org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.UpdateRequest;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
* SolrJ client class to communicate with SolrCloud.
* Instances of this class communicate with Zookeeper to discover
* Solr endpoints for SolrCloud collections, and then use the
* {@link LBHttpSolrClient} to issue requests.
* This class assumes the id field for your documents is called
* 'id' - if this is not the case, you must set the right name
* with {@link #setIdField(String)}.
public class CloudSolrClient extends BaseCloudSolrClient {
private final ClusterStateProvider stateProvider;
private final LBHttpSolrClient lbClient;
private final boolean shutdownLBHttpSolrServer;
private HttpClient myClient;
private final boolean clientIsInternal;
public static final String STATE_VERSION = BaseCloudSolrClient.STATE_VERSION;
* @deprecated since 7.0 Use {@link Builder} methods instead.
public void setSoTimeout(int timeout) {
* Create a new client object that connects to Zookeeper and is always aware
* of the SolrCloud state. If there is a fully redundant Zookeeper quorum and
* SolrCloud has enough replicas for every shard in a collection, there is no
* single point of failure. Updates will be sent to shard leaders by default.
* @param builder a {@link CloudSolrClient.Builder} with the options used to create the client.
protected CloudSolrClient(Builder builder) {
super(builder.shardLeadersOnly, builder.parallelUpdates, builder.directUpdatesToLeadersOnly);
if (builder.stateProvider == null) {
if (builder.zkHosts != null && builder.solrUrls != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both zkHost(s) & solrUrl(s) have been specified. Only specify one.");
if (builder.zkHosts != null) {
this.stateProvider = new ZkClientClusterStateProvider(builder.zkHosts, builder.zkChroot);
} else if (builder.solrUrls != null && !builder.solrUrls.isEmpty()) {
try {
this.stateProvider = new HttpClusterStateProvider(builder.solrUrls, builder.httpClient);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't initialize a HttpClusterStateProvider (is/are the "
+ "Solr server(s), " + builder.solrUrls + ", down?)", e);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both zkHosts and solrUrl cannot be null.");
} else {
this.stateProvider = builder.stateProvider;
this.clientIsInternal = builder.httpClient == null;
this.shutdownLBHttpSolrServer = builder.loadBalancedSolrClient == null;
if(builder.lbClientBuilder != null) {
builder.loadBalancedSolrClient =;
if(builder.loadBalancedSolrClient != null) builder.httpClient = builder.loadBalancedSolrClient.getHttpClient();
this.myClient = (builder.httpClient == null) ? HttpClientUtil.createClient(null) : builder.httpClient;
if (builder.loadBalancedSolrClient == null) builder.loadBalancedSolrClient = createLBHttpSolrClient(builder, myClient);
this.lbClient = builder.loadBalancedSolrClient;
private void propagateLBClientConfigOptions(Builder builder) {
final LBHttpSolrClient.Builder lbBuilder = builder.lbClientBuilder;
if (builder.connectionTimeoutMillis != null) {
if (builder.socketTimeoutMillis != null) {
protected Map createRoutes(UpdateRequest updateRequest, ModifiableSolrParams routableParams,
DocCollection col, DocRouter router, Map> urlMap,
String idField) {
return urlMap == null ? null : updateRequest.getRoutes(router, col, urlMap, routableParams, idField);
protected RouteException getRouteException(SolrException.ErrorCode serverError, NamedList exceptions, Map routes) {
return new RouteException(serverError, exceptions, routes);
/** @deprecated since 7.2 Use {@link Builder} methods instead. */
public void setParallelUpdates(boolean parallelUpdates) {
this.parallelUpdates = parallelUpdates;
* @deprecated since Solr 8.0
public RouteResponse condenseResponse(@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"})NamedList response, int timeMillis) {
return condenseResponse(response, timeMillis, RouteResponse::new);
* @deprecated since Solr 8.0
public static class RouteResponse extends BaseCloudSolrClient.RouteResponse {
* @deprecated since Solr 8.0
public static class RouteException extends BaseCloudSolrClient.RouteException {
public RouteException(ErrorCode errorCode, NamedList throwables, Map routes) {
super(errorCode, throwables, routes);
public void close() throws IOException {
if (shutdownLBHttpSolrServer) {
if (clientIsInternal && myClient!=null) {
public LBHttpSolrClient getLbClient() {
return lbClient;
public HttpClient getHttpClient() {
return myClient;
* @deprecated since 7.0 Use {@link Builder} methods instead.
