org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.GraphImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.spark.graphx.impl
import scala.reflect.{classTag, ClassTag}
import org.apache.spark.HashPartitioner
import org.apache.spark.graphx._
import org.apache.spark.graphx.util.BytecodeUtils
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
* An implementation of [[org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph]] to support computation on graphs.
* Graphs are represented using two RDDs: `vertices`, which contains vertex attributes and the
* routing information for shipping vertex attributes to edge partitions, and
* `replicatedVertexView`, which contains edges and the vertex attributes mentioned by each edge.
class GraphImpl[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag] protected (
@transient val vertices: VertexRDD[VD],
@transient val replicatedVertexView: ReplicatedVertexView[VD, ED])
extends Graph[VD, ED] with Serializable {
/** Default constructor is provided to support serialization */
protected def this() = this(null, null)
@transient override val edges: EdgeRDDImpl[ED, VD] = replicatedVertexView.edges
/** Return a RDD that brings edges together with their source and destination vertices. */
@transient override lazy val triplets: RDD[EdgeTriplet[VD, ED]] = {
replicatedVertexView.upgrade(vertices, true, true)
replicatedVertexView.edges.partitionsRDD.mapPartitions(_.flatMap {
case (pid, part) => part.tripletIterator()
override def persist(newLevel: StorageLevel): Graph[VD, ED] = {
override def cache(): Graph[VD, ED] = {
override def checkpoint(): Unit = {
override def isCheckpointed: Boolean = {
vertices.isCheckpointed && replicatedVertexView.edges.isCheckpointed
override def getCheckpointFiles: Seq[String] = {
Seq(vertices.getCheckpointFile, replicatedVertexView.edges.getCheckpointFile).flatMap {
case Some(path) => Seq(path)
case None => Seq()
override def unpersist(blocking: Boolean = true): Graph[VD, ED] = {
override def unpersistVertices(blocking: Boolean = true): Graph[VD, ED] = {
// TODO: unpersist the replicated vertices in `replicatedVertexView` but leave the edges alone
override def partitionBy(partitionStrategy: PartitionStrategy): Graph[VD, ED] = {
partitionBy(partitionStrategy, edges.partitions.length)
override def partitionBy(
partitionStrategy: PartitionStrategy, numPartitions: Int): Graph[VD, ED] = {
val edTag = classTag[ED]
val vdTag = classTag[VD]
val newEdges = edges.withPartitionsRDD( { e =>
val part: PartitionID = partitionStrategy.getPartition(e.srcId, e.dstId, numPartitions)
(part, (e.srcId, e.dstId, e.attr))
.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(numPartitions))
.mapPartitionsWithIndex( { (pid, iter) =>
val builder = new EdgePartitionBuilder[ED, VD]()(edTag, vdTag)
iter.foreach { message =>
val data = message._2
builder.add(data._1, data._2, data._3)
val edgePartition = builder.toEdgePartition
Iterator((pid, edgePartition))
}, preservesPartitioning = true)).cache()
GraphImpl.fromExistingRDDs(vertices.withEdges(newEdges), newEdges)
override def reverse: Graph[VD, ED] = {
new GraphImpl(vertices.reverseRoutingTables(), replicatedVertexView.reverse())
override def mapVertices[VD2: ClassTag]
(f: (VertexId, VD) => VD2)(implicit eq: VD =:= VD2 = null): Graph[VD2, ED] = {
// The implicit parameter eq will be populated by the compiler if VD and VD2 are equal, and left
// null if not
if (eq != null) {
// The map preserves type, so we can use incremental replication
val newVerts = vertices.mapVertexPartitions(
val changedVerts = vertices.asInstanceOf[VertexRDD[VD2]].diff(newVerts)
