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org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.core;

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import com.codahale.metrics.Counter;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.ResourceLoader;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec;
import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexDeletionPolicy;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.BinaryResponseParser;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionAdminParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.EchoParamStyle;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.UpdateParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.ExecutorUtil;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.ObjectReleaseTracker;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.SimpleOrderedMap;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.SolrNamedThreadFactory;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Utils;
import org.apache.solr.core.DirectoryFactory.DirContext;
import org.apache.solr.core.snapshots.SolrSnapshotManager;
import org.apache.solr.core.snapshots.SolrSnapshotMetaDataManager;
import org.apache.solr.core.snapshots.SolrSnapshotMetaDataManager.SnapshotMetaData;
import org.apache.solr.handler.IndexFetcher;
import org.apache.solr.handler.ReplicationHandler;
import org.apache.solr.handler.RequestHandlerBase;
import org.apache.solr.handler.SolrConfigHandler;
import org.apache.solr.handler.component.HighlightComponent;
import org.apache.solr.handler.component.SearchComponent;
import org.apache.solr.logging.MDCLoggingContext;
import org.apache.solr.metrics.SolrCoreMetricManager;
import org.apache.solr.metrics.SolrMetricProducer;
import org.apache.solr.metrics.SolrMetricsContext;
import org.apache.solr.pkg.*;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrRequestHandler;
import org.apache.solr.response.BinaryResponseWriter;
import org.apache.solr.response.CSVResponseWriter;
import org.apache.solr.response.GeoJSONResponseWriter;
import org.apache.solr.response.GraphMLResponseWriter;
import org.apache.solr.response.JSONResponseWriter;
import org.apache.solr.response.PHPResponseWriter;
import org.apache.solr.response.PHPSerializedResponseWriter;
import org.apache.solr.response.PythonResponseWriter;
import org.apache.solr.response.QueryResponseWriter;
import org.apache.solr.response.RawResponseWriter;
import org.apache.solr.response.RubyResponseWriter;
import org.apache.solr.response.SchemaXmlResponseWriter;
import org.apache.solr.response.SmileResponseWriter;
import org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse;
import org.apache.solr.response.XMLResponseWriter;
import org.apache.solr.response.transform.TransformerFactory;
import org.apache.solr.schema.FieldType;
import org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema;
import org.apache.solr.schema.ManagedIndexSchema;
import org.apache.solr.schema.SimilarityFactory;
import org.apache.solr.update.DefaultSolrCoreState;
import org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2;
import org.apache.solr.update.IndexFingerprint;
import org.apache.solr.update.SolrCoreState;
import org.apache.solr.update.SolrCoreState.IndexWriterCloser;
import org.apache.solr.update.SolrIndexWriter;
import org.apache.solr.update.UpdateHandler;
import org.apache.solr.update.VersionInfo;
import org.apache.solr.update.processor.DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory;
import org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessorFactory;
import org.apache.solr.update.processor.NestedUpdateProcessorFactory;
import org.apache.solr.update.processor.RunUpdateProcessorFactory;
import org.apache.solr.update.processor.UpdateRequestProcessorChain;
import org.apache.solr.update.processor.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.ProcessorInfo;
import org.apache.solr.update.processor.UpdateRequestProcessorFactory;
import org.apache.solr.util.IOFunction;
import org.apache.solr.util.NumberUtils;
import org.apache.solr.util.PropertiesInputStream;
import org.apache.solr.util.PropertiesOutputStream;
import org.apache.solr.util.RefCounted;
import org.apache.solr.util.TestInjection;
import org.apache.solr.util.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerManager;
import org.apache.solr.util.plugin.NamedListInitializedPlugin;
import org.apache.solr.util.plugin.PluginInfoInitialized;
import org.apache.solr.util.plugin.SolrCoreAware;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.PATH;

 * SolrCore got its name because it represents the "core" of Solr -- one index and everything needed to make it work.
 * When multi-core support was added to Solr way back in version 1.3, this class was required so that the core
 * functionality could be re-used multiple times.
public final class SolrCore implements SolrInfoBean, SolrMetricProducer, Closeable {

  public static final String version = "1.0";

  private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
  private static final Logger requestLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass().getName() + ".Request"); //nowarn
  private static final Logger slowLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass().getName() + ".SlowRequest"); //nowarn

  private String name;
  private String logid; // used to show what name is set
   * A unique id to differentiate multiple instances of the same core
   * If we reload a core, the name remains same , but the id will be new
  public final UUID uniqueId = UUID.randomUUID();

  private boolean isReloaded = false;

  private final CoreDescriptor coreDescriptor;
  private final CoreContainer coreContainer;
  private final SolrConfig solrConfig;
  private final SolrResourceLoader resourceLoader;
  private volatile IndexSchema schema;
  private final NamedList configSetProperties;
  private final String dataDir;
  private final String ulogDir;
  private final UpdateHandler updateHandler;
  private final SolrCoreState solrCoreState;

  private final Date startTime = new Date();
  private final long startNanoTime = System.nanoTime();
  private final RequestHandlers reqHandlers;
  private final PluginBag searchComponents = new PluginBag<>(SearchComponent.class, this);
  private final PluginBag updateProcessors = new PluginBag<>(UpdateRequestProcessorFactory.class, this, true);
  private final Map updateProcessorChains;
  private final SolrCoreMetricManager coreMetricManager;
  private final Map infoRegistry = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
  private final IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper solrDelPolicy;
  private final SolrSnapshotMetaDataManager snapshotMgr;
  private final DirectoryFactory directoryFactory;
  private final RecoveryStrategy.Builder recoveryStrategyBuilder;
  private IndexReaderFactory indexReaderFactory;
  private final Codec codec;
  private final ConfigSet configSet;
  private final MemClassLoader memClassLoader;
  //singleton listener for all packages used in schema

  private final CircuitBreakerManager circuitBreakerManager;

  private final List confListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

  private final ReentrantLock ruleExpiryLock;
  private final ReentrantLock snapshotDelLock; // A lock instance to guard against concurrent deletions.

  private Timer newSearcherTimer;
  private Timer newSearcherWarmupTimer;
  private Counter newSearcherCounter;
  private Counter newSearcherMaxReachedCounter;
  private Counter newSearcherOtherErrorsCounter;

  private final String metricTag = SolrMetricProducer.getUniqueMetricTag(this, null);
  private final SolrMetricsContext solrMetricsContext;

  public volatile boolean searchEnabled = true;
  public volatile boolean indexEnabled = true;
  public volatile boolean readOnly = false;

  private PackageListeners packageListeners = new PackageListeners(this);

  public Date getStartTimeStamp() {
    return startTime;

  private final Map perSegmentFingerprintCache = new MapMaker().weakKeys().makeMap();

  public long getStartNanoTime() {
    return startNanoTime;

  public long getUptimeMs() {
    return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(System.nanoTime() - startNanoTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);

  private final RestManager restManager;

  public RestManager getRestManager() {
    return restManager;

  public PackageListeners getPackageListeners() {
    return packageListeners;

  static int boolean_query_max_clause_count = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

  private ExecutorService coreAsyncTaskExecutor = ExecutorUtil.newMDCAwareCachedThreadPool("Core Async Task");

  public  final SolrCore.Provider coreProvider;

   * The SolrResourceLoader used to load all resources for this core.
   * @since solr 1.3
  public SolrResourceLoader getResourceLoader() {
    return resourceLoader;

  /** Gets the SolrResourceLoader for a given package
   * @param pkg The package name
  public SolrResourceLoader getResourceLoader(String pkg) {
    if (pkg == null) {
      return resourceLoader;
    PackageLoader.Package aPackage = coreContainer.getPackageLoader().getPackage(pkg);
    PackageLoader.Package.Version latest = aPackage.getLatest();
    return latest.getLoader();

   * Gets the configuration resource name used by this core instance.
   * @since solr 1.3
  public String getConfigResource() {
    return solrConfig.getResourceName();

   * Gets the configuration object used by this core instance.
  public SolrConfig getSolrConfig() {
    return solrConfig;

   * Gets the schema resource name used by this core instance.
   * @since solr 1.3
  public String getSchemaResource() {
    return getLatestSchema().getResourceName();

   * @return the latest snapshot of the schema used by this core instance.
   * @see #setLatestSchema
  public IndexSchema getLatestSchema() {
    return schema;

  /** The core's instance directory (absolute). */
  public Path getInstancePath() {
    return getCoreDescriptor().getInstanceDir();

   * Sets the latest schema snapshot to be used by this core instance.
   * If the specified replacementSchema uses a {@link SimilarityFactory} which is
   * {@link SolrCoreAware} then this method will {@link SolrCoreAware#inform} that factory about
   * this SolrCore prior to using the replacementSchema
   * @see #getLatestSchema
  public void setLatestSchema(IndexSchema replacementSchema) {
    // 1) For a newly instantiated core, the Similarity needs SolrCore before inform() is called on
    // any registered SolrCoreAware listeners (which will likeley need to use the SolrIndexSearcher.
    // 2) If a new IndexSchema is assigned to an existing live SolrCore (ie: managed schema
    // replacement via SolrCloud) then we need to explicitly inform() the similarity because
    // we can't rely on the normal SolrResourceLoader lifecycle because the sim was instantiated
    // after the SolrCore was already live (see: SOLR-8311 + SOLR-8280)
    final SimilarityFactory similarityFactory = replacementSchema.getSimilarityFactory();
    if (similarityFactory instanceof SolrCoreAware) {
      ((SolrCoreAware) similarityFactory).inform(this);
    this.schema = replacementSchema;

  public NamedList getConfigSetProperties() {
    return configSetProperties;

  public String getDataDir() {
    return dataDir;

  public String getUlogDir() {
    return ulogDir;

  public String getIndexDir() {
    synchronized (searcherLock) {
      if (_searcher == null) return getNewIndexDir();
      SolrIndexSearcher searcher = _searcher.get();
      return searcher.getPath() == null ? dataDir + "index/" : searcher

   * Returns the indexdir as given in If exists in dataDir and
   * there is a property index available and it points to a valid directory
   * in dataDir that is returned. Else dataDir/index is returned. Only called for creating new indexSearchers
   * and indexwriters. Use the getIndexDir() method to know the active index directory
   * @return the indexdir as given in
   * @throws SolrException if for any reason the a reasonable index directory cannot be determined.
  public String getNewIndexDir() {
    Directory dir = null;
    try {
      dir = getDirectoryFactory().get(getDataDir(), DirContext.META_DATA, getSolrConfig().indexConfig.lockType);
      String result = getIndexPropertyFromPropFile(dir);
      if (!result.equals(lastNewIndexDir)) {
        log.debug("New index directory detected: old={} new={}", lastNewIndexDir, result);
      lastNewIndexDir = result;
      return result;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      SolrException.log(log, "", e);
      // See SOLR-11687. It is inadvisable to assume we can do the right thing for any but a small
      // number of exceptions that ware caught and swallowed in getIndexProperty.
      throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error in getNewIndexDir, exception: ", e);
    } finally {
      if (dir != null) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          SolrException.log(log, "", e);

  // This is guaranteed to return a string or throw an exception.
  // NOTE: Not finding the file is normal.
  // We return dataDir/index if there is an file with no value for "index"
  // See SOLR-11687

  private String getIndexPropertyFromPropFile(Directory dir) throws IOException {
    IndexInput input;
    try {
      input = dir.openInput(IndexFetcher.INDEX_PROPERTIES, IOContext.DEFAULT);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException | NoSuchFileException e) {
      // Swallow this error, dataDir/index is the right thing to return
      // if there is no file
      // All other exceptions are will propagate to caller.
      return dataDir + "index/";
    final InputStream is = new PropertiesInputStream(input); // c'tor just assigns a variable here, no exception thrown.
    try {
      Properties p = new Properties();
      p.load(new InputStreamReader(is, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

      String s = p.getProperty("index");
      if (s != null && s.trim().length() > 0) {
        return dataDir + s.trim();

