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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
import java.util.Date
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.xml._

import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils

import org.apache.spark.JobExecutionStatus
import org.apache.spark.internal.config.SCHEDULER_MODE
import org.apache.spark.scheduler._
import org.apache.spark.status.AppStatusStore
import org.apache.spark.status.api.v1
import org.apache.spark.ui._
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

/** Page showing list of all ongoing and recently finished jobs */
private[ui] class AllJobsPage(parent: JobsTab, store: AppStatusStore) extends WebUIPage("") {

  import ApiHelper._

  private val JOBS_LEGEND =
Succeeded Failed Running
.toString.filter(_ != '\n') private val EXECUTORS_LEGEND =
Added Removed
.toString.filter(_ != '\n') private def makeJobEvent(jobs: Seq[v1.JobData]): Seq[String] = { jobs.filter { job => job.status != JobExecutionStatus.UNKNOWN && job.submissionTime.isDefined }.map { job => val jobId = job.jobId val status = job.status val (_, lastStageDescription) = lastStageNameAndDescription(store, job) val jobDescription = UIUtils.makeDescription( job.description.getOrElse(lastStageDescription), "", plainText = true).text val submissionTime = job.submissionTime.get.getTime() val completionTime = val classNameByStatus = status match { case JobExecutionStatus.SUCCEEDED => "succeeded" case JobExecutionStatus.FAILED => "failed" case JobExecutionStatus.RUNNING => "running" case JobExecutionStatus.UNKNOWN => "unknown" } // The timeline library treats contents as HTML, so we have to escape them. We need to add // extra layers of escaping in order to embed this in a JavaScript string literal. val escapedDesc = Utility.escape(jobDescription) val jsEscapedDescForTooltip = StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(Utility.escape(escapedDesc)) val jsEscapedDescForLabel = StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(escapedDesc) val jobEventJsonAsStr = s""" |{ | 'className': 'job application-timeline-object ${classNameByStatus}', | 'group': 'jobs', | 'start': new Date(${submissionTime}), | 'end': new Date(${completionTime}), | 'content': '
Completed: ${UIUtils.formatDate(new Date(completionTime))}""" } else { "" } }">' + | '${jsEscapedDescForLabel} (Job ${jobId})
' |} """.stripMargin jobEventJsonAsStr } } private def makeExecutorEvent(executors: Seq[v1.ExecutorSummary]): Seq[String] = { val events = ListBuffer[String]() executors.foreach { e => val addedEvent = s""" |{ | 'className': 'executor added', | 'group': 'executors', | 'start': new Date(${e.addTime.getTime()}), | 'content': '
Executor ${} added
' |} """.stripMargin events += addedEvent e.removeTime.foreach { removeTime => val removedEvent = s""" |{ | 'className': 'executor removed', | 'group': 'executors', | 'start': new Date(${removeTime.getTime()}), | 'content': '
Reason: ${StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript( reason.replace("\n", " "))}""" }.getOrElse("") }"' + | 'data-html="true">Executor ${} removed
' |} """.stripMargin events += removedEvent } } events.toSeq } private def makeTimeline( jobs: Seq[v1.JobData], executors: Seq[v1.ExecutorSummary], startTime: Long): Seq[Node] = { val jobEventJsonAsStrSeq = makeJobEvent(jobs) val executorEventJsonAsStrSeq = makeExecutorEvent(executors) val groupJsonArrayAsStr = s""" |[ | { | 'id': 'executors', | 'content': '
${EXECUTORS_LEGEND}', | }, | { | 'id': 'jobs', | 'content': '
${JOBS_LEGEND}', | } |] """.stripMargin val eventArrayAsStr = (jobEventJsonAsStrSeq ++ executorEventJsonAsStrSeq).mkString("[", ",", "]") Event Timeline ++ ++ } private def jobsTable( request: HttpServletRequest, tableHeaderId: String, jobTag: String, jobs: Seq[v1.JobData], killEnabled: Boolean): Seq[Node] = { val someJobHasJobGroup = jobs.exists(_.jobGroup.isDefined) val jobIdTitle = if (someJobHasJobGroup) "Job Id (Job Group)" else "Job Id" val jobPage = Option(request.getParameter(jobTag + ".page")).map(_.toInt).getOrElse(1) try { new JobPagedTable( request, store, jobs, tableHeaderId, jobTag, UIUtils.prependBaseUri(request, parent.basePath), "jobs", // subPath killEnabled, jobIdTitle ).table(jobPage) } catch { case e @ (_ : IllegalArgumentException | _ : IndexOutOfBoundsException) =>

