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org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.statsEstimation.FilterEstimation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.statsEstimation

import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet
import scala.collection.mutable

import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Literal.{FalseLiteral, TrueLiteral}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.statsEstimation.EstimationUtils._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

case class FilterEstimation(plan: Filter) extends Logging {

  private val childStats = plan.child.stats

  private val colStatsMap = ColumnStatsMap(childStats.attributeStats)

   * Returns an option of Statistics for a Filter logical plan node.
   * For a given compound expression condition, this method computes filter selectivity
   * (or the percentage of rows meeting the filter condition), which
   * is used to compute row count, size in bytes, and the updated statistics after a given
   * predicated is applied.
   * @return Option[Statistics] When there is no statistics collected, it returns None.
  def estimate: Option[Statistics] = {
    if (childStats.rowCount.isEmpty) return None

    // Estimate selectivity of this filter predicate, and update column stats if needed.
    // For not-supported condition, set filter selectivity to a conservative estimate 100%
    val filterSelectivity = calculateFilterSelectivity(plan.condition).getOrElse(1.0)

    val filteredRowCount: BigInt = ceil(BigDecimal(childStats.rowCount.get) * filterSelectivity)
    val newColStats = if (filteredRowCount == 0) {
      // The output is empty, we don't need to keep column stats.
    } else {
      colStatsMap.outputColumnStats(rowsBeforeFilter = childStats.rowCount.get,
        rowsAfterFilter = filteredRowCount)
    val filteredSizeInBytes: BigInt = getOutputSize(plan.output, filteredRowCount, newColStats)

    Some(childStats.copy(sizeInBytes = filteredSizeInBytes, rowCount = Some(filteredRowCount),
      attributeStats = newColStats))

   * Returns a percentage of rows meeting a condition in Filter node.
   * If it's a single condition, we calculate the percentage directly.
   * If it's a compound condition, it is decomposed into multiple single conditions linked with
   * AND, OR, NOT.
   * For logical AND conditions, we need to update stats after a condition estimation
   * so that the stats will be more accurate for subsequent estimation.  This is needed for
   * range condition such as (c > 40 AND c <= 50)
   * For logical OR and NOT conditions, we do not update stats after a condition estimation.
   * @param condition the compound logical expression
   * @param update a boolean flag to specify if we need to update ColumnStat of a column
   *               for subsequent conditions
   * @return an optional double value to show the percentage of rows meeting a given condition.
   *         It returns None if the condition is not supported.
  def calculateFilterSelectivity(condition: Expression, update: Boolean = true): Option[Double] = {
    condition match {
      case And(cond1, cond2) =>
        val percent1 = calculateFilterSelectivity(cond1, update).getOrElse(1.0)
        val percent2 = calculateFilterSelectivity(cond2, update).getOrElse(1.0)
        Some(percent1 * percent2)

      case Or(cond1, cond2) =>
        val percent1 = calculateFilterSelectivity(cond1, update = false).getOrElse(1.0)
        val percent2 = calculateFilterSelectivity(cond2, update = false).getOrElse(1.0)
        Some(percent1 + percent2 - (percent1 * percent2))

      // Not-operator pushdown
      case Not(And(cond1, cond2)) =>
        calculateFilterSelectivity(Or(Not(cond1), Not(cond2)), update = false)

      // Not-operator pushdown
      case Not(Or(cond1, cond2)) =>
        calculateFilterSelectivity(And(Not(cond1), Not(cond2)), update = false)

      // Collapse two consecutive Not operators which could be generated after Not-operator pushdown
      case Not(Not(cond)) =>
        calculateFilterSelectivity(cond, update = false)

      // The foldable Not has been processed in the ConstantFolding rule
      // This is a top-down traversal. The Not could be pushed down by the above two cases.
      case Not(l @ Literal(null, _)) =>
        calculateSingleCondition(l, update = false)

      case Not(cond) =>
        calculateFilterSelectivity(cond, update = false) match {
          case Some(percent) => Some(1.0 - percent)
          case None => None

      case _ =>
        calculateSingleCondition(condition, update)

   * Returns a percentage of rows meeting a single condition in Filter node.
   * Currently we only support binary predicates where one side is a column,
   * and the other is a literal.
   * @param condition a single logical expression
   * @param update a boolean flag to specify if we need to update ColumnStat of a column
   *               for subsequent conditions
   * @return an optional double value to show the percentage of rows meeting a given condition.
   *         It returns None if the condition is not supported.
  def calculateSingleCondition(condition: Expression, update: Boolean): Option[Double] = {
    condition match {
      case l: Literal =>

      // For evaluateBinary method, we assume the literal on the right side of an operator.
      // So we will change the order if not.