      // We'll return dataDir/index/ if the properties file has an "index" property with
      // no associated value or does not have an index property at all.
      return dataDir + "index/";
    } finally {

  private String lastNewIndexDir; // for debugging purposes only... access not synchronized, but that's ok

  public DirectoryFactory getDirectoryFactory() {
    return directoryFactory;

  public IndexReaderFactory getIndexReaderFactory() {
    return indexReaderFactory;

  public long getIndexSize() {
    Directory dir;
    long size = 0;
    try {
      if (directoryFactory.exists(getIndexDir())) {
        dir = directoryFactory.get(getIndexDir(), DirContext.DEFAULT, solrConfig.indexConfig.lockType);
        try {
          size = DirectoryFactory.sizeOfDirectory(dir);
        } finally {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      SolrException.log(log, "IO error while trying to get the size of the Directory", e);
    return size;

  public String getName() {
    return name;

  public void setName(String v) {
    boolean renamed = != null && !;
    assert !renamed || coreDescriptor.getCloudDescriptor() == null : "Cores are not renamed in SolrCloud"; = v;
    this.logid = "[" + v + "] "; // TODO remove; obsoleted by MDC
    if (renamed && coreMetricManager != null) {

  public String getLogId() {
    return this.logid;

   * Returns the {@link SolrCoreMetricManager} for this core.
   * @return the {@link SolrCoreMetricManager} for this core
  public SolrCoreMetricManager getCoreMetricManager() {
    return coreMetricManager;

   * Returns a Map of name vs SolrInfoBean objects. The returned map is an instance of
   * a ConcurrentHashMap and therefore no synchronization is needed for putting, removing
   * or iterating over it.
   * @return the Info Registry map which contains SolrInfoBean objects keyed by name
   * @since solr 1.3
  public Map getInfoRegistry() {
    return infoRegistry;

  private IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper initDeletionPolicy(IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper delPolicyWrapper) {
    if (delPolicyWrapper != null) {
      return delPolicyWrapper;

    final PluginInfo info = solrConfig.getPluginInfo(IndexDeletionPolicy.class.getName());
    final IndexDeletionPolicy delPolicy;
    if (info != null) {
      delPolicy = createInstance(info.className, IndexDeletionPolicy.class, "Deletion Policy for SOLR", this, getResourceLoader());
      if (delPolicy instanceof NamedListInitializedPlugin) {
        ((NamedListInitializedPlugin) delPolicy).init(info.initArgs);
    } else {
      delPolicy = new SolrDeletionPolicy();

    return new IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper(delPolicy, snapshotMgr);

  private SolrSnapshotMetaDataManager initSnapshotMetaDataManager() {
    try {
      String dirName = getDataDir() + SolrSnapshotMetaDataManager.SNAPSHOT_METADATA_DIR + "/";
      Directory snapshotDir = directoryFactory.get(dirName, DirContext.DEFAULT,
      return new SolrSnapshotMetaDataManager(this, snapshotDir);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(e);

   * This method deletes the snapshot with the specified name. If the directory
   * storing the snapshot is not the same as the *current* core index directory,
   * then delete the files corresponding to this snapshot. Otherwise we leave the
   * index files related to snapshot as is (assuming the underlying Solr IndexDeletionPolicy
   * will clean them up appropriately).
   * @param commitName The name of the snapshot to be deleted.
   * @throws IOException in case of I/O error.
  public void deleteNamedSnapshot(String commitName) throws IOException {
    // Note this lock is required to prevent multiple snapshot deletions from
    // opening multiple IndexWriter instances simultaneously.
    try {
      Optional metadata = snapshotMgr.release(commitName);
      if (metadata.isPresent()) {
        long gen = metadata.get().getGenerationNumber();
        String indexDirPath = metadata.get().getIndexDirPath();

        if (!indexDirPath.equals(getIndexDir())) {
          Directory d = getDirectoryFactory().get(indexDirPath, DirContext.DEFAULT, "none");
          try {
            Collection snapshots = snapshotMgr.listSnapshotsInIndexDir(indexDirPath);
  "Following snapshots exist in the index directory {} : {}", indexDirPath, snapshots);
            if (snapshots.isEmpty()) {// No snapshots remain in this directory. Can be cleaned up!
    "Removing index directory {} since all named snapshots are deleted.", indexDirPath);
            } else {
              SolrSnapshotManager.deleteSnapshotIndexFiles(this, d, gen);
          } finally {
    } finally {

   * This method deletes the index files not associated with any named snapshot only
   * if the specified indexDirPath is not the *current* index directory.
   * @param indexDirPath The path of the directory
   * @throws IOException In case of I/O error.
  public void deleteNonSnapshotIndexFiles(String indexDirPath) throws IOException {
    // Skip if the specified indexDirPath is the *current* index directory.
    if (getIndexDir().equals(indexDirPath)) {

    // Note this lock is required to prevent multiple snapshot deletions from
    // opening multiple IndexWriter instances simultaneously.
    Directory dir = getDirectoryFactory().get(indexDirPath, DirContext.DEFAULT, "none");
    try {
      Collection snapshots = snapshotMgr.listSnapshotsInIndexDir(indexDirPath);"Following snapshots exist in the index directory {} : {}", indexDirPath, snapshots);
      // Delete the old index directory only if no snapshot exists in that directory.
      if (snapshots.isEmpty()) {"Removing index directory {} since all named snapshots are deleted.", indexDirPath);
      } else {
        SolrSnapshotManager.deleteNonSnapshotIndexFiles(this, dir, snapshots);
    } finally {
      if (dir != null) {

  private void initListeners() {
    final Class clazz = SolrEventListener.class;
    final String label = "Event Listener";
    for (PluginInfo info : solrConfig.getPluginInfos(SolrEventListener.class.getName())) {
      final String event = info.attributes.get("event");
      if ("firstSearcher".equals(event)) {
        SolrEventListener obj = createInitInstance(info, clazz, label, null);
        log.debug("[{}] Added SolrEventListener for firstSearcher: [{}]", logid, obj);
      } else if ("newSearcher".equals(event)) {
        SolrEventListener obj = createInitInstance(info, clazz, label, null);
        log.debug("[{}] Added SolrEventListener for newSearcher: [{}]", logid, obj);

  final List firstSearcherListeners = new ArrayList<>();
  final List newSearcherListeners = new ArrayList<>();

   * NOTE: this function is not thread safe.  However, it is safe to call within the
   * inform( SolrCore core ) function for SolrCoreAware classes.
   * Outside inform, this could potentially throw a ConcurrentModificationException
   * @see SolrCoreAware
  public void registerFirstSearcherListener(SolrEventListener listener) {

   * NOTE: this function is not thread safe.  However, it is safe to call within the
   * inform( SolrCore core ) function for SolrCoreAware classes.
   * Outside inform, this could potentially throw a ConcurrentModificationException
   * @see SolrCoreAware
  public void registerNewSearcherListener(SolrEventListener listener) {

   * NOTE: this function is not thread safe.  However, it is safe to call within the
   * inform( SolrCore core ) function for SolrCoreAware classes.
   * Outside inform, this could potentially throw a ConcurrentModificationException
   * @see SolrCoreAware
  public QueryResponseWriter registerResponseWriter(String name, QueryResponseWriter responseWriter) {
    return responseWriters.put(name, responseWriter);

  public SolrCore reload(ConfigSet coreConfig) throws IOException {
    // only one reload at a time
    synchronized (getUpdateHandler().getSolrCoreState().getReloadLock()) {
      final SolrCore currentCore;
      if (!getNewIndexDir().equals(getIndexDir())) {
        // the directory is changing, don't pass on state
        currentCore = null;
      } else {
        currentCore = this;

      boolean success = false;
      SolrCore core = null;
      try {
        CoreDescriptor cd = new CoreDescriptor(name, getCoreDescriptor());
        cd.loadExtraProperties(); //Reload the extra properties
        core = new SolrCore(coreContainer, cd, coreConfig, getDataDir(),
            updateHandler, solrDelPolicy, currentCore, true);

        // we open a new IndexWriter to pick up the latest config
        core.getUpdateHandler().getSolrCoreState().newIndexWriter(core, false);

        core.getSearcher(true, false, null, true);
        success = true;
        return core;
      } finally {
        // close the new core on any errors that have occurred.
        if (!success && core != null && core.getOpenCount() > 0) {

  private DirectoryFactory initDirectoryFactory() {
    return DirectoryFactory.loadDirectoryFactory(solrConfig, coreContainer, coreMetricManager.getRegistryName());

  private RecoveryStrategy.Builder initRecoveryStrategyBuilder() {
    final PluginInfo info = solrConfig.getPluginInfo(RecoveryStrategy.Builder.class.getName());
    final RecoveryStrategy.Builder rsBuilder;
    if (info != null && info.className != null) {;
      rsBuilder = getResourceLoader().newInstance(info.className, RecoveryStrategy.Builder.class);
    } else {
      rsBuilder = new RecoveryStrategy.Builder();
    if (info != null) {
    return rsBuilder;

  private void initIndexReaderFactory() {
    IndexReaderFactory indexReaderFactory;
    PluginInfo info = solrConfig.getPluginInfo(IndexReaderFactory.class.getName());
    if (info != null) {
      indexReaderFactory = resourceLoader.newInstance(info, IndexReaderFactory.class, true);
    } else {
      indexReaderFactory = new StandardIndexReaderFactory();
    this.indexReaderFactory = indexReaderFactory;

  // protect via synchronized(SolrCore.class)
  private static Set dirs = new HashSet<>();

   * Returns true iff the index in the named directory is
   * currently locked.
   * @param directory the directory to check for a lock
   * @throws IOException if there is a low-level IO error
   * @deprecated Use of this method can only lead to race conditions. Try
   * to actually obtain a lock instead.
  private static boolean isWriterLocked(Directory directory) throws IOException {
    try {
      return false;
    } catch (LockObtainFailedException failed) {
      return true;

  void initIndex(boolean passOnPreviousState, boolean reload) throws IOException {
    String indexDir = getNewIndexDir();
    boolean indexExists = getDirectoryFactory().exists(indexDir);
    boolean firstTime;
    synchronized (SolrCore.class) {
      firstTime = dirs.add(getDirectoryFactory().normalize(indexDir));


    if (indexExists && firstTime && !passOnPreviousState) {
      final String lockType = getSolrConfig().indexConfig.lockType;
      Directory dir = directoryFactory.get(indexDir, DirContext.DEFAULT, lockType);
      try {
        if (isWriterLocked(dir)) {
          log.error("{}Solr index directory '{}' is locked (lockType={}).  Throwing exception.", logid,
              indexDir, lockType);
          throw new LockObtainFailedException(
              "Index dir '" + indexDir + "' of core '" + name + "' is already locked. " +
                  "The most likely cause is another Solr server (or another solr core in this server) " +
                  "also configured to use this directory; other possible causes may be specific to lockType: " +
      } finally {

    // Create the index if it doesn't exist.
    if (!indexExists) {
      log.debug("{}Solr index directory '{}' doesn't exist. Creating new index...", logid, indexDir);
      SolrIndexWriter writer = null;
      try {
        writer = SolrIndexWriter.create(this, "SolrCore.initIndex", indexDir, getDirectoryFactory(), true,
            getLatestSchema(), solrConfig.indexConfig, solrDelPolicy, codec);
      } finally {



