banyandb.v1.banyandb-measure.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Licensed to Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright
// ownership. Apache Software Foundation (ASF) licenses this file to you under
// the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "org.apache.skywalking.banyandb.measure.v1";
package banyandb.measure.v1;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "validate/validate.proto";
import "banyandb/v1/banyandb-common.proto";
import "banyandb/v1/banyandb-model.proto";
// DataPoint is stored in Measures
message DataPoint {
// timestamp is in the timeunit of milliseconds.
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
// tag_families contains tags selected in the projection
repeated model.v1.TagFamily tag_families = 2;
message Field {
string name = 1;
model.v1.FieldValue value = 2;
// fields contains fields selected in the projection
repeated Field fields = 3;
// QueryResponse is the response for a query to the Query module.
message QueryResponse {
// data_points are the actual data returned
repeated DataPoint data_points = 1;
// trace contains the trace information of the query when trace is enabled
common.v1.Trace trace = 2;
// QueryRequest is the request contract for query.
message QueryRequest {
// groups indicate where the data points are stored.
repeated string groups = 1 [(validate.rules).repeated.min_items = 1];
// name is the identity of a measure.
string name = 2 [(validate.rules).string.min_len = 1];
// time_range is a range query with begin/end time of entities in the timeunit of milliseconds.
model.v1.TimeRange time_range = 3 [(validate.rules).message.required = true];
// tag_families are indexed.
model.v1.Criteria criteria = 4;
// tag_projection can be used to select tags of the data points in the response
model.v1.TagProjection tag_projection = 5;
message FieldProjection {
repeated string names = 1;
// field_projection can be used to select fields of the data points in the response
FieldProjection field_projection = 6;
message GroupBy {
// tag_projection must be a subset of the tag_projection of QueryRequest
model.v1.TagProjection tag_projection = 1;
// field_name must be one of fields indicated by field_projection
string field_name = 2;
// group_by groups data points based on their field value for a specific tag and use field_name as the projection name
GroupBy group_by = 7;
message Aggregation {
model.v1.AggregationFunction function = 1;
// field_name must be one of files indicated by the field_projection
string field_name = 2;
// agg aggregates data points based on a field
Aggregation agg = 8;
message Top {
// number set the how many items should be returned
int32 number = 1;
// field_name must be one of files indicated by the field_projection
string field_name = 2;
// field_value_sort indicates how to sort fields
// ASC: bottomN
// DESC: topN
model.v1.Sort field_value_sort = 3;
// top limits the result based on a particular field.
// If order_by is specified, top sorts the dataset based on order_by's output
Top top = 9;
// offset is used to support pagination, together with the following limit.
// If top is specified, offset processes the dataset based on top's output
uint32 offset = 10;
// limit is used to impose a boundary on the number of records being returned.
// If top is specified, limit processes the dataset based on top's output
uint32 limit = 11;
// order_by is given to specify the sort for a tag.
model.v1.QueryOrder order_by = 12;
// trace is used to enable trace for the query
bool trace = 13;
// TopNList contains a series of topN items
message TopNList {
// timestamp is in the timeunit of milliseconds.
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
message Item {
repeated model.v1.Tag entity = 1;
model.v1.FieldValue value = 2;
// items contains top-n items in a list
repeated Item items = 2;
// TopNResponse is the response for a query to the Query module.
message TopNResponse {
// lists contain a series topN lists ranked by timestamp
// if agg_func in query request is specified, lists' size should be one.
repeated TopNList lists = 1;
// TopNRequest is the request contract for query.
message TopNRequest {
// groups indicate where the data points are stored.
repeated string groups = 1 [(validate.rules).repeated.min_items = 1];
// name is the identity of a measure.
string name = 2 [(validate.rules).string.min_len = 1];
// time_range is a range query with begin/end time of entities in the timeunit of milliseconds.
model.v1.TimeRange time_range = 3 [(validate.rules).message.required = true];
// top_n set the how many items should be returned in each list.
int32 top_n = 4 [(validate.rules) = 0];
// agg aggregates lists grouped by field names in the time_range
// TODO validate enum defined_only
model.v1.AggregationFunction agg = 5;
// criteria select counters. Only equals are acceptable.
repeated model.v1.Condition conditions = 6;
// field_value_sort indicates how to sort fields
model.v1.Sort field_value_sort = 7;
//DataPointValue is the data point for writing. It only contains values.
message DataPointValue {
// timestamp is in the timeunit of milliseconds.
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1 [(validate.rules).timestamp.required = true];
// the order of tag_families' items match the measure schema
repeated model.v1.TagFamilyForWrite tag_families = 2 [(validate.rules).repeated.min_items = 1];
// the order of fields match the measure schema
repeated model.v1.FieldValue fields = 3;
// WriteRequest is the request contract for write
message WriteRequest {
// the metadata is required.
common.v1.Metadata metadata = 1 [(validate.rules).message.required = true];
// the data_point is required.
DataPointValue data_point = 2 [(validate.rules).message.required = true];
// the message_id is required.
uint64 message_id = 3 [(validate.rules) = 0];
// WriteResponse is the response contract for write
message WriteResponse {
// the message_id from request.
uint64 message_id = 1 [(validate.rules) = 0];
// status indicates the request processing result
model.v1.Status status = 2 [(validate.rules).enum.defined_only = true];
// the metadata from request when request fails
common.v1.Metadata metadata = 3;
service MeasureService {
rpc Query(banyandb.measure.v1.QueryRequest) returns (banyandb.measure.v1.QueryResponse);
rpc Write(stream banyandb.measure.v1.WriteRequest) returns (stream banyandb.measure.v1.WriteResponse);
rpc TopN(banyandb.measure.v1.TopNRequest) returns (banyandb.measure.v1.TopNResponse);
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