public void setConnectionTimeout(int timeout) {
public ClusterStateProvider getClusterStateProvider(){
return stateProvider;
protected boolean wasCommError(Throwable rootCause) {
return rootCause instanceof ConnectTimeoutException ||
rootCause instanceof NoHttpResponseException;
private static LBHttpSolrClient createLBHttpSolrClient(Builder cloudSolrClientBuilder, HttpClient httpClient) {
final LBHttpSolrClient.Builder lbBuilder = new LBHttpSolrClient.Builder();
if (cloudSolrClientBuilder.connectionTimeoutMillis != null) {
if (cloudSolrClientBuilder.socketTimeoutMillis != null) {
final LBHttpSolrClient lbClient =;
lbClient.setRequestWriter(new BinaryRequestWriter());
lbClient.setParser(new BinaryResponseParser());
return lbClient;
* Constructs {@link CloudSolrClient} instances from provided configuration.
public static class Builder extends SolrClientBuilder {
protected Collection zkHosts = new ArrayList<>();
protected List solrUrls = new ArrayList<>();
protected String zkChroot;
protected LBHttpSolrClient loadBalancedSolrClient;
protected LBHttpSolrClient.Builder lbClientBuilder;
protected boolean shardLeadersOnly = true;
protected boolean directUpdatesToLeadersOnly = false;
protected boolean parallelUpdates = true;
protected ClusterStateProvider stateProvider;
* @deprecated use other constructors instead. This constructor will be changing visibility in an upcoming release.
public Builder() {}
* Provide a series of Solr URLs to be used when configuring {@link CloudSolrClient} instances.
* The solr client will use these urls to understand the cluster topology, which solr nodes are active etc.
* Provided Solr URLs are expected to point to the root Solr path ("http://hostname:8983/solr"); they should not
* include any collections, cores, or other path components.
* Usage example:
* final List<String> solrBaseUrls = new ArrayList<String>();
* solrBaseUrls.add("http://solr1:8983/solr"); solrBaseUrls.add("http://solr2:8983/solr"); solrBaseUrls.add("http://solr3:8983/solr");
* final SolrClient client = new CloudSolrClient.Builder(solrBaseUrls).build();
public Builder(List solrUrls) {
this.solrUrls = solrUrls;
* Provide an already created {@link ClusterStateProvider} instance
public Builder(ClusterStateProvider stateProvider) {
this.stateProvider = stateProvider;
* Provide a series of ZK hosts which will be used when configuring {@link CloudSolrClient} instances.
* Usage example when Solr stores data at the ZooKeeper root ('/'):
* final List<String> zkServers = new ArrayList<String>();
* zkServers.add("zookeeper1:2181"); zkServers.add("zookeeper2:2181"); zkServers.add("zookeeper3:2181");
* final SolrClient client = new CloudSolrClient.Builder(zkServers, Optional.empty()).build();
* Usage example when Solr data is stored in a ZooKeeper chroot:
* final List<String> zkServers = new ArrayList<String>();
* zkServers.add("zookeeper1:2181"); zkServers.add("zookeeper2:2181"); zkServers.add("zookeeper3:2181");
* final SolrClient client = new CloudSolrClient.Builder(zkServers, Optional.of("/solr")).build();
* @param zkHosts a List of at least one ZooKeeper host and port (e.g. "zookeeper1:2181")
* @param zkChroot the path to the root ZooKeeper node containing Solr data. Provide {@code java.util.Optional.empty()} if no ZK chroot is used.
public Builder(List zkHosts, Optional zkChroot) {
this.zkHosts = zkHosts;
if (zkChroot.isPresent()) this.zkChroot = zkChroot.get();
* Provide a ZooKeeper client endpoint to be used when configuring {@link CloudSolrClient} instances.
* Method may be called multiple times. All provided values will be used.
* @param zkHost
* The client endpoint of the ZooKeeper quorum containing the cloud
* state.
* @deprecated use Zk-host constructor instead
public Builder withZkHost(String zkHost) {
return this;
* Provide a Solr URL to be used when configuring {@link CloudSolrClient} instances.
* Method may be called multiple times. One of the provided values will be used to fetch
* the list of live Solr nodes that the underlying {@link HttpClusterStateProvider} would be maintaining.
* Provided Solr URL is expected to point to the root Solr path ("http://hostname:8983/solr"); it should not
* include any collections, cores, or other path components.