   * Creates an instance by trying a constructor that accepts a SolrCore before
   * trying the default (no arg) constructor.
   * @param className the instance class to create
   * @param cast      the class or interface that the instance should extend or implement
   * @param msg       a message helping compose the exception error if any occurs.
   * @param core      The SolrCore instance for which this object needs to be loaded
   * @return the desired instance
   * @throws SolrException if the object could not be instantiated
  public static  T createInstance(String className, Class cast, String msg, SolrCore core, ResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
    Class clazz = null;
    if (msg == null) msg = "SolrCore Object";
    try {
      clazz = resourceLoader.findClass(className, cast);
      //most of the classes do not have constructors which takes SolrCore argument. It is recommended to obtain SolrCore by implementing SolrCoreAware.
      // So invariably always it will cause a  NoSuchMethodException. So iterate though the list of available constructors
      Constructor[] cons = clazz.getConstructors();
      for (Constructor con : cons) {
        Class[] types = con.getParameterTypes();
        if (types.length == 1 && types[0] == SolrCore.class) {
          return cast.cast(con.newInstance(core));
      return resourceLoader.newInstance(className, cast);//use the empty constructor
    } catch (SolrException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // The JVM likes to wrap our helpful SolrExceptions in things like
      // "InvocationTargetException" that have no useful getMessage
      if (null != e.getCause() && e.getCause() instanceof SolrException) {
        SolrException inner = (SolrException) e.getCause();
        throw inner;

      throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error Instantiating " + msg + ", " + className + " failed to instantiate " + cast.getName(), e);

  private UpdateHandler createReloadedUpdateHandler(String className, String msg, UpdateHandler updateHandler) {
    Class clazz = null;
    if (msg == null) msg = "SolrCore Object";
    try {
      clazz = getResourceLoader().findClass(className, UpdateHandler.class);
      //most of the classes do not have constructors which takes SolrCore argument. It is recommended to obtain SolrCore by implementing SolrCoreAware.
      // So invariably always it will cause a  NoSuchMethodException. So iterate though the list of available constructors
      Constructor[] cons = clazz.getConstructors();
      for (Constructor con : cons) {
        Class[] types = con.getParameterTypes();
        if (types.length == 2 && types[0] == SolrCore.class && types[1] == UpdateHandler.class) {
          return UpdateHandler.class.cast(con.newInstance(this, updateHandler));
      throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error Instantiating " + msg + ", " + className + " could not find proper constructor for " + UpdateHandler.class.getName());
    } catch (SolrException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // The JVM likes to wrap our helpful SolrExceptions in things like
      // "InvocationTargetException" that have no useful getMessage
      if (null != e.getCause() && e.getCause() instanceof SolrException) {
        SolrException inner = (SolrException) e.getCause();
        throw inner;

      throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error Instantiating " + msg + ", " + className + " failed to instantiate " + UpdateHandler.class.getName(), e);

  public  T createInitInstance(PluginInfo info, Class cast, String msg, String defClassName) {
    if (info == null) return null;
    T o = createInstance(info.className == null ? defClassName : info.className, cast, msg, this, getResourceLoader(info.pkgName));
    return initPlugin(info, o);

  public static   T initPlugin(PluginInfo info, T o) {
    if (o instanceof PluginInfoInitialized) {
      ((PluginInfoInitialized) o).init(info);
    } else if (o instanceof NamedListInitializedPlugin) {
      ((NamedListInitializedPlugin) o).init(info.initArgs);
    if (o instanceof SearchComponent) {
      ((SearchComponent) o).setName(;
    return o;

  private UpdateHandler createUpdateHandler(String className) {
    return createInstance(className, UpdateHandler.class, "Update Handler", this, getResourceLoader());

  private UpdateHandler createUpdateHandler(String className, UpdateHandler updateHandler) {
    return createReloadedUpdateHandler(className, "Update Handler", updateHandler);

  public SolrCore(CoreContainer coreContainer, CoreDescriptor cd, ConfigSet configSet) {
    this(coreContainer, cd, configSet, null,
        null, null, null, false);

  public CoreContainer getCoreContainer() {
    return coreContainer;

   * Creates a new core and register it in the list of cores. If a core with the
   * same name already exists, it will be stopped and replaced by this one.
  private SolrCore(CoreContainer coreContainer, CoreDescriptor coreDescriptor, ConfigSet configSet,
                   String dataDir, UpdateHandler updateHandler,
                   IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper delPolicy, SolrCore prev, boolean reload) {

    assert ObjectReleaseTracker.track(searcherExecutor); // ensure that in unclean shutdown tests we still close this

    final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
    try {
      this.coreContainer = coreContainer;
      this.configSet = configSet;
      this.coreDescriptor = Objects.requireNonNull(coreDescriptor, "coreDescriptor cannot be null");
      coreProvider = new Provider(coreContainer, getName(), uniqueId);

      this.solrConfig = configSet.getSolrConfig();
      this.resourceLoader = configSet.getSolrConfig().getResourceLoader();
      IndexSchema schema = configSet.getIndexSchema();

      this.configSetProperties = configSet.getProperties();
      // Initialize the metrics manager
      this.coreMetricManager = initCoreMetricManager(solrConfig);
      this.circuitBreakerManager = initCircuitBreakerManager();
      solrMetricsContext = coreMetricManager.getSolrMetricsContext();

      if (updateHandler == null) {
        directoryFactory = initDirectoryFactory();
        recoveryStrategyBuilder = initRecoveryStrategyBuilder();
        solrCoreState = new DefaultSolrCoreState(directoryFactory, recoveryStrategyBuilder);
      } else {
        solrCoreState = updateHandler.getSolrCoreState();
        directoryFactory = solrCoreState.getDirectoryFactory();
        recoveryStrategyBuilder = solrCoreState.getRecoveryStrategyBuilder();
        isReloaded = true;

      this.dataDir = initDataDir(dataDir, solrConfig, coreDescriptor);
      this.ulogDir = initUpdateLogDir(coreDescriptor);

      if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"[{}] Opening new SolrCore at [{}], dataDir=[{}]", logid, getInstancePath(), this.dataDir);

      checkVersionFieldExistsInSchema(schema, coreDescriptor);

      // initialize searcher-related metrics
      initializeMetrics(solrMetricsContext, null);

      SolrFieldCacheBean solrFieldCacheBean = new SolrFieldCacheBean();
      // this is registered at the CONTAINER level because it's not core-specific - for now we
      // also register it here for back-compat
      solrFieldCacheBean.initializeMetrics(solrMetricsContext, "core");
      infoRegistry.put("fieldCache", solrFieldCacheBean);

      this.maxWarmingSearchers = solrConfig.maxWarmingSearchers;
      this.slowQueryThresholdMillis = solrConfig.slowQueryThresholdMillis;


      this.snapshotMgr = initSnapshotMetaDataManager();
      this.solrDelPolicy = initDeletionPolicy(delPolicy);

      this.codec = initCodec(solrConfig, this.schema);

      memClassLoader = new MemClassLoader(
          PluginBag.RuntimeLib.getLibObjects(this, solrConfig.getPluginInfos(PluginBag.RuntimeLib.class.getName())),
      initIndex(prev != null, reload);

      qParserPlugins.init(QParserPlugin.standardPlugins, this);
      valueSourceParsers.init(ValueSourceParser.standardValueSourceParsers, this);
      transformerFactories.init(TransformerFactory.defaultFactories, this);
      updateProcessors.init(Collections.emptyMap(), this);

      // Processors initialized before the handlers
      updateProcessorChains = loadUpdateProcessorChains();
      reqHandlers = new RequestHandlers(this);

      // cause the executor to stall so firstSearcher events won't fire
      // until after inform() has been called for all components.
      // searchExecutor must be single-threaded for this to work
      searcherExecutor.submit(() -> {
        return null;

      this.updateHandler = initUpdateHandler(updateHandler);


      // Initialize the RestManager
      restManager = initRestManager();

      // at this point we can load jars loaded from remote urls.

      // Finally tell anyone who wants to know
      resourceLoader.inform(this); // last call before the latch is released.

      infoRegistry.put("core", this);

      // register any SolrInfoMBeans SolrResourceLoader initialized
      // this must happen after the latch is released, because a JMX server impl may
      // choose to block on registering until properties can be fetched from an MBean,
      // and a SolrCoreAware MBean may have properties that depend on getting a Searcher
      // from the core.

      // Allow the directory factory to report metrics
      if (directoryFactory instanceof SolrMetricProducer) {
        // XXX use deprecated method for back-compat, remove in 9.0
        ((SolrMetricProducer) directoryFactory).initializeMetrics(
            solrMetricsContext.metricManager, solrMetricsContext.registry, solrMetricsContext.tag, "directoryFactory");

      // seed version buckets with max from index during core initialization ... requires a searcher!


      this.ruleExpiryLock = new ReentrantLock();
      this.snapshotDelLock = new ReentrantLock();


    } catch (Throwable e) {
      // release the latch, otherwise we block trying to do the close. This
      // should be fine, since counting down on a latch of 0 is still fine
      if (e instanceof OutOfMemoryError) {
        throw (OutOfMemoryError) e;

      try {
        // close down the searcher and any other resources, if it exists, as this
        // is not recoverable
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        if (t instanceof OutOfMemoryError) {
          throw (OutOfMemoryError) t;
        log.error("Error while closing", t);

      throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
      // allow firstSearcher events to fire and make sure it is released

    assert ObjectReleaseTracker.track(this);

  public void seedVersionBuckets() {
    UpdateHandler uh = getUpdateHandler();
    if (uh != null && uh.getUpdateLog() != null) {
      RefCounted newestSearcher = getRealtimeSearcher();
      if (newestSearcher != null) {
        try {
        } finally {
      } else {
        log.warn("No searcher available! Cannot seed version buckets with max from index.");

   * Set UpdateLog to buffer updates if the slice is in construction.
  private void bufferUpdatesIfConstructing(CoreDescriptor coreDescriptor) {

    if (coreContainer != null && coreContainer.isZooKeeperAware()) {
      if (reqHandlers.get("/get") == null) {
        log.warn("WARNING: RealTimeGetHandler is not registered at /get. SolrCloud will always use full index replication instead of the more efficient PeerSync method.");

      // ZK pre-register would have already happened so we read slice properties now
      final ClusterState clusterState = coreContainer.getZkController().getClusterState();
      final DocCollection collection = clusterState.getCollection(coreDescriptor.getCloudDescriptor().getCollectionName());
      final Slice slice = collection.getSlice(coreDescriptor.getCloudDescriptor().getShardId());
      if (slice.getState() == Slice.State.CONSTRUCTION) {
        // set update log to buffer before publishing the core

  private void initSearcher(SolrCore prev) throws IOException {
    // use the (old) writer to open the first searcher
    RefCounted iwRef = null;
    if (prev != null) {
      iwRef = prev.getUpdateHandler().getSolrCoreState().getIndexWriter(null);
      if (iwRef != null) {
        final IndexWriter iw = iwRef.get();
        final SolrCore core = this;
        newReaderCreator = () -> indexReaderFactory.newReader(iw, core);

    try {
      getSearcher(false, false, null, true);
    } finally {
      newReaderCreator = null;
      if (iwRef != null) {

  private UpdateHandler initUpdateHandler(UpdateHandler updateHandler) {
    String updateHandlerClass = solrConfig.getUpdateHandlerInfo().className;
    if (updateHandlerClass == null) {
      updateHandlerClass = DirectUpdateHandler2.class.getName();

    final UpdateHandler newUpdateHandler;
    if (updateHandler == null) {
      newUpdateHandler = createUpdateHandler(updateHandlerClass);
    } else {
      newUpdateHandler = createUpdateHandler(updateHandlerClass, updateHandler);
    if (newUpdateHandler instanceof SolrMetricProducer) {
      coreMetricManager.registerMetricProducer("updateHandler", (SolrMetricProducer) newUpdateHandler);
    infoRegistry.put("updateHandler", newUpdateHandler);
    return newUpdateHandler;