val newReplicatedVertexView = replicatedVertexView.asInstanceOf[ReplicatedVertexView[VD2, ED]]
new GraphImpl(newVerts, newReplicatedVertexView)
} else {
// The map does not preserve type, so we must re-replicate all vertices
GraphImpl(vertices.mapVertexPartitions(, replicatedVertexView.edges)
override def mapEdges[ED2: ClassTag](
f: (PartitionID, Iterator[Edge[ED]]) => Iterator[ED2]): Graph[VD, ED2] = {
val newEdges = replicatedVertexView.edges
.mapEdgePartitions((pid, part) =>, part.iterator)))
new GraphImpl(vertices, replicatedVertexView.withEdges(newEdges))
override def mapTriplets[ED2: ClassTag](
f: (PartitionID, Iterator[EdgeTriplet[VD, ED]]) => Iterator[ED2],
tripletFields: TripletFields): Graph[VD, ED2] = {
replicatedVertexView.upgrade(vertices, tripletFields.useSrc, tripletFields.useDst)
val newEdges = replicatedVertexView.edges.mapEdgePartitions { (pid, part) =>, part.tripletIterator(tripletFields.useSrc, tripletFields.useDst)))
new GraphImpl(vertices, replicatedVertexView.withEdges(newEdges))
override def subgraph(
epred: EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] => Boolean = x => true,
vpred: (VertexId, VD) => Boolean = (a, b) => true): Graph[VD, ED] = {
// Filter the vertices, reusing the partitioner and the index from this graph
val newVerts = vertices.mapVertexPartitions(_.filter(vpred))
// Filter the triplets. We must always upgrade the triplet view fully because vpred always runs
// on both src and dst vertices
replicatedVertexView.upgrade(vertices, true, true)
val newEdges = replicatedVertexView.edges.filter(epred, vpred)
new GraphImpl(newVerts, replicatedVertexView.withEdges(newEdges))
override def mask[VD2: ClassTag, ED2: ClassTag] (
other: Graph[VD2, ED2]): Graph[VD, ED] = {
val newVerts = vertices.innerJoin(other.vertices) { (vid, v, w) => v }
val newEdges = replicatedVertexView.edges.innerJoin(other.edges) { (src, dst, v, w) => v }
new GraphImpl(newVerts, replicatedVertexView.withEdges(newEdges))
override def groupEdges(merge: (ED, ED) => ED): Graph[VD, ED] = {
val newEdges = replicatedVertexView.edges.mapEdgePartitions(
(pid, part) => part.groupEdges(merge))
new GraphImpl(vertices, replicatedVertexView.withEdges(newEdges))
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Lower level transformation methods
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
override def aggregateMessagesWithActiveSet[A: ClassTag](
sendMsg: EdgeContext[VD, ED, A] => Unit,
mergeMsg: (A, A) => A,
tripletFields: TripletFields,
activeSetOpt: Option[(VertexRDD[_], EdgeDirection)]): VertexRDD[A] = {
// For each vertex, replicate its attribute only to partitions where it is
// in the relevant position in an edge.
replicatedVertexView.upgrade(vertices, tripletFields.useSrc, tripletFields.useDst)
val view = activeSetOpt match {
case Some((activeSet, _)) =>
case None =>
val activeDirectionOpt =
// Map and combine.
val preAgg = view.edges.partitionsRDD.mapPartitions(_.flatMap {
case (pid, edgePartition) =>
// Choose scan method
val activeFraction = edgePartition.numActives.getOrElse(0) / edgePartition.indexSize.toFloat
activeDirectionOpt match {
case Some(EdgeDirection.Both) =>
if (activeFraction < 0.8) {
edgePartition.aggregateMessagesIndexScan(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields,
} else {
edgePartition.aggregateMessagesEdgeScan(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields,
case Some(EdgeDirection.Either) =>
// TODO: Because we only have a clustered index on the source vertex ID, we can't filter
// the index here. Instead we have to scan all edges and then do the filter.
