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org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.GenerateUnsafeRowJoiner.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, UnsafeRow}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.Platform

abstract class UnsafeRowJoiner {
  def join(row1: UnsafeRow, row2: UnsafeRow): UnsafeRow

 * A code generator for concatenating two [[UnsafeRow]]s into a single [[UnsafeRow]].
 * The high level algorithm is:
 * 1. Concatenate the two bitsets together into a single one, taking padding into account.
 * 2. Move fixed-length data.
 * 3. Move variable-length data.
 * 4. Update the offset position (i.e. the upper 32 bits in the fixed length part) for all
 *    variable-length data.
object GenerateUnsafeRowJoiner extends CodeGenerator[(StructType, StructType), UnsafeRowJoiner] {

  override protected def create(in: (StructType, StructType)): UnsafeRowJoiner = {
    create(in._1, in._2)

  override protected def canonicalize(in: (StructType, StructType)): (StructType, StructType) = in

  override protected def bind(in: (StructType, StructType), inputSchema: Seq[Attribute])
    : (StructType, StructType) = {

  def create(schema1: StructType, schema2: StructType): UnsafeRowJoiner = {
    val ctx = new CodegenContext
    val offset = "Platform.BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET"
    val getLong = "Platform.getLong"
    val putLong = "Platform.putLong"

    val bitset1Words = (schema1.size + 63) / 64
    val bitset2Words = (schema2.size + 63) / 64
    val outputBitsetWords = (schema1.size + schema2.size + 63) / 64
    val bitset1Remainder = schema1.size % 64

    // The number of bytes we can reduce when we concat two rows together.
    // The only reduction comes from merging the bitset portion of the two rows, saving 1 word.
    val sizeReduction = (bitset1Words + bitset2Words - outputBitsetWords) * 8

    // --------------------- copy bitset from row 1 and row 2 --------------------------- //
    val copyBitset = Seq.tabulate(outputBitsetWords) { i =>
      val bits = if (bitset1Remainder > 0 && bitset2Words != 0) {
        if (i < bitset1Words - 1) {
          s"$getLong(obj1, offset1 + ${i * 8})"
        } else if (i == bitset1Words - 1) {
          // combine last work of bitset1 and first word of bitset2
          s"$getLong(obj1, offset1 + ${i * 8}) | ($getLong(obj2, offset2) << $bitset1Remainder)"
        } else if (i - bitset1Words < bitset2Words - 1) {
          // combine next two words of bitset2
          s"($getLong(obj2, offset2 + ${(i - bitset1Words) * 8}) >>> (64 - $bitset1Remainder))" +
            s" | ($getLong(obj2, offset2 + ${(i - bitset1Words + 1) * 8}) << $bitset1Remainder)"
        } else {
          // last word of bitset2
          s"$getLong(obj2, offset2 + ${(i - bitset1Words) * 8}) >>> (64 - $bitset1Remainder)"
      } else {
        // they are aligned by word
        if (i < bitset1Words) {
          s"$getLong(obj1, offset1 + ${i * 8})"
        } else {
          s"$getLong(obj2, offset2 + ${(i - bitset1Words) * 8})"
      s"$putLong(buf, $offset + ${i * 8}, $bits);\n"

    val copyBitsets = ctx.splitExpressions(
      expressions = copyBitset,
      funcName = "copyBitsetFunc",
      arguments = ("java.lang.Object", "obj1") :: ("long", "offset1") ::
                  ("java.lang.Object", "obj2") :: ("long", "offset2") :: Nil)

    // --------------------- copy fixed length portion from row 1 ----------------------- //
    var cursor = outputBitsetWords * 8
    val copyFixedLengthRow1 = s"""
       |// Copy fixed length data for row1
       |  obj1, offset1 + ${bitset1Words * 8},
       |  buf, $offset + $cursor,
       |  ${schema1.size * 8});
    cursor += schema1.size * 8

    // --------------------- copy fixed length portion from row 2 ----------------------- //
    val copyFixedLengthRow2 = s"""
       |// Copy fixed length data for row2
       |  obj2, offset2 + ${bitset2Words * 8},
       |  buf, $offset + $cursor,
       |  ${schema2.size * 8});
    cursor += schema2.size * 8

    // --------------------- copy variable length portion from row 1 ----------------------- //
    val numBytesBitsetAndFixedRow1 = (bitset1Words + schema1.size) * 8
    val copyVariableLengthRow1 = s"""
       |// Copy variable length data for row1
       |long numBytesVariableRow1 = row1.getSizeInBytes() - $numBytesBitsetAndFixedRow1;
       |  obj1, offset1 + ${(bitset1Words + schema1.size) * 8},
       |  buf, $offset + $cursor,
       |  numBytesVariableRow1);

    // --------------------- copy variable length portion from row 2 ----------------------- //
    val numBytesBitsetAndFixedRow2 = (bitset2Words + schema2.size) * 8
    val copyVariableLengthRow2 = s"""
       |// Copy variable length data for row2
       |long numBytesVariableRow2 = row2.getSizeInBytes() - $numBytesBitsetAndFixedRow2;
       |  obj2, offset2 + ${(bitset2Words + schema2.size) * 8},
       |  buf, $offset + $cursor + numBytesVariableRow1,
       |  numBytesVariableRow2);