   * Initializes the core's {@link SolrCoreMetricManager} with a given configuration.
   * If metric reporters are configured, they are also initialized for this core.
   * @param config the given configuration
   * @return an instance of {@link SolrCoreMetricManager}
  private SolrCoreMetricManager initCoreMetricManager(SolrConfig config) {
    SolrCoreMetricManager coreMetricManager = new SolrCoreMetricManager(this);
    return coreMetricManager;

  private CircuitBreakerManager initCircuitBreakerManager() {
    final PluginInfo info = solrConfig.getPluginInfo(CircuitBreakerManager.class.getName());
    CircuitBreakerManager circuitBreakerManager =;

    return circuitBreakerManager;

  public void initializeMetrics(SolrMetricsContext parentContext, String scope) {
    newSearcherCounter = parentContext.counter(this, "new", Category.SEARCHER.toString());
    newSearcherTimer = parentContext.timer(this, "time", Category.SEARCHER.toString(), "new");
    newSearcherWarmupTimer = parentContext.timer(this, "warmup", Category.SEARCHER.toString(), "new");
    newSearcherMaxReachedCounter = parentContext.counter(this, "maxReached", Category.SEARCHER.toString(), "new");
    newSearcherOtherErrorsCounter = parentContext.counter(this, "errors", Category.SEARCHER.toString(), "new");

    parentContext.gauge(this, () -> name == null ? parentContext.nullString() : name, true, "coreName", Category.CORE.toString());
    parentContext.gauge(this, () -> startTime, true, "startTime", Category.CORE.toString());
    parentContext.gauge(this, () -> getOpenCount(), true, "refCount", Category.CORE.toString());
    parentContext.gauge(this, () -> getInstancePath().toString(), true, "instanceDir", Category.CORE.toString());
    parentContext.gauge(this, () -> isClosed() ? parentContext.nullString() : getIndexDir(), true, "indexDir", Category.CORE.toString());
    parentContext.gauge(this, () -> isClosed() ? parentContext.nullNumber() : getIndexSize(), true, "sizeInBytes", Category.INDEX.toString());
    parentContext.gauge(this, () -> isClosed() ? parentContext.nullString() : NumberUtils.readableSize(getIndexSize()), true, "size", Category.INDEX.toString());

    final CloudDescriptor cd = getCoreDescriptor().getCloudDescriptor();
    if (cd != null) {
      parentContext.gauge(this, cd::getCollectionName, true, "collection", Category.CORE.toString());
      parentContext.gauge(this, cd::getShardId, true, "shard", Category.CORE.toString());
      parentContext.gauge(this, cd::isLeader, true, "isLeader", Category.CORE.toString());
          () -> String.valueOf(cd.getLastPublished()),

    // initialize disk total / free metrics
    Path dataDirPath = Paths.get(dataDir);
    File dataDirFile = dataDirPath.toFile();
    parentContext.gauge(this, () -> dataDirFile.getTotalSpace(), true, "totalSpace", Category.CORE.toString(), "fs");
    parentContext.gauge(this, () -> dataDirFile.getUsableSpace(), true, "usableSpace", Category.CORE.toString(), "fs");
    parentContext.gauge(this, () -> dataDirPath.toAbsolutePath().toString(), true, "path", Category.CORE.toString(), "fs");
    parentContext.gauge(this, () -> {
      try {
        return org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils.spins(dataDirPath.toAbsolutePath());
      } catch (IOException e) {
        // default to spinning
        return true;
    }, true, "spins", Category.CORE.toString(), "fs");

  public String getMetricTag() {
    return metricTag;

  public SolrMetricsContext getSolrMetricsContext() {
    return solrMetricsContext;

  private void checkVersionFieldExistsInSchema(IndexSchema schema, CoreDescriptor coreDescriptor) {
    if (null != coreDescriptor.getCloudDescriptor()) {
      // we are evidently running in cloud mode.
      // In cloud mode, version field is required for correct consistency
      // ideally this check would be more fine grained, and individual features
      // would assert it when they initialize, but DistributedUpdateProcessor
      // is currently a big ball of wax that does more then just distributing
      // updates (ie: partial document updates), so it needs to work in no cloud
      // mode as well, and can't assert version field support on init.

      try {
      } catch (SolrException e) {
        throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
            "Schema will not work with SolrCloud mode: " +
                e.getMessage(), e);

  private String initDataDir(String dataDir, SolrConfig config, CoreDescriptor coreDescriptor) {
    return findDataDir(getDirectoryFactory(), dataDir, config, coreDescriptor);

   * Locate the data directory for a given config and core descriptor.
   * @param directoryFactory The directory factory to use if necessary to calculate an absolute path. Should be the same as what will
   *                         be used to open the data directory later.
   * @param dataDir          An optional hint to the data directory location. Will be normalized and used if not null.
   * @param config           A solr config to retrieve the default data directory location, if used.
   * @param coreDescriptor   descriptor to load the actual data dir from, if not using the defualt.
   * @return a normalized data directory name
   * @throws SolrException if the data directory cannot be loaded from the core descriptor
  static String findDataDir(DirectoryFactory directoryFactory, String dataDir, SolrConfig config, CoreDescriptor coreDescriptor) {
    if (dataDir == null) {
      if (coreDescriptor.usingDefaultDataDir()) {
        dataDir = config.getDataDir();
      if (dataDir == null) {
        try {
          dataDir = coreDescriptor.getDataDir();
          if (!directoryFactory.isAbsolute(dataDir)) {
            dataDir = directoryFactory.getDataHome(coreDescriptor);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, e);
    return SolrPaths.normalizeDir(dataDir);

  public boolean modifyIndexProps(String tmpIdxDirName) {
    return SolrCore.modifyIndexProps(getDirectoryFactory(), getDataDir(), getSolrConfig(), tmpIdxDirName);

   * Update the file with the new index sub directory name
  // package private
  static boolean modifyIndexProps(DirectoryFactory directoryFactory, String dataDir, SolrConfig solrConfig, String tmpIdxDirName) {"Updating index properties... index={}", tmpIdxDirName);
    Directory dir = null;
    try {
      dir = directoryFactory.get(dataDir, DirContext.META_DATA, solrConfig.indexConfig.lockType);
      String tmpIdxPropName = IndexFetcher.INDEX_PROPERTIES + "." + System.nanoTime();
      writeNewIndexProps(dir, tmpIdxPropName, tmpIdxDirName);
      directoryFactory.renameWithOverwrite(dir, tmpIdxPropName, IndexFetcher.INDEX_PROPERTIES);
      return true;
    } catch (IOException e1) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e1);
    } finally {
      if (dir != null) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          SolrException.log(log, "", e);

   * Write the file with the new index sub directory name
   * @param dir           a data directory (containing an file)
   * @param tmpFileName   the file name to write the new to
   * @param tmpIdxDirName new index directory name
  private static void writeNewIndexProps(Directory dir, String tmpFileName, String tmpIdxDirName) {
    if (tmpFileName == null) {
      tmpFileName = IndexFetcher.INDEX_PROPERTIES;
    final Properties p = new Properties();

    // Read existing properties
    try {
      final IndexInput input = dir.openInput(IndexFetcher.INDEX_PROPERTIES, DirectoryFactory.IOCONTEXT_NO_CACHE);
      final InputStream is = new PropertiesInputStream(input);
      try {
        p.load(new InputStreamReader(is, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Unable to load {}", IndexFetcher.INDEX_PROPERTIES, e);
      } finally {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // ignore; file does not exist

    p.put("index", tmpIdxDirName);

    // Write new properties
    Writer os = null;
    try {
      IndexOutput out = dir.createOutput(tmpFileName, DirectoryFactory.IOCONTEXT_NO_CACHE);
      os = new OutputStreamWriter(new PropertiesOutputStream(out), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);, IndexFetcher.INDEX_PROPERTIES);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Unable to write " + IndexFetcher.INDEX_PROPERTIES, e);
    } finally {

  private String initUpdateLogDir(CoreDescriptor coreDescriptor) {
    String updateLogDir = coreDescriptor.getUlogDir();
    if (updateLogDir == null) {
      updateLogDir = coreDescriptor.getInstanceDir().resolve(dataDir).toString();
    return updateLogDir;

   * Close the core, if it is still in use waits until is no longer in use.
   * @see #close()
   * @see #isClosed()
  public void closeAndWait() {
    while (!isClosed()) {
      final long milliSleep = 100;
      if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Core {} is not yet closed, waiting {} ms before checking again.", getName(), milliSleep);
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
            "Caught InterruptedException whilst waiting for core " + getName() + " to close: "
                + e.getMessage(), e);

  private Codec initCodec(SolrConfig solrConfig, final IndexSchema schema) {
    final PluginInfo info = solrConfig.getPluginInfo(CodecFactory.class.getName());
    final CodecFactory factory;
    if (info != null) {
      factory = resourceLoader.newInstance( info, CodecFactory.class, true);
    } else {
      factory = new CodecFactory() {
        public Codec getCodec() {
          return Codec.getDefault();
    if (factory instanceof SolrCoreAware) {
      // CodecFactory needs SolrCore before inform() is called on all registered
      // SolrCoreAware listeners, at the end of the SolrCore constructor
      ((SolrCoreAware) factory).inform(this);
    } else {
      for (FieldType ft : schema.getFieldTypes().values()) {
        if (null != ft.getPostingsFormat()) {
          String msg = "FieldType '" + ft.getTypeName() + "' is configured with a postings format, but the codec does not support it: " + factory.getClass();
          throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, msg);
        if (null != ft.getDocValuesFormat()) {
          String msg = "FieldType '" + ft.getTypeName() + "' is configured with a docValues format, but the codec does not support it: " + factory.getClass();
          throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, msg);
    return factory.getCodec();

   * Create an instance of {@link StatsCache} using configured parameters.
  public StatsCache createStatsCache() {
    final StatsCache cache;
    PluginInfo pluginInfo = solrConfig.getPluginInfo(StatsCache.class.getName());
    if (pluginInfo != null && pluginInfo.className != null && pluginInfo.className.length() > 0) {
      cache = resourceLoader.newInstance( pluginInfo, StatsCache.class, true);
      initPlugin(pluginInfo ,cache);
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Using statsCache impl: {}", cache.getClass().getName());
    } else {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Using default statsCache cache: {}", LocalStatsCache.class.getName());
      cache = new LocalStatsCache();
    return cache;

   * Load the request processors
  private Map loadUpdateProcessorChains() {
    Map map = new HashMap<>();
    UpdateRequestProcessorChain def = initPlugins(map, UpdateRequestProcessorChain.class, UpdateRequestProcessorChain.class.getName());
    if (def == null) {
      def = map.get(null);
    if (def == null) {
      log.debug("no updateRequestProcessorChain defined as default, creating implicit default");
      // construct the default chain
      UpdateRequestProcessorFactory[] factories = new UpdateRequestProcessorFactory[]{
          new LogUpdateProcessorFactory(),
          new DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory(),
          new RunUpdateProcessorFactory()
      def = new UpdateRequestProcessorChain(Arrays.asList(factories), this);
    map.put(null, def);
    map.put("", def);

        k -> new UpdateRequestProcessorChain(Collections.singletonList(new NestedUpdateProcessorFactory()), this));

    return map;

  public SolrCoreState getSolrCoreState() {
    return solrCoreState;

   * @return an update processor registered to the given name.  Throw an exception if this chain is undefined
  public UpdateRequestProcessorChain getUpdateProcessingChain(final String name) {
    UpdateRequestProcessorChain chain = updateProcessorChains.get(name);
    if (chain == null) {
      throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,
          "unknown UpdateRequestProcessorChain: " + name);
    return chain;

  public UpdateRequestProcessorChain getUpdateProcessorChain(SolrParams params) {
    String chainName = params.get(UpdateParams.UPDATE_CHAIN);
    UpdateRequestProcessorChain defaultUrp = getUpdateProcessingChain(chainName);
    ProcessorInfo processorInfo = new ProcessorInfo(params);
    if (processorInfo.isEmpty()) return defaultUrp;
    return UpdateRequestProcessorChain.constructChain(defaultUrp, processorInfo, this);

  public PluginBag getUpdateProcessors() {
    return updateProcessors;

  public CircuitBreakerManager getCircuitBreakerManager() {
    return circuitBreakerManager;

  // this core current usage count
  private final AtomicInteger refCount = new AtomicInteger(1);

   * expert: increments the core reference count
  public void open() {

   * Close all resources allocated by the core if it is no longer in use...
  • searcher
  • *
  • updateHandler
  • *
  • all CloseHooks will be notified
  • *
  • All MBeans will be unregistered from MBeanServer if JMX was enabled *
  • *

* The behavior of this method is determined by the result of decrementing * the core's reference count (A core is created with a reference count of 1)... *