      // EqualTo/EqualNullSafe does not care about the order
      case Equality(ar: Attribute, l: Literal) =>
        evaluateEquality(ar, l, update)
      case Equality(l: Literal, ar: Attribute) =>
        evaluateEquality(ar, l, update)

      case op @ LessThan(ar: Attribute, l: Literal) =>
        evaluateBinary(op, ar, l, update)
      case op @ LessThan(l: Literal, ar: Attribute) =>
        evaluateBinary(GreaterThan(ar, l), ar, l, update)

      case op @ LessThanOrEqual(ar: Attribute, l: Literal) =>
        evaluateBinary(op, ar, l, update)
      case op @ LessThanOrEqual(l: Literal, ar: Attribute) =>
        evaluateBinary(GreaterThanOrEqual(ar, l), ar, l, update)

      case op @ GreaterThan(ar: Attribute, l: Literal) =>
        evaluateBinary(op, ar, l, update)
      case op @ GreaterThan(l: Literal, ar: Attribute) =>
        evaluateBinary(LessThan(ar, l), ar, l, update)

      case op @ GreaterThanOrEqual(ar: Attribute, l: Literal) =>
        evaluateBinary(op, ar, l, update)
      case op @ GreaterThanOrEqual(l: Literal, ar: Attribute) =>
        evaluateBinary(LessThanOrEqual(ar, l), ar, l, update)

      case In(ar: Attribute, expList)
        if expList.forall(e => e.isInstanceOf[Literal]) =>
        // Expression [In (value, seq[Literal])] will be replaced with optimized version
        // [InSet (value, HashSet[Literal])] in Optimizer, but only for list.size > 10.
        // Here we convert In into InSet anyway, because they share the same processing logic.
        val hSet = => e.eval())
        evaluateInSet(ar, HashSet() ++ hSet, update)

      case InSet(ar: Attribute, set) =>
        evaluateInSet(ar, set, update)

      // In current stage, we don't have advanced statistics such as sketches or histograms.
      // As a result, some operator can't estimate `nullCount` accurately. E.g. left outer join
      // estimation does not accurately update `nullCount` currently.
      // So for IsNull and IsNotNull predicates, we only estimate them when the child is a leaf
      // node, whose `nullCount` is accurate.
      // This is a limitation due to lack of advanced stats. We should remove it in the future.
      case IsNull(ar: Attribute) if plan.child.isInstanceOf[LeafNode] =>
        evaluateNullCheck(ar, isNull = true, update)

      case IsNotNull(ar: Attribute) if plan.child.isInstanceOf[LeafNode] =>
        evaluateNullCheck(ar, isNull = false, update)

      case op @ Equality(attrLeft: Attribute, attrRight: Attribute) =>
        evaluateBinaryForTwoColumns(op, attrLeft, attrRight, update)

      case op @ LessThan(attrLeft: Attribute, attrRight: Attribute) =>
        evaluateBinaryForTwoColumns(op, attrLeft, attrRight, update)

      case op @ LessThanOrEqual(attrLeft: Attribute, attrRight: Attribute) =>
        evaluateBinaryForTwoColumns(op, attrLeft, attrRight, update)

      case op @ GreaterThan(attrLeft: Attribute, attrRight: Attribute) =>
        evaluateBinaryForTwoColumns(op, attrLeft, attrRight, update)

      case op @ GreaterThanOrEqual(attrLeft: Attribute, attrRight: Attribute) =>
        evaluateBinaryForTwoColumns(op, attrLeft, attrRight, update)

      case _ =>
        // TODO: it's difficult to support string operators without advanced statistics.
        // Hence, these string operators Like(_, _) | Contains(_, _) | StartsWith(_, _)
        // | EndsWith(_, _) are not supported yet
        logDebug("[CBO] Unsupported filter condition: " + condition)

