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org.apache.spark.api.python.SerDeUtil.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.api.python

import java.nio.ByteOrder
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.util.{ArrayList => JArrayList}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Try

import net.razorvine.pickle.{Pickler, Unpickler}

import org.apache.spark.SparkException
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

/** Utilities for serialization / deserialization between Python and Java, using Pickle. */
private[spark] object SerDeUtil extends Logging {
  class ByteArrayConstructor extends net.razorvine.pickle.objects.ByteArrayConstructor {
    override def construct(args: Array[Object]): Object = {
      // Deal with an empty byte array pickled by Python 3.
      if (args.length == 0) {
      } else {
  // Unpickle array.array generated by Python 2.6
  class ArrayConstructor extends net.razorvine.pickle.objects.ArrayConstructor {
    //  /* Description of types */
    //  static struct arraydescr descriptors[] = {
    //    {'c', sizeof(char), c_getitem, c_setitem},
    //    {'b', sizeof(char), b_getitem, b_setitem},
    //    {'B', sizeof(char), BB_getitem, BB_setitem},
    //    #ifdef Py_USING_UNICODE
    //      {'u', sizeof(Py_UNICODE), u_getitem, u_setitem},
    //    #endif
    //    {'h', sizeof(short), h_getitem, h_setitem},
    //    {'H', sizeof(short), HH_getitem, HH_setitem},
    //    {'i', sizeof(int), i_getitem, i_setitem},
    //    {'I', sizeof(int), II_getitem, II_setitem},
    //    {'l', sizeof(long), l_getitem, l_setitem},
    //    {'L', sizeof(long), LL_getitem, LL_setitem},
    //    {'f', sizeof(float), f_getitem, f_setitem},
    //    {'d', sizeof(double), d_getitem, d_setitem},
    //    {'\0', 0, 0, 0} /* Sentinel */
    //  };
    val machineCodes: Map[Char, Int] = if (ByteOrder.nativeOrder().equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)) {
      Map('B' -> 0, 'b' -> 1, 'H' -> 3, 'h' -> 5, 'I' -> 7, 'i' -> 9,
        'L' -> 11, 'l' -> 13, 'f' -> 15, 'd' -> 17, 'u' -> 21
    } else {
      Map('B' -> 0, 'b' -> 1, 'H' -> 2, 'h' -> 4, 'I' -> 6, 'i' -> 8,
        'L' -> 10, 'l' -> 12, 'f' -> 14, 'd' -> 16, 'u' -> 20
    override def construct(args: Array[Object]): Object = {
      if (args.length == 1) {
        construct(args ++ Array(""))
      } else if (args.length == 2 && args(1).isInstanceOf[String]) {
        val typecode = args(0).asInstanceOf[String].charAt(0)
        // This must be ISO 8859-1 / Latin 1, not UTF-8, to interoperate correctly
        val data = args(1).asInstanceOf[String].getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)
        if (typecode == 'c') {
          // It seems like the pickle of pypy uses the similar protocol to Python 2.6, which uses
          // a string for array data instead of list as Python 2.7, and handles an array of
          // typecode 'c' as 1-byte character.
          val result = new Array[Char](data.length)
          var i = 0
          while (i < data.length) {
            result(i) = data(i).toChar
            i += 1
        } else {
          construct(typecode, machineCodes(typecode), data)
      } else if (args.length == 2 && args(0) == "l") {
        // On Python 2, an array of typecode 'l' should be handled as long rather than int.
        val values = args(1).asInstanceOf[JArrayList[_]]
        val result = new Array[Long](values.size)
        var i = 0
        while (i < values.size) {
          result(i) = values.get(i).asInstanceOf[Number].longValue()
          i += 1
      } else {

  private var initialized = false
  // This should be called before trying to unpickle array.array from Python
  // In cluster mode, this should be put in closure
  def initialize(): Unit = {
      if (!initialized) {
        Unpickler.registerConstructor("array", "array", new ArrayConstructor())
        Unpickler.registerConstructor("__builtin__", "bytearray", new ByteArrayConstructor())
        Unpickler.registerConstructor("builtins", "bytearray", new ByteArrayConstructor())
        Unpickler.registerConstructor("__builtin__", "bytes", new ByteArrayConstructor())
        Unpickler.registerConstructor("_codecs", "encode", new ByteArrayConstructor())
        initialized = true

   * Convert an RDD of Java objects to Array (no recursive conversions).
   * It is only used by pyspark.sql.
  def toJavaArray(jrdd: JavaRDD[Any]): JavaRDD[Array[_]] = { {
      case objs: JArrayList[_] =>
      case obj if obj.getClass.isArray =>