  • If reference count is > 0, the usage count is decreased by 1 and no * resources are released. *
  • *
  • If reference count is == 0, the resources are released. *
  • If reference count is < 0, and error is logged and no further action * is taken. *
  • *
* * @see #isClosed() */ @Override public void close() { MDCLoggingContext.clear(); // balance out open with close int count = refCount.decrementAndGet(); if (count > 0) return; // close is called often, and only actually closes if nothing is using it. if (count < 0) { log.error("Too many close [count:{}] on {}. Please report this exception to [email protected]", count, this); assert false : "Too many closes on SolrCore"; return; }"{} CLOSING SolrCore {}", logid, this); ExecutorUtil.shutdownAndAwaitTermination(coreAsyncTaskExecutor); // stop reporting metrics try { coreMetricManager.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, e); if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } } if (closeHooks != null) { for (CloseHook hook : closeHooks) { try { hook.preClose(this); } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, e); if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } } } } if (reqHandlers != null) reqHandlers.close(); responseWriters.close(); searchComponents.close(); qParserPlugins.close(); valueSourceParsers.close(); transformerFactories.close(); if (memClassLoader != null) { try { memClassLoader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } try { if (null != updateHandler) { updateHandler.close(); } } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, e); if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } } boolean coreStateClosed = false; try { if (solrCoreState != null) { if (updateHandler instanceof IndexWriterCloser) { coreStateClosed = solrCoreState.decrefSolrCoreState((IndexWriterCloser) updateHandler); } else { coreStateClosed = solrCoreState.decrefSolrCoreState(null); } } } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, e); if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } } try { ExecutorUtil.shutdownAndAwaitTermination(searcherExecutor); } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, e); if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } } assert ObjectReleaseTracker.release(searcherExecutor); try { // Since we waited for the searcherExecutor to shut down, // there should be no more searchers warming in the background // that we need to take care of. // // For the case that a searcher was registered *before* warming // then the searchExecutor will throw an exception when getSearcher() // tries to use it, and the exception handling code should close it. closeSearcher(); } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, e); if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } } if (coreStateClosed) { try { cleanupOldIndexDirectories(false); } catch (Exception e) { SolrException.log(log, e); } } try { infoRegistry.clear(); } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, e); if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } } // Close the snapshots meta-data directory. Directory snapshotsDir = snapshotMgr.getSnapshotsDir(); try { this.directoryFactory.release(snapshotsDir); } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, e); if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } } if (coreStateClosed) { try { directoryFactory.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, e); if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } } } if (closeHooks != null) { for (CloseHook hook : closeHooks) { try { hook.postClose(this); } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, e); if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } } } } assert ObjectReleaseTracker.release(this); } /** * Current core usage count. */ public int getOpenCount() { return refCount.get(); } /** * Whether this core is closed. */ public boolean isClosed() { return refCount.get() <= 0; } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { if (getOpenCount() != 0) { log.error("REFCOUNT ERROR: unreferenced {} ({}) has a reference count of {}", this, getName(), getOpenCount()); } } finally { super.finalize(); } } private Collection closeHooks = null; /** * Add a close callback hook */ public void addCloseHook(CloseHook hook) { if (closeHooks == null) { closeHooks = new ArrayList<>(); } closeHooks.add(hook); } /** * Remove a close callback hook */ public void removeCloseHook(CloseHook hook) { if (closeHooks != null) { closeHooks.remove(hook); } } // Visible for testing public Collection getCloseHooks() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(closeHooks); } /** * @lucene.internal Debugging aid only. No non-test code should be released with uncommented verbose() calls. */ public static boolean VERBOSE = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("tests.verbose", "false")); public static void verbose(Object... args) { if (!VERBOSE) return; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("VERBOSE:"); // sb.append(Thread.currentThread().getName()); // sb.append(':'); for (Object o : args) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(o == null ? "(null)" : o.toString()); } // System.out.println(sb.toString());"{}", sb); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Request Handler //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get the request handler registered to a given name. *

* This function is thread safe. */ public SolrRequestHandler getRequestHandler(String handlerName) { return RequestHandlerBase.getRequestHandler(RequestHandlers.normalize(handlerName), reqHandlers.handlers); } /** * Returns an unmodifiable Map containing the registered handlers */ public PluginBag getRequestHandlers() { return reqHandlers.handlers; } /** * Registers a handler at the specified location. If one exists there, it will be replaced. * To remove a handler, register null at its path *

* Once registered the handler can be accessed through: *

   *   http://${host}:${port}/${context}/${handlerName}
   * or:
   *   http://${host}:${port}/${context}/select?qt=${handlerName}

* Handlers must be initialized before getting registered. Registered * handlers can immediately accept requests. *

* This call is thread safe. * * @return the previous SolrRequestHandler registered to this name null if none. */ public SolrRequestHandler registerRequestHandler(String handlerName, SolrRequestHandler handler) { return reqHandlers.register(handlerName, handler); } /** * Register the default search components */ private void loadSearchComponents() { Map instances = createInstances(SearchComponent.standard_components); for (Map.Entry e : instances.entrySet()) e.getValue().setName(e.getKey()); searchComponents.init(instances, this); for (String name : searchComponents.keySet()) { if (searchComponents.isLoaded(name) && searchComponents.get(name) instanceof HighlightComponent) { if (!HighlightComponent.COMPONENT_NAME.equals(name)) { searchComponents.put(HighlightComponent.COMPONENT_NAME, searchComponents.getRegistry().get(name)); } break; } } } /** * @return a Search Component registered to a given name. Throw an exception if the component is undefined */ public SearchComponent getSearchComponent(String name) { return searchComponents.get(name); } /** * Accessor for all the Search Components * * @return An unmodifiable Map of Search Components */ public PluginBag getSearchComponents() { return searchComponents; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Update Handler //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * RequestHandlers need access to the updateHandler so they can all talk to the * same RAM indexer. */ public UpdateHandler getUpdateHandler() { return updateHandler; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Searcher Control //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The current searcher used to service queries. // Don't access this directly!!!! use getSearcher() to // get it (and it will increment the ref count at the same time). // This reference is protected by searcherLock. private RefCounted _searcher; // All of the normal open searchers. Don't access this directly. // protected by synchronizing on searcherLock. private final LinkedList> _searchers = new LinkedList<>(); private final LinkedList> _realtimeSearchers = new LinkedList<>(); final ExecutorService searcherExecutor = ExecutorUtil.newMDCAwareSingleThreadExecutor( new SolrNamedThreadFactory("searcherExecutor")); private int onDeckSearchers; // number of searchers preparing // Lock ordering: one can acquire the openSearcherLock and then the searcherLock, but not vice-versa. private Object searcherLock = new Object(); // the sync object for the searcher private ReentrantLock openSearcherLock = new ReentrantLock(true); // used to serialize opens/reopens for absolute ordering private final int maxWarmingSearchers; // max number of on-deck searchers allowed private final int slowQueryThresholdMillis; // threshold above which a query is considered slow private RefCounted realtimeSearcher; private Callable newReaderCreator; // For testing boolean areAllSearcherReferencesEmpty() { boolean isEmpty; synchronized (searcherLock) { isEmpty = _searchers.isEmpty(); isEmpty = isEmpty && _realtimeSearchers.isEmpty(); isEmpty = isEmpty && (_searcher == null); isEmpty = isEmpty && (realtimeSearcher == null); } return isEmpty; } /** * Return a registered {@link RefCounted}<{@link SolrIndexSearcher}> with * the reference count incremented. It must be decremented when no longer needed. * This method should not be called from SolrCoreAware.inform() since it can result * in a deadlock if useColdSearcher==false. * If handling a normal request, the searcher should be obtained from * {@link org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest#getSearcher()} instead. * If you still think you need to call this, consider {@link #withSearcher(IOFunction)} instead which is easier to * use. * * @see SolrQueryRequest#getSearcher() * @see #withSearcher(IOFunction) */ public RefCounted getSearcher() { if (searchEnabled) { return getSearcher(false, true, null); } throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Search is temporarily disabled"); } /** * Executes the lambda with the {@link SolrIndexSearcher}. This is more convenient than using * {@link #getSearcher()} since there is no ref-counting business to worry about. * Example: *

   *   IndexReader reader = h.getCore().withSearcher(SolrIndexSearcher::getIndexReader);
* Warning: although a lambda is concise, it may be inappropriate to simply return the IndexReader because it might * be closed soon after this method returns; it really depends. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public R withSearcher(IOFunction lambda) throws IOException { final RefCounted refCounted = getSearcher(); try { return lambda.apply(refCounted.get()); } finally { refCounted.decref(); } } /** * Computes fingerprint of a segment and caches it only if all the version in segment are included in the fingerprint. * We can't use computeIfAbsent as caching is conditional (as described above) * There is chance that two threads may compute fingerprint on the same segment. It might be OK to do so rather than locking entire map. * * @param searcher searcher that includes specified LeaderReaderContext * @param ctx LeafReaderContext of a segment to compute fingerprint of * @param maxVersion maximum version number to consider for fingerprint computation * @return IndexFingerprint of the segment * @throws IOException Can throw IOException */ public IndexFingerprint getIndexFingerprint(SolrIndexSearcher searcher, LeafReaderContext ctx, long maxVersion) throws IOException { IndexReader.CacheHelper cacheHelper = ctx.reader().getReaderCacheHelper(); if (cacheHelper == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Cannot cache IndexFingerprint as reader does not support caching. searcher:{} reader:{} readerHash:{} maxVersion:{}", searcher, ctx.reader(), ctx.reader().hashCode(), maxVersion); } return IndexFingerprint.getFingerprint(searcher, ctx, maxVersion); } IndexFingerprint f = null; f = perSegmentFingerprintCache.get(cacheHelper.getKey()); // fingerprint is either not cached or // if we want fingerprint only up to a version less than maxVersionEncountered in the segment, or // documents were deleted from segment for which fingerprint was cached // if (f == null || (f.getMaxInHash() > maxVersion) || (f.getNumDocs() != ctx.reader().numDocs())) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("IndexFingerprint cache miss for searcher:{} reader:{} readerHash:{} maxVersion:{}", searcher, ctx.reader(), ctx.reader().hashCode(), maxVersion); } f = IndexFingerprint.getFingerprint(searcher, ctx, maxVersion); // cache fingerprint for the segment only if all the versions in the segment are included in the fingerprint if (f.getMaxVersionEncountered() == f.getMaxInHash()) { log.debug("Caching fingerprint for searcher:{} leafReaderContext:{} mavVersion:{}", searcher, ctx, maxVersion); perSegmentFingerprintCache.put(cacheHelper.getKey(), f); } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("IndexFingerprint cache hit for searcher:{} reader:{} readerHash:{} maxVersion:{}", searcher, ctx.reader(), ctx.reader().hashCode(), maxVersion); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Cache Size: {}, Segments Size:{}", perSegmentFingerprintCache.size(), searcher.getTopReaderContext().leaves().size()); } return f; } /** * Returns the current registered searcher with its reference count incremented, or null if none are registered. */ public RefCounted getRegisteredSearcher() { synchronized (searcherLock) { if (_searcher != null) { _searcher.incref(); } return _searcher; } } /** * Return the newest normal {@link RefCounted}<{@link SolrIndexSearcher}> with * the reference count incremented. It must be decremented when no longer needed. * If no searcher is currently open, then if openNew==true a new searcher will be opened, * or null is returned if openNew==false. */ public RefCounted getNewestSearcher(boolean openNew) { synchronized (searcherLock) { if (!_searchers.isEmpty()) { RefCounted newest = _searchers.getLast(); newest.incref(); return newest; } } return openNew ? getRealtimeSearcher() : null; } /** * Gets the latest real-time searcher w/o forcing open a new searcher if one already exists. * The reference count will be incremented. */ public RefCounted getRealtimeSearcher() { synchronized (searcherLock) { if (realtimeSearcher != null) { realtimeSearcher.incref(); return realtimeSearcher; } } // use the searcher lock to prevent multiple people from trying to open at once openSearcherLock.lock(); try { // try again synchronized (searcherLock) { if (realtimeSearcher != null) { realtimeSearcher.incref(); return realtimeSearcher; } } // force a new searcher open return openNewSearcher(true, true); } finally { openSearcherLock.unlock(); } } public RefCounted getSearcher(boolean forceNew, boolean returnSearcher, @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"})final Future[] waitSearcher) { return getSearcher(forceNew, returnSearcher, waitSearcher, false); } /** * Opens a new searcher and returns a RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> with its reference incremented. *

* "realtime" means that we need to open quickly for a realtime view of the index, hence don't do any * autowarming and add to the _realtimeSearchers queue rather than the _searchers queue (so it won't * be used for autowarming by a future normal searcher). A "realtime" searcher will currently never * become "registered" (since it currently lacks caching). *

