org.apache.spark.internal.Logging.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.spark.internal
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import org.apache.logging.log4j.{CloseableThreadContext, Level, LogManager}
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.{Filter, LifeCycle, LogEvent, Logger => Log4jLogger, LoggerContext}
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.ConsoleAppender
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.DefaultConfiguration
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.filter.AbstractFilter
import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging.SparkShellLoggingFilter
import org.apache.spark.util.SparkClassUtils
* Guidelines for the Structured Logging Framework - Scala Logging
* Use the `org.apache.spark.internal.Logging` trait for logging in Scala code:
* Logging Messages with Variables:
* When logging a message with variables, wrap all the variables with `MDC`s and they will be
* automatically added to the Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC).
* This allows for structured logging and better log analysis.
* logInfo(log"Trying to recover app: ${MDC(LogKeys.APP_ID,}")
* Constant String Messages:
* If you are logging a constant string message, use the log methods that accept a constant
* string.
* logInfo("StateStore stopped")
* Exceptions:
* To ensure logs are compatible with Spark SQL and log analysis tools, avoid
* `Exception.printStackTrace()`. Use `logError`, `logWarning`, and `logInfo` methods from
* the `Logging` trait to log exceptions, maintaining structured and parsable logs.
* If you want to output logs in `scala code` through the structured log framework,
* you can define `custom LogKey` and use it in `scala` code as follows:
* // To add a `custom LogKey`, implement `LogKey`
* case object CUSTOM_LOG_KEY extends LogKey
* import org.apache.spark.internal.MDC;
* logInfo(log"${MDC(CUSTOM_LOG_KEY, "key")}")
* Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) that will be used in log messages.
* The values of the MDC will be inline in the log message, while the key-value pairs will be
* part of the ThreadContext.
case class MDC(key: LogKey, value: Any) {
"the class of value cannot be MessageWithContext")
object MDC {
def of(key: LogKey, value: Any): MDC = MDC(key, value)
* Wrapper class for log messages that include a logging context.
* This is used as the return type of the string interpolator `LogStringContext`.
case class MessageWithContext(message: String, context: java.util.HashMap[String, String]) {
def +(mdc: MessageWithContext): MessageWithContext = {
val resultMap = new java.util.HashMap(context)
MessageWithContext(message + mdc.message, resultMap)
def stripMargin: MessageWithContext = copy(message = message.stripMargin)
* Companion class for lazy evaluation of the MessageWithContext instance.
class LogEntry(messageWithContext: => MessageWithContext) {
private lazy val cachedMessageWithContext: MessageWithContext = messageWithContext
def message: String = cachedMessageWithContext.message
def context: java.util.HashMap[String, String] = cachedMessageWithContext.context
* Companion object for the wrapper to enable implicit conversions
object LogEntry {
import scala.language.implicitConversions
implicit def from(msgWithCtx: => MessageWithContext): LogEntry =
new LogEntry(msgWithCtx)
* Utility trait for classes that want to log data. Creates a SLF4J logger for the class and allows
* logging messages at different levels using methods that only evaluate parameters lazily if the
* log level is enabled.
trait Logging {
// Make the log field transient so that objects with Logging can
// be serialized and used on another machine
@transient private var log_ : Logger = null
// Method to get the logger name for this object
protected def logName = {
// Ignore trailing $'s in the class names for Scala objects
// Method to get or create the logger for this object
protected def log: Logger = {
if (log_ == null) {
log_ = LoggerFactory.getLogger(logName)
implicit class LogStringContext(val sc: StringContext) {
def log(args: MDC*): MessageWithContext = {
val processedParts =
val sb = new StringBuilder(StringContext.processEscapes(
val context = new java.util.HashMap[String, String]()
args.foreach { mdc =>
val value = if (mdc.value != null) mdc.value.toString else null
if (Logging.isStructuredLoggingEnabled) {
context.put(, value)
if (processedParts.hasNext) {
MessageWithContext(sb.toString(), context)
protected def withLogContext(context: java.util.HashMap[String, String])(body: => Unit): Unit = {
// put into thread context only when structured logging is enabled
