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org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.QueryPlan.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.{CurrentOrigin, TreeNode}
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, StructType}

abstract class QueryPlan[PlanType <: QueryPlan[PlanType]] extends TreeNode[PlanType] {
  self: PlanType =>

   * The active config object within the current scope.
   * See [[SQLConf.get]] for more information.
  def conf: SQLConf = SQLConf.get

  def output: Seq[Attribute]

   * Returns the set of attributes that are output by this node.
  def outputSet: AttributeSet = AttributeSet(output)

   * All Attributes that appear in expressions from this operator.  Note that this set does not
   * include attributes that are implicitly referenced by being passed through to the output tuple.
  def references: AttributeSet = AttributeSet(expressions.flatMap(_.references))

   * The set of all attributes that are input to this operator by its children.
  def inputSet: AttributeSet =

   * The set of all attributes that are produced by this node.
  def producedAttributes: AttributeSet = AttributeSet.empty

   * Attributes that are referenced by expressions but not provided by this node's children.
   * Subclasses should override this method if they produce attributes internally as it is used by
   * assertions designed to prevent the construction of invalid plans.
  def missingInput: AttributeSet = references -- inputSet -- producedAttributes

   * Runs [[transformExpressionsDown]] with `rule` on all expressions present
   * in this query operator.
   * Users should not expect a specific directionality. If a specific directionality is needed,
   * transformExpressionsDown or transformExpressionsUp should be used.
   * @param rule the rule to be applied to every expression in this operator.
  def transformExpressions(rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression]): this.type = {

   * Runs [[transformDown]] with `rule` on all expressions present in this query operator.
   * @param rule the rule to be applied to every expression in this operator.
  def transformExpressionsDown(rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression]): this.type = {

   * Runs [[transformUp]] with `rule` on all expressions present in this query operator.
   * @param rule the rule to be applied to every expression in this operator.
   * @return
  def transformExpressionsUp(rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression]): this.type = {

   * Apply a map function to each expression present in this query operator, and return a new
   * query operator based on the mapped expressions.
  def mapExpressions(f: Expression => Expression): this.type = {
    var changed = false

    @inline def transformExpression(e: Expression): Expression = {
      val newE = CurrentOrigin.withOrigin(e.origin) {
      if (newE.fastEquals(e)) {
      } else {
        changed = true

    def recursiveTransform(arg: Any): AnyRef = arg match {
      case e: Expression => transformExpression(e)
      case Some(value) => Some(recursiveTransform(value))
      case m: Map[_, _] => m
      case d: DataType => d // Avoid unpacking Structs
      case stream: Stream[_] =>
      case seq: Traversable[_] =>
      case other: AnyRef => other
      case null => null

    val newArgs = mapProductIterator(recursiveTransform)

    if (changed) makeCopy(newArgs).asInstanceOf[this.type] else this

   * Returns the result of running [[transformExpressions]] on this node
   * and all its children.
  def transformAllExpressions(rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression]): this.type = {
    transform {
      case q: QueryPlan[_] => q.transformExpressions(rule).asInstanceOf[PlanType]

  /** Returns all of the expressions present in this query plan operator. */
  final def expressions: Seq[Expression] = {
    // Recursively find all expressions from a traversable.
    def seqToExpressions(seq: Traversable[Any]): Traversable[Expression] = seq.flatMap {
      case e: Expression => e :: Nil
      case s: Traversable[_] => seqToExpressions(s)
      case other => Nil

    productIterator.flatMap {
      case e: Expression => e :: Nil
      case s: Some[_] => seqToExpressions(s.toSeq)
      case seq: Traversable[_] => seqToExpressions(seq)
      case other => Nil

  lazy val schema: StructType = StructType.fromAttributes(output)

  /** Returns the output schema in the tree format. */
  def schemaString: String = schema.treeString

  /** Prints out the schema in the tree format */
  // scalastyle:off println
  def printSchema(): Unit = println(schemaString)
  // scalastyle:on println