   * Returns a percentage of rows meeting "IS NULL" or "IS NOT NULL" condition.
   * @param attr an Attribute (or a column)
   * @param isNull set to true for "IS NULL" condition.  set to false for "IS NOT NULL" condition
   * @param update a boolean flag to specify if we need to update ColumnStat of a given column
   *               for subsequent conditions
   * @return an optional double value to show the percentage of rows meeting a given condition
   *         It returns None if no statistics collected for a given column.
  def evaluateNullCheck(
      attr: Attribute,
      isNull: Boolean,
      update: Boolean): Option[Double] = {
    if (!colStatsMap.contains(attr) || !colStatsMap(attr).hasCountStats) {
      logDebug("[CBO] No statistics for " + attr)
      return None
    val colStat = colStatsMap(attr)
    val rowCountValue = childStats.rowCount.get
    val nullPercent: Double = if (rowCountValue == 0) {
    } else {
      (BigDecimal(colStat.nullCount.get) / BigDecimal(rowCountValue)).toDouble

    if (update) {
      val newStats = if (isNull) {
        colStat.copy(distinctCount = Some(0), min = None, max = None)
      } else {
        colStat.copy(nullCount = Some(0))
      colStatsMap.update(attr, newStats)

    val percent = if (isNull) {
    } else {
      1.0 - nullPercent


   * Returns a percentage of rows meeting a binary comparison expression.
   * @param op a binary comparison operator such as =, <, <=, >, >=
   * @param attr an Attribute (or a column)
   * @param literal a literal value (or constant)
   * @param update a boolean flag to specify if we need to update ColumnStat of a given column
   *               for subsequent conditions
   * @return an optional double value to show the percentage of rows meeting a given condition
   *         It returns None if no statistics exists for a given column or wrong value.
  def evaluateBinary(
      op: BinaryComparison,
      attr: Attribute,
      literal: Literal,
      update: Boolean): Option[Double] = {
    if (!colStatsMap.contains(attr)) {
      logDebug("[CBO] No statistics for " + attr)
      return None

    attr.dataType match {
      case _: NumericType | DateType | TimestampType | BooleanType =>
        evaluateBinaryForNumeric(op, attr, literal, update)
      case StringType | BinaryType =>
        // TODO: It is difficult to support other binary comparisons for String/Binary
        // type without min/max and advanced statistics like histogram.
        logDebug("[CBO] No range comparison statistics for String/Binary type " + attr)

   * Returns a percentage of rows meeting an equality (=) expression.
   * This method evaluates the equality predicate for all data types.
   * For EqualNullSafe (<=>), if the literal is not null, result will be the same as EqualTo;
   * if the literal is null, the condition will be changed to IsNull after optimization.
   * So we don't need specific logic for EqualNullSafe here.
   * @param attr an Attribute (or a column)
   * @param literal a literal value (or constant)
   * @param update a boolean flag to specify if we need to update ColumnStat of a given column
   *               for subsequent conditions
   * @return an optional double value to show the percentage of rows meeting a given condition
  def evaluateEquality(
      attr: Attribute,
      literal: Literal,
      update: Boolean): Option[Double] = {
    if (!colStatsMap.contains(attr)) {
      logDebug("[CBO] No statistics for " + attr)
      return None
    val colStat = colStatsMap(attr)

    // decide if the value is in [min, max] of the column.
    // We currently don't store min/max for binary/string type.
    // Hence, we assume it is in boundary for binary/string type.
    val statsInterval = ValueInterval(colStat.min, colStat.max, attr.dataType)
    if (statsInterval.contains(literal)) {
      if (update) {
        // We update ColumnStat structure after apply this equality predicate:
        // Set distinctCount to 1, nullCount to 0, and min/max values (if exist) to the literal
        // value.
        val newStats = attr.dataType match {
          case StringType | BinaryType =>
            colStat.copy(distinctCount = Some(1), nullCount = Some(0))
          case _ =>
            colStat.copy(distinctCount = Some(1), min = Some(literal.value),
              max = Some(literal.value), nullCount = Some(0))
        colStatsMap.update(attr, newStats)

      if (colStat.histogram.isEmpty) {
        if (!colStat.distinctCount.isEmpty) {
          // returns 1/ndv if there is no histogram
          Some(1.0 / colStat.distinctCount.get.toDouble)
        } else {
      } else {
        Some(computeEqualityPossibilityByHistogram(literal, colStat))

