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org.apache.solr.common.util.Utils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.common.util;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.apache.solr.common.IteratorWriter;
import org.apache.solr.common.LinkedHashMapWriter;
import org.apache.solr.common.MapWriter;
import org.apache.solr.common.MapWriterMap;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SpecProvider;
import org.apache.solr.common.annotation.JsonProperty;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
import org.noggit.CharArr;
import org.noggit.JSONParser;
import org.noggit.JSONWriter;
import org.noggit.ObjectBuilder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class Utils {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
public static Map getDeepCopy(Map, ?> map, int maxDepth) {
return getDeepCopy(map, maxDepth, true, false);
public static Map getDeepCopy(Map, ?> map, int maxDepth, boolean mutable) {
return getDeepCopy(map, maxDepth, mutable, false);
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public static Map getDeepCopy(Map, ?> map, int maxDepth, boolean mutable, boolean sorted) {
if (map == null) return null;
if (maxDepth < 1) return map;
Map copy;
if (sorted) {
copy = new TreeMap<>();
} else {
copy =
map instanceof LinkedHashMap
? CollectionUtil.newLinkedHashMap(map.size())
: CollectionUtil.newHashMap(map.size());
for (Object o : map.entrySet()) {
Map.Entry, ?> e = (Map.Entry, ?>) o;
copy.put(e.getKey(), makeDeepCopy(e.getValue(), maxDepth, mutable, sorted));
return mutable ? copy : Collections.unmodifiableMap(copy);
public static void forEachMapEntry(
Object o, String path, @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) BiConsumer fun) {
Object val = Utils.getObjectByPath(o, false, path);
forEachMapEntry(val, fun);
public static void forEachMapEntry(
Object o, List path, @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) BiConsumer fun) {
Object val = Utils.getObjectByPath(o, false, path);
forEachMapEntry(val, fun);
public static void forEachMapEntry(Object o, @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) BiConsumer fun) {
if (o instanceof MapWriter) {
MapWriter m = (MapWriter) o;
try {
new MapWriter.EntryWriter() {
public MapWriter.EntryWriter put(CharSequence k, Object v) {
fun.accept(k, v);
return this;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else if (o instanceof Map) {
((Map) o).forEach((k, v) -> fun.accept(k, v));
private static Object makeDeepCopy(Object v, int maxDepth, boolean mutable, boolean sorted) {
if (v instanceof MapWriter && maxDepth > 1) {
v = ((MapWriter) v).toMap(new LinkedHashMap<>());
} else if (v instanceof IteratorWriter && maxDepth > 1) {
List l = ((IteratorWriter) v).toList(new ArrayList<>());
if (sorted) {
v = l;
if (v instanceof Map) {
v = getDeepCopy((Map) v, maxDepth - 1, mutable, sorted);
} else if (v instanceof Collection) {
v = getDeepCopy((Collection>) v, maxDepth - 1, mutable, sorted);
return v;
public static InputStream toJavabin(Object o) throws IOException {
try (final JavaBinCodec jbc = new JavaBinCodec()) {
BAOS baos = new BAOS();
jbc.marshal(o, baos);
return new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.getbuf(), 0, baos.size());
public static Object fromJavabin(byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
try (JavaBinCodec jbc = new JavaBinCodec()) {
return jbc.unmarshal(bytes);
public static Collection> getDeepCopy(Collection> c, int maxDepth, boolean mutable) {
return getDeepCopy(c, maxDepth, mutable, false);
public static Collection> getDeepCopy(
Collection> c, int maxDepth, boolean mutable, boolean sorted) {
if (c == null || maxDepth < 1) return c;
Collection result =
c instanceof Set ? (sorted ? new TreeSet<>() : new HashSet<>()) : new ArrayList<>();
for (Object o : c)
result.add(makeDeepCopy(o, maxDepth, mutable, sorted)); // TODO should this be maxDepth - 1?
