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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import java.util.Locale
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import scala.collection.mutable.{Buffer, ListBuffer}
import scala.xml.{Node, NodeSeq, Unparsed, Utility}

import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils

import org.apache.spark.JobExecutionStatus
import org.apache.spark.resource.ResourceProfile
import org.apache.spark.status.AppStatusStore
import org.apache.spark.status.api.v1
import org.apache.spark.ui._

/** Page showing statistics and stage list for a given job */
private[ui] class JobPage(parent: JobsTab, store: AppStatusStore) extends WebUIPage("job") {

  private val STAGES_LEGEND =
Completed Failed Active
.toString.filter(_ != '\n') private val EXECUTORS_LEGEND =
Added Removed
.toString.filter(_ != '\n') private def makeStageEvent(stageInfos: Seq[v1.StageData]): Seq[String] = { { stage => val stageId = stage.stageId val attemptId = stage.attemptId val name = val status = stage.status.toString.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) val submissionTime = stage.submissionTime.get.getTime() val completionTime = .getOrElse(System.currentTimeMillis()) // The timeline library treats contents as HTML, so we have to escape them. We need to add // extra layers of escaping in order to embed this in a JavaScript string literal. val escapedName = Utility.escape(name) val jsEscapedNameForTooltip = StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(Utility.escape(escapedName)) val jsEscapedNameForLabel = StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript(escapedName) s""" |{ | 'className': 'stage job-timeline-object ${status}', | 'group': 'stages', | 'start': new Date(${submissionTime}), | 'end': new Date(${completionTime}), | 'content': '
Completed: ${UIUtils.formatDate(completionTime)}""" } else { "" } }">' + | '${jsEscapedNameForLabel} (Stage ${stageId}.${attemptId})
', |} """.stripMargin } } def makeExecutorEvent(executors: Seq[v1.ExecutorSummary]): Seq[String] = { val events = ListBuffer[String]() executors.foreach { e => val addedEvent = s""" |{ | 'className': 'executor added', | 'group': 'executors', | 'start': new Date(${e.addTime.getTime()}), | 'content': '
Executor ${} added
' |} """.stripMargin events += addedEvent e.removeTime.foreach { removeTime => val removedEvent = s""" |{ | 'className': 'executor removed', | 'group': 'executors', | 'start': new Date(${removeTime.getTime()}), | 'content': '
Reason: ${StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript( reason.replace("\n", " "))}""" }.getOrElse("") }"' + | 'data-html="true">Executor ${} removed
' |} """.stripMargin events += removedEvent } } events.toSeq } private def makeTimeline( stages: Seq[v1.StageData], executors: Seq[v1.ExecutorSummary], appStartTime: Long): Seq[Node] = { val stageEventJsonAsStrSeq = makeStageEvent(stages) val executorsJsonAsStrSeq = makeExecutorEvent(executors) val groupJsonArrayAsStr = s""" |[ | { | 'id': 'executors', | 'content': '
${EXECUTORS_LEGEND}', | }, | { | 'id': 'stages', | 'content': '
${STAGES_LEGEND}', | } |] """.stripMargin val eventArrayAsStr = (stageEventJsonAsStrSeq ++ executorsJsonAsStrSeq).mkString("[", ",", "]") Event Timeline ++ ++ } def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = { val parameterId = request.getParameter("id") require(parameterId != null && parameterId.nonEmpty, "Missing id parameter") val jobId = parameterId.toInt val (jobData, sqlExecutionId) = store.asOption(store.jobWithAssociatedSql(jobId)).getOrElse { val content =