edgePartition.aggregateMessagesEdgeScan(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields,
case Some(EdgeDirection.Out) =>
if (activeFraction < 0.8) {
edgePartition.aggregateMessagesIndexScan(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields,
} else {
edgePartition.aggregateMessagesEdgeScan(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields,
case Some(EdgeDirection.In) =>
edgePartition.aggregateMessagesEdgeScan(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields,
case _ => // None
edgePartition.aggregateMessagesEdgeScan(sendMsg, mergeMsg, tripletFields,
}).setName("GraphImpl.aggregateMessages - preAgg")
// do the final reduction reusing the index map
vertices.aggregateUsingIndex(preAgg, mergeMsg)
override def outerJoinVertices[U: ClassTag, VD2: ClassTag]
(other: RDD[(VertexId, U)])
(updateF: (VertexId, VD, Option[U]) => VD2)
(implicit eq: VD =:= VD2 = null): Graph[VD2, ED] = {
// The implicit parameter eq will be populated by the compiler if VD and VD2 are equal, and left
// null if not
if (eq != null) {
// updateF preserves type, so we can use incremental replication
val newVerts = vertices.leftJoin(other)(updateF).cache()
val changedVerts = vertices.asInstanceOf[VertexRDD[VD2]].diff(newVerts)
val newReplicatedVertexView = replicatedVertexView.asInstanceOf[ReplicatedVertexView[VD2, ED]]
new GraphImpl(newVerts, newReplicatedVertexView)
} else {
// updateF does not preserve type, so we must re-replicate all vertices
val newVerts = vertices.leftJoin(other)(updateF)
GraphImpl(newVerts, replicatedVertexView.edges)
/** Test whether the closure accesses the attribute with name `attrName`. */
private def accessesVertexAttr(closure: AnyRef, attrName: String): Boolean = {
try {
BytecodeUtils.invokedMethod(closure, classOf[EdgeTriplet[VD, ED]], attrName)
} catch {
case _: ClassNotFoundException => true // if we don't know, be conservative
} // end of class GraphImpl
object GraphImpl {
/** Create a graph from edges, setting referenced vertices to `defaultVertexAttr`. */
def apply[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](
edges: RDD[Edge[ED]],
defaultVertexAttr: VD,
edgeStorageLevel: StorageLevel,
vertexStorageLevel: StorageLevel): GraphImpl[VD, ED] = {
fromEdgeRDD(EdgeRDD.fromEdges(edges), defaultVertexAttr, edgeStorageLevel, vertexStorageLevel)
/** Create a graph from EdgePartitions, setting referenced vertices to `defaultVertexAttr`. */
def fromEdgePartitions[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](
edgePartitions: RDD[(PartitionID, EdgePartition[ED, VD])],
defaultVertexAttr: VD,
edgeStorageLevel: StorageLevel,
vertexStorageLevel: StorageLevel): GraphImpl[VD, ED] = {
fromEdgeRDD(EdgeRDD.fromEdgePartitions(edgePartitions), defaultVertexAttr, edgeStorageLevel,
/** Create a graph from vertices and edges, setting missing vertices to `defaultVertexAttr`. */
def apply[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](
vertices: RDD[(VertexId, VD)],
edges: RDD[Edge[ED]],
defaultVertexAttr: VD,
edgeStorageLevel: StorageLevel,
vertexStorageLevel: StorageLevel): GraphImpl[VD, ED] = {
val edgeRDD = EdgeRDD.fromEdges(edges)(classTag[ED], classTag[VD])
val vertexRDD = VertexRDD(vertices, edgeRDD, defaultVertexAttr)
GraphImpl(vertexRDD, edgeRDD)
* Create a graph from a VertexRDD and an EdgeRDD with arbitrary replicated vertices. The
* VertexRDD must already be set up for efficient joins with the EdgeRDD by calling
* `VertexRDD.withEdges` or an appropriate VertexRDD constructor.
def apply[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](
vertices: VertexRDD[VD],
edges: EdgeRDD[ED]): GraphImpl[VD, ED] = {
// Convert the vertex partitions in edges to the correct type
val newEdges = edges.asInstanceOf[EdgeRDDImpl[ED, _]]
.mapEdgePartitions((pid, part) => part.withoutVertexAttributes[VD])
GraphImpl.fromExistingRDDs(vertices, newEdges)
* Create a graph from a VertexRDD and an EdgeRDD with the same replicated vertex type as the
* vertices. The VertexRDD must already be set up for efficient joins with the EdgeRDD by calling
* `VertexRDD.withEdges` or an appropriate VertexRDD constructor.
def fromExistingRDDs[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](
vertices: VertexRDD[VD],
edges: EdgeRDD[ED]): GraphImpl[VD, ED] = {
new GraphImpl(vertices, new ReplicatedVertexView(edges.asInstanceOf[EdgeRDDImpl[ED, VD]]))
* Create a graph from an EdgeRDD with the correct vertex type, setting missing vertices to
* `defaultVertexAttr`. The vertices will have the same number of partitions as the EdgeRDD.
private def fromEdgeRDD[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag](
edges: EdgeRDDImpl[ED, VD],
defaultVertexAttr: VD,
edgeStorageLevel: StorageLevel,
vertexStorageLevel: StorageLevel): GraphImpl[VD, ED] = {
val edgesCached = edges.withTargetStorageLevel(edgeStorageLevel).cache()
val vertices =
VertexRDD.fromEdges(edgesCached, edgesCached.partitions.length, defaultVertexAttr)
fromExistingRDDs(vertices, edgesCached)
} // end of object GraphImpl
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