val closeableThreadContextOpt = if (Logging.isStructuredLoggingEnabled) {
} else {
try {
} finally {
// Log methods that take only a String
protected def logInfo(msg: => String): Unit = {
if (log.isInfoEnabled)
protected def logInfo(entry: LogEntry): Unit = {
if (log.isInfoEnabled) {
withLogContext(entry.context) {
protected def logInfo(entry: LogEntry, throwable: Throwable): Unit = {
if (log.isInfoEnabled) {
withLogContext(entry.context) {, throwable)
protected def logDebug(msg: => String): Unit = {
if (log.isDebugEnabled) log.debug(msg)
protected def logDebug(entry: LogEntry): Unit = {
if (log.isDebugEnabled) {
withLogContext(entry.context) {
protected def logDebug(entry: LogEntry, throwable: Throwable): Unit = {
if (log.isDebugEnabled) {
withLogContext(entry.context) {
log.debug(entry.message, throwable)
protected def logTrace(msg: => String): Unit = {
if (log.isTraceEnabled) log.trace(msg)
protected def logTrace(entry: LogEntry): Unit = {
if (log.isTraceEnabled) {
withLogContext(entry.context) {
protected def logTrace(entry: LogEntry, throwable: Throwable): Unit = {
if (log.isTraceEnabled) {
withLogContext(entry.context) {
log.trace(entry.message, throwable)
protected def logWarning(msg: => String): Unit = {
if (log.isWarnEnabled) log.warn(msg)
protected def logWarning(entry: LogEntry): Unit = {
if (log.isWarnEnabled) {
withLogContext(entry.context) {
protected def logWarning(entry: LogEntry, throwable: Throwable): Unit = {
if (log.isWarnEnabled) {
withLogContext(entry.context) {
log.warn(entry.message, throwable)
protected def logError(msg: => String): Unit = {
if (log.isErrorEnabled) log.error(msg)
protected def logError(entry: LogEntry): Unit = {
if (log.isErrorEnabled) {
withLogContext(entry.context) {
protected def logError(entry: LogEntry, throwable: Throwable): Unit = {
if (log.isErrorEnabled) {
withLogContext(entry.context) {
log.error(entry.message, throwable)
// Log methods that take Throwables (Exceptions/Errors) too
protected def logInfo(msg: => String, throwable: Throwable): Unit = {
if (log.isInfoEnabled), throwable)
protected def logDebug(msg: => String, throwable: Throwable): Unit = {
if (log.isDebugEnabled) log.debug(msg, throwable)
protected def logTrace(msg: => String, throwable: Throwable): Unit = {
if (log.isTraceEnabled) log.trace(msg, throwable)
protected def logWarning(msg: => String, throwable: Throwable): Unit = {
if (log.isWarnEnabled) log.warn(msg, throwable)
protected def logError(msg: => String, throwable: Throwable): Unit = {
if (log.isErrorEnabled) log.error(msg, throwable)
protected def isTraceEnabled(): Boolean = {
protected def initializeLogIfNecessary(isInterpreter: Boolean): Unit = {
initializeLogIfNecessary(isInterpreter, silent = false)
protected def initializeLogIfNecessary(
isInterpreter: Boolean,
silent: Boolean = false): Boolean = {
if (!Logging.initialized) {
Logging.initLock.synchronized {
if (!Logging.initialized) {
initializeLogging(isInterpreter, silent)
return true
// For testing
private[spark] def initializeForcefully(isInterpreter: Boolean, silent: Boolean): Unit = {
initializeLogging(isInterpreter, silent)
private def initializeLogging(isInterpreter: Boolean, silent: Boolean): Unit = {
if (Logging.isLog4j2()) {
val rootLogger = LogManager.getRootLogger.asInstanceOf[Log4jLogger]
// If Log4j 2 is used but is initialized by default configuration,
// load a default properties file
// scalastyle:off println
if (Logging.defaultSparkLog4jConfig || Logging.islog4j2DefaultConfigured()) {
Logging.defaultSparkLog4jConfig = true
val defaultLogProps = if (Logging.isStructuredLoggingEnabled) {
} else {
Option(SparkClassUtils.getSparkClassLoader.getResource(defaultLogProps)) match {
case Some(url) =>
val context = LogManager.getContext(false).asInstanceOf[LoggerContext]
if (!silent) {
System.err.println(s"Using Spark's default log4j profile: $defaultLogProps")
Logging.setLogLevelPrinted = true
case None =>
System.err.println(s"Spark was unable to load $defaultLogProps")
if (Logging.defaultRootLevel == null) {
Logging.defaultRootLevel = rootLogger.getLevel()
if (isInterpreter) {
// Use the repl's main class to define the default log level when running the shell,
// overriding the root logger's config if they're different.
val replLogger = LogManager.getLogger(logName).asInstanceOf[Log4jLogger]
val replLevel = if (Logging.loggerWithCustomConfig(replLogger)) {
} else {
// Update the consoleAppender threshold to replLevel
if (replLevel != rootLogger.getLevel()) {
if (!silent) {
System.err.printf("Setting default log level to \"%s\".\n", replLevel)
System.err.println("To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). " +
"For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).")
