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org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.generators.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions

import scala.collection.mutable

import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{CatalystTypeConverters, InternalRow}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.Block._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{ArrayData, MapData}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

 * An expression that produces zero or more rows given a single input row.
 * Generators produce multiple output rows instead of a single value like other expressions,
 * and thus they must have a schema to associate with the rows that are output.
 * However, unlike row producing relational operators, which are either leaves or determine their
 * output schema functionally from their input, generators can contain other expressions that
 * might result in their modification by rules.  This structure means that they might be copied
 * multiple times after first determining their output schema. If a new output schema is created for
 * each copy references up the tree might be rendered invalid. As a result generators must
 * instead define a function `makeOutput` which is called only once when the schema is first
 * requested.  The attributes produced by this function will be automatically copied anytime rules
 * result in changes to the Generator or its children.
trait Generator extends Expression {

  override def dataType: DataType = ArrayType(elementSchema)

  override def foldable: Boolean = false

  override def nullable: Boolean = false

   * The output element schema.
  def elementSchema: StructType

  /** Should be implemented by child classes to perform specific Generators. */
  override def eval(input: InternalRow): TraversableOnce[InternalRow]

   * Notifies that there are no more rows to process, clean up code, and additional
   * rows can be made here.
  def terminate(): TraversableOnce[InternalRow] = Nil

   * Check if this generator supports code generation.
  def supportCodegen: Boolean = !isInstanceOf[CodegenFallback]

 * A collection producing [[Generator]]. This trait provides a different path for code generation,
 * by allowing code generation to return either an [[ArrayData]] or a [[MapData]] object.
trait CollectionGenerator extends Generator {
  /** The position of an element within the collection should also be returned. */
  def position: Boolean

  /** Rows will be inlined during generation. */
  def inline: Boolean

  /** The type of the returned collection object. */
  def collectionType: DataType = dataType

 * A generator that produces its output using the provided lambda function.
case class UserDefinedGenerator(
    elementSchema: StructType,
    function: Row => TraversableOnce[InternalRow],
    children: Seq[Expression])
  extends Generator with CodegenFallback {

  @transient private[this] var inputRow: InterpretedProjection = _
  @transient private[this] var convertToScala: (InternalRow) => Row = _

  private def initializeConverters(): Unit = {
    inputRow = new InterpretedProjection(children)
    convertToScala = {
      val inputSchema = StructType( { e =>
        StructField(e.simpleString, e.dataType, nullable = true)
    }.asInstanceOf[InternalRow => Row]

  override def eval(input: InternalRow): TraversableOnce[InternalRow] = {
    if (inputRow == null) {
    // Convert the objects into Scala Type before calling function, we need schema to support UDT

  override def toString: String = s"UserDefinedGenerator(${children.mkString(",")})"

 * Separate v1, ..., vk into n rows. Each row will have k/n columns. n must be constant.
 * {{{
 *   SELECT stack(2, 1, 2, 3) ->
 *   1      2
 *   3      NULL
 * }}}
  usage = "_FUNC_(n, expr1, ..., exprk) - Separates `expr1`, ..., `exprk` into `n` rows.",
  examples = """
      > SELECT _FUNC_(2, 1, 2, 3);
       1  2
       3  NULL
case class Stack(children: Seq[Expression]) extends Generator {

  private lazy val numRows = children.head.eval().asInstanceOf[Int]
  private lazy val numFields = Math.ceil((children.length - 1.0) / numRows).toInt

   * Return true iff the first child exists and has a foldable IntegerType.
  def hasFoldableNumRows: Boolean = {
    children.nonEmpty && children.head.dataType == IntegerType && children.head.foldable

  override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
    if (children.length <= 1) {
      TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure(s"$prettyName requires at least 2 arguments.")
    } else if (children.head.dataType != IntegerType || !children.head.foldable || numRows < 1) {
      TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure("The number of rows must be a positive constant integer.")
    } else {
      for (i <- 1 until children.length) {
        val j = (i - 1) % numFields
        if (children(i).dataType != elementSchema.fields(j).dataType) {
          return TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure(
            s"Argument ${j + 1} (${elementSchema.fields(j).dataType.catalogString}) != " +
              s"Argument $i (${children(i).dataType.catalogString})")

  def findDataType(index: Int): DataType = {
    // Find the first data type except NullType.
    val firstDataIndex = ((index - 1) % numFields) + 1
    for (i <- firstDataIndex until children.length by numFields) {
      if (children(i).dataType != NullType) {
        return children(i).dataType
    // If all values of the column are NullType, use it.

  override def elementSchema: StructType =
    StructType(children.tail.take(numFields) {
      case (e, index) => StructField(s"col$index", e.dataType)

  override def eval(input: InternalRow): TraversableOnce[InternalRow] = {
    val values =
    for (row <- 0 until numRows) yield {
      val fields = new Array[Any](numFields)
      for (col <- 0 until numFields) {
        val index = row * numFields + col
        fields.update(col, if (index < values.length) values(index) else null)
      InternalRow(fields: _*)

   * Only support code generation when stack produces 50 rows or less.
  override def supportCodegen: Boolean = numRows <= 50

  override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
    // Rows - we write these into an array.
    val rowData = ctx.addMutableState("InternalRow[]", "rows",
      v => s"$v = new InternalRow[$numRows];")
    val values = children.tail
    val dataTypes = values.take(numFields).map(_.dataType)
    val code = ctx.splitExpressionsWithCurrentInputs(Seq.tabulate(numRows) { row =>
      val fields = Seq.tabulate(numFields) { col =>
        val index = row * numFields + col
        if (index < values.length) values(index) else Literal(null, dataTypes(col))
      val eval = CreateStruct(fields).genCode(ctx)
      s"${eval.code}\n$rowData[$row] = ${eval.value};"