    } else {  // not in interval

   * Returns a percentage of rows meeting a Literal expression.
   * This method evaluates all the possible literal cases in Filter.
   * FalseLiteral and TrueLiteral should be eliminated by optimizer, but null literal might be added
   * by optimizer rule NullPropagation. For safety, we handle all the cases here.
   * @param literal a literal value (or constant)
   * @return an optional double value to show the percentage of rows meeting a given condition
  def evaluateLiteral(literal: Literal): Option[Double] = {
    literal match {
      case Literal(null, _) => Some(0.0)
      case FalseLiteral => Some(0.0)
      case TrueLiteral => Some(1.0)
      // Ideally, we should not hit the following branch
      case _ => None

   * Returns a percentage of rows meeting "IN" operator expression.
   * This method evaluates the equality predicate for all data types.
   * @param attr an Attribute (or a column)
   * @param hSet a set of literal values
   * @param update a boolean flag to specify if we need to update ColumnStat of a given column
   *               for subsequent conditions
   * @return an optional double value to show the percentage of rows meeting a given condition
   *         It returns None if no statistics exists for a given column.

  def evaluateInSet(
      attr: Attribute,
      hSet: Set[Any],
      update: Boolean): Option[Double] = {
    if (!colStatsMap.hasDistinctCount(attr)) {
      logDebug("[CBO] No statistics for " + attr)
      return None

    val colStat = colStatsMap(attr)
    val ndv = colStat.distinctCount.get
    val dataType = attr.dataType
    var newNdv = ndv

    // use [min, max] to filter the original hSet
    dataType match {
      case _: NumericType | BooleanType | DateType | TimestampType =>
        if (ndv.toDouble == 0 || colStat.min.isEmpty || colStat.max.isEmpty)  {
          return Some(0.0)

        val statsInterval =
          ValueInterval(colStat.min, colStat.max, dataType).asInstanceOf[NumericValueInterval]
        val validQuerySet = hSet.filter { v =>
          v != null && statsInterval.contains(Literal(v, dataType))

        if (validQuerySet.isEmpty) {
          return Some(0.0)

        val newMax = validQuerySet.maxBy(EstimationUtils.toDouble(_, dataType))
        val newMin = validQuerySet.minBy(EstimationUtils.toDouble(_, dataType))
        // newNdv should not be greater than the old ndv.  For example, column has only 2 values
        // 1 and 6. The predicate column IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). validQuerySet.size is 5.
        newNdv = ndv.min(BigInt(validQuerySet.size))
        if (update) {
          val newStats = colStat.copy(distinctCount = Some(newNdv), min = Some(newMin),
            max = Some(newMax), nullCount = Some(0))
          colStatsMap.update(attr, newStats)

      // We assume the whole set since there is no min/max information for String/Binary type
      case StringType | BinaryType =>
        if (ndv.toDouble == 0)  {
          return Some(0.0)

        newNdv = ndv.min(BigInt(hSet.size))
        if (update) {
          val newStats = colStat.copy(distinctCount = Some(newNdv), nullCount = Some(0))
          colStatsMap.update(attr, newStats)

    // return the filter selectivity.  Without advanced statistics such as histograms,
    // we have to assume uniform distribution.
    Some(math.min(newNdv.toDouble / ndv.toDouble, 1.0))

   * Returns a percentage of rows meeting a binary comparison expression.
   * This method evaluate expression for Numeric/Date/Timestamp/Boolean columns.
   * @param op a binary comparison operator such as =, <, <=, >, >=
   * @param attr an Attribute (or a column)
   * @param literal a literal value (or constant)
   * @param update a boolean flag to specify if we need to update ColumnStat of a given column
   *               for subsequent conditions
   * @return an optional double value to show the percentage of rows meeting a given condition
  def evaluateBinaryForNumeric(
      op: BinaryComparison,
      attr: Attribute,
      literal: Literal,
      update: Boolean): Option[Double] = {

    if (!colStatsMap.hasMinMaxStats(attr) || !colStatsMap.hasDistinctCount(attr)) {
      logDebug("[CBO] No statistics for " + attr)
      return None

    val colStat = colStatsMap(attr)
    val statsInterval =
      ValueInterval(colStat.min, colStat.max, attr.dataType).asInstanceOf[NumericValueInterval]
    val max = statsInterval.max
    val min = statsInterval.min
    val ndv = colStat.distinctCount.get.toDouble