Logging.setLogLevelPrinted = true
Logging.sparkShellThresholdLevel = replLevel
rootLogger.getAppenders().asScala.foreach {
case (_, ca: ConsoleAppender) =>
ca.addFilter(new SparkShellLoggingFilter())
case _ => // no-op
// scalastyle:on println
Logging.initialized = true
// Force a call into slf4j to initialize it. Avoids this happening from multiple threads
// and triggering this:
private[spark] object Logging {
@volatile private var initialized = false
@volatile private var defaultRootLevel: Level = null
@volatile private var defaultSparkLog4jConfig = false
@volatile private var structuredLoggingEnabled = true
@volatile private[spark] var sparkShellThresholdLevel: Level = null
@volatile private[spark] var setLogLevelPrinted: Boolean = false
val initLock = new Object()
try {
// We use reflection here to handle the case where users remove the
// jul-to-slf4j bridge order to route their logs to JUL.
val bridgeClass = SparkClassUtils.classForName("org.slf4j.bridge.SLF4JBridgeHandler")
val installed = bridgeClass.getMethod("isInstalled").invoke(null).asInstanceOf[Boolean]
if (!installed) {
} catch {
case e: ClassNotFoundException => // can't log anything yet so just fail silently
* Marks the logging system as not initialized. This does a best effort at resetting the
* logging system to its initial state so that the next class to use logging triggers
* initialization again.
def uninitialize(): Unit = initLock.synchronized {
if (isLog4j2()) {
if (defaultSparkLog4jConfig) {
val context = LogManager.getContext(false).asInstanceOf[LoggerContext]
} else {
val rootLogger = LogManager.getRootLogger().asInstanceOf[Log4jLogger]
sparkShellThresholdLevel = null
this.initialized = false
private def isLog4j2(): Boolean = {
// This distinguishes the log4j 1.2 binding, currently
// org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory, from the log4j 2.0 binding, currently
// org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLoggerFactory
// Return true if the logger has custom configuration. It depends on:
// 1. If the logger isn't attached with root logger config (i.e., with custom configuration), or
// 2. the logger level is different to root config level (i.e., it is changed programmatically).
// Note that if a logger is programmatically changed log level but set to same level
// as root config level, we cannot tell if it is with custom configuration.
private def loggerWithCustomConfig(logger: Log4jLogger): Boolean = {
val rootConfig = LogManager.getRootLogger.asInstanceOf[Log4jLogger].get()
(logger.get() ne rootConfig) || (logger.getLevel != rootConfig.getLevel())
* Return true if log4j2 is initialized by default configuration which has one
* appender with error level. See `org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.DefaultConfiguration`.
private[spark] def islog4j2DefaultConfigured(): Boolean = {
val rootLogger = LogManager.getRootLogger.asInstanceOf[Log4jLogger]
rootLogger.getAppenders.isEmpty ||
(rootLogger.getAppenders.size() == 1 &&
rootLogger.getLevel == Level.ERROR &&
* Enable Structured logging framework.
private[spark] def enableStructuredLogging(): Unit = {
structuredLoggingEnabled = true
* Disable Structured logging framework.
private[spark] def disableStructuredLogging(): Unit = {
structuredLoggingEnabled = false
* Return true if Structured logging framework is enabled.
private[spark] def isStructuredLoggingEnabled: Boolean = {
private[spark] class SparkShellLoggingFilter extends AbstractFilter {
private var status = LifeCycle.State.INITIALIZING
* If sparkShellThresholdLevel is not defined, this filter is a no-op.
* If log level of event is not equal to root level, the event is allowed. Otherwise,
* the decision is made based on whether the log came from root or some custom configuration
* @param loggingEvent
* @return decision for accept/deny log event
override def filter(logEvent: LogEvent): Filter.Result = {
if (Logging.sparkShellThresholdLevel == null) {
} else if (logEvent.getLevel.isMoreSpecificThan(Logging.sparkShellThresholdLevel)) {
} else {
val logger = LogManager.getLogger(logEvent.getLoggerName).asInstanceOf[Log4jLogger]
if (loggerWithCustomConfig(logger)) {
return Filter.Result.NEUTRAL
override def getState: LifeCycle.State = status
override def initialize(): Unit = {
status = LifeCycle.State.INITIALIZED
override def start(): Unit = {
status = LifeCycle.State.STARTED
override def stop(): Unit = {
status = LifeCycle.State.STOPPED
override def isStarted: Boolean = status == LifeCycle.State.STARTED
override def isStopped: Boolean = status == LifeCycle.State.STOPPED