   * Choose batch size based on size of objects
  private[spark] class AutoBatchedPickler(iter: Iterator[Any]) extends Iterator[Array[Byte]] {
    private val pickle = new Pickler()
    private var batch = 1
    private val buffer = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Any]

    override def hasNext: Boolean = iter.hasNext

    override def next(): Array[Byte] = {
      while (iter.hasNext && buffer.length < batch) {
        buffer +=
      val bytes = pickle.dumps(buffer.toArray)
      val size = bytes.length
      // let  1M < size < 10M
      if (size < 1024 * 1024) {
        batch *= 2
      } else if (size > 1024 * 1024 * 10 && batch > 1) {
        batch /= 2

   * Convert an RDD of Java objects to an RDD of serialized Python objects, that is usable by
   * PySpark.
  def javaToPython(jRDD: JavaRDD[_]): JavaRDD[Array[Byte]] = {
    jRDD.rdd.mapPartitions { iter => new AutoBatchedPickler(iter) }

   * Convert an RDD of serialized Python objects to RDD of objects, that is usable by PySpark.
  def pythonToJava(pyRDD: JavaRDD[Array[Byte]], batched: Boolean): JavaRDD[Any] = {
    pyRDD.rdd.mapPartitions { iter =>
      val unpickle = new Unpickler
      iter.flatMap { row =>
        val obj = unpickle.loads(row)
        if (batched) {
          obj match {
            case array: Array[Any] => array.toSeq
            case _ => obj.asInstanceOf[JArrayList[_]].asScala
        } else {

  private def checkPickle(t: (Any, Any)): (Boolean, Boolean) = {
    val pickle = new Pickler
    val kt = Try {
    val vt = Try {
    (kt, vt) match {
      case (Failure(kf), Failure(vf)) =>
               |Failed to pickle Java object as key: ${t._1.getClass.getSimpleName}, falling back
               |to 'toString'. Error: ${kf.getMessage}""".stripMargin)
               |Failed to pickle Java object as value: ${t._2.getClass.getSimpleName}, falling back
               |to 'toString'. Error: ${vf.getMessage}""".stripMargin)
        (true, true)
      case (Failure(kf), _) =>
               |Failed to pickle Java object as key: ${t._1.getClass.getSimpleName}, falling back
               |to 'toString'. Error: ${kf.getMessage}""".stripMargin)
        (true, false)
      case (_, Failure(vf)) =>
               |Failed to pickle Java object as value: ${t._2.getClass.getSimpleName}, falling back
               |to 'toString'. Error: ${vf.getMessage}""".stripMargin)
        (false, true)
      case _ =>
        (false, false)

   * Convert an RDD of key-value pairs to an RDD of serialized Python objects, that is usable
   * by PySpark. By default, if serialization fails, toString is called and the string
   * representation is serialized
  def pairRDDToPython(rdd: RDD[(Any, Any)], batchSize: Int): RDD[Array[Byte]] = {
    val (keyFailed, valueFailed) = rdd.take(1) match {
      case Array() => (false, false)
      case Array(first) => checkPickle(first)

    rdd.mapPartitions { iter =>
      val cleaned = { case (k, v) =>
        val key = if (keyFailed) k.toString else k
        val value = if (valueFailed) v.toString else v
        Array[Any](key, value)
      if (batchSize == 0) {
        new AutoBatchedPickler(cleaned)
      } else {
        val pickle = new Pickler
        cleaned.grouped(batchSize).map(batched => pickle.dumps(batched.asJava))

   * Convert an RDD of serialized Python tuple (K, V) to RDD[(K, V)].
  def pythonToPairRDD[K, V](pyRDD: RDD[Array[Byte]], batched: Boolean): RDD[(K, V)] = {
    def isPair(obj: Any): Boolean = {
      Option(obj.getClass.getComponentType).exists(!_.isPrimitive) &&
        obj.asInstanceOf[Array[_]].length == 2

    val rdd = pythonToJava(pyRDD, batched).rdd
    rdd.take(1) match {
      case Array(obj) if isPair(obj) =>
        // we only accept (K, V)
      case Array() =>
        // we also accept empty collections
      case Array(other) => throw new SparkException(
        s"RDD element of type ${other.getClass.getName} cannot be used")
    } { obj =>
      val arr = obj.asInstanceOf[Array[_]]
      (arr.head.asInstanceOf[K], arr.last.asInstanceOf[V])

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