    // determine the overlapping degree between predicate interval and column's interval
    val numericLiteral = EstimationUtils.toDouble(literal.value, literal.dataType)
    val (noOverlap: Boolean, completeOverlap: Boolean) = op match {
      case _: LessThan =>
        (numericLiteral <= min, numericLiteral > max)
      case _: LessThanOrEqual =>
        (numericLiteral < min, numericLiteral >= max)
      case _: GreaterThan =>
        (numericLiteral >= max, numericLiteral < min)
      case _: GreaterThanOrEqual =>
        (numericLiteral > max, numericLiteral <= min)

    var percent = 1.0
    if (noOverlap) {
      percent = 0.0
    } else if (completeOverlap) {
      percent = 1.0
    } else {
      // This is the partial overlap case:

      if (colStat.histogram.isEmpty) {
        // Without advanced statistics like histogram, we assume uniform data distribution.
        // We just prorate the adjusted range over the initial range to compute filter selectivity.
        assert(max > min)
        percent = op match {
          case _: LessThan =>
            if (numericLiteral == max) {
              // If the literal value is right on the boundary, we can minus the part of the
              // boundary value (1/ndv).
              1.0 - 1.0 / ndv
            } else {
              (numericLiteral - min) / (max - min)
          case _: LessThanOrEqual =>
            if (numericLiteral == min) {
              // The boundary value is the only satisfying value.
              1.0 / ndv
            } else {
              (numericLiteral - min) / (max - min)
          case _: GreaterThan =>
            if (numericLiteral == min) {
              1.0 - 1.0 / ndv
            } else {
              (max - numericLiteral) / (max - min)
          case _: GreaterThanOrEqual =>
            if (numericLiteral == max) {
              1.0 / ndv
            } else {
              (max - numericLiteral) / (max - min)
      } else {
        percent = computeComparisonPossibilityByHistogram(op, literal, colStat)

      if (update) {
        val newValue = Some(literal.value)
        var newMax = colStat.max
        var newMin = colStat.min

        op match {
          case _: GreaterThan | _: GreaterThanOrEqual =>
            newMin = newValue
          case _: LessThan | _: LessThanOrEqual =>
            newMax = newValue

        val newStats = colStat.copy(distinctCount = Some(ceil(ndv * percent)),
          min = newMin, max = newMax, nullCount = Some(0))

        colStatsMap.update(attr, newStats)


   * Computes the possibility of an equality predicate using histogram.
  private def computeEqualityPossibilityByHistogram(
      literal: Literal, colStat: ColumnStat): Double = {
    val datum = EstimationUtils.toDouble(literal.value, literal.dataType)
    val histogram = colStat.histogram.get

    // find bins where column's current min and max locate.  Note that a column's [min, max]
    // range may change due to another condition applied earlier.
    val min = EstimationUtils.toDouble(colStat.min.get, literal.dataType)
    val max = EstimationUtils.toDouble(colStat.max.get, literal.dataType)

    // compute how many bins the column's current valid range [min, max] occupies.
    val numBinsHoldingEntireRange = EstimationUtils.numBinsHoldingRange(
      upperBound = max,
      upperBoundInclusive = true,
      lowerBound = min,
      lowerBoundInclusive = true,

    val numBinsHoldingDatum = EstimationUtils.numBinsHoldingRange(
      upperBound = datum,
      upperBoundInclusive = true,
      lowerBound = datum,
      lowerBoundInclusive = true,

    numBinsHoldingDatum / numBinsHoldingEntireRange

   * Computes the possibility of a comparison predicate using histogram.
  private def computeComparisonPossibilityByHistogram(
      op: BinaryComparison, literal: Literal, colStat: ColumnStat): Double = {
    val datum = EstimationUtils.toDouble(literal.value, literal.dataType)
    val histogram = colStat.histogram.get

