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org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.CentralMomentAgg.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

 * A central moment is the expected value of a specified power of the deviation of a random
 * variable from the mean. Central moments are often used to characterize the properties of about
 * the shape of a distribution.
 * This class implements online, one-pass algorithms for computing the central moments of a set of
 * points.
 * Behavior:
 *  - null values are ignored
 *  - returns `Double.NaN` when the column contains `Double.NaN` values
 * References:
 *  - Xiangrui Meng.  "Simpler Online Updates for Arbitrary-Order Central Moments."
 *      2015.
 * @see 
 * Algorithms for calculating variance (Wikipedia)
 * @param child to compute central moments of.
abstract class CentralMomentAgg(child: Expression)
  extends DeclarativeAggregate with ImplicitCastInputTypes {

   * The central moment order to be computed.
  protected def momentOrder: Int

  override def children: Seq[Expression] = Seq(child)
  override def nullable: Boolean = true
  override def dataType: DataType = DoubleType
  override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(DoubleType)

  protected val n = AttributeReference("n", DoubleType, nullable = false)()
  protected val avg = AttributeReference("avg", DoubleType, nullable = false)()
  protected val m2 = AttributeReference("m2", DoubleType, nullable = false)()
  protected val m3 = AttributeReference("m3", DoubleType, nullable = false)()
  protected val m4 = AttributeReference("m4", DoubleType, nullable = false)()

  private def trimHigherOrder[T](expressions: Seq[T]) = expressions.take(momentOrder + 1)

  override val aggBufferAttributes = trimHigherOrder(Seq(n, avg, m2, m3, m4))

  override val initialValues: Seq[Expression] = Array.fill(momentOrder + 1)(Literal(0.0))

  override lazy val updateExpressions: Seq[Expression] = updateExpressionsDef

  override val mergeExpressions: Seq[Expression] = {

    val n1 = n.left
    val n2 = n.right
    val newN = n1 + n2
    val delta = avg.right - avg.left
    val deltaN = If(newN === 0.0, 0.0, delta / newN)
    val newAvg = avg.left + deltaN * n2

    // higher order moments computed according to:
    val newM2 = m2.left + m2.right + delta * deltaN * n1 * n2
    // `m3.right` is not available if momentOrder < 3
    val newM3 = if (momentOrder >= 3) {
      m3.left + m3.right + deltaN * deltaN * delta * n1 * n2 * (n1 - n2) +
        Literal(3.0) * deltaN * (n1 * m2.right - n2 * m2.left)
    } else {
    // `m4.right` is not available if momentOrder < 4
    val newM4 = if (momentOrder >= 4) {
      m4.left + m4.right +
        deltaN * deltaN * deltaN * delta * n1 * n2 * (n1 * n1 - n1 * n2 + n2 * n2) +
        Literal(6.0) * deltaN * deltaN * (n1 * n1 * m2.right + n2 * n2 * m2.left) +
        Literal(4.0) * deltaN * (n1 * m3.right - n2 * m3.left)
    } else {

    trimHigherOrder(Seq(newN, newAvg, newM2, newM3, newM4))

  protected def updateExpressionsDef: Seq[Expression] = {
    val newN = n + 1.0
    val delta = child - avg
    val deltaN = delta / newN
    val newAvg = avg + deltaN
    val newM2 = m2 + delta * (delta - deltaN)

    val delta2 = delta * delta
    val deltaN2 = deltaN * deltaN
    val newM3 = if (momentOrder >= 3) {
      m3 - Literal(3.0) * deltaN * newM2 + delta * (delta2 - deltaN2)
    } else {
    val newM4 = if (momentOrder >= 4) {
      m4 - Literal(4.0) * deltaN * newM3 - Literal(6.0) * deltaN2 * newM2 +
        delta * (delta * delta2 - deltaN * deltaN2)
    } else {

      If(child.isNull, n, newN),
      If(child.isNull, avg, newAvg),
      If(child.isNull, m2, newM2),
      If(child.isNull, m3, newM3),
      If(child.isNull, m4, newM4)

// Compute the population standard deviation of a column
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
  usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - Returns the population standard deviation calculated from values of a group.")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class StddevPop(child: Expression) extends CentralMomentAgg(child) {

  override protected def momentOrder = 2

  override val evaluateExpression: Expression = {
    If(n === 0.0, Literal.create(null, DoubleType), sqrt(m2 / n))

  override def prettyName: String = "stddev_pop"

// Compute the sample standard deviation of a column
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
  usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - Returns the sample standard deviation calculated from values of a group.")
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class StddevSamp(child: Expression) extends CentralMomentAgg(child) {

  override protected def momentOrder = 2

  override val evaluateExpression: Expression = {
    If(n === 0.0, Literal.create(null, DoubleType),
      If(n === 1.0, Double.NaN, sqrt(m2 / (n - 1.0))))

  override def prettyName: String = "stddev_samp"

// Compute the population variance of a column
  usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - Returns the population variance calculated from values of a group.")
case class VariancePop(child: Expression) extends CentralMomentAgg(child) {

  override protected def momentOrder = 2

  override val evaluateExpression: Expression = {
    If(n === 0.0, Literal.create(null, DoubleType), m2 / n)

  override def prettyName: String = "var_pop"

// Compute the sample variance of a column
  usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - Returns the sample variance calculated from values of a group.")
case class VarianceSamp(child: Expression) extends CentralMomentAgg(child) {

  override protected def momentOrder = 2

  override val evaluateExpression: Expression = {
    If(n === 0.0, Literal.create(null, DoubleType),
      If(n === 1.0, Double.NaN, m2 / (n - 1.0)))

  override def prettyName: String = "var_samp"

  usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - Returns the skewness value calculated from values of a group.")
case class Skewness(child: Expression) extends CentralMomentAgg(child) {

  override def prettyName: String = "skewness"

  override protected def momentOrder = 3

  override val evaluateExpression: Expression = {
    If(n === 0.0, Literal.create(null, DoubleType),
      If(m2 === 0.0, Double.NaN, sqrt(n) * m3 / sqrt(m2 * m2 * m2)))

  usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - Returns the kurtosis value calculated from values of a group.")
case class Kurtosis(child: Expression) extends CentralMomentAgg(child) {

  override protected def momentOrder = 4

  override val evaluateExpression: Expression = {
    If(n === 0.0, Literal.create(null, DoubleType),
      If(m2 === 0.0, Double.NaN, n * m4 / (m2 * m2) - 3.0))

  override def prettyName: String = "kurtosis"

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