if (sorted && (result instanceof List)) {
((List) result).sort(null);
return mutable ? result : Collections.unmodifiableCollection(result);
public static void writeJson(Object o, OutputStream os, boolean indent) throws IOException {
writeJson(o, new OutputStreamWriter(os, UTF_8), indent).flush();
public static Writer writeJson(Object o, Writer writer, boolean indent) throws IOException {
try (SolrJSONWriter jsonWriter = new SolrJSONWriter(writer)) {
return writer;
public static byte[] toJSON(Object o) {
if (o == null) return new byte[0];
CharArr out = new CharArr();
new JSONWriter(out, 2).write(o); // indentation by default
return toUTF8(out);
public static String toJSONString(Object o) {
return new String(toJSON(o), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
public static byte[] toUTF8(CharArr out) {
byte[] arr = new byte[out.size() * 3];
int nBytes = ByteUtils.UTF16toUTF8(out, 0, out.size(), arr, 0);
return Arrays.copyOf(arr, nBytes);
public static Object fromJSON(byte[] utf8) {
// Need below check in both fromJSON methods since
// utf8.length returns a NPE without this check.
if (utf8 == null || utf8.length == 0) {
return Collections.emptyMap();
return fromJSON(utf8, 0, utf8.length);
public static Object fromJSON(byte[] utf8, int offset, int length) {
return fromJSON(utf8, offset, length, STANDARDOBJBUILDER);
public static Object fromJSON(
byte[] utf8, int offset, int length, Function fun) {
if (utf8 == null || utf8.length == 0 || length == 0) {
return Collections.emptyMap();
// convert directly from bytes to chars
// and parse directly from that instead of going through
// intermediate strings or readers
CharArr chars = new CharArr();
ByteUtils.UTF8toUTF16(utf8, offset, length, chars);
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(chars.getArray(), chars.getStart(), chars.length());
try {
return fun.apply(parser).getValStrict();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e); // should never happen w/o using real IO
public static Map makeMap(String k1, V v1, String k2, V v2) {
Map map = new LinkedHashMap<>(2, 1);
map.put(k1, v1);
map.put(k2, v2);
return map;
public static Map makeMap(Object... keyVals) {
return _makeMap(keyVals);
public static Map makeMap(String... keyVals) {
return _makeMap(keyVals);
private static Map _makeMap(T[] keyVals) {
if ((keyVals.length & 0x01) != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("arguments should be key,value");
Map propMap =
new LinkedHashMap<>(); // Cost of oversizing LHM is low, don't compute initialCapacity
for (int i = 0; i < keyVals.length; i += 2) {
propMap.put(String.valueOf(keyVals[i]), keyVals[i + 1]);
return propMap;
public static Object fromJSON(InputStream is) {
return fromJSON(new InputStreamReader(is, UTF_8));
public static Object fromJSON(Reader is) {
try {
return STANDARDOBJBUILDER.apply(getJSONParser(is)).getValStrict();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Parse error", e);
public static final Function STANDARDOBJBUILDER =
jsonParser -> {
try {
return new ObjectBuilder(jsonParser);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static final Function MAPWRITEROBJBUILDER =
jsonParser -> {
try {
return new ObjectBuilder(jsonParser) {
public Object newObject() {
return new LinkedHashMapWriter<>();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static final Function MAPOBJBUILDER =
jsonParser -> {
try {
return new ObjectBuilder(jsonParser) {
public Object newObject() {
return new HashMap<>();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Util function to convert {@link Object} to {@link String} Specially handles {@link Date} to
* string conversion
public static final Function OBJECT_TO_STRING =
obj ->
((obj instanceof Date)
? Objects.toString(((Date) obj).toInstant())
: Objects.toString(obj));
public static Object fromJSON(
InputStream is, Function objBuilderProvider) {
try {
return objBuilderProvider
.apply(getJSONParser((new InputStreamReader(is, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))))
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Parse error", e);
public static Object fromJSONResource(ClassLoader loader, String resourceName) {
final URL resource = loader.getResource(resourceName);
if (null == resource) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid resource name: " + resourceName);
try (InputStream stream = resource.openStream()) {
return fromJSON(stream);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SolrException(
SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Resource error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
public static JSONParser getJSONParser(Reader reader) {