* realtimeSearcher is updated to the latest opened searcher, regardless of the value of "realtime". *

* This method acquires openSearcherLock - do not call with searchLock held! */ public RefCounted openNewSearcher(boolean updateHandlerReopens, boolean realtime) { if (isClosed()) { // catch some errors quicker throw new SolrCoreState.CoreIsClosedException(); } SolrIndexSearcher tmp; RefCounted newestSearcher = null; openSearcherLock.lock(); try { String newIndexDir = getNewIndexDir(); String indexDirFile = null; String newIndexDirFile = null; // if it's not a normal near-realtime update, check that paths haven't changed. if (!updateHandlerReopens) { indexDirFile = getDirectoryFactory().normalize(getIndexDir()); newIndexDirFile = getDirectoryFactory().normalize(newIndexDir); } synchronized (searcherLock) { newestSearcher = realtimeSearcher; if (newestSearcher != null) { newestSearcher.incref(); // the matching decref is in the finally block } } if (newestSearcher != null && (updateHandlerReopens || indexDirFile.equals(newIndexDirFile))) { DirectoryReader newReader; DirectoryReader currentReader = newestSearcher.get().getRawReader(); // SolrCore.verbose("start reopen from",previousSearcher,"writer=",writer); RefCounted writer = getSolrCoreState().getIndexWriter(null); try { if (writer != null) { // if in NRT mode, open from the writer newReader = DirectoryReader.openIfChanged(currentReader, writer.get(), true); } else { // verbose("start reopen without writer, reader=", currentReader); newReader = DirectoryReader.openIfChanged(currentReader); // verbose("reopen result", newReader); } } finally { if (writer != null) { writer.decref(); } } if (newReader == null) { // the underlying index has not changed at all if (realtime) { // if this is a request for a realtime searcher, just return the same searcher newestSearcher.incref(); return newestSearcher; } else if (newestSearcher.get().isCachingEnabled() && newestSearcher.get().getSchema() == getLatestSchema()) { // absolutely nothing has changed, can use the same searcher // but log a message about it to minimize confusion newestSearcher.incref(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("SolrIndexSearcher has not changed - not re-opening: {}", newestSearcher.get().getName()); } return newestSearcher; } // ELSE: open a new searcher against the old reader... currentReader.incRef(); newReader = currentReader; } // for now, turn off caches if this is for a realtime reader // (caches take a little while to instantiate) final boolean useCaches = !realtime; final String newName = realtime ? "realtime" : "main"; tmp = new SolrIndexSearcher(this, newIndexDir, getLatestSchema(), newName, newReader, true, useCaches, true, directoryFactory); } else { // newestSearcher == null at this point if (newReaderCreator != null) { // this is set in the constructor if there is a currently open index writer // so that we pick up any uncommitted changes and so we don't go backwards // in time on a core reload DirectoryReader newReader =; tmp = new SolrIndexSearcher(this, newIndexDir, getLatestSchema(), (realtime ? "realtime" : "main"), newReader, true, !realtime, true, directoryFactory); } else { RefCounted writer = getSolrCoreState().getIndexWriter(this); DirectoryReader newReader = null; try { newReader = indexReaderFactory.newReader(writer.get(), this); } finally { writer.decref(); } tmp = new SolrIndexSearcher(this, newIndexDir, getLatestSchema(), (realtime ? "realtime" : "main"), newReader, true, !realtime, true, directoryFactory); } } List> searcherList = realtime ? _realtimeSearchers : _searchers; RefCounted newSearcher = newHolder(tmp, searcherList); // refcount now at 1 // Increment reference again for "realtimeSearcher" variable. It should be at 2 after. // When it's decremented by both the caller of this method, and by realtimeSearcher being replaced, // it will be closed. newSearcher.incref(); synchronized (searcherLock) { // Check if the core is closed again inside the lock in case this method is racing with a close. If the core is // closed, clean up the new searcher and bail. if (isClosed()) { newSearcher.decref(); // once for caller since we're not returning it newSearcher.decref(); // once for ourselves since it won't be "replaced" throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "openNewSearcher called on closed core"); } if (realtimeSearcher != null) { realtimeSearcher.decref(); } realtimeSearcher = newSearcher; searcherList.add(realtimeSearcher); } return newSearcher; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error opening new searcher", e); } finally { openSearcherLock.unlock(); if (newestSearcher != null) { newestSearcher.decref(); } } } /** * Get a {@link SolrIndexSearcher} or start the process of creating a new one. *

* The registered searcher is the default searcher used to service queries. * A searcher will normally be registered after all of the warming * and event handlers (newSearcher or firstSearcher events) have run. * In the case where there is no registered searcher, the newly created searcher will * be registered before running the event handlers (a slow searcher is better than no searcher). * *

* These searchers contain read-only IndexReaders. To access a non read-only IndexReader, * see newSearcher(String name, boolean readOnly). * *

* If forceNew==true then * A new searcher will be opened and registered regardless of whether there is already * a registered searcher or other searchers in the process of being created. *

* If forceNew==false then:

  • If a searcher is already registered, that searcher will be returned
  • *
  • If no searcher is currently registered, but at least one is in the process of being created, then * this call will block until the first searcher is registered
  • *
  • If no searcher is currently registered, and no searchers in the process of being registered, a new * searcher will be created.
  • *

* If returnSearcher==true then a {@link RefCounted}<{@link SolrIndexSearcher}> will be returned with * the reference count incremented. It must be decremented when no longer needed. *