    // find bins where column's current min and max locate.  Note that a column's [min, max]
    // range may change due to another condition applied earlier.
    val min = EstimationUtils.toDouble(colStat.min.get, literal.dataType)
    val max = EstimationUtils.toDouble(colStat.max.get, literal.dataType)

    // compute how many bins the column's current valid range [min, max] occupies.
    val numBinsHoldingEntireRange = EstimationUtils.numBinsHoldingRange(
      max, upperBoundInclusive = true, min, lowerBoundInclusive = true, histogram.bins)

    val numBinsHoldingRange = op match {
      // LessThan and LessThanOrEqual share the same logic, the only difference is whether to
      // include the upperBound in the range.
      case _: LessThan =>
          upperBound = datum,
          upperBoundInclusive = false,
          lowerBound = min,
          lowerBoundInclusive = true,
      case _: LessThanOrEqual =>
          upperBound = datum,
          upperBoundInclusive = true,
          lowerBound = min,
          lowerBoundInclusive = true,

      // GreaterThan and GreaterThanOrEqual share the same logic, the only difference is whether to
      // include the lowerBound in the range.
      case _: GreaterThan =>
          upperBound = max,
          upperBoundInclusive = true,
          lowerBound = datum,
          lowerBoundInclusive = false,
      case _: GreaterThanOrEqual =>
          upperBound = max,
          upperBoundInclusive = true,
          lowerBound = datum,
          lowerBoundInclusive = true,

    numBinsHoldingRange / numBinsHoldingEntireRange

   * Returns a percentage of rows meeting a binary comparison expression containing two columns.
   * In SQL queries, we also see predicate expressions involving two columns
   * such as "column-1 (op) column-2" where column-1 and column-2 belong to same table.
   * Note that, if column-1 and column-2 belong to different tables, then it is a join
   * operator's work, NOT a filter operator's work.
   * @param op a binary comparison operator, including =, <=>, <, <=, >, >=
   * @param attrLeft the left Attribute (or a column)
   * @param attrRight the right Attribute (or a column)
   * @param update a boolean flag to specify if we need to update ColumnStat of the given columns
   *               for subsequent conditions
   * @return an optional double value to show the percentage of rows meeting a given condition
  def evaluateBinaryForTwoColumns(
      op: BinaryComparison,
      attrLeft: Attribute,
      attrRight: Attribute,
      update: Boolean): Option[Double] = {

    if (!colStatsMap.hasCountStats(attrLeft)) {
      logDebug("[CBO] No statistics for " + attrLeft)
      return None
    if (!colStatsMap.hasCountStats(attrRight)) {
      logDebug("[CBO] No statistics for " + attrRight)
      return None

    attrLeft.dataType match {
      case StringType | BinaryType =>
        // TODO: It is difficult to support other binary comparisons for String/Binary
        // type without min/max and advanced statistics like histogram.
        logDebug("[CBO] No range comparison statistics for String/Binary type " + attrLeft)
        return None
      case _ =>
        if (!colStatsMap.hasMinMaxStats(attrLeft)) {
          logDebug("[CBO] No min/max statistics for " + attrLeft)
          return None
        if (!colStatsMap.hasMinMaxStats(attrRight)) {
          logDebug("[CBO] No min/max statistics for " + attrRight)
          return None

    val colStatLeft = colStatsMap(attrLeft)
    val statsIntervalLeft = ValueInterval(colStatLeft.min, colStatLeft.max, attrLeft.dataType)
    val maxLeft = statsIntervalLeft.max
    val minLeft = statsIntervalLeft.min

    val colStatRight = colStatsMap(attrRight)
    val statsIntervalRight = ValueInterval(colStatRight.min, colStatRight.max, attrRight.dataType)
    val maxRight = statsIntervalRight.max
    val minRight = statsIntervalRight.min