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(reader);
return parser;
public static Object fromJSONString(String json) {
try {
return STANDARDOBJBUILDER.apply(getJSONParser(new StringReader(json))).getValStrict();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Parse error : " + json, e);
public static Object getObjectByPath(Object root, boolean onlyPrimitive, String hierarchy) {
if (hierarchy == null) return getObjectByPath(root, onlyPrimitive, singletonList(null));
List parts = StrUtils.splitSmart(hierarchy, '/', true);
return getObjectByPath(root, onlyPrimitive, parts);
public static boolean setObjectByPath(Object root, String hierarchy, Object value) {
List parts = StrUtils.splitSmart(hierarchy, '/', true);
return setObjectByPath(root, parts, value);
public static boolean setObjectByPath(Object root, List hierarchy, Object value) {
if (root == null) return false;
if (!isMapLike(root)) throw new RuntimeException("must be a Map or NamedList");
Object obj = root;
for (int i = 0; i < hierarchy.size(); i++) {
int idx = -2; // -1 means append to list, -2 means not found
String s = hierarchy.get(i);
if (s.endsWith("]")) {
Matcher matcher = ARRAY_ELEMENT_INDEX.matcher(s);
if (matcher.find()) {
s =;
idx = Integer.parseInt(;
if (i < hierarchy.size() - 1) {
Object o = getVal(obj, s, -1);
if (o == null) return false;
if (idx > -1) {
List> l = (List>) o;
o = idx < l.size() ? l.get(idx) : null;
if (!isMapLike(o)) return false;
obj = o;
} else {
if (idx == -2) {
if (obj instanceof NamedList) {
NamedList namedList = (NamedList) obj;
int location = namedList.indexOf(s, 0);
if (location == -1) namedList.add(s, value);
else namedList.setVal(location, value);
} else if (obj instanceof Map) {
Map map = ((Map) obj);
map.put(s, value);
return true;
} else {
Object v = getVal(obj, s, -1);
if (v instanceof List) {
List list = (List) v;
if (idx == -1) {
} else {
if (idx < list.size()) list.set(idx, value);
else return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false;
public static Object getObjectByPath(Object root, boolean onlyPrimitive, List hierarchy) {
if (root == null) return null;
if (!isMapLike(root)) return null;
Object obj = root;
for (int i = 0; i < hierarchy.size(); i++) {
int idx = -1;
String s = hierarchy.get(i);
if (s != null && s.endsWith("]")) {
Matcher matcher = ARRAY_ELEMENT_INDEX.matcher(s);
if (matcher.find()) {
s =;
idx = Integer.parseInt(;
if (i < hierarchy.size() - 1) {
Object o = getVal(obj, s, -1);
if (o == null) return null;
if (idx > -1) {
if (o instanceof List) {
List> l = (List>) o;
o = idx < l.size() ? l.get(idx) : null;
} else if (o instanceof IteratorWriter) {
o = getValueAt((IteratorWriter) o, idx);
} else if (o instanceof MapWriter) {
o = getVal(o, null, idx);
} else if (o instanceof Map) {
Map map = (Map) o;
o = getVal(new MapWriterMap(map), null, idx);
} else {
return null;
if (!isMapLike(o)) return null;
obj = o;
} else {
Object val = getVal(obj, s, -1);
if (val == null) return null;
if (idx > -1) {
if (val instanceof IteratorWriter) {
val = getValueAt((IteratorWriter) val, idx);
} else {
List> l = (List>) val;
val = idx < l.size() ? l.get(idx) : null;
if (onlyPrimitive && isMapLike(val)) {
return null;
return val;
return false;
private static Object getValueAt(IteratorWriter iteratorWriter, int idx) {
Object[] result = new Object[1];
try {
new IteratorWriter.ItemWriter() {
int i = -1;
public IteratorWriter.ItemWriter add(Object o) {
if (i > idx) return this;
if (i == idx) result[0] = o;
return this;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return result[0];
static class MapWriterEntry extends AbstractMap.SimpleEntry
implements MapWriter, Map.Entry {
MapWriterEntry(CharSequence key, V value) {
super(key, value);
public void writeMap(EntryWriter ew) throws IOException {
ew.put("key", getKey());
ew.put("value", getValue());
private static boolean isMapLike(Object o) {
return o instanceof Map || o instanceof NamedList || o instanceof MapWriter;
private static Object getVal(Object obj, String key, int idx) {
if (obj instanceof MapWriter) {
Object[] result = new Object[1];
try {
((MapWriter) obj)
new MapWriter.EntryWriter() {
int count = -1;
public MapWriter.EntryWriter put(CharSequence k, Object v) {
if (result[0] != null) return this;
if (idx < 0) {
if (key.contentEquals(k)) result[0] = v;
} else {
if (++count == idx) result[0] = new MapWriterEntry<>(k, v);
return this;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return result[0];
} else if (obj instanceof Map) return ((Map, ?>) obj).get(key);
else throw new RuntimeException("must be a NamedList or Map");
* If the passed entity has content, make sure it is fully read and closed.