Error while rendering job table:

} } def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = { val appInfo = store.applicationInfo() val startTime = appInfo.attempts.head.startTime.getTime() val endTime = appInfo.attempts.head.endTime.getTime() val activeJobs = new ListBuffer[v1.JobData]() val completedJobs = new ListBuffer[v1.JobData]() val failedJobs = new ListBuffer[v1.JobData]() store.jobsList(null).foreach { job => job.status match { case JobExecutionStatus.SUCCEEDED => completedJobs += job case JobExecutionStatus.FAILED => failedJobs += job case _ => activeJobs += job } } val activeJobsTable = jobsTable(request, "active", "activeJob", activeJobs.toSeq, killEnabled = parent.killEnabled) val completedJobsTable = jobsTable(request, "completed", "completedJob", completedJobs.toSeq, killEnabled = false) val failedJobsTable = jobsTable(request, "failed", "failedJob", failedJobs.toSeq, killEnabled = false) val shouldShowActiveJobs = activeJobs.nonEmpty val shouldShowCompletedJobs = completedJobs.nonEmpty val shouldShowFailedJobs = failedJobs.nonEmpty val appSummary = store.appSummary() val completedJobNumStr = if (completedJobs.size == appSummary.numCompletedJobs) { s"${completedJobs.size}" } else { s"${appSummary.numCompletedJobs}, only showing ${completedJobs.size}" } val schedulingMode = store.environmentInfo().sparkProperties.toMap .get(SCHEDULER_MODE.key) .map { mode => SchedulingMode.withName(mode).toString } .getOrElse("Unknown") val summary: NodeSeq =
  • User: {parent.getSparkUser}
  • Total Uptime: { if (endTime < 0 && { UIUtils.formatDuration(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) } else if (endTime > 0) { UIUtils.formatDuration(endTime - startTime) } }
  • Scheduling Mode: {schedulingMode}
  • { if (shouldShowActiveJobs) {
  • Active Jobs: {activeJobs.size}
  • } } { if (shouldShowCompletedJobs) {
  • Completed Jobs: {completedJobNumStr}
  • } } { if (shouldShowFailedJobs) {
  • Failed Jobs: {failedJobs.size}
  • } }
var content = summary content ++= makeTimeline((activeJobs ++ completedJobs ++ failedJobs).toSeq, store.executorList(false), startTime) if (shouldShowActiveJobs) { content ++=

Active Jobs ({activeJobs.size})

} if (shouldShowCompletedJobs) { content ++=

Completed Jobs ({completedJobNumStr})

} if (shouldShowFailedJobs) { content ++=

Failed Jobs ({failedJobs.size})