* If waitSearcher!=null and a new {@link SolrIndexSearcher} was created, * then it is filled in with a Future that will return after the searcher is registered. The Future may be set to * null in which case the SolrIndexSearcher created has already been registered at the time * this method returned. * * @param forceNew if true, force the open of a new index searcher regardless if there is already one open. * @param returnSearcher if true, returns a {@link SolrIndexSearcher} holder with the refcount already incremented. * @param waitSearcher if non-null, will be filled in with a {@link Future} that will return after the new searcher is registered. * @param updateHandlerReopens if true, the UpdateHandler will be used when reopening a {@link SolrIndexSearcher}. */ public RefCounted getSearcher(boolean forceNew, boolean returnSearcher, @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"})final Future[] waitSearcher, boolean updateHandlerReopens) { // it may take some time to open an index.... we may need to make // sure that two threads aren't trying to open one at the same time // if it isn't necessary. synchronized (searcherLock) { for (; ; ) { // this loop is so w can retry in the event that we exceed maxWarmingSearchers // see if we can return the current searcher if (_searcher != null && !forceNew) { if (returnSearcher) { _searcher.incref(); return _searcher; } else { return null; } } // check to see if we can wait for someone else's searcher to be set if (onDeckSearchers > 0 && !forceNew && _searcher == null) { try { searcherLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {; } } } // check again: see if we can return right now if (_searcher != null && !forceNew) { if (returnSearcher) { _searcher.incref(); return _searcher; } else { return null; } } // At this point, we know we need to open a new searcher... // first: increment count to signal other threads that we are // opening a new searcher. onDeckSearchers++;; if (onDeckSearchers < 1) { // should never happen... just a sanity check log.error("{}ERROR!!! onDeckSearchers is {}", logid, onDeckSearchers); onDeckSearchers = 1; // reset } else if (onDeckSearchers > maxWarmingSearchers) { onDeckSearchers--;; try { searcherLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {; } } continue; // go back to the top of the loop and retry } else if (onDeckSearchers > 1) { log.warn("{}PERFORMANCE WARNING: Overlapping onDeckSearchers={}", logid, onDeckSearchers); } break; // I can now exit the loop and proceed to open a searcher } } // a signal to decrement onDeckSearchers if something goes wrong. final boolean[] decrementOnDeckCount = new boolean[]{true}; RefCounted currSearcherHolder = null; // searcher we are autowarming from RefCounted searchHolder = null; boolean success = false; openSearcherLock.lock(); Timer.Context timerContext = newSearcherTimer.time(); try { searchHolder = openNewSearcher(updateHandlerReopens, false); // the searchHolder will be incremented once already (and it will eventually be assigned to _searcher when registered) // increment it again if we are going to return it to the caller. if (returnSearcher) { searchHolder.incref(); } final RefCounted newSearchHolder = searchHolder; final SolrIndexSearcher newSearcher = newSearchHolder.get(); boolean alreadyRegistered = false; synchronized (searcherLock) { if (_searcher == null) { // if there isn't a current searcher then we may // want to register this one before warming is complete instead of waiting. if (solrConfig.useColdSearcher) { registerSearcher(newSearchHolder); decrementOnDeckCount[0] = false; alreadyRegistered = true; } } else { // get a reference to the current searcher for purposes of autowarming. currSearcherHolder = _searcher; currSearcherHolder.incref(); } } final SolrIndexSearcher currSearcher = currSearcherHolder == null ? null : currSearcherHolder.get(); @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) Future future = null; // if the underlying searcher has not changed, no warming is needed if (newSearcher != currSearcher) { // warm the new searcher based on the current searcher. // should this go before the other event handlers or after? if (currSearcher != null) { future = searcherExecutor.submit(() -> { Timer.Context warmupContext = newSearcherWarmupTimer.time(); try { newSearcher.warm(currSearcher); } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, e); if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } } finally { warmupContext.close(); } return null; }); } if (currSearcher == null) { future = searcherExecutor.submit(() -> { try { for (SolrEventListener listener : firstSearcherListeners) { listener.newSearcher(newSearcher, null); } } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, null, e); if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } } return null; }); } if (currSearcher != null) { future = searcherExecutor.submit(() -> { try { for (SolrEventListener listener : newSearcherListeners) { listener.newSearcher(newSearcher, currSearcher); } } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, null, e); if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } } return null; }); } } // WARNING: this code assumes a single threaded executor (that all tasks // queued will finish first). final RefCounted currSearcherHolderF = currSearcherHolder; if (!alreadyRegistered) { future = searcherExecutor.submit( () -> { try { // registerSearcher will decrement onDeckSearchers and // do a notify, even if it fails. registerSearcher(newSearchHolder); } catch (Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, e); if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } } finally { // we are all done with the old searcher we used // for warming... if (currSearcherHolderF != null) currSearcherHolderF.decref(); } return null; } ); } if (waitSearcher != null) { waitSearcher[0] = future; } success = true; // Return the searcher as the warming tasks run in parallel // callers may wait on the waitSearcher future returned. return returnSearcher ? newSearchHolder : null; } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e; throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, e); } finally { timerContext.close(); if (!success) {; ; synchronized (searcherLock) { onDeckSearchers--; if (onDeckSearchers < 0) { // sanity check... should never happen log.error("{}ERROR!!! onDeckSearchers after decrement={}", logid, onDeckSearchers); onDeckSearchers = 0; // try and recover } // if we failed, we need to wake up at least one waiter to continue the process searcherLock.notify(); } if (currSearcherHolder != null) { currSearcherHolder.decref(); } if (searchHolder != null) { searchHolder.decref(); // decrement 1 for _searcher (searchHolder will never become _searcher now) if (returnSearcher) { searchHolder.decref(); // decrement 1 because we won't be returning the searcher to the user } } } // we want to do this after we decrement onDeckSearchers so another thread // doesn't increment first and throw a false warning. openSearcherLock.unlock(); } } private RefCounted newHolder(SolrIndexSearcher newSearcher, final List> searcherList) { RefCounted holder = new RefCounted(newSearcher) { @Override public void close() { try { synchronized (searcherLock) { // it's possible for someone to get a reference via the _searchers queue // and increment the refcount while RefCounted.close() is being called. // we check the refcount again to see if this has happened and abort the close. // This relies on the RefCounted class allowing close() to be called every // time the counter hits zero. if (refcount.get() > 0) return; searcherList.remove(this); } resource.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // do not allow decref() operations to fail since they are typically called in finally blocks // and throwing another exception would be very unexpected. SolrException.log(log, "Error closing searcher:" + this, e); } } }; holder.incref(); // set ref count to 1 to account for this._searcher return holder; } public boolean isReloaded() { return isReloaded; } // Take control of newSearcherHolder (which should have a reference count of at // least 1 already. If the caller wishes to use the newSearcherHolder directly // after registering it, then they should increment the reference count *before* // calling this method. // // onDeckSearchers will also be decremented (it should have been incremented // as a result of opening a new searcher). private void registerSearcher(RefCounted newSearcherHolder) { synchronized (searcherLock) { try { if (_searcher == newSearcherHolder) { // trying to re-register the same searcher... this can now happen when a commit has been done but // there were no changes to the index. newSearcherHolder.decref(); // decref since the caller should have still incref'd (since they didn't know the searcher was the same) return; // still execute the finally block to notify anyone waiting. } if (_searcher != null) { _searcher.decref(); // dec refcount for this._searcher _searcher = null; } _searcher = newSearcherHolder; SolrIndexSearcher newSearcher = newSearcherHolder.get(); /*** // a searcher may have been warming asynchronously while the core was being closed. // if this happens, just close the searcher. if (isClosed()) { // NOTE: this should not happen now - see close() for details. // *BUT* if we left it enabled, this could still happen before // close() stopped the executor - so disable this test for now. log.error("Ignoring searcher register on closed core:{}", newSearcher); _searcher.decref(); } ***/ newSearcher.register(); // register subitems (caches) if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"{} Registered new searcher autowarm time: {} ms", logid, newSearcher.getWarmupTime()); } } catch (Exception e) { // an exception in register() shouldn't be fatal. log(e); } finally { // wake up anyone waiting for a searcher // even in the face of errors. onDeckSearchers--; searcherLock.notifyAll(); assert TestInjection.injectSearcherHooks(getCoreDescriptor() != null && getCoreDescriptor().getCloudDescriptor() != null ? getCoreDescriptor().getCloudDescriptor().getCollectionName() : null); } } } public void closeSearcher() { log.debug("{}Closing main searcher on request.", logid); synchronized (searcherLock) { if (realtimeSearcher != null) { realtimeSearcher.decref(); realtimeSearcher = null; } if (_searcher != null) { _searcher.decref(); // dec refcount for this._searcher _searcher = null; // isClosed() does check this } } } public void execute(SolrRequestHandler handler, SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp) { if (handler == null) { String msg = "Null Request Handler '" + req.getParams().get(CommonParams.QT) + "'"; log.warn("{}{}:{}", logid, msg, req); throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, msg); } preDecorateResponse(req, rsp); /* * Keeping this usage of isDebugEnabled because the extraction of the log data as a string might be slow. TODO: * Determine how likely it is that something is going to go wrong that will prevent the logging at INFO further * down, and if possible, prevent that situation. The handleRequest and postDecorateResponse methods do not indicate * that they throw any checked exceptions, so it would have to be an unchecked exception that causes any problems. */ if (requestLog.isDebugEnabled() && rsp.getToLog().size() > 0) { // log request at debug in case something goes wrong and we aren't able to log later requestLog.debug(rsp.getToLogAsString(logid)); } // TODO: this doesn't seem to be working correctly and causes problems with the example server and distrib (for example /spell) // if (req.getParams().getBool(ShardParams.IS_SHARD,false) && !(handler instanceof SearchHandler)) // throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"isShard is only acceptable with search handlers"); handler.handleRequest(req, rsp); postDecorateResponse(handler, req, rsp); if (rsp.getToLog().size() > 0) { if (requestLog.isInfoEnabled()) {; } /* slowQueryThresholdMillis defaults to -1 in SolrConfig -- not enabled.*/ if (log.isWarnEnabled() && slowQueryThresholdMillis >= 0) { final long qtime = (long) (req.getRequestTimer().getTime()); if (qtime >= slowQueryThresholdMillis) { slowLog.warn("slow: {}", rsp.getToLogAsString(logid)); } } } } public static void preDecorateResponse(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp) { // setup response header final NamedList responseHeader = new SimpleOrderedMap<>(); rsp.addResponseHeader(responseHeader); // toLog is a local ref to the same NamedList used by the response NamedList toLog = rsp.getToLog(); // for back compat, we set these now just in case other code // are expecting them during handleRequest toLog.add("webapp", req.getContext().get("webapp")); toLog.add(PATH, req.getContext().get(PATH)); final SolrParams params = req.getParams(); final String lpList = params.get(CommonParams.LOG_PARAMS_LIST); if (lpList == null) { toLog.add("params", "{" + req.getParamString() + "}"); } else if (lpList.length() > 0) { // Filter params by those in LOG_PARAMS_LIST so that we can then call toString HashSet lpSet = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(lpList.split(","))); SolrParams filteredParams = new SolrParams() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -643991638344314066L; @Override public Iterator getParameterNamesIterator() { return Iterators.filter(params.getParameterNamesIterator(), lpSet::contains); } @Override public String get(String param) { // assume param is in lpSet return params.get(param); } //assume in lpSet @Override public String[] getParams(String param) { // assume param is in lpSet return params.getParams(param); } // assume in lpSet }; toLog.add("params", "{" + filteredParams + "}"); } } /** * Put status, QTime, and possibly request handler and params, in the response header */ public static void postDecorateResponse (SolrRequestHandler handler, SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp) { // TODO should check that responseHeader has not been replaced by handler NamedList responseHeader = rsp.getResponseHeader(); final int qtime = (int) (req.getRequestTimer().getTime()); int status = 0; Exception exception = rsp.getException(); if (exception != null) { if (exception instanceof SolrException) status = ((SolrException) exception).code(); else status = 500; } responseHeader.add("status", status); responseHeader.add("QTime", qtime); if (rsp.getToLog().size() > 0) { rsp.getToLog().add("status", status); rsp.getToLog().add("QTime", qtime); } SolrParams params = req.getParams(); if (null != handler && params.getBool(CommonParams.HEADER_ECHO_HANDLER, false)) { responseHeader.add("handler", handler.getName()); } // Values for echoParams... false/true/all or false/explicit/all ??? String ep = params.get(CommonParams.HEADER_ECHO_PARAMS, null); if (ep != null) { EchoParamStyle echoParams = EchoParamStyle.get(ep); if (echoParams == null) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid value '" + ep + "' for " + CommonParams.HEADER_ECHO_PARAMS + " parameter, use '" + EchoParamStyle.EXPLICIT + "' or '" + EchoParamStyle.ALL + "'"); } if (echoParams == EchoParamStyle.EXPLICIT) { responseHeader.add("params", req.getOriginalParams().toNamedList()); } else if (echoParams == EchoParamStyle.ALL) { responseHeader.add("params", req.getParams().toNamedList()); } } } final public static void log(Throwable e) { SolrException.log(log, null, e); } public PluginBag getResponseWriters() { return responseWriters; } private final PluginBag responseWriters = new PluginBag<>(QueryResponseWriter.class, this); public static final Map DEFAULT_RESPONSE_WRITERS; static { HashMap m = new HashMap<>(15, 1); m.put("xml", new XMLResponseWriter()); m.put(CommonParams.JSON, new JSONResponseWriter()); m.put("standard", m.get(CommonParams.JSON)); m.put("geojson", new GeoJSONResponseWriter()); m.put("graphml", new GraphMLResponseWriter()); m.put("python", new PythonResponseWriter()); m.put("php", new PHPResponseWriter()); m.put("phps", new PHPSerializedResponseWriter()); m.put("ruby", new RubyResponseWriter()); m.put("raw", new RawResponseWriter()); m.put(CommonParams.JAVABIN, new BinaryResponseWriter()); m.put("csv", new CSVResponseWriter()); m.put("schema.xml", new SchemaXmlResponseWriter()); m.put("smile", new SmileResponseWriter()); m.put(ReplicationHandler.FILE_STREAM, getFileStreamWriter()); DEFAULT_RESPONSE_WRITERS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(m); try { m.put("xlsx", (QueryResponseWriter) Class.forName("org.apache.solr.handler.extraction.XLSXResponseWriter").newInstance()); } catch (Exception e) { //don't worry; solrcell contrib not in class path } } private static BinaryResponseWriter getFileStreamWriter() { return new BinaryResponseWriter() { @Override public void write(OutputStream out, SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse response) throws IOException { RawWriter rawWriter = (RawWriter) response.getValues().get(ReplicationHandler.FILE_STREAM); if (rawWriter != null) { rawWriter.write(out); if (rawWriter instanceof Closeable) ((Closeable) rawWriter).close(); } } @Override public String getContentType(SolrQueryRequest request, SolrQueryResponse response) { RawWriter rawWriter = (RawWriter) response.getValues().get(ReplicationHandler.FILE_STREAM); if (rawWriter != null) { return rawWriter.getContentType(); } else { return BinaryResponseParser.BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE; } } }; } public MemClassLoader getMemClassLoader() { return memClassLoader; } public void