* @param entity to consume or null
public static void consumeFully(HttpEntity entity) {
if (entity != null) {
try {
// make sure the stream is full read
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
// nothing to do then
} catch (IOException e) {
// quiet
} finally {
// close the stream
* Make sure the InputStream is fully read.
* @param is to read
* @throws IOException on problem with IO
public static void readFully(InputStream is) throws IOException {
while ( != -1) {}
public static final Pattern ARRAY_ELEMENT_INDEX = Pattern.compile("(\\S*?)\\[([-]?\\d+)\\]");
public static SpecProvider getSpec(final String name) {
return () -> {
return ValidatingJsonMap.parse(
CommonParams.APISPEC_LOCATION + name + ".json", CommonParams.APISPEC_LOCATION);
public static String parseMetricsReplicaName(String collectionName, String coreName) {
if (collectionName == null || !coreName.startsWith(collectionName)) {
return null;
} else {
// split "collection1_shard1_1_replica1" into parts
if (coreName.length() > collectionName.length()) {
String str = coreName.substring(collectionName.length() + 1);
int pos = str.lastIndexOf("_replica");
if (pos == -1) { // ?? no _replicaN part ??
return str;
} else {
return str.substring(pos + 1);
} else {
return null;
* Applies one json over other. The 'input' is applied over the sink The values in input isapplied
* over the values in 'sink' . If a value is 'null' that value is removed from sink
* @param sink the original json object to start with. Ensure that this Map is mutable
* @param input the json with new values
* @return whether there was any change made to sink or not.
public static boolean mergeJson(Map sink, Map input) {
boolean isModified = false;
for (Map.Entry e : input.entrySet()) {
if (sink.get(e.getKey()) != null) {
Object sinkVal = sink.get(e.getKey());
if (e.getValue() == null) {
isModified = true;
} else {
if (e.getValue() instanceof Map) {
Map mapInputVal = (Map) e.getValue();
if (sinkVal instanceof Map) {
if (mergeJson((Map) sinkVal, mapInputVal)) isModified = true;
} else {
sink.put(e.getKey(), mapInputVal);
isModified = true;
} else {
sink.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
isModified = true;
} else if (e.getValue() != null) {
sink.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
isModified = true;
return isModified;
* Given a URL string with or without a scheme, return a new URL with the correct scheme applied.