} val helpText = """A job is triggered by an action, like count() or saveAsTextFile().""" + " Click on a job to see information about the stages of tasks inside it." UIUtils.headerSparkPage(request, "Spark Jobs", content, parent, helpText = Some(helpText)) } } private[ui] class JobTableRowData( val jobData: v1.JobData, val lastStageName: String, val lastStageDescription: String, val duration: Long, val formattedDuration: String, val submissionTime: Long, val formattedSubmissionTime: String, val jobDescription: NodeSeq, val detailUrl: String) private[ui] class JobDataSource( store: AppStatusStore, jobs: Seq[v1.JobData], basePath: String, pageSize: Int, sortColumn: String, desc: Boolean) extends PagedDataSource[JobTableRowData](pageSize) { import ApiHelper._ // Convert JobUIData to JobTableRowData which contains the final contents to show in the table // so that we can avoid creating duplicate contents during sorting the data private val data =, desc)) override def dataSize: Int = data.size override def sliceData(from: Int, to: Int): Seq[JobTableRowData] = data.slice(from, to) private def jobRow(jobData: v1.JobData): JobTableRowData = { val duration: Option[Long] = JobDataUtil.getDuration(jobData) val formattedDuration = JobDataUtil.getFormattedDuration(jobData) val submissionTime = jobData.submissionTime val formattedSubmissionTime = JobDataUtil.getFormattedSubmissionTime(jobData) val (lastStageName, lastStageDescription) = lastStageNameAndDescription(store, jobData) val jobDescription = UIUtils.makeDescription( jobData.description.getOrElse(lastStageDescription), basePath, plainText = false) val detailUrl = "%s/jobs/job/?id=%s".format(basePath, jobData.jobId) new JobTableRowData( jobData, lastStageName, lastStageDescription, duration.getOrElse(-1), formattedDuration,, formattedSubmissionTime, jobDescription, detailUrl ) } /** * Return Ordering according to sortColumn and desc */ private def ordering(sortColumn: String, desc: Boolean): Ordering[JobTableRowData] = { val ordering: Ordering[JobTableRowData] = sortColumn match { case "Job Id" | "Job Id (Job Group)" => case "Description" => => (x.lastStageDescription, x.lastStageName)) case "Submitted" => case "Duration" => case "Stages: Succeeded/Total" | "Tasks (for all stages): Succeeded/Total" => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsortable column: $sortColumn") case unknownColumn => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown column: $unknownColumn") } if (desc) { ordering.reverse } else { ordering } } } private[ui] class JobPagedTable( request: HttpServletRequest, store: AppStatusStore, data: Seq[v1.JobData], tableHeaderId: String, jobTag: String, basePath: String, subPath: String, killEnabled: Boolean, jobIdTitle: String ) extends PagedTable[JobTableRowData] { private val (sortColumn, desc, pageSize) = getTableParameters(request, jobTag, jobIdTitle) private val parameterPath = basePath + s"/$subPath/?" + getParameterOtherTable(request, jobTag) private val encodedSortColumn = URLEncoder.encode(sortColumn, override def tableId: String = jobTag + "-table" override def tableCssClass: String = "table table-bordered table-sm table-striped table-head-clickable table-cell-width-limited" override def pageSizeFormField: String = jobTag + ".pageSize" override def pageNumberFormField: String = jobTag + ".page" override val dataSource = new JobDataSource( store, data, basePath, pageSize, sortColumn, desc) override def pageLink(page: Int): String = { parameterPath + s"&$pageNumberFormField=$page" + s"&$jobTag.sort=$encodedSortColumn" + s"&$jobTag.desc=$desc" + s"&$pageSizeFormField=$pageSize" + s"#$tableHeaderId" } override def goButtonFormPath: String = s"$parameterPath&$jobTag.sort=$encodedSortColumn&$jobTag.desc=$desc#$tableHeaderId" override def headers: Seq[Node] = { // Information for each header: title, sortable, tooltip val jobHeadersAndCssClasses: Seq[(String, Boolean, Option[String])] = Seq( (jobIdTitle, true, None), ("Description", true, None), ("Submitted", true, None), ("Duration", true, Some("Elapsed time since the job was submitted " + "until execution completion of all its stages.")), ("Stages: Succeeded/Total", false, None), ("Tasks (for all stages): Succeeded/Total", false, None) ) isSortColumnValid(jobHeadersAndCssClasses, sortColumn) headerRow(jobHeadersAndCssClasses, desc, pageSize, sortColumn, parameterPath, jobTag, tableHeaderId) } override def row(jobTableRow: JobTableRowData): Seq[Node] = { val job = jobTableRow.jobData val killLink = if (killEnabled) { val confirm = s"if (window.confirm('Are you sure you want to kill job ${job.jobId} ?')) " + "{ this.parentNode.submit(); return true; } else { return false; }" // SPARK-6846 this should be POST-only but YARN AM won't proxy POST /* val killLinkUri = s"$basePathUri/jobs/job/kill/"
*/ val killLinkUri = s"$basePath/jobs/job/kill/?id=${job.jobId}" (kill) } else { Seq.empty } {job.jobId} { => s"($id)").getOrElse("")} {jobTableRow.jobDescription} {killLink} {jobTableRow.lastStageName} {jobTableRow.formattedSubmissionTime} {jobTableRow.formattedDuration} {job.numCompletedStages}/{job.stageIds.size - job.numSkippedStages} {if (job.numFailedStages > 0) s"(${job.numFailedStages} failed)"} {if (job.numSkippedStages > 0) s"(${job.numSkippedStages} skipped)"} {UIUtils.makeProgressBar(started = job.numActiveTasks, completed = job.numCompletedIndices, failed = job.numFailedTasks, skipped = job.numSkippedTasks, reasonToNumKilled = job.killedTasksSummary, total = job.numTasks - job.numSkippedTasks)} } }

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