    // ------------- update fixed length data for variable length data type  --------------- //
    val updateOffset = (schema1 ++ schema2) { case (field, i) =>
      // Skip fixed length data types, and only generate code for variable length data
      if (UnsafeRow.isFixedLength(field.dataType)) {
      } else {
        // Number of bytes to increase for the offset. Note that since in UnsafeRow we store the
        // offset in the upper 32 bit of the words, we can just shift the offset to the left by
        // 32 and increment that amount in place. However, we need to handle the important special
        // case of a null field, in which case the offset should be zero and should not have a
        // shift added to it.
        val shift =
          if (i < schema1.size) {
            s"${(outputBitsetWords - bitset1Words + schema2.size) * 8}L"
          } else {
            s"(${(outputBitsetWords - bitset2Words + schema1.size) * 8}L + numBytesVariableRow1)"
        val cursor = outputBitsetWords * 8 + i * 8
        // UnsafeRow is a little underspecified, so in what follows we'll treat UnsafeRowWriter's
        // output as a de-facto specification for the internal layout of data.
        // Null-valued fields will always have a data offset of 0 because
        // UnsafeRowWriter.setNullAt(ordinal) sets the null bit and stores 0 to in field's
        // position in the fixed-length section of the row. As a result, we must NOT add
        // `shift` to the offset for null fields.
        // We could perform a null-check here by inspecting the null-tracking bitmap, but doing
        // so could be expensive and will add significant bloat to the generated code. Instead,
        // we'll rely on the invariant "stored offset == 0 for variable-length data type implies
        // that the field's value is null."
        // To establish that this invariant holds, we'll prove that a non-null field can never
        // have a stored offset of 0. There are two cases to consider:
        //   1. The non-null field's data is of non-zero length: reading this field's value
        //      must read data from the variable-length section of the row, so the stored offset
        //      will actually be used in address calculation and must be correct. The offsets
        //      count bytes from the start of the UnsafeRow so these offsets will always be
        //      non-zero because the storage of the offsets themselves takes up space at the
        //      start of the row.
        //   2. The non-null field's data is of zero length (i.e. its data is empty). In this
        //      case, we have to worry about the possibility that an arbitrary offset value was
        //      stored because we never actually read any bytes using this offset and therefore
        //      would not crash if it was incorrect. The variable-sized data writing paths in
        //      UnsafeRowWriter unconditionally calls setOffsetAndSize(ordinal, numBytes) with
        //      no special handling for the case where `numBytes == 0`. Internally,
        //      setOffsetAndSize computes the offset without taking the size into account. Thus
        //      the stored offset is the same non-zero offset that would be used if the field's
        //      dataSize was non-zero (and in (1) above we've shown that case behaves as we
        //      expect).
        // Thus it is safe to perform `existingOffset != 0` checks here in the place of
        // more expensive null-bit checks.
           |existingOffset = $getLong(buf, $offset + $cursor);
           |if (existingOffset != 0) {
           |    $putLong(buf, $offset + $cursor, existingOffset + ($shift << 32));

    val updateOffsets = ctx.splitExpressions(
      expressions = updateOffset,
      funcName = "copyBitsetFunc",
      arguments = ("long", "numBytesVariableRow1") :: Nil,
      makeSplitFunction = (s: String) => "long existingOffset;\n" + s)

    // ------------------------ Finally, put everything together  --------------------------- //
    val codeBody = s"""
       |public java.lang.Object generate(Object[] references) {
       |  return new SpecificUnsafeRowJoiner();
       |class SpecificUnsafeRowJoiner extends ${classOf[UnsafeRowJoiner].getName} {
       |  private byte[] buf = new byte[64];
       |  private UnsafeRow out = new UnsafeRow(${schema1.size + schema2.size});
       |  ${ctx.declareAddedFunctions()}
       |  public UnsafeRow join(UnsafeRow row1, UnsafeRow row2) {
       |    // row1: ${schema1.size} fields, $bitset1Words words in bitset
       |    // row2: ${schema2.size}, $bitset2Words words in bitset
       |    // output: ${schema1.size + schema2.size} fields, $outputBitsetWords words in bitset
       |    final int sizeInBytes = row1.getSizeInBytes() + row2.getSizeInBytes() - $sizeReduction;
       |    if (sizeInBytes > buf.length) {
       |      buf = new byte[sizeInBytes];
       |    }
       |    final java.lang.Object obj1 = row1.getBaseObject();
       |    final long offset1 = row1.getBaseOffset();
       |    final java.lang.Object obj2 = row2.getBaseObject();
       |    final long offset2 = row2.getBaseOffset();
       |    $copyBitsets
       |    $copyFixedLengthRow1
       |    $copyFixedLengthRow2
       |    $copyVariableLengthRow1
       |    $copyVariableLengthRow2
       |    long existingOffset;
       |    $updateOffsets
       |    out.pointTo(buf, sizeInBytes);
       |    return out;
       |  }
    val code = CodeFormatter.stripOverlappingComments(new CodeAndComment(codeBody, Map.empty))
    logDebug(s"SpecificUnsafeRowJoiner($schema1, $schema2):\n${CodeFormatter.format(code)}")

    val (clazz, _) = CodeGenerator.compile(code)

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