No information to display for job {jobId}

return UIUtils.headerSparkPage( request, s"Details for Job $jobId", content, parent) } val isComplete = jobData.status != JobExecutionStatus.RUNNING val stages = { stageId => // This could be empty if the listener hasn't received information about the // stage or if the stage information has been garbage collected store.asOption(store.lastStageAttempt(stageId)).getOrElse { new v1.StageData( status = v1.StageStatus.PENDING, stageId = stageId, attemptId = 0, numTasks = 0, numActiveTasks = 0, numCompleteTasks = 0, numFailedTasks = 0, numKilledTasks = 0, numCompletedIndices = 0, submissionTime = None, firstTaskLaunchedTime = None, completionTime = None, failureReason = None, executorDeserializeTime = 0L, executorDeserializeCpuTime = 0L, executorRunTime = 0L, executorCpuTime = 0L, resultSize = 0L, jvmGcTime = 0L, resultSerializationTime = 0L, memoryBytesSpilled = 0L, diskBytesSpilled = 0L, peakExecutionMemory = 0L, inputBytes = 0L, inputRecords = 0L, outputBytes = 0L, outputRecords = 0L, shuffleRemoteBlocksFetched = 0L, shuffleLocalBlocksFetched = 0L, shuffleFetchWaitTime = 0L, shuffleRemoteBytesRead = 0L, shuffleRemoteBytesReadToDisk = 0L, shuffleLocalBytesRead = 0L, shuffleReadBytes = 0L, shuffleReadRecords = 0L, shuffleWriteBytes = 0L, shuffleWriteTime = 0L, shuffleWriteRecords = 0L, name = "Unknown", description = None, details = "Unknown", schedulingPool = null, rddIds = Nil, accumulatorUpdates = Nil, tasks = None, executorSummary = None, killedTasksSummary = Map(), ResourceProfile.UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_PROFILE_ID, peakExecutorMetrics = None) } } val activeStages = Buffer[v1.StageData]() val completedStages = Buffer[v1.StageData]() // If the job is completed, then any pending stages are displayed as "skipped": val pendingOrSkippedStages = Buffer[v1.StageData]() val failedStages = Buffer[v1.StageData]() for (stage <- stages) { if (stage.submissionTime.isEmpty) { pendingOrSkippedStages += stage } else if (stage.completionTime.isDefined) { if (stage.status == v1.StageStatus.FAILED) { failedStages += stage } else { completedStages += stage } } else { activeStages += stage } } val basePath = "jobs/job" val pendingOrSkippedTableId = if (isComplete) { "skipped" } else { "pending" } val activeStagesTable = new StageTableBase(store, request, activeStages.toSeq, "active", "activeStage", parent.basePath, basePath, parent.isFairScheduler, killEnabled = parent.killEnabled, isFailedStage = false) val pendingOrSkippedStagesTable = new StageTableBase(store, request, pendingOrSkippedStages.toSeq, pendingOrSkippedTableId, "pendingStage", parent.basePath, basePath, parent.isFairScheduler, killEnabled = false, isFailedStage = false) val completedStagesTable = new StageTableBase(store, request, completedStages.toSeq, "completed", "completedStage", parent.basePath, basePath, parent.isFairScheduler, killEnabled = false, isFailedStage = false) val failedStagesTable = new StageTableBase(store, request, failedStages.toSeq, "failed", "failedStage", parent.basePath, basePath, parent.isFairScheduler, killEnabled = false, isFailedStage = true) val shouldShowActiveStages = activeStages.nonEmpty val shouldShowPendingStages = !isComplete && pendingOrSkippedStages.nonEmpty val shouldShowCompletedStages = completedStages.nonEmpty val shouldShowSkippedStages = isComplete && pendingOrSkippedStages.nonEmpty val shouldShowFailedStages = failedStages.nonEmpty val summary: NodeSeq =
  • Status: {jobData.status}
  • Submitted: {JobDataUtil.getFormattedSubmissionTime(jobData)}
  • Duration: {JobDataUtil.getFormattedDuration(jobData)}
  • { if (sqlExecutionId.isDefined) {
  • Associated SQL Query: {{sqlExecutionId.get}}
  • } } { if (jobData.jobGroup.isDefined) {
  • Job Group: {jobData.jobGroup.get}
  • } } { if (shouldShowActiveStages) {
  • Active Stages: {activeStages.size}
  • } } { if (shouldShowPendingStages) {
  • Pending Stages: {pendingOrSkippedStages.size}
  • } } { if (shouldShowCompletedStages) {
  • Completed Stages: {completedStages.size}
  • } } { if (shouldShowSkippedStages) {
  • Skipped Stages: {pendingOrSkippedStages.size}
  • } } { if (shouldShowFailedStages) {
  • Failed Stages: {failedStages.size}
  • } }
var content = summary val appStartTime = store.applicationInfo().attempts.head.startTime.getTime() content ++= makeTimeline((activeStages ++ completedStages ++ failedStages).toSeq, store.executorList(false), appStartTime) val operationGraphContent = store.asOption(store.operationGraphForJob(jobId)) match { case Some(operationGraph) => UIUtils.showDagVizForJob(jobId, operationGraph) case None =>

No DAG visualization information to display for job {jobId}

} content ++= operationGraphContent if (shouldShowActiveStages) { content ++=

Active Stages ({activeStages.size})

} if (shouldShowPendingStages) { content ++=

Pending Stages ({pendingOrSkippedStages.size})

} if (shouldShowCompletedStages) { content ++=

Completed Stages ({completedStages.size})

} if (shouldShowSkippedStages) { content ++=

Skipped Stages ({pendingOrSkippedStages.size})

} if (shouldShowFailedStages) { content ++=

Failed Stages ({failedStages.size})

} UIUtils.headerSparkPage( request, s"Details for Job $jobId", content, parent, showVisualization = true) } }

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