    // determine the overlapping degree between predicate interval and column's interval
    val allNotNull = (colStatLeft.nullCount.get == 0) && (colStatRight.nullCount.get == 0)
    val (noOverlap: Boolean, completeOverlap: Boolean) = op match {
      // Left < Right or Left <= Right
      // - no overlap:
      //      minRight           maxRight     minLeft       maxLeft
      // --------+------------------+------------+-------------+------->
      // - complete overlap: (If null values exists, we set it to partial overlap.)
      //      minLeft            maxLeft      minRight      maxRight
      // --------+------------------+------------+-------------+------->
      case _: LessThan =>
        (minLeft >= maxRight, (maxLeft < minRight) && allNotNull)
      case _: LessThanOrEqual =>
        (minLeft > maxRight, (maxLeft <= minRight) && allNotNull)

      // Left > Right or Left >= Right
      // - no overlap:
      //      minLeft            maxLeft      minRight      maxRight
      // --------+------------------+------------+-------------+------->
      // - complete overlap: (If null values exists, we set it to partial overlap.)
      //      minRight           maxRight     minLeft       maxLeft
      // --------+------------------+------------+-------------+------->
      case _: GreaterThan =>
        (maxLeft <= minRight, (minLeft > maxRight) && allNotNull)
      case _: GreaterThanOrEqual =>
        (maxLeft < minRight, (minLeft >= maxRight) && allNotNull)

      // Left = Right or Left <=> Right
      // - no overlap:
      //      minLeft            maxLeft      minRight      maxRight
      // --------+------------------+------------+-------------+------->
      //      minRight           maxRight     minLeft       maxLeft
      // --------+------------------+------------+-------------+------->
      // - complete overlap:
      //      minLeft            maxLeft
      //      minRight           maxRight
      // --------+------------------+------->
      case _: EqualTo =>
        ((maxLeft < minRight) || (maxRight < minLeft),
          (minLeft == minRight) && (maxLeft == maxRight) && allNotNull
          && (colStatLeft.distinctCount.get == colStatRight.distinctCount.get)
      case _: EqualNullSafe =>
        // For null-safe equality, we use a very restrictive condition to evaluate its overlap.
        // If null values exists, we set it to partial overlap.
        (((maxLeft < minRight) || (maxRight < minLeft)) && allNotNull,
          (minLeft == minRight) && (maxLeft == maxRight) && allNotNull
            && (colStatLeft.distinctCount.get == colStatRight.distinctCount.get)

    var percent = 1.0
    if (noOverlap) {
      percent = 0.0
    } else if (completeOverlap) {
      percent = 1.0
    } else {
      // For partial overlap, we use an empirical value 1/3 as suggested by the book
      // "Database Systems, the complete book".
      percent = 1.0 / 3.0

      if (update) {
        // Need to adjust new min/max after the filter condition is applied

        val ndvLeft = BigDecimal(colStatLeft.distinctCount.get)
        val newNdvLeft = ceil(ndvLeft * percent)
        val ndvRight = BigDecimal(colStatRight.distinctCount.get)
        val newNdvRight = ceil(ndvRight * percent)

        var newMaxLeft = colStatLeft.max
        var newMinLeft = colStatLeft.min
        var newMaxRight = colStatRight.max
        var newMinRight = colStatRight.min

        op match {
          case _: LessThan | _: LessThanOrEqual =>
            // the left side should be less than the right side.
            // If not, we need to adjust it to narrow the range.
            // Left < Right or Left <= Right
            //      minRight     <     minLeft
            // --------+******************+------->
            //              filtered      ^
            //                            |
            //                        newMinRight
            //      maxRight     <     maxLeft
            // --------+******************+------->
            //         ^    filtered
            //         |
            //     newMaxLeft
            if (minLeft > minRight) newMinRight = colStatLeft.min
            if (maxLeft > maxRight) newMaxLeft = colStatRight.max

          case _: GreaterThan | _: GreaterThanOrEqual =>
            // the left side should be greater than the right side.
            // If not, we need to adjust it to narrow the range.
            // Left > Right or Left >= Right
            //      minLeft     <      minRight
            // --------+******************+------->
            //              filtered      ^
            //                            |
            //                        newMinLeft
            //      maxLeft     <      maxRight
            // --------+******************+------->
            //         ^    filtered
            //         |
            //     newMaxRight
            if (minLeft < minRight) newMinLeft = colStatRight.min
            if (maxLeft < maxRight) newMaxRight = colStatLeft.max

