mean it has timed out. If this is the case, throw an exception
// that will set the exchange status to ERROR.
Continuation cont = locks.get(exchange.getExchangeId());
if (cont == null) {
throw new Exception("HTTP request has timed out for exchange: " + exchange.getExchangeId());
synchronized (cont) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Resuming continuation for exchange: " + exchange.getExchangeId());
// In case of the SEDA flow isn't used, the exchange could be a different instance, so it should be updated.
// Resume continuation
if (!cont.isResumed()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Could not resume continuation for exchange: " + exchange.getExchangeId());
throw new Exception("HTTP request has timed out for exchange: " + exchange.getExchangeId());
public void process(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Receiving HTTP request: " + request);
MessageExchange exchange = null;
try {
// Handle WSDLs, XSDs
if (handleStaticResource(request, response)) {
Continuation cont = createContinuation(request);
long to = this.timeout;
if (to == 0) {
to = ((HttpComponent) getServiceUnit().getComponent()).getConfiguration().getConsumerProcessorSuspendTime();
if (!cont.isPending()) {
// Check endpoint is started
if (!started) {
response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Endpoint is stopped");
// Create the exchange
exchange = createExchange(request);
// Put the exchange into the continuation for retrieval later.
// Put the continuation in a map under the exchange id key
locks.put(exchange.getExchangeId(), cont);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Suspending continuation for exchange: " + exchange.getExchangeId());
synchronized (cont) {
// Send the exchange and then suspend the request.
// Suspend the continuation for the configured timeout
// If a SelectConnector is used, the call to suspend
// will throw a RetryRequest exception
// else, the call will block until the continuation is
// resumed
boolean istimeout = !cont.suspend(to);
// The call has not thrown a RetryRequest, which means
// we don't use a SelectConnector
// and we must handle the exchange in this very method
// call.
// If result is false, the continuation has timed out.
// Timeout if SelectConnector is not used
if (istimeout) {
throw new Exception("HTTP request has timed out for exchange: " + exchange.getExchangeId());
} else {
// The continuation is a retry.
// This happens when the SelectConnector is used and in two cases:
// * the continuation has been resumed because the exchange has been received
// * the continuation has timed out
boolean istimeout = !cont.suspend(to);
exchange = (MessageExchange) cont.getObject();
// Remove the continuation from the map, indicating it has been processed or timed out
// Timeout
if (istimeout) {
throw new Exception("HTTP request has timed out for exchange: " + exchange.getExchangeId());
// At this point, we have received the exchange response,
// so process it and send back the HTTP response
if (exchange.getStatus() == ExchangeStatus.ERROR) {
Exception e = exchange.getError();
if (e == null) {
e = new Exception("Unkown error (exchange aborted ?)");
throw e;
} else if (exchange.getStatus() == ExchangeStatus.ACTIVE) {
try {
Fault fault = exchange.getFault();
if (fault != null) {
sendFault(exchange, fault, request, response);
} else {
NormalizedMessage outMsg = exchange.getMessage("out");
if (outMsg != null) {
sendOut(exchange, outMsg, request, response);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail(exchange, e);
throw e;
} else if (exchange.getStatus() == ExchangeStatus.DONE) {
// This happens when there is no response to send back
sendAccepted(exchange, request, response);
} catch (RetryRequest e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
sendError(exchange, e, request, response);
private Continuation createContinuation(HttpServletRequest request) {
// not giving a specific mutex will synchronize on the continuation itself
Continuation continuation = ContinuationSupport.getContinuation(request, null);
if (continuation instanceof WaitingContinuation) {
return continuation;
} else {
// wrap the continuation to avoid a deadlock between this endpoint and the Jetty continuation timeout mechanism
// the endpoint now synchronizes on the wrapper while Jetty synchronizes on the continuation itself
return new ContinuationWrapper(continuation);
protected void loadStaticResources() throws Exception {
* Handle static resources
* @param request the http request
* @param response the http response
* @return true
if the request has been handled
* @throws IOException
* @throws ServletException
protected boolean handleStaticResource(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException {
if (!"GET".equals(request.getMethod())) {
return false;
String query = request.getQueryString();
if (query != null && query.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("wsdl") && getResource(MAIN_WSDL) != null) {
String uri = request.getRequestURI();
if (!uri.endsWith("/")) {
uri += "/";
uri += MAIN_WSDL;
return true;
String path = request.getPathInfo();
if (path.lastIndexOf('/') >= 0) {
path = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
Object res = getResource(path);
if (res == null) {
return false;
if (res instanceof Node) {
try {
new SourceTransformer().toResult(new DOMSource((Node) res),
new StreamResult(response.getOutputStream()));
} catch (TransformerException e) {
throw new ServletException("Error while sending xml resource", e);
} else if (res != null) {
// TODO: handle other static resources ...
throw new ServletException("Unable to serialize resource");
} else {
return false;
return true;
protected Object getResource(String path) {
return resources.get(path);
protected void addResource(String path, Object resource) {
resources.put(path, resource);
protected ContextManager getServerManager() {
HttpComponent comp = (HttpComponent) getServiceUnit().getComponent();
return comp.getServer();
public MessageExchange createExchange(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
MessageExchange me = marshaler.createExchange(request, getContext());
if (me.getEndpoint() == null) {
// If the user has been authenticated, put these informations on
// the in NormalizedMessage.
if (request.getUserPrincipal() instanceof JaasJettyPrincipal) {
Subject subject = ((JaasJettyPrincipal) request.getUserPrincipal()).getSubject();
return me;
public void sendAccepted(MessageExchange exchange, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
marshaler.sendAccepted(exchange, request, response);
public void sendError(MessageExchange exchange, Exception error, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
marshaler.sendError(exchange, error, request, response);
public void sendFault(MessageExchange exchange, Fault fault, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
marshaler.sendFault(exchange, fault, request, response);
public void sendOut(MessageExchange exchange, NormalizedMessage outMsg, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
marshaler.sendOut(exchange, outMsg, request, response);
public void validate() throws DeploymentException {
if (locationURI == null || locationURI.trim().length() < 1) {
throw new DeploymentException("The location URI is mandatory.");
if (endpoint != null && endpoint.contains(":")) {
throw new DeploymentException("Endpoint name contains ':'. This character is not allowed as it can provide invalid WSDL.");
if (marshaler == null) {
marshaler = new DefaultHttpConsumerMarshaler();
if (marshaler instanceof DefaultHttpConsumerMarshaler) {
((DefaultHttpConsumerMarshaler) marshaler).setDefaultMep(getDefaultMep());
* Continuation wrapper just delegates everything to the underlying Continuation
private static final class ContinuationWrapper implements Continuation {
private final Continuation continuation;
private ContinuationWrapper(Continuation continuation) {
this.continuation = continuation;
public Object getObject() {
return continuation.getObject();
public boolean isNew() {
return continuation.isNew();
public boolean isPending() {
return continuation.isPending();
public boolean isResumed() {
return continuation.isResumed();
public void reset() {
public void resume() {
public void setObject(Object o) {
public boolean suspend(long timeout) {
return continuation.suspend(timeout);
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