fetchLatestSchema() { IndexSchema schema = configSet.getIndexSchema(true); setLatestSchema(schema); } public interface RawWriter { default String getContentType() { return BinaryResponseParser.BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE; } void write(OutputStream os) throws IOException; } /** * Configure the query response writers. There will always be a default writer; additional * writers may also be configured. */ private void initWriters() { responseWriters.init(DEFAULT_RESPONSE_WRITERS, this); // configure the default response writer; this one should never be null if (responseWriters.getDefault() == null) responseWriters.setDefault("standard"); } /** * Finds a writer by name, or returns the default writer if not found. */ public final QueryResponseWriter getQueryResponseWriter(String writerName) { return responseWriters.get(writerName, true); } /** * Returns the appropriate writer for a request. If the request specifies a writer via the * 'wt' parameter, attempts to find that one; otherwise return the default writer. */ public final QueryResponseWriter getQueryResponseWriter(SolrQueryRequest request) { return getQueryResponseWriter(request.getParams().get(CommonParams.WT)); } private final PluginBag qParserPlugins = new PluginBag<>(QParserPlugin.class, this); public QParserPlugin getQueryPlugin(String parserName) { return qParserPlugins.get(parserName); } private final PluginBag valueSourceParsers = new PluginBag<>(ValueSourceParser.class, this); private final PluginBag transformerFactories = new PluginBag<>(TransformerFactory.class, this); @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) Map createInstances(Map> map) { Map result = new LinkedHashMap<>(map.size(), 1); for (Map.Entry> e : map.entrySet()) { try { Object o = getResourceLoader().newInstance(e.getValue().getName(), e.getValue()); result.put(e.getKey(), (T) o); } catch (Exception exp) { //should never happen throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Unable to instantiate class", exp); } } return result; } public TransformerFactory getTransformerFactory(String name) { return transformerFactories.get(name); } public void addTransformerFactory(String name, TransformerFactory factory) { transformerFactories.put(name, factory); } /** * @param registry The map to which the instance should be added to. The key is the name attribute * @param type the class or interface that the instance should extend or implement. * @param defClassName If PluginInfo does not have a classname, use this as the classname * @return The default instance . The one with (default=true) */ private T initPlugins(Map registry, Class type, String defClassName) { return initPlugins(solrConfig.getPluginInfos(type.getName()), registry, type, defClassName); } public T initPlugins(List pluginInfos, Map registry, Class type, String defClassName) { T def = null; for (PluginInfo info : pluginInfos) { T o = createInitInstance(info, type, type.getSimpleName(), defClassName); registry.put(, o); if (o instanceof SolrMetricProducer) { coreMetricManager.registerMetricProducer(type.getSimpleName() + "." +, (SolrMetricProducer) o); } if (info.isDefault()) { def = o; } } return def; } public void initDefaultPlugin(Object plugin, @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"})Class type) { if (plugin instanceof SolrMetricProducer) { coreMetricManager.registerMetricProducer(type.getSimpleName() + ".default", (SolrMetricProducer) plugin); } } /** * For a given List of PluginInfo return the instances as a List * * @param defClassName The default classname if PluginInfo#className == null * @return The instances initialized */ public List initPlugins(List pluginInfos, Class type, String defClassName) { if (pluginInfos.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList(); List result = new ArrayList<>(pluginInfos.size()); for (PluginInfo info : pluginInfos) result.add(createInitInstance(info, type, type.getSimpleName(), defClassName)); return result; } /** * @param registry The map to which the instance should be added to. The key is the name attribute * @param type The type of the Plugin. These should be standard ones registered by type.getName() in SolrConfig * @return The default if any */ public T initPlugins(Map registry, Class type) { return initPlugins(registry, type, null); } public ValueSourceParser getValueSourceParser(String parserName) { return valueSourceParsers.get(parserName); } /** * Creates and initializes a RestManager based on configuration args in solrconfig.xml. * RestManager provides basic storage support for managed resource data, such as to * persist stopwords to ZooKeeper if running in SolrCloud mode. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected RestManager initRestManager() throws SolrException { PluginInfo restManagerPluginInfo = getSolrConfig().getPluginInfo(RestManager.class.getName()); NamedList initArgs = null; RestManager mgr = null; if (restManagerPluginInfo != null) { if (restManagerPluginInfo.className != null) { mgr = resourceLoader.newInstance(restManagerPluginInfo.className, RestManager.class); } if (restManagerPluginInfo.initArgs != null) { initArgs = (NamedList) restManagerPluginInfo.initArgs; } } if (mgr == null) mgr = new RestManager(); if (initArgs == null) initArgs = new NamedList<>(); String collection = getCoreDescriptor().getCollectionName(); StorageIO storageIO = ManagedResourceStorage.newStorageIO(collection, resourceLoader, initArgs); mgr.init(resourceLoader, initArgs, storageIO); return mgr; } public CoreDescriptor getCoreDescriptor() { return coreDescriptor; } public IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper getDeletionPolicy() { return solrDelPolicy; } /** * @return A reference of {@linkplain SolrSnapshotMetaDataManager} * managing the persistent snapshots for this Solr core. */ public SolrSnapshotMetaDataManager getSnapshotMetaDataManager() { return snapshotMgr; } public ReentrantLock getRuleExpiryLock() { return ruleExpiryLock; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SolrInfoBean stuff: Statistics and Module Info ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public String getDescription() { return "SolrCore"; } @Override public Category getCategory() { return Category.CORE; } @Override public MetricRegistry getMetricRegistry() { return coreMetricManager.getRegistry(); } public Codec getCodec() { return codec; } public void unloadOnClose(final CoreDescriptor desc, boolean deleteIndexDir, boolean deleteDataDir, boolean deleteInstanceDir) { if (deleteIndexDir) { try { directoryFactory.remove(getIndexDir()); } catch (Exception e) { SolrException.log(log, "Failed to flag index dir for removal for core:" + name + " dir:" + getIndexDir()); } } if (deleteDataDir) { try { directoryFactory.remove(getDataDir(), true); } catch (Exception e) { SolrException.log(log, "Failed to flag data dir for removal for core:" + name + " dir:" + getDataDir()); } } if (deleteInstanceDir) { addCloseHook(new CloseHook() { @Override public void preClose(SolrCore core) { // empty block } @Override public void postClose(SolrCore core) { if (desc != null) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(desc.getInstanceDir().toFile()); } catch (IOException e) { SolrException.log(log, "Failed to delete instance dir for core:" + core.getName() + " dir:" + desc.getInstanceDir()); } } } }); } } public static void deleteUnloadedCore(CoreDescriptor cd, boolean deleteDataDir, boolean deleteInstanceDir) { if (deleteDataDir) { File dataDir = cd.getInstanceDir().resolve(cd.getDataDir()).toFile(); try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(dataDir); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to delete data dir for unloaded core: {} dir: {}", cd.getName(), dataDir.getAbsolutePath(), e); } } if (deleteInstanceDir) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(cd.getInstanceDir().toFile()); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to delete instance dir for unloaded core: {} dir: {}", cd.getName(), cd.getInstanceDir(), e); } } } /** * Register to notify for any file change in the conf directory. * If the file change results in a core reload , then the listener * is not fired */ public void addConfListener(Runnable runnable) { confListeners.add(runnable); } /** * Remove a listener */ public boolean removeConfListener(Runnable runnable) { return confListeners.remove(runnable); } /** * This registers one listener for the entire conf directory. In zookeeper * there is no event fired when children are modified. So , we expect everyone * to 'touch' the /conf directory by setting some data so that events are triggered. */ private void registerConfListener() { if (!(resourceLoader instanceof ZkSolrResourceLoader)) return; final ZkSolrResourceLoader zkSolrResourceLoader = (ZkSolrResourceLoader) resourceLoader; if (zkSolrResourceLoader != null) zkSolrResourceLoader.getZkController().registerConfListenerForCore( zkSolrResourceLoader.getConfigSetZkPath(), this, getConfListener(this, zkSolrResourceLoader)); } public static Runnable getConfListener(SolrCore core, ZkSolrResourceLoader zkSolrResourceLoader) { final String coreName = core.getName(); final UUID coreId = core.uniqueId; final CoreContainer cc = core.getCoreContainer(); final String overlayPath = zkSolrResourceLoader.getConfigSetZkPath() + "/" + ConfigOverlay.RESOURCE_NAME; final String solrConfigPath = zkSolrResourceLoader.getConfigSetZkPath() + "/" + core.getSolrConfig().getName(); String schemaRes = null; if (core.getLatestSchema().isMutable() && core.getLatestSchema() instanceof ManagedIndexSchema) { ManagedIndexSchema mis = (ManagedIndexSchema) core.getLatestSchema(); schemaRes = mis.getResourceName(); } final String managedSchmaResourcePath = schemaRes == null ? null : zkSolrResourceLoader.getConfigSetZkPath() + "/" + schemaRes; return () -> {"config update listener called for core {}", coreName); SolrZkClient zkClient = cc.getZkController().getZkClient(); int solrConfigversion, overlayVersion, managedSchemaVersion = 0; SolrConfig cfg = null; try (SolrCore solrCore = cc.solrCores.getCoreFromAnyList(coreName, true, coreId)) { if (solrCore == null || solrCore.isClosed() || solrCore.getCoreContainer().isShutDown()) return; cfg = solrCore.getSolrConfig(); solrConfigversion = solrCore.getSolrConfig().getOverlay().getZnodeVersion(); overlayVersion = solrCore.getSolrConfig().getZnodeVersion(); if (managedSchmaResourcePath != null) { managedSchemaVersion = ((ManagedIndexSchema) solrCore.getLatestSchema()).getSchemaZkVersion(); } } if (cfg != null) { cfg.refreshRequestParams(); } if (checkStale(zkClient, overlayPath, solrConfigversion) || checkStale(zkClient, solrConfigPath, overlayVersion) || checkStale(zkClient, managedSchmaResourcePath, managedSchemaVersion)) {"core reload {}", coreName); SolrConfigHandler configHandler = ((SolrConfigHandler) core.getRequestHandler("/config")); if (configHandler.getReloadLock().tryLock()) { try { cc.reload(coreName, coreId); } catch (SolrCoreState.CoreIsClosedException e) { /*no problem this core is already closed*/ } finally { configHandler.getReloadLock().unlock(); } } else {"Another reload is in progress. Not doing anything."); } return; } //some files in conf directory may have other than managedschema, overlay, params try (SolrCore solrCore = cc.solrCores.getCoreFromAnyList(coreName, true, coreId)) { if (solrCore == null || solrCore.isClosed() || cc.isShutDown()) return; for (Runnable listener : solrCore.confListeners) { try {; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error in listener ", e); } } } }; } public void registerInfoBean(String name, SolrInfoBean solrInfoBean) { infoRegistry.put(name, solrInfoBean); if (solrInfoBean instanceof SolrMetricProducer) { SolrMetricProducer producer = (SolrMetricProducer) solrInfoBean; coreMetricManager.registerMetricProducer(name, producer); } } private static boolean checkStale(SolrZkClient zkClient, String zkPath, int currentVersion) { if (zkPath == null) return false; try { Stat stat = zkClient.exists(zkPath, null, true); if (stat == null) { if (currentVersion > -1) return true; return false; } if (stat.getVersion() > currentVersion) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("{} is stale will need an update from {} to {}", zkPath, currentVersion, stat.getVersion()); } return true; } return false; } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException nne) { //no problem } catch (KeeperException e) { log.error("error refreshing solrconfig ", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } return false; } public void cleanupOldIndexDirectories(boolean reload) { final DirectoryFactory myDirFactory = getDirectoryFactory(); final String myDataDir = getDataDir(); final String myIndexDir = getNewIndexDir(); // ensure the latest replicated index is protected final String coreName = getName(); if (myDirFactory != null && myDataDir != null && myIndexDir != null) { Thread cleanupThread = new Thread(() -> { log.debug("Looking for old index directories to cleanup for core {} in {}", coreName, myDataDir); try { myDirFactory.cleanupOldIndexDirectories(myDataDir, myIndexDir, reload); } catch (Exception exc) { log.error("Failed to cleanup old index directories for core {}", coreName, exc); } }, "OldIndexDirectoryCleanupThreadForCore-" + coreName); cleanupThread.setDaemon(true); cleanupThread.start(); } } private static final class ImplicitHolder { private ImplicitHolder() { } private static final List INSTANCE; static { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map implicitPluginsInfo = (Map) Utils.fromJSONResource("ImplicitPlugins.json"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map> requestHandlers = (Map>) implicitPluginsInfo.get(SolrRequestHandler.TYPE); List implicits = new ArrayList<>(requestHandlers.size()); for (Map.Entry> entry : requestHandlers.entrySet()) { Map info = entry.getValue(); info.put(CommonParams.NAME, entry.getKey()); implicits.add(new PluginInfo(SolrRequestHandler.TYPE, info)); } INSTANCE = Collections.unmodifiableList(implicits); } } public List getImplicitHandlers() { return ImplicitHolder.INSTANCE; } /** * Convenience method to load a blob. This method minimizes the degree to which component and other code needs * to depend on the structure of solr's object graph and ensures that a proper close hook is registered. This method * should normally be called in {@link SolrCoreAware#inform(SolrCore)}, and should never be called during request * processing. The Decoder will only run on the first invocations, subsequent invocations will return the * cached object. * * @param key A key in the format of name/version for a blob stored in the * {@link CollectionAdminParams#SYSTEM_COLL} blob store via the Blob Store API * @param decoder a decoder with which to convert the blob into a Java Object representation (first time only) * @return a reference to the blob that has already cached the decoded version. */ @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) public BlobRepository.BlobContentRef loadDecodeAndCacheBlob(String key, BlobRepository.Decoder decoder) { // make sure component authors don't give us oddball keys with no version... if (!BlobRepository.BLOB_KEY_PATTERN_CHECKER.matcher(key).matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid key format, must end in /N where N is the version number"); } // define the blob @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) BlobRepository.BlobContentRef blobRef = coreContainer.getBlobRepository().getBlobIncRef(key, decoder); addCloseHook(new CloseHook() { @Override public void preClose(SolrCore core) { } @Override public void postClose(SolrCore core) { coreContainer.getBlobRepository().decrementBlobRefCount(blobRef); } }); return blobRef; } /** * Run an arbitrary task in it's own thread. This is an expert option and is * a method you should use with great care. It would be bad to run something that never stopped * or run something that took a very long time. Typically this is intended for actions that take * a few seconds, and therefore would be bad to wait for within a request, but but would not pose * a significant hindrance to server shut down times. It is not intended for long running tasks * and if you are using a Runnable with a loop in it, you are almost certainly doing it wrong. *

* WARNING: Solr wil not be able to shut down gracefully until this task completes! *

* A significant upside of using this method vs creating your own ExecutorService is that your code * does not have to properly shutdown executors which typically is risky from a unit testing * perspective since the test framework will complain if you don't carefully ensure the executor * shuts down before the end of the test. Also the threads running this task are sure to have * a proper MDC for logging. * * @param r the task to run */ public void runAsync(Runnable r) { coreAsyncTaskExecutor.submit(r); } /**Provides the core instance if the core instance is still alive. * This helps to not hold on to a live {@link SolrCore} instance * even after it's unloaded * */ public static class Provider { private final CoreContainer coreContainer; private final String coreName; private final UUID coreId; public Provider(CoreContainer coreContainer, String coreName, UUID coreId) { this.coreContainer = coreContainer; this.coreName = coreName; this.coreId = coreId; } public void reload() { coreContainer.reload(coreName, coreId); } public void withCore(Consumer r) { try(SolrCore core = coreContainer.getCore(coreName, coreId)) { if(core == null) return; r.accept(core); } } } }