          case _: EqualTo | _: EqualNullSafe =>
            // need to set new min to the larger min value, and
            // set the new max to the smaller max value.
            // Left = Right or Left <=> Right
            //      minLeft     <      minRight
            // --------+******************+------->
            //              filtered      ^
            //                            |
            //                        newMinLeft
            //      minRight    <=     minLeft
            // --------+******************+------->
            //              filtered      ^
            //                            |
            //                        newMinRight
            //      maxLeft     <      maxRight
            // --------+******************+------->
            //         ^    filtered
            //         |
            //     newMaxRight
            //      maxRight    <=     maxLeft
            // --------+******************+------->
            //         ^    filtered
            //         |
            //     newMaxLeft
          if (minLeft < minRight) {
            newMinLeft = colStatRight.min
          } else {
            newMinRight = colStatLeft.min
          if (maxLeft < maxRight) {
            newMaxRight = colStatLeft.max
          } else {
            newMaxLeft = colStatRight.max

        val newStatsLeft = colStatLeft.copy(distinctCount = Some(newNdvLeft), min = newMinLeft,
          max = newMaxLeft)
        colStatsMap(attrLeft) = newStatsLeft
        val newStatsRight = colStatRight.copy(distinctCount = Some(newNdvRight), min = newMinRight,
          max = newMaxRight)
        colStatsMap(attrRight) = newStatsRight



 * This class contains the original column stats from child, and maintains the updated column stats.
 * We will update the corresponding ColumnStats for a column after we apply a predicate condition.
 * For example, column c has [min, max] value as [0, 100].  In a range condition such as
 * (c > 40 AND c <= 50), we need to set the column's [min, max] value to [40, 100] after we
 * evaluate the first condition c > 40. We also need to set the column's [min, max] value to
 * [40, 50] after we evaluate the second condition c <= 50.
 * @param originalMap Original column stats from child.
case class ColumnStatsMap(originalMap: AttributeMap[ColumnStat]) {

  /** This map maintains the latest column stats. */
  private val updatedMap: mutable.Map[ExprId, (Attribute, ColumnStat)] = mutable.HashMap.empty

  def contains(a: Attribute): Boolean = updatedMap.contains(a.exprId) || originalMap.contains(a)

   * Gets an Option of column stat for the given attribute.
   * Prefer the column stat in updatedMap than that in originalMap,
   * because updatedMap has the latest (updated) column stats.
  def get(a: Attribute): Option[ColumnStat] = {
    if (updatedMap.contains(a.exprId)) {
    } else {

  def hasCountStats(a: Attribute): Boolean =

  def hasDistinctCount(a: Attribute): Boolean =

  def hasMinMaxStats(a: Attribute): Boolean =

   * Gets column stat for the given attribute. Prefer the column stat in updatedMap than that in
   * originalMap, because updatedMap has the latest (updated) column stats.
  def apply(a: Attribute): ColumnStat = {

  /** Updates column stats in updatedMap. */
  def update(a: Attribute, stats: ColumnStat): Unit = updatedMap.update(a.exprId, a -> stats)

   * Collects updated column stats, and scales down ndv for other column stats if the number of rows
   * decreases after this Filter operator.
  def outputColumnStats(rowsBeforeFilter: BigInt, rowsAfterFilter: BigInt)
    : AttributeMap[ColumnStat] = {
    val newColumnStats = { case (attr, oriColStat) =>
      val colStat = updatedMap.get(attr.exprId).map(_._2).getOrElse(oriColStat)
      val newNdv = if (colStat.distinctCount.isEmpty) {
        // No NDV in the original stats.
      } else if (colStat.distinctCount.get > 1) {
        // Update ndv based on the overall filter selectivity: scale down ndv if the number of rows
        // decreases; otherwise keep it unchanged.
        Some(EstimationUtils.updateNdv(oldNumRows = rowsBeforeFilter,
          newNumRows = rowsAfterFilter, oldNdv = oriColStat.distinctCount.get))
      } else {
        // no need to scale down since it is already down to 1 (for skewed distribution case)
      attr -> colStat.copy(distinctCount = newNdv)

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