    // Create the collection.
    val wrapperClass = classOf[mutable.WrappedArray[_]].getName
    ev.copy(code =
         |$wrapperClass ${ev.value} = $wrapperClass$$.MODULE$$.make($rowData);
       """.stripMargin, isNull = FalseLiteral)

 * Replicate the row N times. N is specified as the first argument to the function.
 * This is an internal function solely used by optimizer to rewrite EXCEPT ALL AND
 * INTERSECT ALL queries.
case class ReplicateRows(children: Seq[Expression]) extends Generator with CodegenFallback {
  private lazy val numColumns = children.length - 1 // remove the multiplier value from output.

  override def elementSchema: StructType =
    StructType( {
      case (e, index) => StructField(s"col$index", e.dataType)

  override def eval(input: InternalRow): TraversableOnce[InternalRow] = {
    val numRows = children.head.eval(input).asInstanceOf[Long]
    val values =
    Range.Long(0, numRows, 1).map { _ =>
      val fields = new Array[Any](numColumns)
      for (col <- 0 until numColumns) {
        fields.update(col, values(col))
      InternalRow(fields: _*)

 * Wrapper around another generator to specify outer behavior. This is used to implement functions
 * such as explode_outer. This expression gets replaced during analysis.
case class GeneratorOuter(child: Generator) extends UnaryExpression with Generator {
  final override def eval(input: InternalRow = null): TraversableOnce[InternalRow] =
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Cannot evaluate expression: $this")

  final override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode =
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Cannot evaluate expression: $this")

  override def elementSchema: StructType = child.elementSchema

  override lazy val resolved: Boolean = false

 * A base class for [[Explode]] and [[PosExplode]].
abstract class ExplodeBase extends UnaryExpression with CollectionGenerator with Serializable {
  override val inline: Boolean = false

  override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = child.dataType match {
    case _: ArrayType | _: MapType =>
    case _ =>
        "input to function explode should be array or map type, " +
          s"not ${child.dataType.catalogString}")

  // hive-compatible default alias for explode function ("col" for array, "key", "value" for map)
  override def elementSchema: StructType = child.dataType match {
    case ArrayType(et, containsNull) =>
      if (position) {
        new StructType()
          .add("pos", IntegerType, nullable = false)
          .add("col", et, containsNull)
      } else {
        new StructType()
          .add("col", et, containsNull)
    case MapType(kt, vt, valueContainsNull) =>
      if (position) {
        new StructType()
          .add("pos", IntegerType, nullable = false)
          .add("key", kt, nullable = false)
          .add("value", vt, valueContainsNull)
      } else {
        new StructType()
          .add("key", kt, nullable = false)
          .add("value", vt, valueContainsNull)

  override def eval(input: InternalRow): TraversableOnce[InternalRow] = {
    child.dataType match {
      case ArrayType(et, _) =>
        val inputArray = child.eval(input).asInstanceOf[ArrayData]
        if (inputArray == null) {
        } else {
          val rows = new Array[InternalRow](inputArray.numElements())
          inputArray.foreach(et, (i, e) => {
            rows(i) = if (position) InternalRow(i, e) else InternalRow(e)
      case MapType(kt, vt, _) =>
        val inputMap = child.eval(input).asInstanceOf[MapData]
        if (inputMap == null) {
        } else {
          val rows = new Array[InternalRow](inputMap.numElements())
          var i = 0
          inputMap.foreach(kt, vt, (k, v) => {
            rows(i) = if (position) InternalRow(i, k, v) else InternalRow(k, v)
            i += 1

  override def collectionType: DataType = child.dataType

  override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {

 * Given an input array produces a sequence of rows for each value in the array.
 * {{{
 *   SELECT explode(array(10,20)) ->
 *   10
 *   20
 * }}}
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
  usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - Separates the elements of array `expr` into multiple rows, or the elements of map `expr` into multiple rows and columns.",
  examples = """
      > SELECT _FUNC_(array(10, 20));
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class Explode(child: Expression) extends ExplodeBase {
  override val position: Boolean = false

 * Given an input array produces a sequence of rows for each position and value in the array.
 * {{{
 *   SELECT posexplode(array(10,20)) ->
 *   0  10
 *   1  20
 * }}}
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
  usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - Separates the elements of array `expr` into multiple rows with positions, or the elements of map `expr` into multiple rows and columns with positions.",
  examples = """
      > SELECT _FUNC_(array(10,20));
       0  10
       1  20
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
case class PosExplode(child: Expression) extends ExplodeBase {
  override val position = true

 * Explodes an array of structs into a table.
  usage = "_FUNC_(expr) - Explodes an array of structs into a table.",
  examples = """
      > SELECT _FUNC_(array(struct(1, 'a'), struct(2, 'b')));
       1  a
       2  b
case class Inline(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with CollectionGenerator {
  override val inline: Boolean = true
  override val position: Boolean = false

  override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = child.dataType match {
    case ArrayType(st: StructType, _) =>
    case _ =>
        s"input to function $prettyName should be array of struct type, " +
          s"not ${child.dataType.catalogString}")

  override def elementSchema: StructType = child.dataType match {
    case ArrayType(st: StructType, _) => st

  override def collectionType: DataType = child.dataType

  private lazy val numFields = elementSchema.fields.length

  override def eval(input: InternalRow): TraversableOnce[InternalRow] = {
    val inputArray = child.eval(input).asInstanceOf[ArrayData]
    if (inputArray == null) {
    } else {
      for (i <- 0 until inputArray.numElements())
        yield inputArray.getStruct(i, numFields)

  override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {

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