* @param url A URL to change the scheme (http|https)
* @return A new URL with the correct scheme
public static String applyUrlScheme(final String url, final String urlScheme) {
Objects.requireNonNull(url, "URL must not be null!");
// heal an incorrect scheme if needed, otherwise return null indicating no change
final int at = url.indexOf("://");
return (at == -1) ? (urlScheme + "://" + url) : urlScheme + url.substring(at);
public static String getBaseUrlForNodeName(final String nodeName, final String urlScheme) {
return getBaseUrlForNodeName(nodeName, urlScheme, false);
public static String getBaseUrlForNodeName(
final String nodeName, final String urlScheme, boolean isV2) {
final int colonAt = nodeName.indexOf(':');
if (colonAt == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"nodeName does not contain expected ':' separator: " + nodeName);
final int _offset = nodeName.indexOf('_', colonAt);
if (_offset < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"nodeName does not contain expected '_' separator: " + nodeName);
final String hostAndPort = nodeName.substring(0, _offset);
final String path = URLDecoder.decode(nodeName.substring(1 + _offset), UTF_8);
return urlScheme + "://" + hostAndPort + (path.isEmpty() ? "" : ("/" + (isV2 ? "api" : path)));
public static long time(TimeSource timeSource, TimeUnit unit) {
return unit.convert(timeSource.getTimeNs(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
public static long timeElapsed(TimeSource timeSource, long start, TimeUnit unit) {
return unit.convert(timeSource.getTimeNs() - NANOSECONDS.convert(start, unit), NANOSECONDS);
public static T handleExp(Logger logger, T def, Callable c) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return def;
public interface InputStreamConsumer {
T accept(InputStream is) throws IOException;
public static final InputStreamConsumer> JAVABINCONSUMER =
is -> new JavaBinCodec().unmarshal(is);
public static final InputStreamConsumer> JSONCONSUMER = Utils::fromJSON;
public static InputStreamConsumer newBytesConsumer(int maxSize) {
return is -> {
try (BAOS bos = new BAOS()) {
long sz = 0;
int next =;
while (next > -1) {
if (++sz > maxSize) throw new BufferOverflowException();
next =;
return ByteBuffer.wrap(bos.getbuf(), 0, bos.size());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static T executeGET(HttpClient client, String url, InputStreamConsumer consumer)
throws SolrException {
return executeHttpMethod(client, url, consumer, new HttpGet(url));
public static T executeHttpMethod(
HttpClient client, String url, InputStreamConsumer consumer, HttpRequestBase httpMethod) {
T result = null;
HttpResponse rsp = null;
try {
rsp = client.execute(httpMethod);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Error in request to url : {}", url, e);
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.UNKNOWN, "Error sending request");
int statusCode = rsp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
if (statusCode != 200) {
try {
"Failed a request to: {}, status: {}, body: {}",
EntityUtils.toString(rsp.getEntity(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); // nowarn
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("could not print error", e);
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.getErrorCode(statusCode), "Unknown error");
HttpEntity entity = rsp.getEntity();
try {
InputStream is = entity.getContent();
if (consumer != null) {
result = consumer.accept(is);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.UNKNOWN, e);
} finally {
return result;
* Convert the input object to a map, writing only those fields annotated with a {@link
* JsonProperty} annotation
* @param ew an {@link org.apache.solr.common.MapWriter.EntryWriter} to do the actual map
* insertion/writing
* @param o the object to be converted
public static void reflectWrite(MapWriter.EntryWriter ew, Object o) {
field -> field.getAnnotation(JsonProperty.class) != null,
null, // No catch-all/unknown-field support for objects annotated with our mimic
// annotations.
field -> {
final JsonProperty prop = field.getAnnotation(JsonProperty.class);
return prop.value().isEmpty() ? field.getName() : prop.value();
public static final String CATCH_ALL_PROPERTIES_METHOD_NAME = "unknownProperties";
* Return a writable object that will be serialized using the reflection-friendly properties of
* the class, notably the fields that have the {@link JsonProperty} annotation.
* If the class has no reflection-friendly fields, then it will be serialized as a string,
* using the class's name and {@code toString()} method.
* @param o the object to get a serializable version of
* @return a serializable version of the object
public static Object getReflectWriter(Object o) {
List fieldWriters = null;
try {
fieldWriters =
// TODO Should we be lenient here and accept both the Jackson and our homegrown
// annotation?
field ->
field.getAnnotation(com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty.class) != null,
field -> {
final com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty prop =
return prop.value().isEmpty() ? field.getName() : prop.value();
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (!fieldWriters.isEmpty()) {
return new DelegateReflectWriter(o, fieldWriters);
} else {
// Do not serialize an empty class, use a string representation instead.