* @deprecated use Solr-URL constructor instead
public Builder withSolrUrl(String solrUrl) {
return this;
* Provide a list of Solr URL to be used when configuring {@link CloudSolrClient} instances.
* One of the provided values will be used to fetch the list of live Solr
* nodes that the underlying {@link HttpClusterStateProvider} would be maintaining.
* Provided Solr URLs are expected to point to the root Solr path ("http://hostname:8983/solr"); they should not
* include any collections, cores, or other path components.
* @deprecated use Solr URL constructors instead
public Builder withSolrUrl(Collection solrUrls) {
return this;
* Provides a {@link HttpClient} for the builder to use when creating clients.
public Builder withLBHttpSolrClientBuilder(LBHttpSolrClient.Builder lbHttpSolrClientBuilder) {
this.lbClientBuilder = lbHttpSolrClientBuilder;
return this;
* Provide a series of ZooKeeper client endpoints for the builder to use when creating clients.
* Method may be called multiple times. All provided values will be used.
* @param zkHosts
* A Java Collection (List, Set, etc) of HOST:PORT strings, one for
* each host in the ZooKeeper ensemble. Note that with certain
* Collection types like HashSet, the order of hosts in the final
* connect string may not be in the same order you added them.
* @deprecated use Zk-host constructor instead
public Builder withZkHost(Collection zkHosts) {
return this;
* Provides a ZooKeeper chroot for the builder to use when creating clients.
* @deprecated use Zk-host constructor instead
public Builder withZkChroot(String zkChroot) {
this.zkChroot = zkChroot;
return this;
* Provides a {@link LBHttpSolrClient} for the builder to use when creating clients.
public Builder withLBHttpSolrClient(LBHttpSolrClient loadBalancedSolrClient) {
this.loadBalancedSolrClient = loadBalancedSolrClient;
return this;
* Tells {@link Builder} that created clients should send updates only to shard leaders.
* WARNING: This method currently has no effect. See SOLR-6312 for more information.
public Builder sendUpdatesOnlyToShardLeaders() {
shardLeadersOnly = true;
return this;
* Tells {@link Builder} that created clients should send updates to all replicas for a shard.
* WARNING: This method currently has no effect. See SOLR-6312 for more information.
public Builder sendUpdatesToAllReplicasInShard() {
shardLeadersOnly = false;
return this;
* Tells {@link Builder} that created clients should send direct updates to shard leaders only.
* UpdateRequests whose leaders cannot be found will "fail fast" on the client side with a {@link SolrException}
public Builder sendDirectUpdatesToShardLeadersOnly() {
directUpdatesToLeadersOnly = true;
return this;
* Tells {@link Builder} that created clients can send updates to any shard replica (shard leaders and non-leaders).
* Shard leaders are still preferred, but the created clients will fallback to using other replicas if a leader
* cannot be found.
public Builder sendDirectUpdatesToAnyShardReplica() {
directUpdatesToLeadersOnly = false;
return this;
* Tells {@link Builder} whether created clients should send shard updates serially or in parallel
* When an {@link UpdateRequest} affects multiple shards, {@link CloudSolrClient} splits it up and sends a request
* to each affected shard. This setting chooses whether those sub-requests are sent serially or in parallel.
* If not set, this defaults to 'true' and sends sub-requests in parallel.
public Builder withParallelUpdates(boolean parallelUpdates) {
this.parallelUpdates = parallelUpdates;
return this;
* Expert feature where you want to implement a custom cluster discovery mechanism of the solr nodes as part of the
* cluster.
* @deprecated since this is an expert feature we don't want to expose this to regular users. To use this feature
* extend CloudSolrClient.Builder and pass your custom ClusterStateProvider
public Builder withClusterStateProvider(ClusterStateProvider stateProvider) {
this.stateProvider = stateProvider;
return this;
* Create a {@link CloudSolrClient} based on the provided configuration.
public CloudSolrClient build() {
if (stateProvider == null) {
if (!zkHosts.isEmpty()) {
stateProvider = new ZkClientClusterStateProvider(zkHosts, zkChroot);
else if (!this.solrUrls.isEmpty()) {
try {
stateProvider = new HttpClusterStateProvider(solrUrls, httpClient);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't initialize a HttpClusterStateProvider (is/are the "
+ "Solr server(s), " + solrUrls + ", down?)", e);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both zkHosts and solrUrl cannot be null.");
return new CloudSolrClient(this);
public Builder getThis() {
return this;