   * A prefix string used when printing the plan.
   * We use "!" to indicate an invalid plan, and "'" to indicate an unresolved plan.
  protected def statePrefix = if (missingInput.nonEmpty && children.nonEmpty) "!" else ""

  override def simpleString: String = statePrefix + super.simpleString

  override def verboseString: String = simpleString

   * All the subqueries of current plan.
  def subqueries: Seq[PlanType] = {
    expressions.flatMap(_.collect {
      case e: PlanExpression[_] => e.plan.asInstanceOf[PlanType]

  override protected def innerChildren: Seq[QueryPlan[_]] = subqueries

   * A private mutable variable to indicate whether this plan is the result of canonicalization.
   * This is used solely for making sure we wouldn't execute a canonicalized plan.
   * See [[canonicalized]] on how this is set.
  @transient private var _isCanonicalizedPlan: Boolean = false

  protected def isCanonicalizedPlan: Boolean = _isCanonicalizedPlan

   * Returns a plan where a best effort attempt has been made to transform `this` in a way
   * that preserves the result but removes cosmetic variations (case sensitivity, ordering for
   * commutative operations, expression id, etc.)
   * Plans where `this.canonicalized == other.canonicalized` will always evaluate to the same
   * result.
   * Plan nodes that require special canonicalization should override [[doCanonicalize()]].
   * They should remove expressions cosmetic variations themselves.
  @transient final lazy val canonicalized: PlanType = {
    var plan = doCanonicalize()
    // If the plan has not been changed due to canonicalization, make a copy of it so we don't
    // mutate the original plan's _isCanonicalizedPlan flag.
    if (plan eq this) {
      plan = plan.makeCopy(plan.mapProductIterator(x => x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
    plan._isCanonicalizedPlan = true

   * Defines how the canonicalization should work for the current plan.
  protected def doCanonicalize(): PlanType = {
    val canonicalizedChildren =
    var id = -1
    mapExpressions {
      case a: Alias =>
        id += 1
        // As the root of the expression, Alias will always take an arbitrary exprId, we need to
        // normalize that for equality testing, by assigning expr id from 0 incrementally. The
        // alias name doesn't matter and should be erased.
        val normalizedChild = QueryPlan.normalizeExprId(a.child, allAttributes)
        Alias(normalizedChild, "")(ExprId(id), a.qualifier)

      case ar: AttributeReference if allAttributes.indexOf(ar.exprId) == -1 =>
        // Top level `AttributeReference` may also be used for output like `Alias`, we should
        // normalize the epxrId too.
        id += 1

      case other => QueryPlan.normalizeExprId(other, allAttributes)

   * Returns true when the given query plan will return the same results as this query plan.
   * Since its likely undecidable to generally determine if two given plans will produce the same
   * results, it is okay for this function to return false, even if the results are actually
   * the same.  Such behavior will not affect correctness, only the application of performance
   * enhancements like caching.  However, it is not acceptable to return true if the results could
   * possibly be different.
   * This function performs a modified version of equality that is tolerant of cosmetic
   * differences like attribute naming and or expression id differences.
  final def sameResult(other: PlanType): Boolean = this.canonicalized == other.canonicalized

   * Returns a `hashCode` for the calculation performed by this plan. Unlike the standard
   * `hashCode`, an attempt has been made to eliminate cosmetic differences.
  final def semanticHash(): Int = canonicalized.hashCode()

   * All the attributes that are used for this plan.
  lazy val allAttributes: AttributeSeq = children.flatMap(_.output)

object QueryPlan extends PredicateHelper {
   * Normalize the exprIds in the given expression, by updating the exprId in `AttributeReference`
   * with its referenced ordinal from input attributes. It's similar to `BindReferences` but we
   * do not use `BindReferences` here as the plan may take the expression as a parameter with type
   * `Attribute`, and replace it with `BoundReference` will cause error.
  def normalizeExprId[T <: Expression](e: T, input: AttributeSeq): T = {
    e.transformUp {
      case s: SubqueryExpression => s.canonicalize(input)
      case ar: AttributeReference =>
        val ordinal = input.indexOf(ar.exprId)
        if (ordinal == -1) {
        } else {

   * Composes the given predicates into a conjunctive predicate, which is normalized and reordered.
   * Then returns a new sequence of predicates by splitting the conjunctive predicate.
  def normalizePredicates(predicates: Seq[Expression], output: AttributeSeq): Seq[Expression] = {
    if (predicates.nonEmpty) {
      val normalized = normalizeExprId(predicates.reduce(And), output)
    } else {

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