// This is because the class is likely not using the serialization annotations
// and still expects to provide some information.
return o.getClass().getName() + ':' + o;
* Convert an input object to a map, writing only those fields that match a provided {@link
* Predicate}
* @param ew an {@link org.apache.solr.common.MapWriter.EntryWriter} to do the actual map
* insertion/writing
* @param o the object to be converted
* @param fieldFilterer a predicate used to identify which fields of the object to write
* @param catchAllAnnotation the annotation used to identify a method that can return a Map of
* "catch-all" properties. Method is expected to be named "unknownProperties"
* @param fieldNamer a callback that allows changing field names
public static void reflectWrite(
MapWriter.EntryWriter ew,
Object o,
Predicate fieldFilterer,
Class extends Annotation> catchAllAnnotation,
Function fieldNamer) {
List fieldWriters = null;
try {
fieldWriters = getReflectData(o.getClass(), fieldFilterer, catchAllAnnotation, fieldNamer);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
reflectWrite(ew, o, fieldWriters);
private static List getReflectData(
Class> c,
Predicate fieldFilterer,
Class extends Annotation> catchAllAnnotation,
Function fieldNamer)
throws IllegalAccessException {
boolean sameClassLoader = c.getClassLoader() == Utils.class.getClassLoader();
// we should not cache the class references of objects loaded from packages because they will
// not get garbage collected
// TODO fix that later
List cachedReflectData = sameClassLoader ? storedReflectData.get(c) : null;
MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.publicLookup();
if (cachedReflectData == null) {
cachedReflectData = addTraditionalFieldWriters(c, lookup, fieldFilterer, fieldNamer);
if (sameClassLoader) {
storedReflectData.put(c, Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(cachedReflectData)));
// Add in any 'catch-all' methods used to support additional or unknown properties.
// (These can't be cached, as they would change request-by-request.)
final List mutableFieldWriters = new ArrayList<>(cachedReflectData);
addCatchAllFieldWriter(mutableFieldWriters, catchAllAnnotation, lookup, c);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(mutableFieldWriters);
* Convert an input object to a map, using the provided {@link FieldWriter}s.
* @param ew an {@link org.apache.solr.common.MapWriter.EntryWriter} to do the actual map
* insertion/writing
* @param o the object to be converted
* @param fieldWriters a list of fields to write and how to write them
private static void reflectWrite(
MapWriter.EntryWriter ew, Object o, List fieldWriters) {
for (FieldWriter fieldWriter : fieldWriters) {
try {
fieldWriter.write(ew, o);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// should not happen
private static List addTraditionalFieldWriters(
Class> c,
MethodHandles.Lookup lookup,
Predicate fieldFilterer,
Function fieldNamer)
throws IllegalAccessException {
final ArrayList fieldWriters = new ArrayList<>();
for (Field field : lookup.accessClass(c).getFields()) {
if (!fieldFilterer.test(field)) continue;
int modifiers = field.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) && !Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) {
final String fname = fieldNamer.apply(field);
try {
if (field.getType() == int.class) {
MethodHandle mh = lookup.findGetter(c, field.getName(), int.class);
fieldWriters.add((ew, inst) -> ew.put(fname, (int) mh.invoke(inst)));
} else if (field.getType() == long.class) {
MethodHandle mh = lookup.findGetter(c, field.getName(), long.class);
fieldWriters.add((ew, inst) -> ew.put(fname, (long) mh.invoke(inst)));
} else if (field.getType() == boolean.class) {
MethodHandle mh = lookup.findGetter(c, field.getName(), boolean.class);
fieldWriters.add((ew, inst) -> ew.put(fname, (boolean) mh.invoke(inst)));
} else if (field.getType() == double.class) {
MethodHandle mh = lookup.findGetter(c, field.getName(), double.class);
fieldWriters.add((ew, inst) -> ew.put(fname, (double) mh.invoke(inst)));
} else if (field.getType() == float.class) {
MethodHandle mh = lookup.findGetter(c, field.getName(), float.class);
fieldWriters.add((ew, inst) -> ew.put(fname, (float) mh.invoke(inst)));
} else {
MethodHandle mh = lookup.findGetter(c, field.getName(), field.getType());
fieldWriters.add((ew, inst) -> ew.putIfNotNull(fname, mh.invoke(inst)));
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
// this is unlikely
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return fieldWriters;
// Look for a method titled $CATCH_ALL_PROPERTIES_METHOD_NAME annotated with the expected flag
// annotation that returns a Map of "unknown properties" that should also be written out.
