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org.apache.spark.ui.exec.ExecutorsPage.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.ui.exec

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.xml.Node

import org.apache.spark.status.api.v1.ExecutorSummary
import org.apache.spark.ui.{ToolTips, UIUtils, WebUIPage}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

// This isn't even used anymore -- but we need to keep it b/c of a MiMa false positive
private[ui] case class ExecutorSummaryInfo(
    id: String,
    hostPort: String,
    rddBlocks: Int,
    memoryUsed: Long,
    diskUsed: Long,
    activeTasks: Int,
    failedTasks: Int,
    completedTasks: Int,
    totalTasks: Int,
    totalDuration: Long,
    totalInputBytes: Long,
    totalShuffleRead: Long,
    totalShuffleWrite: Long,
    maxMemory: Long,
    executorLogs: Map[String, String])

private[ui] class ExecutorsPage(
    parent: ExecutorsTab,
    threadDumpEnabled: Boolean)
  extends WebUIPage("") {
  private val listener = parent.listener

  def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    val storageStatusList = listener.storageStatusList
    val maxMem =
    val memUsed =
    val diskUsed =
    val execInfo = for (statusId <- 0 until storageStatusList.size) yield
      ExecutorsPage.getExecInfo(listener, statusId)
    val execInfoSorted = execInfo.sortBy(
    val logsExist = execInfo.filter(_.executorLogs.nonEmpty).nonEmpty

    val execTable =
          {if (logsExist)  else Seq.empty}
          {if (threadDumpEnabled)  else Seq.empty}
          {, logsExist))}
Executor ID Address RDD Blocks Storage Memory Disk Used Active Tasks Failed Tasks Complete Tasks Total Tasks Task Time Input Shuffle Read Shuffle Write LogsThread Dump
val content =
  • Memory: {Utils.bytesToString(memUsed)} Used ({Utils.bytesToString(maxMem)} Total)
  • Disk: {Utils.bytesToString(diskUsed)} Used
; UIUtils.headerSparkPage("Executors (" + execInfo.size + ")", content, parent) } /** Render an HTML row representing an executor */ private def execRow(info: ExecutorSummary, logsExist: Boolean): Seq[Node] = { val maximumMemory = info.maxMemory val memoryUsed = info.memoryUsed val diskUsed = info.diskUsed {} {info.hostPort} {info.rddBlocks} {Utils.bytesToString(memoryUsed)} / {Utils.bytesToString(maximumMemory)} {Utils.bytesToString(diskUsed)} {info.activeTasks} {info.failedTasks} {info.completedTasks} {info.totalTasks} {Utils.msDurationToString(info.totalDuration)} {Utils.bytesToString(info.totalInputBytes)} {Utils.bytesToString(info.totalShuffleRead)} {Utils.bytesToString(info.totalShuffleWrite)} { if (logsExist) { { { case (logName, logUrl) =>
} } } } { if (threadDumpEnabled) { val encodedId = URLEncoder.encode(, "UTF-8") Thread Dump } else { Seq.empty } } } } private[spark] object ExecutorsPage { /** Represent an executor's info as a map given a storage status index */ def getExecInfo(listener: ExecutorsListener, statusId: Int): ExecutorSummary = { val status = listener.storageStatusList(statusId) val execId = status.blockManagerId.executorId val hostPort = status.blockManagerId.hostPort val rddBlocks = status.numBlocks val memUsed = status.memUsed val maxMem = status.maxMem val diskUsed = status.diskUsed val activeTasks = listener.executorToTasksActive.getOrElse(execId, 0) val failedTasks = listener.executorToTasksFailed.getOrElse(execId, 0) val completedTasks = listener.executorToTasksComplete.getOrElse(execId, 0) val totalTasks = activeTasks + failedTasks + completedTasks val totalDuration = listener.executorToDuration.getOrElse(execId, 0L) val totalInputBytes = listener.executorToInputBytes.getOrElse(execId, 0L) val totalShuffleRead = listener.executorToShuffleRead.getOrElse(execId, 0L) val totalShuffleWrite = listener.executorToShuffleWrite.getOrElse(execId, 0L) val executorLogs = listener.executorToLogUrls.getOrElse(execId, Map.empty) new ExecutorSummary( execId, hostPort, rddBlocks, memUsed, diskUsed, activeTasks, failedTasks, completedTasks, totalTasks, totalDuration, totalInputBytes, totalShuffleRead, totalShuffleWrite, maxMem, executorLogs ) } }

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