private static void addCatchAllFieldWriter(
List fieldWriters,
Class extends Annotation> catchAllAnnotation,
MethodHandles.Lookup lookup,
Class> c)
throws IllegalAccessException {
if (catchAllAnnotation != null) {
try {
final Method catchAllMethod =
if (catchAllMethod.getAnnotation(catchAllAnnotation) != null) {
final MethodType catchAllMethodType = MethodType.methodType(Map.class);
final MethodHandle catchAllHandle =
lookup.findVirtual(c, CATCH_ALL_PROPERTIES_METHOD_NAME, catchAllMethodType);
(ew, inst) -> {
final Map unknownProperties =
(Map) catchAllHandle.invoke(inst);
for (Map.Entry entry : unknownProperties.entrySet()) {
ew.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// No-op - if the object has no 'unknownProperties' method, then nothing needs to be done.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public static Map convertToMap(MapWriter m, Map map) {
try {
new MapWriter.EntryWriter() {
public MapWriter.EntryWriter put(CharSequence k, Object v) {
return writeEntry(k, v);
private MapWriter.EntryWriter writeEntry(CharSequence k, Object v) {
if (v instanceof MapWriter) v = ((MapWriter) v).toMap(new LinkedHashMap<>());
if (v instanceof IteratorWriter) v = ((IteratorWriter) v).toList(new ArrayList<>());
if (v instanceof Iterable) {
List lst = new ArrayList();
for (Object vv : (Iterable) v) {
if (vv instanceof MapWriter) vv = ((MapWriter) vv).toMap(new LinkedHashMap<>());
if (vv instanceof IteratorWriter)
vv = ((IteratorWriter) vv).toList(new ArrayList<>());
v = lst;
if (v instanceof Map) {
Map map = new LinkedHashMap();
for (Map.Entry, ?> entry : ((Map, ?>) v).entrySet()) {
Object vv = entry.getValue();
if (vv instanceof MapWriter) vv = ((MapWriter) vv).toMap(new LinkedHashMap<>());
if (vv instanceof IteratorWriter)
vv = ((IteratorWriter) vv).toList(new ArrayList<>());
map.put(entry.getKey(), vv);
v = map;
map.put(k == null ? null : k.toString(), v);
// note: It'd be nice to assert that there is no previous value at 'k' but it's
// possible the passed map is already populated and the intention is to overwrite.
return this;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return map;
private static final Map, List> storedReflectData =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public static class DelegateReflectWriter implements MapWriter {
private final Object object;
private final List fieldWriters;
DelegateReflectWriter(Object object, List fieldWriters) {
this.object = object;
this.fieldWriters = fieldWriters;
public void writeMap(EntryWriter ew) throws IOException {
Utils.reflectWrite(ew, object, fieldWriters);
interface FieldWriter {
void write(MapWriter.EntryWriter ew, Object inst) throws Throwable;
public static class BAOS extends ByteArrayOutputStream {
public ByteBuffer getByteBuffer() {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(super.buf, 0, super.count);
* A hack to get access to the protected internal buffer and avoid an additional copy
public byte[] getbuf() {
return super.buf;
public static ByteBuffer toByteArray(InputStream is) throws IOException {
return toByteArray(is, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Reads an input stream into a byte array
* @param is the input stream
* @return the byte array
* @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
public static ByteBuffer toByteArray(InputStream is, long maxSize) throws IOException {
try (BAOS bos = new BAOS()) {
long sz = 0;
int next =;
while (next > -1) {
if (++sz > maxSize) {
throw new BufferOverflowException();
next =;
return bos.getByteBuffer();